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  • Tattoo artists, would this bother you?

    I'm getting my third tattoo in July. I originally intended to go with one friend. I made my appointment in May.

    My mom asked if she could come then, because she wants a piercing. And I'm kinda borrowing her car, so it's not like I could say no.

    But then she invited my aunt. She wants to get a tattoo, as well, but refuses to make an appointment.

    The friend I want to bring also wants a tattoo, or a piercing, but she can't make up her mind, so she will decide when we're there, I guess.

    Basically my tattoo appt has turned into a bit of an event. I'm worried that they may have someone else booked later that day, or even at the same time, and that my group will be bothersome. It wouldn't seem like a big deal to me if this wasn't a very tiny shop. There are only three people there.

    Tattoo artists, would having this many walk-ins on the same day bother you? Sorry if this is actually no big deal and I'm being stupid. This is my first professional tattoo, and I only know the etiquette that I've read up on.

    Thank you in advance to anyone who answers!

    1 AnswerTattoos7 years ago
  • How does one get rid of the smell of skunk on metal objects?

    About a week ago, a skunk sprayed under my house. We got rid of the smell in the house for the most part, with exception of things that were sitting on top of vents, but I'm having quite a strange issue; almost all of my jewelry smells like skunk. Which is a pretty big problem, considering that most of my jewelry goes on my face. (piercings)

    Whenever I try to put any of it on, the smell either becomes unbearable and I don't even want it near me, or gets onto my skin. I tried soaking them in a couple mixtures, but nothing has worked. I really don't want to throw out $80+ of jewelry just because it stinks, but I also really don't want to wear any of it if it's going to keep smelling. So if there is anything that gets a bad odor out of metal, I'd love to hear it!

    Thank you in advance to those who answer!

    4 AnswersCleaning & Laundry7 years ago
  • How do I ask this guy out?

    There's a guy that I want to ask out. I just don't know how.

    I've known him for around three months. He's two years older than me, and a college student. He studies at the library I work at, and we started talking. (He's the one who initiated conversation) He's really nice and smart, and he acts responsibly, which barely exists among the people around me. Plus, he doesn't treat me like a kid, and he's not exactly hard to look at.

    I do know that he's at least bisexual, so there's no problem there, and I'm pretty sure that he's single, because he broke up with someone like three weeks ago.

    Usually I'm pretty confident! I've asked guys out before. But my brain just goes "poof" when I try to say anything to him. I start saying something, he'll look at me, and I'll completely loose focus and change the subject. Realistically, I know the worst thing he can do is say 'no'. But when I start saying something, irrationally bad outcomes pop up in my mind.

    What. The hell. Do I do? I'm just lost here. (obviously, since I'm on Yahoo! Answers about it...) I've asked people in real life, but they weren't helpful. It feels pretty stupid asking people online, but I don't know what else I can do.

    Thank you in advance to those who answer

  • Severe earache at night/early morning?

    For the past couple of weeks, I have gotten an earache every night.

    Sometimes it is mild, but most times it is severe and I end up unable to bring myself to even move because it hurts so much. I can't even get to sleep.

    The earache is always accompanied by jaw pain, but only the right side, (and only my right ear) and slight nausea. I start shaking a bit when it's really bad. Yet it is completely gone by a couple hours into the day.

    What could this be? Am I doing anything to cause it? And is there any way I could treat it at home? I have tried Ibuprofen, but it usually wears off by the time I get the actual earache, and I can barely open my mouth when I have one. I've also tried holding a hot or cold washcloth to my ear. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it makes it worse.

    I really just want the pain to stop, I don't even really care how, as long as it goes away.

    3 AnswersRespiratory Diseases7 years ago
  • Need help naming a character - which name fits him better?

    I've got a character that I can't quite pin a first name on. I'm down to two options, which are close in popularity for the character's birth year. (The names were not very popular, but were both used over two hundred times. One was a tad more popular than the other)

    The character in question is an American-born male, in his mid-thirties. He has light brown hair, hazel eyes, and nearly unnoticeable freckles. Slightly brawny in frame. (Think a somewhat more athletic Richard Speight Jr)

    In personality, he is a bit of an eccentric. Nameless Guy works for a natural foods company, as a buyer. He's good at reading people, not the most intelligent guy around, but he knows how to use the wit he's got quite well. Sarcasm is familiar territory for Nameless Guy, he doesn't take many things seriously. Had a decent upbringing, and only child to Catholic parents, and rocky teenage years that he masks the memories of with humor. Basically, he's kind of an arrogant d-ck who will become a better person later on, if a bit too late.

    The names I am considering for him are Elias and Avery. (Avery is not a girl's name. It is unisex and wasn't popular for girls until quite recently) Surname is Cooper.

    Thank you in advance to those who answer! (And sorry for posting in Baby Names! Books & Authors seems a bit dead right now, though)

    6 AnswersBaby Names7 years ago
  • Can a five-month-old tarantula go four days without food?

    My new pet - a Chilean rose hair tarantula - is five months old. I've had her for about three days, and the person I got her from said that she didn't eat at all the day that I got her.

    I have some experience with tarantulas, but only adults that are fed every two weeks. I've never cared for a young tarantula before, so I'm not sure if four days is too long for them. She's in a completely new habitat, but she's already been dropping hairs and marking her territory, so I think she's settling in, and will probably want to hunt soon.

    I only haven't gotten food to offer her yet because neither of my parents will allow me to take their car up to the pet store, and neither of them feel like taking me. However, one of them is willing to take me tomorrow. Will my tarantula be okay until then, or do I need to offer food today?

    Thank you in advance to those who answer.

    1 AnswerReptiles7 years ago
  • What does 'soy amado' mean?

    It was either 'Soy Amado' or 'Soy Amada', I think it's Spanish. I met someone with a tattoo of this today, and I was wondering what it means. I did put it into Google Translate, but I know you can't always trust that. He got a little uncomfortable when I asked about it, so I don't want to ask again, but I do want to know what it means.

    Thank you in advance to those who answer!

    4 AnswersLanguages7 years ago
  • Can anyone recommend some good horror movies without rape scenes?

    I love horror movies, but I cannot stand rape/sexual assault in a film. Unfortunately, it seems to have become a popular occurrence in today's horror. I've watched a ton of older movies, which I can watch again, of course, but I'd like to be able to watch a less grainy movie without that specific trigger. Gore is fine, consensual nudity/sex is fine, and ghost stories are acceptable.

    Thanks in advance to those who answer.

    5 AnswersMovies7 years ago
  • My hermit crab smells swampy, but is still active?

    Swampy, not fishy. Another hermit crab recently died in the habitat, and I'm fairly certain that is the reason, but I just want to be sure. (I am currently baking the sand and cleaning the tank!)

    Thank you in advance to anyone who answers!

    1 AnswerFish8 years ago
  • How can I tell if my hermit crab is dead?

    Long story short, I have two hermit crabs and my cousin is making me keep hers. Her hermit crab is mean, it kept trying to fight with mine whenever I put them together (which, due to the new crab's hostility, is never much more than an hour). A couple hours ago, he ripped off my small hermit crab's large claw and two legs. She is now limp in her shell and hasn't moved, and her eyes are clear. Her limbs are also soft. I Googled "How can I tell if my hermit crab is dead" but all it came up with was molting information.

    Please tell me that's she's just healing or something.

    1 AnswerFish8 years ago
  • What can I do about a mean hermit crab?

    My cousin got a hermit crab which she insists on putting with my two crabs, which I've had for two years with no problem. I didn't get to say no, she dropped it off, left, and never even asked, just told me to put with them.

    But her hermit crab is mean! It gets in fights with mine. I had it spend the night with a couple of their things so it could get used to their scent, but it's still hostel. It has pinched me and tonight it ripped off my smaller hermit crab's claw and one of it's legs!

    I took it out of their tank and put it in the smaller cage I keep for when one of mine is molting. I have no idea what to do! This thing has been here for two weeks and it seems like I can't have it in my crabs' tank for more than an hour. I tried every day, but it just keeps bullying my smaller crab. (It made an attempt at my larger crab a couple times, but has since left it alone) It is now alone in the small cage until I figure something out.

    My cousin won't answer my calls or texts, and my parents don't think it's a big deal so they won't do anything about it. What should I do about this mean hermit crab? Can I do anything to make it friendlier? I don't want it here if it's not going to get along with mine, and I'm seriously considering driving all the way to her house in the next state and leaving it on the step.

    1 AnswerReptiles8 years ago
  • Should I try to contact my grandparents?

    My moms have always told me that my grandparents on one side are dead. The one whose parents they "were" always gives us the cold shoulder when we ask about them.

    Earlier tonight, she asked me to get something out of her office. She told me it was in a box in her desk but didn't tell me which drawer, so I was just opening the boxes that I found. There was one full of cards, unopened and addressed to my sister and myself. From our supposedly dead grandparents, and the last ones were dated last month, around the time of our birthday.

    I put them all back in the box and took it to my room, then gave my mom what she had sent me to get when I found it, and made my sister come read the cards with me. We thought maybe she'd been hiding them from us because they were homophobic or crazy-religious or something (which would have still made me mad, but I could understand). But it doesn't seem that way at all. Our grandparents mention both of our mothers in each card, asking how they are, not a negative word at all. There's even a few cards in the box that were for them. (we didn't open those, though)

    I'm so mad right now, I don't even know what to do. My sister is really upset, too, she's still reading all of them and isn't talking. I didn't tell my mom that I found the box.

    Should I try to contact them? I have their address, now, and their phone number is in a couple asking us to call, so it wouldn't be hard. I don't want to betray my mothers' trust, but they already betrayed ours, so...

    I just don't know. I feel so hurt by my parents. Sorry for kind of ranting, thanks in advance for reading/answering, I guess.

    1 AnswerFamily8 years ago
  • Will this be enough food for 6 people?

    My moms' anniversary is coming up. They never do anything to celebrate it, but it's their 20th so I want to do something for them. I decided to make dinner so that neither of them have to, since one of them usually starts cooking as soon as they come home. I got everything I needed for it on Friday, but just today, my grandparents called and said they wanted to come by. So it'll be my parents, my grandparents, my sister, and me.

    I had been planning to make meatloaf (I have 2.25lbs of ground beef for that) and potato casserole. There are crescent rolls and green beans that I can make, too. Does that seem like it would be enough for 6 people?

    Thank you in advance to those who answer!

    5 AnswersEntertaining8 years ago
  • How should I be caring for my new tattoo?

    A couple days ago my boyfriend gave me a tattoo. (Yes, I now know that it was stupid for me to let him. But y'know, hindsight always is 20/20) It's small and it's on my hipbone. I've been keeping a folded paper towel taped over it. I've searched the aftercare online, but most articles say the tattoo artist should tell me what to do. My boyfriend only told me to keep it covered. Some of them are contradictory; a few say vaseline is alright to put on it, some of them say that you should never put vaseline on a new tattoo. I can't exactly go ask a certified tattoo artist in person because people under 18 aren't allowed inside the shops near me. I know that I should keep it moisturized and that I shouldn't pick at it, but that's about it. A little advice would be very helpful! Thank you in advance to those who answer!

    (And again, I know it was stupid of me. But it's there now and shaming me won't resolve anything)

    2 AnswersTattoos8 years ago