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  • Is it okay to keep a laptop in the trunk of a car for approximately on a hot day?

    Hello all!

    Tomorrow, I have class from 9:00 until 3:15 (but I will be on campus until closer to 5). The high for tomorrow here is 93 degrees. I'm not going home, which is why I would like to take it. On Wednesday, the high is 94 and it will be in there from about 11-3:30.

    I will keep it in the trunk, probably in my overnight bag (so there will be clothes, etc). There really isn't room for it in my backpack. And, not to mention, I don't want to carry it on me because I feel like I am going to break it by slamming it down on the ground too hard or putting a bad pressure point on the screen and hurting it that way. (I am very protective of it, as I don't have the money to replace it..)

    Is this bad on the computer?? Will it ruin anything??

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago
  • I need help.. I let a friend/roommate borrow a textbook and..?

    Okay so I need some major help. I just don't know what to do. At the beginning of the semester, I let my friend/roommate borrow a college textbook of mine.. The Bedford Handbook. Usually, I sell my books back, but I have been told my multiple people to keep onto this textbook, as it will come of great use in the future (which I can attest to, as I have used it in classes since my 2 English classes).

    Okay, so back to my situation.. So I let her borrow it. Since it's the end of the semester, I asked today if I could have it back. To which she asked if she could borrow it for Eng 2 next semester, and I kind of relunctantly said yes. She then said she'd just keep it over the summer and give it back after next semester. So after this happened, I got to thinking.. Why wouldn't she want to give it back now? Has something happened to it? Does she not plan on giving it back, hoping I will forget?

    So after thinking way too long, I decided to try to see if I could find it. (I don't believe I was snooping. (If I was, sorry) I just wanted to find my book. And I wasn't looking through her things (i.e. picking anything up), I was just looking on her desk, etc.) Well, I ended up finding it in her bookbag, which was sitting propped up with the front like folded down. And it is in terrible shape. Well, for me it is..

    I like to keep my books in pristine shape. I am so careful, as I want them to last as long as they can. Before I gave it to her, the corners may had been bent a little, like it always happens with books, but other than that it was in great shape. But now, the corners are tore up - you can see the cardboard (or whatever they use to make hardback books) on all corners and on the "spine" - the pages are tore up, it 'moves' - I don't know how to describe this part.. you know when the front cover and part of the book will slide one way, while the back will stay put. and not just side to side, like up, down, and all around... thats what it does.

    I'm scared to let her have it another semester. If this has happened in one semester, what will happen after another? Not to mention, we won't be roommates next semester, so does she plan on running off with my book?

    It is a $100 dollar book, which may not seem like much, but hey $100 is $100. I just don't know what to do. I want to just take it (shes had her final, so I know she won't need it anymore) but then I don't want her to accuse me of looking through her bookbag or anything, which could lead to her questioning me as to if I've taken any of her stuff. (Which I DON'T do. If anything, its the other way around, but thats a whole nother story.) By rebuttal to that is "it's my book, I was just taking something back that was mine." And if I do take it, will she think she lost it? will she ask me if I took it? Will she think I am mad at her? Will she get mad at me? Will she ask me for it next semester if she think I took it back? Or if she thinks she just lost it, will she never mention it to me again?

    I really don't know what to do. I'm not a confrontationaI person. And I don't want to take it without her knowing so that she doesn't think she lost it or anything.. I'm just kinda scared on what will happen/what to do. PS sorry for the length. but your help is much needed!!

    2 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • what are ways to help me remember Med Terms?

    Simply put, I'm a freshman in college and am in the class Medical Terminology. Since I'm a freshman, I have no history of Anatomy classes or anything. I am having an extremely hard time remembering the med terms for tests, but most importantly for my future career!

    I have tried flashcards, looking at power points, interactive quizzes/games online, reading the book, NOTHING SEEMS TO WORK! :( The teacher is the worst teach I've ever had in my career of being a student including elementary, middle school, high school, and college classes (I have taken many college classes, but this is my first year as an official college student, as i was in high school when i took those classes.) I do pay attention in class, but the teacher has no structure of teaching or anything, so it doesnt help me. this class is terrifying me and i need help.

    Thanks for your help! How did u remember it in school? any pointers?

    1 AnswerOther - Health10 years ago
  • This guy is making me feel uncomfortable.. Who do I tell/talk to? Am I overreacting?

    Ok.. Where to begin.. Ok so I'm a freshman in college and I manage the football team at my college. There is a guy that works at the field as a groundskeeper and I've had two dealings with him where he made me feel completely uncomfortable.. Before I tell you the times, keep in mind that each time, I have been alone in the press box when he has approached me.

    Ok, so the first time, I didn't feel very threatened at first.. It was the usual "What's your name? What are you going to college for.. are you a freshman, sophomore, etc.. " Then outta no where really he brought up that one of the other managers got caught with beer and how he felt bad for them. Then he's like well, if they were smart, they could just ask me to hold it for them and I won't tell anybody. This is where it got uncomfortable. He started asking what my 'drink of choice' was and started telling me how we could get drunk together on top of the press box and stuff. He also offered to buy the stuff for me, as long as I would drink it/share it with him. Also that night, he insisted on knowing when the practice would be over. Which creeped me out, because then he would know when I would be walking home. But finally, he got a call and had to leave.

    The second happened just yesterday. I was alone in the press box once again and he came up. I dont really remember the beginning of the conversation, but only where it got weird. I have my nose pierced and he mentioned about how his 13, soon to be 14, daughter wants one. Then he proceeded to say how she came over to his house the other night and how she had her make-up done "all good," she had a tight tank top on, these cute little shorts, and her hair all done up cute. Also, how she looked more like 19 instead of 13. Why would you talk about your daughter like that? Then he brings up the thing about the manager again. He proceeds to say that if he found the booze he would have at least gave the kids options. I can't remember the first few options, but he proceeds to say "Or you know (my name), you could just give it to me and ask me, "Daddy, will you hold this for me?" He insisted on me calling him daddy....?? Then he just kept talking. (I'm sorry I tried drowning him out as much as possible.) Also, he once again wanted to look at the schedule of the practice, saying "D*mn you guys will get out late tonight!" Then, later, when he goes to leave, he says to me, "Well, Sweet Pea, I gotta go. I'll see you later."

    Am I overreacting? I want to talk to people about it, but the more I think about it, the more I think that I'm just overreacting. I haven't told my roommate, parents, etc. I have told one friend, but only because this one friend I am super close with and know he won't tell anybody as long as I ask him not to. I would love to talk to my counselor about it, but unfortunately she is having lots of health problems and hasn't been here in a while.

    Any help is appreciated. Sorry for the length! :(

    9 AnswersAlternative Medicine10 years ago
  • there's no way to fix it, but can you maybe help me cope?

    ok, so long story short, last night I got very drunk. and apparently in my drunkenness, i went the number two IN MY PANTS!! :( the nasty, diarhea kind too. im pretty sure that alot of people at the party knew, even though most people were passed out at this point in time.

    today, at school everyone knew. i don't have proof, but it's the whole everybody gets quiet when i walk up to a crowd, people look at me weird, I hear whispers behind my back, type of thing. I also think people got pictures, as there were many cameras and the cameras got passed around today.

    I just need help in dealing with this. i obviously didn't do it on purpose, in fact I don't even remember when it would have occured. i've been thinking about posting on fb something like... "if i had a quarter for everything i wish i could change" or something along those lines. any advice will help.

    and i don't wanna hear well you shouldnt have gotten drunk or something like that. I realize this, but i can't change it now.

    3 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • is salon brand shampoo and conditioner too much of a weird gift for mothers day?

    okay to begin. my mom is one of those people that she never really spends very much on herself. thus, she buys the cheaper brands of shampoo and conditioner, and you can definitly tell it in her hair. i buy myself salon brand shampoo and conditioners (such as biolage, redken, etc) and she is ALWAYS saying how she loves my hair and wants hair like mine. so i thought about for mothers day getting her that. but is that too weird?

    my mom is SO hard to shop for. she's not into fashion or clothes, she doesnt wear makeup, she doesnt use lotion or anything like that really. so basically, she is not a girly girl. so i never know what to get her. any help on this would be great... THANKS!! :)

    4 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • whats the cheapest, healthiest, best, fastest way to lose about 60 pounds by early july?

    I'm looking to lose lots of weight. i previously posted a question about master cleanse which i was personally excited about starting next week, but i got some bad feedback. so im asking for other alternatives.

    thanks for your feedback.

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • master cleanse (lemonade) diet..... should i? or shouldn't i?

    i'm just wondering if anybody has heard anything or done the master cleanse. is it worth it? from everything that ive read, it seems thoroughly effective, but i wanna hear from other people..

    heres some background info on me: im 17, 5'1", and weigh about 190 lbs. i've been bigger most of my life and im tired of it, so i want to lose weight for myself, not because i just want to fit in. by my birthday in july, i'd like to weigh about 130 but my ultimate goal, which id like to reach by the time that i start college next school year, is about 110. i'd simply use the master cleanse to kick start my dieting. after the cleanse, i plan on eating things such as fresh fruits, raw vegetables, and maybe lean chicken as my protein source.

    so, since i plan on it only being a kick start, i would only do the ten day plan. if i do decide that i for sure want to do this, i plan on starting next monday, next wednesday at the latest. i'm also interested in how it tastes. i am not a fan of spicy foods, so i am worried about the cayenne pepper in it. how spicy is it? does the maple syrup help to even the spice out? oh also, i like to chew gum during the day. i usually only chew 1-2 sticks. if i were to continue this during the diet, but not swallow it, would it affect the outcome?

    any and all information is much appreciated. thank you very much. also, any additional info you'd like to add would be awesome.

    17 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • What are some (fairly) RECENT media mishaps? Preferably nationwide..?

    I'm just looking for something where the media told us information that turned out to be incorrect. It an honestly be about anything, I just need some help to add in information in a paper I am writing.

    Thank you very much.

    1 AnswerMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • how do i get over a guy?

    we were together quite some time. and right away, i fell in love. but, we had our problems, and so around the end of december we called it off, for a couple different reasons. some being age and distance, but anyway, we decided to stay friends. weve talked practically everyday since then, and of course i still love him, but lately things havent been the same. it seems like he doesnt really wanna talk anymore or anything. and if hes moved on, im glad for him. i mean if hes happy, im happy. but i just cant get over him. maybe he feels the same, and so hes tryin to distance himself from me? idk, but i just cant get over it and everything. so any tips or anything.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • how do you know if a guy has ...... inside of you?

    first off, im not having sex. im just wondering. ive always thought about this, and wondered how you know.

    now, i know how hollywood is, but you know like sometimes in the movies, the girl will be like you could have warned me first... or something. yeah how do you know that its happened? does the p***s get smaller or something? or is it just cuz they stop abruptly or something?

    anyways, im just wondering how do you know?

    ty everyone

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • how do u get the molar masses of ionic compounds. (such as these)?

    i have some of the answers, but idk if im doing them right. so i would just like for someone to explain to me how to do them, and then i can compare to your answers and see if im doing them right..... thank you anyone who answers.

    *oh, and i dont have a subscript thingy so, if theres a number, its for the element before it obviously.


    -Na2(CO)3 (the name is sodium carbonate, and carbonate is carbon and oxygen, which is why they are in parenthesis.........they both get the 3.....i think? right? lol)

    - FeCl2


    thanks once again everyone.

    1 AnswerChemistry1 decade ago
  • do you think this is a good tattoo design? any suggestions? and how can i incorporate this song into it...?

    ok, so the tattoo design is: this guitar, (only where its blue, this ones going to be green) across my foot. its going to be at an angle. with the top of the neck, where the knobs are, (sorry idk the names of the parts of the guitar) up kinda eitehr at the base of my ankle, or right underneath it, and the bottom kinda centered over my fourth toe. *i hope this makes sense)

    the reason i want to get it is because this guy is all of my support and means everthing to me. (the foot representing the support obviously, the guitar representing possibly his favorite hobby, and the whole guitar for him.) and i want something other than the typical name over the heart or something.

    and the song id like to incorporate into it somehow is wonderwall, by oasis. this is our song. :) heres lyrics in case ur not familiar with it.

    thank you. :) and i appreciate any and all suggestions.

    2 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • do i have the right to be mad at my little brother?

    so my little brother, (hes 12, im 16. were just half sibilings), we were at the reception of my dads wedding. i had my purse sitting in my chair. it wasnt zipped, but the buckle that goes over and clips on an opposite side was slung over and clipped. i was kinda in a group about 3 tables away, and my brother was over at that table, by himself. i started walking over to the table to grab something out of my purse and i see him. he had his hands inbetween his legs like he was holding a phone and i started to see the light, so i knew it was one. he has a phone, so at first i didnt think anything of it. as i got closer, i noticed he was playing with a touch screen. my thought was wait, i dont know who else has a touch screen except for me. now im basically standing over him and i said something like hey what ya doin and then i see that it was my phone he was messing with, and at that, that he was on the internet. so i grabbed my phone and said excuse me? why do u have my phone? he was like what? its after 7, so its free. and i said something like first of all, its not after 7 that its free, and you dont take anyones phone. i dont care whose it is or your reasoning, you dont do that. he just kinda walked away all like ok whatever.

    so do i have the right to be mad? while, yes, i did have free internet (because it was the weeked), i still dont think he should have done that. taking my phone without asking is one thing, but another thing that gets at me is that he got into my purse, also without my permission, whether it was zipped or not.

    am i overreacting? i was mad, and still am.

    14 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • whats the best ultimate way to prevent razor bumps?

    on both the legs and genital area. i bought and just tried some sensitive skin shave gel, but i can already start to feel them forming. during the winter, i only shave my calves. but now that its going to be really warm tomorrow i decided to shave my thighs and knees too and i can feel the razor bumps starting for some reason. ive never had this problem before.

    and ive always had razor bumps on the genital area but im wondering if thers a way around them? ive also used the sensitive skin shave gel, but ive used it on that area almost every time and it still happens. :(

    thanks for any help you have. :)

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • is it safe to get multiple peircings at a time?

    like, when i turn 18, i want cartilage, nose, and a tongue piercing. do i have to wait in between for them all?

    theres a few others im thinking of, but im not positive about those.... but im just wondering about those.

    8 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • here we go again.... GUYS: what do u like best when receiving a *******? GALS: any suggestion?

    s on how to give on? ive watched a movie *hohum* but i wanna hear from ppl directly. so any tips/advice?


    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • a friend came to me and told me this wondering, is it considered rape?

    so i have a friend off at college who came home for spring break. we always get together and chat it up whenever shes home of course cuz we never see eachother anymore. well she was actually telling me this story of why this other friend is mad at her and has been. and im just a bit concerned, and wanna know if it could be rape.

    so she was out one night and upon coming home she saw that this guy that she kinda has/had a thing with was there, visiting another person. so of course she went up to him and was like hey yada yada yada. they decide to hang out that night, right. (in which he was drunk, and im suspecting she was tipsy though she didnt say.) and this other friend was with her. so they went to where he was staying and stuff. and the other friend was like well im going down to the car, and my friend was like ok, well ill be there in about 5 mins. well he started kissing her. and she kept telling him no, no, and no. but she said he wouldnt stop and so she said finally she just gave in and kinda kissed him back because no matter what she was doing. well i guess next thing you know they are basically doing it. (this is when the other friend starts walking up the stairs and is all like its been 45 mins, lets go now! and thats why the chick is mad) and so my friend yelled down to her hey stop right there, ill be there in 5 mins. (the other friends like will it be 5 mins this time, or should i just go home?) and so yeah they left shortly after that..

    but im wondering since they did it if it could be rape. while she ended up giving in, she only did so because he was basically forcing himself. is it? or am i just losing it? lol


    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • relationship help plz. its kinda awkward for me sometimes..?

    so this guy and i have known eachother/been together since august. right around the beginning of the year, we had a couple of problems. so we decided to call it off, but still be friends and stuff. weve basically been talking everyday and im still VERY in love with him. but we cant be together because of age and distance. we talk and act like were together, but when it comes down to it, were not. whats awkward is that i still love him and i know the way that he acts that he loves me. neither of us have moved on and we say were holdin out for eachother. (which will be about a year). but he claims that i cant wait, because hes not worth it and no one else has. (all his exs have cheated on him). but the thing is i would wait a million years to be able to be with him. in which he still doesnt understand. i love him and just want to tell him so bad. though i sense that he already knows. this. but i also dont want to push it so much that i become an annoyance.

    do you have any suggestions. anything at all that will help me. please? anything to just help me be able to survive.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • is it ok to clean my toilet with bleach?

    if so, how do i do it?

    and another thing, my parents rent and whoever built the house apparently liked blue....the walls, shower, sink, and toilet is blue. im just worried/wondering if the bleach will take the blue out of it and leave white stains....i obviously dont want that.

    ty. :)

    5 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago