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  • Girls, What Makes An Attractive High School Guy?

    What qualities do/did you value in high school guys? Please order them.

    Answers are much appreciated. Thanks to everyone that replies!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • so i kinda like this girl...?

    I am a high school senior and I like a girl who is a junior. I think she likes me too but i'm not sure whether she wants a friendship, a relationship or just a hook up. This is the evidence. We had Spanish class together my sophomore (her freshman) year and during the first month she smiled at me in the hall and we walked to class together. I was kinda stupid back then and I didn't realize and I let the opportunity slip. I haven't really talked to her since then. However, recently one of my friends told me that she thinks highly of me. Also, at a recent dance, she came up to me and gave me a hug. I really wanted to go for it that night but she wasn't dancing and instead talking to a guy friend (not her boyfriend, she doesnt have a boyfriend) the entire night. I am wondering what you guys think. should i ask her out? and if so how? we don't have any classes together and I rarely see her. thanks for the advice

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Physics Question-Due in 20 Minutes-I really need help!!!?

    Two equal charges, q, are separated by a distance, d. The charges are moved to a distance d/2 apart. What is the work required to do this?

    a. + kq / d

    b. −kq / d

    c. + kq^2 / d

    d. −kq^2 / d

    e. + kqd

    I appreciate any help I can get. This is due in 20 minutes. Thank you in advance for your time!

    1 AnswerPhysics9 years ago
  • Should I retake the SAT Reasoning Test?

    I took the October 1, 2011 SAT and I scored relatively well. I got 730 on Critical Reading, 780 on Math and 770 on Writing (9 Essay). Now I know 2280 is an amazing score, but I am only a Junior and that was my first attempt. If I retake the test, I think I could get around 2350. I haven't formally started looking at colleges, but the ones I have in mind are UC Berkeley, UCLA, Stanford, Johns Hopkins, Brown, Duke, UChicago and Harvard (maybe). Also, most of my desired schools allow the superscoring of the SAT. What do you guys think, should I take it again?

    4 AnswersStandards & Testing10 years ago
  • Could I get into Stanford, UC Berkeley, UCLA or UCSD?

    Background: I go to an elite/renowned private school. We have college counseling, but I wanted another opinion. Please no sugar-coating your answers!

    Unweighted GPA- 3.58

    Weighted GPA- 3.965

    (I got a 3.167 Unweighted/ 3.33 Weighted Sophomore Year and a 3.93 Unweighted/ 4.6 Weighted Junior Year)

    Sophomore Year Course-load:

    Hon. Differential Calculus

    Western Civilization

    Chemistry II/ Biology II

    Spanish II

    English II

    Photo III

    Junior Year Course-load:

    AP US History

    AP BC Calculus

    AP Chemistry

    Hon. English

    Spanish III

    Test Scores:

    SAT: 2310 Math-800 Reading-760 Writing-750

    Math IIc: 780

    Chemistry: 800

    US History: 800

    Biology M: 790

    Physics: 780

    Extracurricular Activities:

    Cross Country (2 Years Varsity)

    Track and Field (4 Years Varsity)

    School Newspaper (2 Years)

    Debate Club (2 Years)

    Teachers Assistant in Photo and Biology (Leadership)

    Spent over 200 Hours working on research projects as an intern at UCSF.

    3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)10 years ago

    Duke vs. Texas

    Duke vs. UCONN

    Texas vs. UCONN

    Arizona vs. Memphis

    UCLA vs. Michigan St.

    Michigan St. vs Florida

    UCLA vs. Florida

    Michigan St. vs. Gonzaga

    Florida vs. Gonzaga

    Texas A & M vs. Notre Dame

    Xavier vs. Syracuse

    6 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Could I get into Stanford?

    Hi what are the chances that I will be accepted at Stanford? I am currently a junior at one of the most academically rigorous and prestigious private high schools in the country (top 20). Here is a quick run through of my profile.

    GPA from Sophomore and Junior year are expected to be a 3.78

    2300 on the SAT

    780-Math Subject Test IIc (taken sophomore year)

    800- Physics

    800- US History

    800- Chemistry

    Sophomore Courses- English II, Spanish II, Honors Differential Calculus, Photo III, Western Civilization, Biology II Molecular. (Six classes is the maximum number os courses allowed to be taken at my school)

    Junior Courses- English Seminars, AP US History, AP BC Calculus, Honors Physics, AP Chemistry, Spanish III

    Senior Year Course plans: English Seminars, AP Physics, AP Studio Art, Honors Spanish Literature, AP Statistics, I will take two more single semester science classes, but I am not sure which.

    Over 150 Volunteer/Community Service Hours

    Interned at research facilities during summer vacations

    Writer for school newspaper

    One of several student advisors to the underclassmen

    4-Year Varsity XC/ Track and Field Runner

    3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • i hate my parents and my life?

    i am fifteen years old and a sophomore in high school. I am of indian heritage and my parents are immigrants, but i was born in the U.S. My family is quite wealthy and I have always attended private school and had the luxuries of an upper class family, but the one thing my parents never gave me was love or respect. My parents are always criticizing me and creating a major argument when I make the slightest of mistakes. The other day my dad randomly asked me 'what is fog and how does it work'. I got the majority of the answer correct but i didn't mention that the outside temperature has to be within four degrees of the dew point and my parents stated, "you dont know anything in the world, you are so stupid, how are you going to get anywhere in life". After my freshman year I took the SAT II MATH 2 subject test and scored a 690 without studying because it was a day after my finals. My dad was furious because i didnt get a 800 and revealed his true feelings: "these 690 scores are never going to take you anywhere in life, if you dont get 800 next time I am going to send you to the local public school and stop caring about your future. how does it look on me that I spend 30 grand on my son's education and you get a 690 on the exam. other people will laugh at me saying haha you spent all this money and your son went to the UC System while i spent nothing and my son also went to the UC system". Ever since they received the scores the only thing my dad says to me is 'what did you do today' and 'go study for your test'. If they arent saying that they are criticizing me about how i am a failure because I have a 3.5 GPA in a school where anything higher than a 3.7 in unheard of. My parents always look at the glass half empty they know that I am one of four kids who took honors precalculus as a freshman at a high school ranked top 25 in the country. Lots of times they have said to me that your education is an investment for our future, it makes me feel that they are so selfish and greedy. Whenever i get a bad grade (B or B-) My dad always says "why am i spending money on your future you arent going anywhere, i dont care about your future". Lately I have been so depressed and bothered. I barely talk to my parents right now and they dont say anything to me unless they are ordering me to do math. I dont know if i can take it any longer. I dont know what to do?

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • San Francisco Giants Analysis?

    (1) What do you currently think about the team?

    (2) If they make the playoffs, will it be by winning the division or winning the Wild Card?

    (3) How well would they do in the Playoffs?

    1 AnswerBaseball1 decade ago
  • MLB National League West?

    I know several people who think the National League West is the worst division in the Major League Baseball. I realize there was a stretch of time, specifically 2004-2008 when the Western Division was awful but now they have rebounded. Last year they almost had three teams with 90+ wins. This year they are the only division with four teams with 50+ victories. Also this season, the NL West is over .500 when playing the NL East and NL Central. Do you guys think that the NL West has been one of the better divisions in the Majors the last two years?

    7 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • How long does it take and what training plan must I adhere to if I want a Six Pack?

    I am 5 Feet 9 Inches and weigh about 130 Pounds. I have a BMI of 19.2, which is said to be extremely healthy. During the school year I run Cross Country and Track at the Varsity Level, but during the Summer, I am not too physically active. What exercises should I perform to get Six Pack and how long do you think it will take?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago