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  • Swollen glands - viral infection?

    Ok about 15 years ago I had glandular fever (mono) and ever since then I get bouts of swollen lymph nodes in my neck/under my tongue when I am a bit low in immunity.

    About 10 years ago I had a bad bout and actually had a blood test (I am a complete needle phobe and it was my first blood test) which showed I have HAD glandular fever in the past but not currently. So it was assumed it was a virus and it got better after 3 weeks.

    I am currently experiencing another bout, when my lymph nodes are going up and down ,side to side. I have not temperature, there are no white spots on my tonsils, so I am assuming it is another virus, although it feels like it is getting a bit more painful.

    I am thinking there is no point in me going to a Dr as they can't do anything for viruses and I will have to wait it out (unless it got any worse or continues on for another couple of weeks).

    Is there any point in going to the Dr?

    Has anyone had the same issues after glandular fever (eg recurrent swollen lymph nodes) when you are bit run down?

    5 AnswersInfectious Diseases9 years ago
  • Aussies do you know Paul Henry?

    Channel 10 is getting a new breakfast host, Paul Henry. Paul is known in New Zealand for being controversial and was fired from TVNZ breakfast last year for being racist (by pronouncing and laughing at Sheila Dikshit's name as it is written...later shown to be the actual pronunciation). It's on youtube is is pretty funny. He also laughed long and loud over a woman who had a mustache (also on youtube). It will interesting to know if you have heard of him.

    I miss Paul Henry! I might move to Australia to see him!

    3 AnswersOther - Australia10 years ago
  • What do you think of this song? Does it make you smile?

    This is a catchy little song that makes me smile, but what do you think. The video is a pre-video but its kind of amusing.

    2 AnswersLyrics10 years ago
  • Do you want to listen to a great little song that will make you smile?

    Here is a catchy song that makes me smile. This video is a pre video but the song is great. What do you think? The Babysitters Circus - Everything's gonna be alright.

    1 AnswerRock and Pop10 years ago
  • Which meaning do you relate to? (Root)?

    Now as an antipodean whenever I hear the word "root" in the sense "I'm rooting for you", it means something COMPLETELY different to what I assume is a more American saying meaning "I am supporting/backing/cheering for you".

    Is anyone aware of the meaning of this in Australia/New Zealand? eg Extremely crass term for sex (In fact I rate it as bad as the f word...well even more so as I don't use it much as I find it so offensive. I was SHOCKED when I first heard there was root beer (I am still not sure what it is to be honest)!

    Are there any other meanings and which one do you relate to the most?

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay10 years ago
  • What are those bar-code sqaures called?? HELP!?

    Can someone put me out of my misery please. I read an article about them a few months ago, so know what they do, but I cannot for the life of me remember what they are called. They are square and sort of like a bar code that you scan using your phone etc to give you information about something eg a movie, product. I see these boxes everywhere but there is never ever any reference to what they are called or where you can download the app for them.

    I am forever thankful!

    9 AnswersOther - Computers10 years ago
  • Which celebrities are DIVAS?

    I have heard that there are some celebs that are considered divas eg Christina Aguilera, J-Lo and Mariah Carey seem to come up time and again.

    I have heard Emma Stone parties too much and is often late and rude on set.

    Who are the other celebrity divas?

    4 AnswersCelebrities10 years ago
  • Different pronunciations by different English speaking countries?

    I have wondered about how some names are pronounced differently by different countries.

    The name MEGAN for example. I live in New Zealand and we (and Australians) pronounce it MEE-gan. Brits pronounce it MEG-an and Americans pronounce it MAY-gan.

    I have also noticed a lot of British names are pronounced by Americans more phenetically. eg. Buckingham is pronounced Buck-ing-HAM while everyone else says Bucking'am (same with Birmingham).

    Adidas is pronounced A-DI-das by Americans and Adi-das by everyone else (which I ironically just found was named after the original owner Adi Dassler, so to me ADI- Das seems more correct).

    While Nike is said like Mike by Brits and Nik-ee by everyone else. Also Subaru is pronounced like Suba-roo by Australians/Brits while us kiwis say it Su-BAR-roo.

    I find it interesting that the same name is pronounced differently by other countries all speaking the same language. Are there any other words or names that you have noticed that stand out to you?

    1 AnswerLanguages10 years ago
  • What was this mini-series called?

    I am pretty certain it's from the late 70's/early 80's and remember parts of it vividly but can't remember the name and I think its based on a real life story. It's about of a girl who loves skiing (opening scenes with her skiing). Now I think she has an accident either skiing or in a car accident which paralyses here. She has a boyfriend who gives her a pair of ski boots when she is in hospital, not realising she is paralysed for life. The first part of the story is about her learning to cope with being paralysed.

    The second part focuses more her finding love. I do remember she has a friend who gets polio and also ends up in a wheelchair as well. She ends up marrying the guy who builds a house for her that she can live in.

    Anyone have any ideas on the name of it?

    2 AnswersDrama10 years ago
  • Why do people still believe in horoscopes?

    I have some real issues with horoscopes. How can a group of stars in a random pattern and given a name (from a northern hemisphere perspective) make someone have certain characteristics and can predict your life???? I live in the southern hemisphere where the "scorpio"constellation is actually a bird. What's to say that the bird is not the "true" meaning of the scorpio constellation? Also we do not see all of the constellations as they only occur in the northern hemisphere. Does that make a difference?

    I cannot believe people read their horoscopes everyday. Isn't it true that "real" predictions can only be done for over a year? I also thought the constellations are out of synchronisation with the month in which the "sign"reigns for the last 100 or so years??

    6 AnswersHoroscopes10 years ago
  • What is your emergency number?

    A question just out of curiosity, but what is the emergency number in your country?

    Here in New Zealand the number is 111

    4 AnswersOther - Education & Reference1 decade ago
  • Do you prefer Aussie said like "oss-ee" or "oz-ee"?

    I have noticed that many americans pronounce Aussie like ..i guess its written oss-ee, whereas everyone else seems to say it ozz-ee. Technically i guess oss-ee is how it should be said but...its not.

    Aussie, aussie aussie.....

    10 AnswersOther - Australia1 decade ago
  • Travel disasters......?

    Yes, travel can be exciting and fun, but there are also the other side...when things go wrong. In my travels I have had some pretty bad days where all I wanted to do was sit down and cry or scream when I got angry or frustrated. Tell me about a travel time you would rather forget about......

    2 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • Same word...different meaning?

    Are there some words you hear from some people( often from a different country) that use a word you have another meaning?

    For example the word "fanny"to me means female gentitalia not bottom

    root/ing = is a crass term for sex ( so when people say they are rooting for a team...I think äll of them?!!!")

    pants= trousers and underwear ( but in UK means only underwear)

    What words do you know?

    6 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Has anyone been to Rocamadour?

    If so what did you think about it? Was it worth going to?

    3 AnswersOther - France1 decade ago
  • Are there some actors you can't stand watching??

    I asked this a while ago and am still interested in it.

    I find some people....for a range of reasons I CANNOT STAND seeing them on the big screen....I avoid their movies like the plague and maybe not even see it on DVD...where I can fast forward!

    eg I find Scarlett Johanson, Jennifer Aniston ( I love "Friends"), Paris Hilton complete turn offs.......the last one is obvious, but not sure of reasons for the other 2..

    Robin Williams, Michael Douglas and Kevin Costner are some of my "can't watch" ones

    Who turns you off?

    22 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What countries have you visited that you consider overrated?

    I was able to visit a few places in Europe when I lived in the UK. When I was there I was given some great advice on places to go eg Prague, Dordogne/Lot river areas in France, Croatia...but some places were talked up so much by others, when I actually saw it myself I was completely underwhelmed.

    The places that rate in this way for me were:

    Amsterdam...talked up by the brits! I found I had done my dash there after 4hrs!

    Brighton ( england)..omg....tacky city! never recommend it!

    Parts of spain...tourist spots in particular crawling with brits who bake themselves in the sun..mile after mile of apartment blocks!

    Ireland...ok it was "nice" ( I was personally looking forward to this due to my irish ancestry)...but forgettable.

    What places have you been to where you thought....why did I bother?

    8 AnswersOther - Europe1 decade ago
  • holiday/vacation?

    Is it only americans that use the term "vacation"?

    As I was starting to write this I realised a problem in my argument....I use the term holiday to mean both taking days off and going somewhere else eg public holidays and going on a holiday ( trip)......initially I was going to say I use it for only going away but then you can have bank holidays, or whatever where you have days off work, but you don;t have to go on "holiday".

    I guess now what I want to know is, is this how other countries use the term "holiday" ...or what do you use instead?

    7 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • What glaciers you have seen and can recommend?

    Anywhere in the world.....and maybe give a reason why you liked it eg easy access, great views, amazing setting etc

    1 AnswerOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • Which actors do you think have yet to come out of the closet?

    Apparently there are a number of well known actors etc who won't come out of the closet as they believe it would ruin their career. Anyone know/think of any one that has yet to do this?

    5 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago