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  • Why are you a Muslim?

    I want to find out from my muslim friends as to why they are muslims? This is because majority of us do not have an answer, do you have any strainght foward answer to this question, please be objective enough to provide here.

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • what is the islamic ruling on exclusive six month breast feeding (baby friendly?) without giving the baby wate?

    what is the islamic ruling on exclusive breastfeeding for children for the first six months without giving them water or other food supliments like milk etc? what is consequences and would it affect the child health wise etc

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • is shariah all about punishment?

    iam forced to repeat this question because i have not gottern a relatively satisfied answer to it . it seems the respondents did not take it serious.please students of religion should bail me out of this conundrum, because all the comments i read or listern to in the media are on the punishment aspect of the shariah, does that mean that shariah is all about punishment?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Is shariah all about punishment?

    I have been reading lots of criticism condenming the islamic shariah law potraying it as primitve and behind times with nothing to offer. Does that mean that shariah legal system has nothing good to offer humanity except punishment? Islamic legal luminaries should please help me out and indeed the question is open to all legal practitioners, students of humanity and theologians. please your answers should be as objective as possible and avoid been sentimental about it. am curious to know if shariah is all about punishment. thank you.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • am pregnant and my baby is just 7 months old, i and my husband are confused should we or should we not abort?

    kindly me with an islamic rullimg on the permisability of having a new child or getting pregnant when my baby is just 7 months old. is it permisable for me to abort the pregnacy or not. will it affect the baby or myself. what did islam say on this matter. please note that we are legally married the pregnacy is not out of wedluck. am happily married. bissalam

    13 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • is there anything good about the shariah?

    over the years there has been counter arguments about the shariah legal system, while some see it as an outdated system of law and therefore does not see anything good about the system, others see it as a legal system that faithful personalities must upheld and are of the belief tha the world stand to gain alort both from the politcal, social, economic , and religious point of view if the shariah legal system is allowed to be practised and they specifically site the moral benefit of it . what is your opinion?

    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • is it true that pastor Terry Jones who intended to burn the muslim qur'an died in a motor accident?

    i receieved text messeges from people round the world informing me that pastor Terry Jones who wanted to burn down the muslim qur'an to mark 9/11 died in a motor crash and that it was confirmed by the police that he was seen with a copy of the qur'an in his car and a matches as is said to have been reported by skynews, is it true? please i need a sincere answer.............

    4 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • is it true that pastor Terry Jones who intended to burn the Qur'an is dead in a road accident?

    i have been receiving text messeges that the sky news has related that pastor Terry Jones who intended to burn the muslims' book the qur'an to mark 9/11 had an accident with his car and died. is this claim really true?

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can jinns harm us during ramadan?

    Jinns always enter human beings and cause lot of havoc and disturbances to them and to those around them even to the extent of burning their properties. This is more common to ladies who are possessed by Jinns and are married to human beings, will their husbands be troubled by the Jinns during ramadan as they do to them in other months,?

    12 AnswersRamadan1 decade ago
  • Who is an islamist? or who are islamists?

    Not so long i read in the papers that islamist did that and they did this....i began to ask as to who are islamists? i could not get the answers, so i decided to consult my dictionaries including of course the internet, i could not get the answer as to who are the islamists. The word is not even in any dictionary in the face of the earth today, it appears that even the English speaking people are not aware of this word, yet it is always in use by the media local and international. Iam forced to ask here as to who are the islamists? and who founded this word and why was it founded, where and when was it founded? Please i want the question to be treated with all sense of seriouness, thanks

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • is there islam in the Bible?

    Recently i read a book written by one Mohammed Danjuma Manga titled "Islam in the Bible", lessons one and two. The author has brought out so many quotations that shows Muslim form of prayers and argued that there is Islam in the Bible. Is His claim true? what evidence is there to prove the author wrong or right? please help and provide.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • is hell and heaven empty?

    since both Islam, Judaism and Christianity preaches that good people will go to heaven and bad people will go to hell are these place now empty?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • is there a religion call Muhammadanism, if yes, who founded it, where and when was it founded?

    Muslims always say that there is no religion call "Muhammadanism", that the name of their religion is "Islam" and that Mohammed is not its founder but that the religion was only completed and perfected during his life time (Qur'an 5:3-5), but that Islam was and is the religion ordained for all the prophets of God whether Abraham, Noah, Moses, Jesus etc, how true is their claim? Please you must provide answers with clear evidence as to whether or not there is a religion called Mohammedanism and its founder and the place and the year the religion was founded.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why did Jesus instructed his disciples to kill those who don't want him to be king over them? luke19:27?

    Muslims are often seen as fanatics by Christians they say that Mohammed asked Muslims to kill the non Muslim, how can the Christians account for the statement of Jesus when he instructed his disciples to kill and or slaughter all his enemies who don't want him to be king over them, is that also another parable yet to be interpreted by the holy ghost?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Where does the word bible appear in the Bible?

    The word Qur'an appear in the pages of the Qur'an and God Almighty claims to be its author why did not the bible have such a claim if God is its author?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • why don't Christians pray the way Jesus did in Matth 26:39 are they afraid of been called muslims like Jesus?

    Muslims are the only people on earth today that pray and worship God with the face to the ground. Jesus Christ prayed to God in the garden of Gethsemane with the face to the ground the same way Angels are worshiping God in Heaven as recorded in the book of Revelation 7:11-12 why are Christians not doing the same if they are truly following Jesus or are they more holy than Jesus or the Angels that they consider their faces as gold not to fall with it on the ground and pray to God?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • who is the prophet like moses in Deuteronomy 18:18-20, Mohammed or Jesus?

    Muslims and Christians have been debating on the prophesy of Moses in the book of Deuteronomy 18 about a prophet who was to come from the brethren of the Israelites like unto Moses and he is to speak in God's personal name. Christians argue that the prophet is Jesus while the Muslims say is Mohammed and they often refer to John 1 Verses 19-26 for their evidence. I want to know who is that prophet that Moses said is coming like unto him from the brethren of the Israelites ? KJV

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Who is the least in the kingdom of heaven prophesied by Jesus in Matt. 11:11?

    In this chapter, it is reported that Jesus told the Jews of his days that one is there that is greater than John the Baptist who is heaven, Muslims claim that that is Mohammed while Christians and Jews are silent to it, i want to know who is the person spoken here by Jesus...

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • i want to ask my christian friends "where did they hide Matthew 17:21; and 1John 5:7 from the RSV, NIV,GNB, LV?

    The Bible commands that we should not add nor remove from the word of God, yet while i was going throug various Bible versions i discovered that certain verses are completely stolen by the Christians and i cannot lay my hands on them what must have been the case is the police not there to check them, including our Jehovah's witnesses of course............

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Was Christ a Christian or a Muslim?

    the debate has been on for some time between Christians and Muslims as to the religion of Jesus Christ . Christians believe that he was a Christian while Muslims believe that all prophets including Jesus Christ were Muslims. who among them is correct? please provide scriptural references for all your answers. thanks

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago