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  • Ohio sales tax?

    We own a computer store in Ohio. We have been buying computers online ( and paying the sales tax) and then adding a small markup and reselling them in our shop where the customer also pays sales tax. We buy from so many different sources, including ebay, it would not be practice to fill out forms for each vendor. Is there a way in quick books to just pay sales tax on the profit of each computer?

    2 AnswersSmall Business7 years ago
  • wont let me go to

    I can't do a system restore and when i try to go to I get a blank white screen. any ideas?

    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Will we get cobra if you are fired for cuase? what about subsidy?

    My husband is losing his job. They are outsourcing but finding ways to get rid of everyone. Right now they are attempting to fire him for cause - " lack of time management skills" which is a complete joke ...but anyway.. will he be eligilbe and will we get the subsidy? We make under 100 a year..

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • I got a speeding ticket in IN. I live in OH. Will my ins go up?

    OH sent me a letter saying that there would be no points added to my DL but it was on record with them. Does anyone know if I can take a class in IN to get the ticket removed all together?

    2 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • My Office jet printer prints 6 pages every time a fax does not go through or there is an error.?

    any ideas on how to fix this. One page would be fine....

    1 AnswerPrinters1 decade ago
  • We went and got our tires balanced and rotated today. We were told we have a broken belt. Is that dangerous?

    We still have 33% life left on the tires and it will cost about 1K to replace the tires. I would hate to lose that much tire life if it is not dangerous. It is for a 2003 Dodge Ram Pick Up.

    7 AnswersSafety1 decade ago
  • foreclosure question?

    We bought a new home in July 2006. We then rented our old house out because the market was so bad. The renters stopped making their payments and the house was foreclosed upon in July 2008. Will we have to pay taxes on the difference the home was auctioned for and what we owed on the house?

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Retirement and healthcare - GE ?

    My dad is being forced to retire after 40 years at general electric. Will he still receive the same health care benefits or will he have to pay cobra? He has had cancer and we are worried that cobra might make his payments very high.

    3 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago
  • when should we refinance? ?

    We bought our house 2 years ago and have another year before our APR adjusts. Should we refinance?The problem is that the market has gone down and we have to finance at 100%. Does anyone know of any programs to help people in this situation? Should I wait for the market to rebound or do it now?

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Is there some where online where my son can take a test to find out what grade he belongs in.?

    My son has been homeschooled. We live in Ohio. I'm wondering if anyone knows of a website we can go to to have him take a test to make sure he is performing at grade level.

    7 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade ago
  • Blood Cord Storage - Best value?

    We are having a baby in June and want to do blood cord storage because our 10 year old has diabetes. Here's the thing.... It seems that there is a huge difference in prices out there and I'm looking for the best value. Right now we are looking at Neocell but we are not sure. I am not comfortable donating because I want to make sure it will be there for my son if needed. Has anyone done the research to determine best value for blood cord storage?

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Need help finding template to print 1099-INT for 2007?


    I only need to print 5 1099-INTs. Do you know where I can get a free template. I have the forms. I just need a template.

    2 AnswersOther - Taxes1 decade ago
  • Should I sell my motorcycle?

    My wife suffers from some pretty serious anxiety. She worries. A lot. About everything. I love motorcycles, but never bought one because a: I've never really been one to take the initiative and make a "me" purchase, and b: my wife is very afraid of what might happen to me. This year for my birthday, I said I wanted a used bike to "try out" since I hadn't been on one in ages. Initially she was against it, but something changed her mind, and she surprised me with a brand new cruiser! I love it. I ride it nearly every chance I get. (not many of those this time of year) The problem is that she has an anxiety attack every time I ride, and it's getting worse as we go along. She actually cried the last time she saw me get my helmet. I've offered to get rid of the bike, but she insists that she wants me to have it, because she knows it gives me joy. She's right. It does, but I don't want to cause her extra worry and pain. I'm hoping she'll get more comfortable, but I feel selfish. Help!

    1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Should we have a baby shower?

    I am pregnant with our second child. Our son is 10. Since there is such an age difference, we don't have any baby stuff left. The thing is, we are much more financially stable than 95% of our family and friends. We would be able to provide for the baby. But I'm afraid that some people will feel obligated to buy baby gifts that I know they can't afford and that will make me feel bad. Really, there are only two people in my family that are not really really struggling and I don't want them to feel like they have to come or that they have to buy anything. I would rather not do it but I don't want to seem ungracious. What can I do?

    13 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago