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  • Christmas gifts for newborns?!?!? HELP!!!!!!!!!?

    So I'm due December 15 and we don't know the sex of the baby yet!!!! I trying to get my Christmas shopping and I have no idea what to buy for my little one?!?

    I know it's not like he/she will remember but it's the baby's first Christmas so I can't not get the baby presents

    What did you get for your December baby's?????

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • 29 weeks pregnant and having lower abdominal cramping almost as if i need to pooh what is it?

    So I'm 29 weeks pregnant and having lower abdominal cramping almost as if i need to pooh but I don't what is it?? It only last a minute or so and has happen about 3 time in the last 2.5 hours could this be Braxton hicks?? Or something else

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • High prenatal glucose screening even tho I fasted before test?? ?

    I went for my prenatal glucose screening yesterday, I hadn't eaten since about 10pm the night before so by the time I went to the test it had been atleast 12 hours since I ate

    This morning I got a call from my doctor saying I needs to go and do the test again cause it was high so I went and did the test again but this time I did the 2 hour test

    both time after I drank the nasty orange drink I felt extremely tired right away you think it would make me hyper because of all the sugar but no I just wanted to sleep couldn't even focus enough to read my book

    I'm very nervous about the first test being high

    Has any one else had a high first test even with fasting and then had a normal result on test #2?????

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • Prenatal Glucose screening test came back high even tho I fasted!!!?

    I went for my prenatal glucose screening yesterday, I hadn't eaten since about 10pm the night before so by the time I went to the test it had been atleast 12 hours since I ate

    This morning I got a call from my doctor saying I needs to go and do the test again cause it was high so I went and did the test again but this time I did the 2 hour test

    both time after I drank the nasty orange drink I felt extremely tired right away you think it would make me hyper because of all the sugar but no I just wanted to sleep couldn't even focus enough to read my book

    I'm very nervous about the first test being high

    Has any one else had a high first test even with fasting and then had a normal result on test #2?????

    1 AnswerDiabetes9 years ago
  • 23.5 weeks pregnant and working over 50 hours a week, is it bad?

    So I'm 23.5 weeks pregnant and got a job doing tomato grading the job itself isn't hard but it 8hours straight only get a break once in awhile and it 7 days at a time with one day off inbetween

    Ive been off work since may when my employer closed down I took this job cause I needed another 62 hours to qualify for maternity leave

    I know have enought hours to qualify for maternity leave thank god but I'm in a lot of pain my feet and ankles are so swollen that my feet feel numb and barely fit in my running shoes I just finish an 8 day stretch and today my day off everything hurt my back my knees my hips my feet my ankles everything even my hands are numb but not as bad as my feet I don't know what to do I don't want to quit cause I could use the money and I don't want people to think I'm lazy but I don't know if my body can handle this 7 days straight thing I get so tire to and it's shift work so it's hard to get used to it I don't know if the doctor would take me off on sick leave and I'm scared to go and ask

    I don't know what to do my pregnancy so far had been ok had spotting a couple times during the first trimester but that's it but like I said I wasn't working so I was home taking it easy

    I'm worried I could be doing more harm then good by continuing to work

    Please let me know what you think


    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • Had a 3D ultrasound done at 13 weeks and I'm really curious to see if it a boy or girl ?

    But I can't tell any one have and idea????

    I put the 3D pic asmy profile pic since i'm not sure how to attach a pic :)

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • Need some cute and creative ways to announce my pregnancy on Facebook ?

    I'm 13 weeks 2 days pregnant and after my ultrasound this Wednesday I'll be ready to announce my pregnancy on Facebook but I want to do it in a cute way but I'm just not sure how this is my first baby and I'm due December 2012 anyone got any cute creative ideas I can use???

    6 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Went for my 2nd US yesterday at 12 weeks baby's heart was 169bpm is that good for 12 weeks?

    baby was growing great and moving around like crazy it had a heart rate of 169bpm and was on the left side of my abdomen is the heart rate good for 12 weeks??? and if baby is on left side of my tummy is it still better to lay on the left side or should I lay on my right side???

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • had ultrasound at 7weeks only saw one baby what's the chances they could of missed one and theirs twins?

    So I'm 11 weeks 2 days pregnant today and was at a family BBQ yesterday and everyone thinks that I'm way to big for 11 weeks pregnant. I had an ultrasound at and the tech said she only saw one baby at that time i have another ultrasound scheduled for June 7th but I'm just wondering how common it is for a tech to miss twin on an ultrasound at 7 weeks pregnant??

    I've been having horrible nausea since about 6 weeks pregnant it last all day and I've been having lots of ligament pains which everyone says it too early for me to be feeling but i've been feeling it since about 6.5 weeks

    Anyone ever have twins and not know it till late in the pregnancy even after an ultrasound????

    any help would be great :)

    at the beginning I had a feeling I could be having twins but after the ultrasound I changed my mind but now i'm not so sure this is my first pregnancy and twins runs on both sides of my family and runs on my husbands side as well????

    4 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • I'm 11 weeks pregnant and everyone thinks I'm having twins?

    So I'm 11 weeks 2 days pregnant today and was at a family BBQ yesterday and everyone thinks that I'm way to big for 11 weeks pregnant. I had an ultrasound at and the yech said she only saw one baby at that time i have another utrasound scehduled for June 7th but I'm just wondering how common it is for a tech to miss twin on an ultrasound at 7 weeks pregnant??

    I've been having horrible nausea since about 6 weeks pregnant it last all day and I've been having lots of ligament pains which everyone says it too early for me to be feeling but i've been feeling it for a feew weks now

    Anyone ever have twins and not know it till late in the pregnancy even after an ultrasound????

    any help would be great :)

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • 10 weeks pregnant tomorrow and have been having small amounts of brown spotting the last 3 day?

    Its very small amount only when i wipe went to doctors yesterday they did a urine test and everything was normal Ihaven't been having any cramps or pain just a small amount of brown blood but im nervous cause I'm noticing that my boobs don't really hurt that much anymore is that normal??? does the sore and tenderness go away after a little while???? Im very scared of miscarrying :( I had and ultrasounds at 7 weeks 5 days and the baby was their and the heart beat was visible and i got to hear it it was strong and the tech said it sounded good im Just very nervous since this is my first pregnancy and we had been trying forever to get pregnant so i don't want to loose this baby any comment would be great

    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • 7 weeks pregnant with upper abdominal muscle pain?

    I'm 7 weeks and for the last week or two I've been having muscle pain in my upper abdomine it under my bra around my rib cage area it feels like I did too many crunchs and I haven't done any so I'm not sure why it hurts any ideas as to why I'm having this pain this early in my pregnancy???

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • cervix seem to be really lows but I'm suppose to be ovulating?

    ok so I'm suppose to be ovulating around this time having the ovulation cramps haven't really seen the egg white mucus yet only saw it monday night after sex but not since then

    Today when my and my fiance we're having sex it feel as if my cervix was really low it felt like he was hitting it with his man part.

    I've never really felt this before so I'm trying to understand what it is we"ve been TTC for almost 10 months my last appointment with my GP he told me to have sex everyday or every other day from day 10 to day 20 of my cycle so we have been I was suppose to ovulate on the 25th of this month but had no signs but started having ovulation cramps on monday last months I ovulated 5 days later then I was suppose to as well so I figured this month could be the same but the fact that my cervix fells so low seem very weird any one ever have this feeling??? would really like to know what you think

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • Need help with this TTC question!!!!!?

    OK so me and my fiance have been TTC for 10 months now with no luck, a week ago i had my first appointment with my new GP (He's also my fiance's GP) and told him about the difficulty we've been having so he gave me some lap test forms for the both of us my test our blood test I have to do one on day 3 of my cycle then another on day 21 of my cycle my fiance has to do a sperm specimen.

    my question is when do you start counting your first day of your cycle??? I know that day 1 is when I start my period but i sometimes spot a bit before so do I count even the spotting as my first day or is the first day when theirs actually a flow (enough for a pad/tampon) I just want to make sure I start counting at the right time so that I take the blood test on the right days

    Has anyone else had such difficulty TTC?? any tip you can give me to help would be great?? I don't have irregular cycle I have a period every month they may differ a day or too but that's it

    I'm getting very discourage never though it would be this hard

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • I have a small cut on the lower left labia!! I have no idea where I came from?

    I have a small cut on my left lower labia lip I'm not sure if I got it when I was shaving or from something else? I have no discharge or smell coming from my vagina and the cut only hurts when I wipe after peeing I'm not sure wha to do to get ride of it I've had it for about 3 days so far anyone have this before what can I put on it to help heal it??

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Having a very weird period this months any ideas why? Pregnant?

    Ok before everyone jumps down my throat I know you CAN'T have an actual period if your pregnant!!!

    With that being said this is what's been going on my period was due on Feb 11th but started on the 12th I had no pms signs what so ever usually I get a sore lower back, lots of cramping and really sore boobs but this months nothing at all period started but was extremely light not even enough for a tampon and pretty much has stayed that way for the remainder of my period my period is usually 4 days long this month its been a 3 day period and like I said very light now its day for and the flow has stopped but I seem to be having some medium to light cramping

    I was due to ovulate on Jan 27 but I think I ovulated later cause I had a lot of egg white discharge on Jan 30 & 31

    So what do you think it could be just a light period or something else?? Has anyone experienced this before

    Any advice would be great I have a doctor appointment on Friday so I'll be asking the doctor then

    But I'm just wondering me and my boyfriend have been ttc for over 8 months now and I bought some red raspberries leaf tea but I'm worried about drinking it cause I've heard it can cause a miscarriage if used during the first trimester

    Has anyone used this tea?? Does it help?

    Thanks for you advice :)

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • what shoes, jewelry, makeup, and hair to wear with a black lace (with nude under) it's also knee lenght?

    I have a wedding to go to in a couple weeks and I bought a really cute knee lenght black lace dress with a satin belt that ties in a bow, (This is the dress)

    but I'm not exactly sure what to wear with it. I was thinking about wearing my black strapy heels they cris cross over the toes then have a strap around the ankle and zip up the back with a satin bow on the back of the shoe and the heel is silver i also have a few different all black pumps but I think the strappy heels would look cute with some black and silver jewelry i also have this little clutch purse that is silver Sparkle with black lace Ive top of the silver do you think it would look good???? and what about makeup and hair??? my hair is a darker red color layered at its longest point its at my shoulder and its straight should i put it up or down?? should I make my makeup dramatic or suttle??? I want to look hot meeting some of my boyfriend friends for the first time

    any help would be great!!!!


    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • My boyfriend doesn't seem to be interested in sex, not sure if it me or if he has a low sex drive?

    I've been with my boyfriend just under a year (will be a year Feb 12, 2012) at the beginning we had sex maybe 4-5 times a week now I'm lucky if we have sex once a week and that only if I initiate it.

    I'm 29 and he's 31 he works long hours and I know he tired but come on I know lots of guys that work as hard as him and still want to have sex, I'm starting to feel like its me I know I've gain some weight since we started dating but it's not a crazy amount and he's gain weight to but I still find him very sexy I love him so much he's a great guy but this whole sex thing is really bothering me.

    He never initiates it I always have to and half the time he just sits their does say anything doesn't move nothing so I don't know if I'm bothering him or if he is interested in what I'm trying to start.

    I just don't know what to do and to make matter worse we're also trying to have a baby but how the hell do you get pregnant with having sex only once a week it makes me wonder if he actually wants to have a baby or if he just says he does cause he knows I do?! we have a great relationship besides this issue but this issue is starting to become a very big one and nI don't want to ruing it because of sex!!!!!! I just have no idea if I'm being stupid or if I have a legitimate reason to be upset and hurt?? I just don't want to bring it up and start and argument over something that really isn't worth arguing about

    if anyone has any advice on how to talk about this with him or has had a similar experience your input would be appreciated

    Thank you

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • lots of egg white like vaginal discharge but when I check my cervix I get white discharge on my finger???? nor?

    lots of egg white like vaginal discharge but when I check my cervix I get white discharge on my finger???? normal???

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • Is it possible to get pregnant the following cycle after a miscarriage?

    I had a early miscariage last month cycle (November) after trying for over 8 month with no success then finding out that I miscarried at 4 weeks I've been so discouraged and decide to just give up I didnt use any ovulation prediction test, or take my temp, or monitor my mucus

    just didn't feel like being disappointed all the time but now this month cycle is about 3 days late my breast hurt and I woke up this morning at 5am with the horrible need to throw up and I threw up 3 times and have been nauseous all day Ive also been really stuffy and have had a cold for a week now and medicined doesnt seem to help and more headache but that could just be because of the cold I don't know but anyways my question is is it possible to get pregnant that soon after a miscarriage??? my doctor said that the miscarriage probably would effect my following cycles cause it was so early in the pregnancy but I don't know

    any help would be great


    7 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years ago