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i love animals and feel i was put on this earth to help them in any way possible. i am a dog trainer, and my goal is to help people learn to train their dogs in order to keep dogs from going to a shelter due to behavioral problems. i like photography and horse-back riding. i dream of world peace and a world where everybody truly is treated equally! i'm very opinionated and actively support the causes i believe in. I'm the proud owner of a 3 dogs, a savannah monitor, and a snake. i'm married to the most amazing guy i've ever known who i love with all my heart! peace is priceless make love not war!!!

  • who rooted for the yankees during world series?

    alright, well the yankees have taken the world series- YAAAAAAY!!!!!! just wondering who else out there is a yankees fan!

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • what to do about neighbors noisy dog?

    i would first off like to say, i am an animal lover. i personally have 5 dogs of my own, so i'm not just b*tching because i dont like dogs...

    anyway. our neighbor recently adopted a dog from the shelter, and he seems to leave her out in his yard most of the day and night. now i understand that dogs bark, but this dog will bark continuously for long spells of time, most of which are early morning or late at night. i dont want to call animal control and report them, as the dog is not abused, and i'm just not the type to start trouble like that.

    i'm mostly just looking for ideas on how to nicely approach the neighbor about the dog, without being rude.

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • how many of you talk to your dog(s)?

    how many of you talk to your dogs like they are human?

    i admit, i do.

    25 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • dog owner survey!!!!!!?

    ok, so here's a little survey for ya'll

    1. how many dogs to you have?

    (i have 4)

    2. what are their names?

    (mojo, jake, sandi, and roxi)

    3. breeds?

    (american bulldog/shepherd mix; beagle/lab mix; australian shepherd/collie mix; rottweiller/shepherd mix)

    4. what do you love most about each one?

    (mojo- he always cuddles with me when i'm upset; jake- he has the most convincing 'puppy dog eyes'; sandie- she is so sweet and loving; roxi- she's funny and energetic)

    5. what do you dislike about each one?

    (mojo- very bullheaded; jake-his separation anxiety; sandie- she likes to ignore you when she doesnt want to do something; roxi- she hasnt quite figured out the whole 'house training' thing)

    6. do they do any tricks?

    (mojo can 'shake', 'beg', give 'high five', 'roll over'; sandie can 'speak'; jake is just now working on obedience; roxi can 'shake')

    7. how did you get your dogs?

    (mojo- got him as a puppy; jake- adopted from shelter; sandie- adopted from shelter; roxi- started out 'dog sitting' her, and ended up just keeping her because her owner couldnt have dogs where she lives)

    8. if you have more than 1, do you have a favorite?

    (i've had mojo the longest, but i still love each of them for their own qualities)

    9. would you date someone who didn't like your dogs?

    (NO WAY!)

    K, i just figured if any of ya'll were as bored as i am right now, maybe you'd like answering this!

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • what can i do to keep my dogs?

    i have no idea what to do anymore. my husband is the only one working and it's just not enough to pay our bills. our landlord came by this morning and basically we're going to be evicted. we have no where to go except back to one of our parent's homes and they wont allow us to bring our dogs with us. i've had mojo for over 5 years, since he was a pup, and our other one i've had for a short time (she was a rescue from the shelter) but i love her just as much. i cant lose my babies, i just cant. and that's what they are to me, my babies. i just dont know what to do!?!? i am bawling my eyes out as i write this. mojo has been through so much with me, he was there for me to cry into his fur when i found out i had cancer, when i had my 3 miscarriages. i cant lose them, i just cant. please does anybody have any ideas at all? anything?

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • trying to figure out what the name of this song is?

    it's an older song, the band wasnt that popular, but it was played on the radio. i remember it was kind of making fun of people, saying stuff like people are over weight, but they'll sit in a drive through line instead of walking a few feet inside.

    that's all i really remember though...

    2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • what can i use to treat dog bite wound?

    two of my dogs got in a little scrap. one of them ended up with a couple bite marks. they are not puncture wounds, more like scrapes. he doesnt need to go to the vet, of that i am sure, i was just wondering what i can use to clean the wound. is hydrogen peroxide ok, or would alcohol be better? also, can i put some neosporin on it to help it heal faster?

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • how to ask a friend for money owed to me...?

    i am watching a friend of my mom's dog. we have had her for about 3 months now, and 3 weeks ago, she offered to pay us $50 a week to keep her (because my husband wanted her to take the dog but she has nowhere else for her to go). she payed us the $50 the first week, but it has been two weeks since she's given us anything. my husband is really on me to call her and ask her about the money, but i feel really uncomfortable doing that.

    what you would do in this situation, would you go ahead and call her, any ideas on what to say would also be helpful

    thanks in advance

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • can you help me guess what mix breed this pup might be?

    found this pup yesterday and i was just wondering if any of ya'll had a guess as to what he might be? i was thinking whippet mix. here is a link to a pic of a whippet pup:

    and here is a link to pics of the pup:

    any ideas would be appreciated, and yes i know i'll never really know what he is, i was just looking for a general opinion, thanks.

    and he is roughly 6 months old based on his teeth.

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Cooking 1lb pre seasoned pork tenderloin?

    I have a pork tenderloin that is a little over 1lb. I was wanting to cook it in a crock pot, but I'm not sure of how long to cook it, and how much water to add. I do not have broth/wine/soup to add instead of water, so a way to do it with minimal ingredients would be best.

    so basically my questions are:

    how long on HIGH do I cook it?

    how much water do I add?

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • more kitten questions!?

    Ok, as stated in a previous question, I just got a new kitten. She is not a loving kitten (which is ok). She is very playful (normal I'm sure). My issue is that, when she does play, she attacks my hands, feet, legs, anything she can reach really. She gets all riled up and bites really hard. I dont mind her playing kind of 'rough', but I was wondering how I can teach her not to bite so hard.

    I know with my dogs, i can yelp and take my hand away and they will learn that biting is not an appropriate behavior, but I dont think that works with cats (could be wrong).

    I'm worried that when she gets older she will still 'attack' me and it will actually do damage. Right now she is young, and while it hurts, it doesnt break skin, but as she gets bigger I'm sure it will.

    Any suggestions would be great! thanks

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • couple questions about new kitten?

    I just got a kitten on thursday night, and i must admit, i'm a dog person, so i'm not familiar with cats.

    i was wondering if there were things i should be doing as a kitten to teach her to be a better cat?

    i wasnt sure if they were like dogs in the sense that you can socialize them.

    I was also wondering if there are ways to teach them to be more friendly. in other words, if i hold her often will she get used to being held?

    she doesnt really like being held at all, so is that just the way she's going to be, or if i hold her often will she get used to it?

    i understand that she is a kitten and i wasnt expecting a little cuddly fur ball to sit in my lap all day, but with dogs you can work with them at a young age to socialize/train them, and i just wondered if cats are the same way?

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • what to say to girl bothering my husband?

    my husband goes to NA meetings on monday and wednesday night. there is a girl who is in a treatment center who attends those meetings. at every meeting she sits right near my husband and just stares and smiles at him. a couple times i looked back and saw her doing it she gave me dirty looks. it seems like this girl is only there to meet guys, as she is always flirting and asking guys for their number. her staring is making my husband uncomfortable and i feel is disrespectful. i am going to the meeting with him tonight and we both feel i should say something to her. i dont want to be downright mean and rude, i just want to let her know we dont appreciate what she is doing. any idea on what to say?

    15 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Fighting BSL, but how?

    the state of florida is now trying to pass a law (HB189 & SB 922) allowing municipalities to ban certain breeds. My fiance and I would like to get involved in notifying the community and fighting the passing of this horrible law that will exterminate dogs for no better reason than people being sick. I am wondering how I can be most effective in being heard by the community and by the people on the committee who will be voting for or against this. some ideas i have are:

    * passing out flyers at pet stores and such informing people about the current law and how it plans to be altered.

    * holding signs on the side of the road

    i want to be as effective as I can in trying to save innocent doggie lives, and would love to know if you have any ideas on what I can do to protest this in an effective, respectful way.

    also, there is an online petition if you wouldnt mind signing, click here:

    thanks in advance!!!

    website with more specific info:

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • dog vomited now his stomach is bloated?

    my dog threw up a few times after eating last night. around midnight my fiance noticed his stomach seemed bloated and felt a hard mass in that area. He seems lethargic, but not completely without energy, just not himself. We brought him to the to emergency clinic and they looked him over, said he was not in critical condition and that we could watch him until morning and see our vet. They open in a little over an hour, so he will be seen shortly, i was just wondering if anyone has had this happen to them and what the outcome was. I dont know if i'm just over reacting because I just had a miscarriage in the last week, and am completely petrified of losing my boy. He's 5 years old, american bulldog/ german shepherd mix about 75# otherwise completely healthy.

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • introducing baby to dog?

    I'm 9 weeks pregnant and have a 5 year old american bulldog mix. he's great with kids, but never been around an infant. i'm a dog trainer, but i was wondering if any of ya'll have experience with bringing baby home, and how your dog reacted, problems you encountered, things you didnt think about, etc. i've done alot of reading on the subject and have started training now, as i know from experience that it is something that needs to be started early. I just wanted some first hand advice on the subject... thanks

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • what do you think of these names?

    we've picked out our baby names, and we've decided to go with

    scarlette shiloh if it's a girl

    and forrest aiden if it's a boy

    8 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • 6 wks pregnant and bleeding?

    I am 6 weeks pregnant, and have had 2 miscarriages previously. last week i had some cramping and saw the doc, who said it was too early to tell anything, but everything seemed ok. then about 2:30 this morning i woke up and was bleeding, not heavily, and went to the emergency room, he said my cervix is not open and that if the bleeding continues that it may be another miscarriage, but that if it stops everything may be ok and that it might just be spotting. has anyone had any previous experience with this? I'm very concerned, and probably just need a little reassurance. thanks

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago