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  • Dreams of Revelations?

    I have included a link to the exact passage that I dreamt about. Now, I don't want to hear that I'm crazy or nuts, because this story is the GOD HONEST truth.

    When I was 8 years old, there was a trauma in my life. I was young, I knew nothing about the bible, or it's stories, and NOTHING about Revelations. What 8 year old can understand this?? I still remember very clearly the dream I had...

    I was young in my dream...and I was playing in the playground at our apartments. Suddenly the air became very thick, and I knew that something was very wrong. I looked up towards the sky, only to see a huge ball of fire falling towards the ground. It slammed through the roof of one of the apartments...All I could do was watch. More of these fire balls fell from the sounded like thunder when it hit...but I remember not being scared. Watching with fascination as people ran, screaming...Then it started to rain. But I remember thinking the rain didn't look right. It was red. Like blood. And then I realized I wasn't getting wet. Actually I looked around me, and there seemed to be at least an eight foot, perfect circle all around me where I wasn't being touched. I was fascinated, and as I looked back up towards the sky, the sun went dark, and then the moon. And then I woke up.

    I AM NOT CRAZY. This is very true, and I didn't realize this dream meant anything until about 6 years later when I became very Bible oriented. I started reading from front to back, like a book, until I came across Revelations 8:7-12. SCARED me to DEATH. I didn't know what to think, and I tried telling people...except that they looked at me like I was nuts. Now, I wouldn't lie about this sort of thing, so I need some expert advice. I let it go, thinking it was a fluke. But now with a daughter, I wonder if that dream was given to me for a reason? What am I supposed to do with this knowledge?? No one will listen to me, so how am I supposed to share THAT Gospel??? Advice?

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • Revelations? Dreams of the prophecy?

    I have included a link to the exact passage that I dreamt about. Now, I don't want to hear that I'm crazy or nuts, because this story is the GOD HONEST truth.

    When I was 8 years old, there was a trauma in my life. I was young, I knew nothing about the bible, or it's stories, and NOTHING about Revelations. What 8 year old can understand this?? I still remember very clearly the dream I had...

    I was young in my dream...and I was playing in the playground at our apartments. Suddenly the air became very thick, and I knew that something was very wrong. I looked up towards the sky, only to see a huge ball of fire falling towards the ground. It slammed through the roof of one of the apartments...All I could do was watch. More of these fire balls fell from the sounded like thunder when it hit...but I remember not being scared. Watching with fascination as people ran, screaming...Then it started to rain. But I remember thinking the rain didn't look right. It was red. Like blood. And then I realized I wasn't getting wet. Actually I looked around me, and there seemed to be at least an eight foot, perfect circle all around me where I wasn't being touched. I was fascinated, and as I looked back up towards the sky, the sun went dark, and then the moon. And then I woke up.

    I AM NOT CRAZY. This is very true, and I didn't realize this dream meant anything until about 6 years later when I became very Bible oriented. I started reading from front to back, like a book, until I came across Revelations 8:7-12. SCARED me to DEATH. I didn't know what to think, and I tried telling people...except that they looked at me like I was nuts. Now, I wouldn't lie about this sort of thing, so I need some expert advice. I let it go, thinking it was a fluke. But now with a daughter, I wonder if that dream was given to me for a reason? What am I supposed to do with this knowledge?? No one will listen to me, so how am I supposed to share THAT Gospel??? Advice?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Primary C-Section scheduled for Thursday...What to expect?

    Well, my baby is breech, and my OB decided to go ahead and schedule a c-section. It's my first baby, and I'm very nervous. What can I expect? I know the general procedure, but I kinda want to hear other mother's c-section experiences. horror stories, that's the last thing I need right now...

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Possibly Sideways or Breach Baby?

    Well, my OB said that the baby isn't in position...that she's possibly sideways or even breach. I'm almost 39 weeks pregnant, and very worried. I'm not so much scared of possibly needing a C-section, I'm more worried of complications arising that would cause me to lose my baby, or even my own life. It almost feels like she's trying to turn herself, because she'll bulge out on the right side of my belly, But no luck, she just seems to give up, almost like she's stuck. Are there any natural things that I could try to get her to turn into position??

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Twighlight New Moon movie trailer?

    Anywhere online that may have a leak for the movie trailer for New Moon??

    9 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • How can I ease the fear?

    I'm 35 weeks pregnant today, and the fear of childbirth is creeping horribly. I watch a lot of birthing videos, and read a lot of articles, so I can prepare myself for labor and delivery. But the fear just won't go away. I know this baby is going to need to come out at some point, and knowing that makes it worse. Truth be told, I'm terrified. Any ideas on how to help ease this fear?

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • HELP! Is my Iron levels low?

    I am 31 weeks pregnant, and I recently had a friend that I go to school with test my hematocrit level. It read 39.5. Is that an indication of low iron? I have also been feeling very weak, tired, and dizzy. I get hungry, but nothing sounds appetizing. Anyone know the normal levels a pregnant woman might have to have to avoid anemia?

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • A new found phobia? Normal or not?

    I'm 29 weeks pregnant, and it seems just over the past week or so, I've begun to develop this horrible phobia about dying. I've never before been scared of death, or dying, or even pain. But all of a sudden I'm terrified. I seem to be able to think of every possible way that I (or my unborn child) could be harmed in a way that we would die. I hope this is just me wanting to keep my unborn child safe? It's not pleasant to always be wonder if you're going to get in a wreck today, or have some sort of a physical anomaly. Should I let my doctor know my newfound fears? Or should I just brush them off as a normal mother instinct?? Is there a way I can help to alleviate these fears, maybe get my mind off this stuff??

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • A very scary symptom?!?

    I was spending time with friends today, and I went to sit down. My tongue started tingling, and my skin started getting hot and tingly, then my heart started racing. I mean, I took my own pulse and it had shot up to 156 bpm! I felt like I was going to pass out, but with some deep breathing and the support of my husband, I was able to chill out. I AM 26 almost 27 weeks pregnant, but I don't really know if that had anything to do with it? Is is something to be scared about? Should I call my OBG, or just let it go as a panic attack or something?

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Am I jumping the gun?

    I am 22 weeks pregnant, and I was supposed to find out what we're having today. Well, I went all the way to the doctor just for them to tell me that they didn't have me scheduled today for an ultrasound. Mind you, I've been waiting for a MONTH to find out, I've been ecstatic, and impatient. The doctor comes into the room and starts in with this attitude for the messup. I'm crying because, duh! I'm pregnant and emotional and DISAPPOINTED! And ALL he can say is "we'll reschedule you". I've been wanting to change OBG's for the past two months, because I just don't see having such an insensitive person like that deliver my FIRST child EVER. Am I being to worried?? Or do I have every right for feeling the way I do? He never listens to my worries, I don't even know the heart rate of my baby, my belly measurement, or anything. Every time I try to ask a question about a legitimate concern I have all I get is "I don't know, I can't tell you". Would you be able to have this person deliver YOUR child??

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • VERY stubborn Daschy, don't know what to do?

    My Daschund has been extremely stubborn for the past few days. I can't figure out why he would be acting the way the way he is. It started a few days ago when my Mom's dog Angel had to go in for surgery for her anal glands. Fizzle is used to being allowed to jump up in the middle of her, and take her "light". When Angel returned from surgery, of course, we had to dote on her and give her the extra love and attention. He has been whining uncontrollably. He whined ALL night, and all day yesterday. I usually take him for walks, but he hasn't got one in a few days because I've been sick. Last night when we went to bed he actually snapped at my cat, which he's NEVER done. He wouldn't stop whining, so I put him in kennel. He kept it up ALL night. This morning as soon as I got up I took him for a nice LONG walk, to make up for the past few days. When we returned, he continued to whine. He won't stop, and he's being extremely stubborn. I can't reward bad behavior with love and attention, and I think it might be his jealousy over Angel. Any ideas??

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Why do people question God so much?

    Why can't people just have faith and believe? Why do they have to "see the proof", or whatever? What happened to just having faith and believeing in something? Or what happened to our standards as Americans? Wasn't this country founded on religion?? What has happened to us as a Christian Nation? What will happen to us Christians now?

    56 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Help!! Flu-like aches w/ a dry cough...21 weeks preggo?

    What can I take that'll ease the aches and pains? I'm 21 weeks pregnant, and I've already tried Tylenol. This is my first pregnancy, so I'm scared to try much else.

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • A very weird symptom...could it be related to pregnancy?

    I've notice this pain now for like, 2 months. It's in my upper stomach area on the left side, like, right under my ribcage. It feels like a fist in my side. I'm 20 weeks preggo, so I thought it could be from my growing uterus pushing all of my organs up. But when the pain first started I wasn't far enough along for it to be pushing everything up.

    Gradually, I've noticed it's getting worse and a little bit more severe every week. First I would only have the pain after I ate. Now it's there even when I don't eat. Any ideas as to what other organs are in that area?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Some REAL advice from mothers who have smoked during pregnancy?

    I am 19 weeks pregnant, and am having a helluva time quitting smoking. I stopped for two weeks when I found out at 6 weeks, but started sharing with my hubby, and now I'm smoking about two or three cigarettes a day. I want to quit so bad, but I'm having such a hard time. Can I get some REAL advice from mom's out there? How can I quit for good??

    17 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Who will you vote for this election?

    Who will you vote for and why? Or if you decide NOT to vote, why?

    22 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Any Other Mom's to BE?

    I woke up this morning with what feels like the flu or a really bad cold. My whole body aches, and I feel like I wanna die. I'm too scared to take anything (I'm usually used to pounding dayquil and nightquil) But I know being prego won't allow me to take stuff like I usually do. Any other pregnant mom's out there have ideas on how to deal with the sick?

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How long before the milk ducts in the breasts start leaking?

    I'm about 6 weeks pregnant, and my breasts are sooooo sore. Just curious how far along before the milk ducts are completely ready...

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Just found out I'm pregnant!!!!!?

    Well, I'm 5 weeks along, and just curious...what kinds of foods are good to eat and what aren't? Are there excersises I can do to promote a healthy pregnancy? And are there ways to get around the fatigue? Any links would help too!!!!

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Question about a wedding theme I had in mind?

    Well, my fiance likes green, and I like red. So we thought we'd do a red wedding with hunters green. We would like to do it at the beginning of summer, so how can we use these colors without making it look so Christmasy? I was thinking of using the red and green only as accent colors, and cutting it up with an ivory or bone white. Links? Pictures? Ideas? All welcome!!!!

    15 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago