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  • Where can I buy nerd stuff in South Africa?

    And by nerd stuff I mean anything from gaming to movies to cartoons to anime to anything geek. Im looking for stuff like t-shirts, computer gear (keyboard, mouse, flash drives etc), accessories and whatever in between. Does South Africa have any stores, online or not, that sells "geek gear"?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • how many recorded attempts did it take to build an airplane?

    Are there records that show how many various attempts from various people did it take to get to Wilbur and Orville? The failures and semi-success stories. Anything and everything is useful, and you can also refer me to another site aside from the obvious ones like wiki, which I have tried.

    1 AnswerAircraft7 years ago
  • Can I use my Xbox360 controller to perform input functions on a PC?

    I have an Xbox controller that I use to game on my PC. Is there some kind of Utilities package or something that I can use to turn the controller into another input device similar to the mouse/keyboard? Im currently messing around with AutoHotkey. Is it possible to turn my controller into an interface device through this?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • Is "The Sunset Limited" biased toward religion, or against it?

    I am deciding if im going to spend time watching it, hoping to hear if anybody has watched it and can tell me if it is promoting religion or not. Also, is it worth the watch regardless of whether or not it promotes any one idea over the other?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Are there any good programs/applications that can do the following?

    - calendar planning or scheduling that allows me to set reminders or leave notes for specific days/times/events

    - daily planner that can flag events on specific days eg: monday - garbage day, tuesday - squat thrusts

    it should be something that runs on my pc and notifies me of things automatically, a program that can run on auto from startup. anything like this, that anybody knows of, is much appreciated

    2 AnswersSoftware8 years ago
  • Is there a good site that lists all the yugioh cards?

    one that has all the card information and an easy way to search through cards for effects, level, typing etc

    3 AnswersCard Games8 years ago
  • Any good papers on Objectivity/Subjectivity?

    I have done a few google searches and found some stuff but im looking for more good reads on this subject. PDF's are preferred, but not required

    Thank You

    2 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago
  • if i play the odds of pascal's wager does christianity not come out on top anyway?

    in terms of rewards i suppose it cant be known which heaven is the better one, but in terms of punishment the christian hell is by far the worst. does pascal's wager not tend to christianity anyway you look at it?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Philosophical Help on the nature of Evidence and Inference?

    Evidence being that which directly points to the truth value of an instance, and Inference being a logical deduction of truth from Evidence.

    To illustrate

    Footprints in the sand are not evidence of a person standing there at one point, the person is inferred. The footprints are, in the purest sense, only evidence that at some point there was a force exerted on the sand; a force great enough to cause a depression; and one that had the dimensions which would cause a depression of a shape resembling a human foot.

    Does this make any sense?

    Is there truth to it?

    Does it need to be refined, expanded or changed in any way?

    1 AnswerPhilosophy8 years ago
  • Any good books on Hypatia of Alexandria?

    Links to reviews or references to them would be appreciated. thanks

    2 AnswersHistory8 years ago
  • is michelle obama an exemplary woman in her own right?

    I suppose her position is kinda tricky, being the president's wife and all. That comes with certain pressures and im not even sure how well she adapts to those. What I AM interested in is if she is doing enough to become exemplary in her own right. Is she doing enough to escape the shadow of her status? Is she supposed to? or is her role model title simply "wife to the big guy", and if so - is this a good thing to aspire to?

    11 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Any good sources for news relating to religion?

    Is there a site that does religious news as their main thing? I mean ALL religions [or at least more than just jesus vs muhammad stuff] and preferably something done by people with no vested interests

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • is there a scientific approach to meditation?

    i would like to try meditation but have serious allergies to mystic bullsh*t, so if there is any good secular, scientific approaches to it that you know of please tell me. anything that does not rely on me feeling the heart of the universe, channeling the souls of the trees or anything stupid like that. thanks in advance

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Are there any good free resources for learning about neuroscience?

    im looking to get a feel for the field. are there any free 101 type resources from where i can start? preferably free stuff, though any suggestions for any good books on the topic are also appreciated

    1 AnswerSpecial Education8 years ago
  • Any good books with a "football" theme of some sort?

    my little bro is really into football. im trying to get him to read more to better his language skills, so i figure books with football themes are a good place to start. the books can be any kind... fictional or encyclopedic [like a guinnes book of football facts or whatever]

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Are there any ex-mormon atheists on here?

    I have been having a discussion with a dude on facebook about how to obtain faith in god. he told me that you can get spiritual evidence from god if you did the following

    1] read the BOM cover to cover

    1.a] Ponder it in your heart

    2] ask god with a sincere heart

    2.a] ask God with real intent

    3] believe (total trust and faith) in the resurrected Jesus Christ

    4] Allow the Holy Spirit to manifest the truth of it unto you.

    are there any people on here who have done all these things and are now atheists? if there are it would be [at least] a kink in his method. if not then i will concede his point until i can test it for myself

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Is there a name for this "mindstate"?

    Im not even sure if you can call it a mindstate or not but its basically what "The Secret" operated on. Basically - If you eat enough chicken you will eventually grow wings. If you find yourself not growing wings you are clearly not eating enough chicken.

    this kind of stupidity is pervasive in most religions and in particular the "Prosperity Gospel", and i just wanted to know if this con has a name or not.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago