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  • Anit depressant withdrawal symptoms?

    I recently quit Celexa cold turkey without first reading about it. I've been having some pretty annoying symptoms like random dizziness type feeling when I try any type of movement. Anyways, I wanted to know if detoxing and cleansing my body via lots of water, detox tea, vegetables and what not will reduce the symptoms so I can start working out again.

    2 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • What does it mean when a girl giggles and then kind of rolls her eyes at you?

    I run into this thing a lot around girls where while I'm saying something "funny" or seemingly amusing they'll laugh and then kind of look away from me and often times it's followed by them kind of laugh/sighing my name lol. I know at this point it isn't at all out of contempt and that these people genuinely like me, but I still can't exactly decipher what that reaction means from the girls that often act like that around me. One girl told me it was out of appreciation which I don't quite understand but may be true for the rest also. Anyone care to elaborate and help me out a bit socially?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Are domestic packages x rayed by ups and or fedex?

    Looking to buy my cousin a new camera for his birthday. Apparently the film gets ruined if they're x rayed.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Was last nights episode of House inferring that Thirteen is written off?

    That's what it looked like to me, but I thought I would have heard about it if it were true. I just wanted to know because I like her character.

    3 AnswersDrama10 years ago
  • So I have Narcissistic Personality Disorder. What do I do now?

    I've been trying to look for online support groups and stuff for narcissistic people to try and help themselves and what not, but all I can find are support groups for people abused by narcissus ( Which is BS btw. There should be more support groups for us. If you help us first then there would be no need for abuse support groups). I know I can be a terrible person and I'm not going to lie manipulating people is my favorite hobby, but I don't like hurting people. And people think we don't have hearts that really bothers me. All the questions I've seen other NPD people on here ask just get answers like "that just means you weren't rasied right" or " you're just that person everyone hates". I don't want people to hate me ( obviously ), and I was raised nearly perfect. I don't like that the only thing that really makes me happy is attention, but how is that any different from the perfect spouse being the only thing that can make someone else happy? If all I need is attention to get by, then that just kind of means i'm low maintenance and easy to please. How is that horrible? I get that we can be mean ( especially the ones more sever than me) but I do say sorry when I get ridiculous. Or tell people that I was just joking when they take what I say too harshly. Was I just born to be hated or can I change? . I kind of don't want to change though because if I change who I am, then I'm nothing. And I think being nothing is a lot worse than being a narcissict. At least being who I am now, I love myself. And I don't think that's wrong everyone should be able to look in the mirror and think " you're sexy".


    Should I try to change me just because society says who I am is a disorder? How do I kick my addiction to manipulation? And why are people so mean to us? We do feel. I don't want the world to forever hate me, but I also don't like that it rejects me as a human being.

    2 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • My neighbor has been acting strange.What is he up to?

    I have two very low key neighbors that always seem a bit off and hesitant to talk to anyone at first I thought they were maybe in witness protection, but then I saw family over so I thought maybe they were drug dealers. They're always spying out their window and I saw the guy digging around in his hub caps for a really long time one day and today he was scratching at his car with like a razor blade. Are they up to something I should be worried about? They give me really bad vibes.

    4 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • How do you bind your chest?

    I'm teenage genderqueer and I want to know different methods to bind. I had been wearing two sports bras, but they're just uncomfortable and bulky. I've also tried the ace bandage, but I can't seem to do it properly and it takes too much time. Is there anywhere I can buy a binder that's not an online store? If so where? I don't want to have to ask my mom to buy it since I haven't told her i'm genderqueer, and I don't yet know how to explain it to her with out her thinking I'm a guy. So if you know anywhere to buy a binder please tell me or if there is some other method I can do discreetly that'd be appreciated too. Thanks.

  • Dream interpretation help?

    I had a dream that I was at a party sitting on a couch talking to my girlfriend, and then this hippie girl with dreads practically dances over to me and suddenly I have no idea where my girlfriend is. Me and the girl with dreads start talking and getting along and next thing I know she has a comb to my head and I'm sitting at her feet while she puts dreads in my hair. That's all of the dream that I can remember, but it is a little weird because I used to have dreads. I only had them for a few months and then I cut my hair and its been like a month or two since I cut my hair so I don't know why this dream is just happening now. So can you tell me the meaning of the dreads in the dream? Or just the dream in general.

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • Should I have sex with her? ( lesbian )?

    The other day I was hanging out with this girl who was previously into my friend, and we were sitting at the park. I smoked a little weed and next think I know she's feeling me up through my pants and we're making out. I stopped it a few times just because I was extremely caught off guard and have never gone that far with a girl before. Now she's asking me to hang out with her later so we can " do stuff" I'm not sure if I should take the offer or not. I think she may be kind of a sluttt. hahaha A lot of my friends are just telling me to go for it because this opportunity may not come again very soon. And I should just have fun and go for it. But another friend of mine is saying don't do it. What do you think I should do? I don't want a relationship with this girl because i don't really like her, but would sleeping with her be so bad?

  • Is my birth chart decent? And what does it say about me?

    I just want any insight that you may have on the subject.

    Rising sign Libra

    Sun sign Libra

    Moon in Cancer

    Mercury in Scorpio

    Venus in Scorpio

    Mars in Cancer

    Jupiter in Scorpio

    Saturn in Pisces

    Uranus in Capricorn

    Pluto in Scorpio

    Thank you for reading over this. I'm just 15 so I want to know if any this says good things for my future maybe or just some insight to the type of person I am.

    1 AnswerHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • How do I about selling an original painting?

    I went to a resale shop a while ago and bought an original painting. It used to belong to an art institute. If I were to tell them I had their painting would they pay me to get it back? Or should I just sell it to someone else?

    1 AnswerPainting1 decade ago
  • Minor caught stealing alcohol. What will happen to me?

    I live in Illinois and I'm 14 this is my second time getting arrested, and both are for retail theft. I want to know whats going to happen to me. I have a court date, but I don't even know what to do in court. Am I going to juvi? It was a 20 dollar bottle of jose cuervo.

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Music instrument question?

    There is this song I really like and I want to play it on my saxophone, but it only has the guitar tabs and what not. How do I figure out how to play it on my sax. I play alto.

    3 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Freshman math help. I don't know how to do it?

    So its a word problem and i'm supposed to solve it using linear systems.

    A sporting goods store sells right handed and left handed basball gloves. In one month, 12 gloves were sold for a total revenue of $561. RIght handed gloves cost $45 each and left handed gloves cost $52 each. How many of each type did they sell?

    please help me with how to set this up and how to do it.

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • In serious need of math help. Its high school freshman level.?

    I have no idea how to do my homework. I even failed the quiz today because my teacher sucks and won't explain anything to me.

    So it says solve by substitution.

    x + 2y = 4

    x - y + -5

    If you could show me the steps on how to do it that would be great!

    oh and this one

    it says Solve by elimination.

    -2x - 3y = 4

    2x - 4y = 3

    please show me how to do this I have no idea what i am doing.

    On my quiz I had to write " well its obvious i have no idea how to do this... A for effort?"

    2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Big christianity problem?

    Please read this all the way through.

    Basically things just aren't clicking for me, I would go to church on my own every week but then I stopped because I just started to feel so disconnected. But I don't want to feel that way, I want to be like those people who read a bible verse and feel happy the rest of the day or see jesus working in their live and feel god surrounding them. I just don't at all, and when I read the bible or hear people talk about it i think its crap and that its boring. I don't want to be like that I don't know whats wrong with me, I want something to believe in that makes me not want to live my life for myself, but when I go to church I just want to leave because I don't believe half the things they say i think the bible could be compared to greek mythology sometimes because it was written by man. And then I feel like if i try to go through my problems with someone they're just going to judge me for being gay wich i do not at all think is a sin. Please help me. I want to be like the people that are just so sucure with their lives and overall being because they have God, but right now I feel like an outsider because if i tell my problems to someone they'll think i'm just hating on christianity or that I have some kind of demon in me because things aren't clicking and i don't really believe that much of the bible. I'm still very young so maybe i can change.

    Thank you for reading this if you did.

    32 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Problem with religion ( christianity )?

    Please read this all the way through.

    Basically things just aren't clicking for me, I would go to church on my own every week but then I stopped because I just started to feel so disconnected. But I don't want to feel that way, I want to be like those people who read a bible verse and feel happy the rest of the day or see jesus working in their live and feel god surrounding them. I just don't at all, and when I read the bible or hear people talk about it i think its crap and that its boring. I don't want to be like that I don't know whats wrong with me, I want something to believe in that makes me not want to live my life for myself, but when I go to church I just want to leave because I don't believe half the things they say i think the bible could be compared to greek mythology sometimes because it was written by man. And then I feel like if i try to go through my problems with someone they're just going to judge me for being gay wich i do not at all think is a sin. Please help me. I want to be like the people that are just so sucure with their lives and overall being because they have God, but right now I feel like an outsider because if i tell my problems to someone they'll think i'm just hating on christianity or that I have some kind of demon in me because things aren't clicking and i don't really believe that much of the bible. I'm still very young so maybe i can change.

    Thank you for reading this if you did.

  • When was the last big natural disaster in Canada?

    And how did it affect the people.

    2 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade ago
  • What are future challenges in Canada?

    I have this project in geography and I need to find what challenges canada will have in the future, but I can't find it anywhere online. Can someone tell me a few that there are or might be?

    2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Need help with a gluten free and casein free diet?

    So, turns out I can't eat them anymore because i'm allergic. I need help with ideas for food to eat and something I can take to school to eat for lunch. I'm also a vegetarian, so if possible some foods that also don't have meat in them. Since i'm a vegetarian on top of not being able to eat gluten and casein. i'm lacking in protein and am eating a lot of carbs. If absolutely needed I could go back to eating meat, but i'd rather not if I can do with out. So if you could give me some foods that I can eat and take to school that don't have gluten, casein or meat in them that would be great.

    5 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago