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  • Charging friends for ride to school?

    I have a situation where I have a car that I didn't have last semester so I can drive to and from my university when I want so I thought it would make sense for friends to ride along. The thing is, we all took the train last semester and it ended up being more than $600 for the semester. Daily two way tickets at the train cost $14.

    I wanted to give my friends a ride, but ask them to pay $15 per week. Is that unreasonable? The cost to fuel up for me is $50 every 2 weeks and the cost for a semester parking pass is about $235. I personally don't think it's unreasonable. I do feel like a jerk asking for money to give them rides, but I need to find a way to pay for the stuff anyways. They'd be saving over half of their money compared to what we all spent last semester too. I've asked some of them and they don't want to ride though.

    3 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Is an online webpage considered community service?

    I created a facebook page specifically to help the people in my city who lost their pets.

    The description of the page is:

    "A page dedicated to finding the owners of lost pets in or around our community. If you have or have found a lost pet, please post pictures so we can be sure to notify the community through facebook."

    I basically spread the word through facebook by posting pictures of lost or found pets. We get actual people who've lost their pets, we post pictures of any stray dogs or animals we see. We look online on pages like craigslist to find lost/found pets and spread them through facebook. I can't honestly say if it's successful, but I do have 70 members and at most reached 221 people by posting.

    Would this be considered community service or no?

    4 AnswersCommunity Service8 years ago
  • My ex started to stop replying to my txts these past few days?

    My ex broke up with me a little less than a year ago, she had a boyfriend for the past 6 months now. I still like her, she knows it, she considers me to just be a close friend. I always txt her before I go to sleep telling her goodnight.. She always replies telling me goodnight.. Thursday was the first time we spent a while together during class, the first time we talked to eachother throughout class and had fun in a while. We both laughed and joked around with eachother.. Later that day I txt her, helping her out with the hw. She replied slowly and with less effort it seemed like.. Like she only sent me a few replies.. Then I txted her telling her goodnight, she didn't reply.. Next day before we get to talk, she leaves school early, I see her glimpse at me during class. Later on I txt her telling her she needs to stop missing days or leaving early, cause she's been missing a lot and is getting behind on school work.. She didn't reply.. I txt her goodnight, she doesn't reply.. Then it's been like that the past 3 days.. Any idea why she wouldn't reply?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What are some good books in the true crime genre?

    Can you elaborate on the plot and what makes it so interesting? I haven't read any true crime books, but it seems like an interesting genre and I'd like to go into law enforcement when I get older.

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Favorite Stephen King book and why?

    I'm looking for a new book and I'd prefer one by Stephen King. I already read Pet Sematary and It, so I'd like to know what's your favorite and why to see which I'd be most interested in reading.

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Police Academy Swimming?

    I'm a junior in high school and I'd like to know if you are required to know how to swim for PT. I am highly athletic and everything regarding runs, push ups, crunches, and sit-ups I excel at. The main thing I am worried about it swimming because I cannot swim at all..

    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • Can you provide tips for running for Boys State?

    Hello, I am one of multiple candidates running for Boys State in my school this year. I'd like advice or anything at all that may help me get chosen to represent my school. Following are what I am going to wear(my hair will be combed during the interview) and my short autobiography that I wrote. My interview is in 3 days, any tips will be greatly appreciated.


    Born on November 30, 1995, into the community of South Gate, Los Angeles, I have made it my duty from personal experiences to become a positive and influential leader among my peers. As I was young, my father had to support my family of 5 single handedly, I witnessed the necessary struggles first hand and I respected his strength that he exhibited raising me. I began to understand that everyone has potential to be something great.

    It was not until 8th grade United States history that I found a genuine interest in politics and taking on responsibilities. That year, with the guidance of my teacher, I, along with a few others, founded the school’s “University Club”(which was essentially the school’s AVID). Later on through the leadership I demonstrated, and active commitment to the club, my teacher selected me and a few others to participate in a Model UN Conference. I was honored to take up such a great and exciting task. Ever since that year, I understood that in order to make an impact, you must be willing to work diligently to achieve it.

    After moving to Corona during freshmen year, I made plans to join the school’s cross country and track teams, participate in other extracurricular activities, and enroll in advanced courses. Once again, new doors opened, my experience in Cross Country and Track developed my pride and strength. This year I acted as a mentor among the younger athletes, I give them advice and taught them respect to the best of my ability. Those are the main activities I participate in, another includes ECO, an environmental awareness group that reflects my passion for the environment.

    Every task I am assigned, I perform to the best of my ability. Every experience I persevere, I am a stronger person. My entire family may not have had much success in terms of attending a higher level education, or following a path that they wanted to embark, but I will always be working hard towards what I know I want. Hopefully Boys State can provide another rich experience that I will gladly and honorably take a part of.


    2 AnswersCivic Participation9 years ago
  • Asking if your ex can be your valentine?

    Hi, I'm thinking about asking my ex to be my valentine(she broke up with me 4 months ago). Would this be awkward? I still like her and I'm pretty sure she knows. We're still friends, we still talk to each other(when I'm not all moody and bitter).. I just wrote her a letter that I plan on giving her and attaching it to a rose(The first letter she gave me had a picture of a little robot guy giving a robot girl a rose, which is what I hope to make this seem like).

    5 AnswersValentine's Day9 years ago
  • First all-out 400m for a distance runner?

    I've been a cross country/distance runner for 2 years and yesterday was the first day I've ran a 400m(it's tough). I got 63 seconds but kind of slowed down and gave up at the 200m mark, is this a good time or no?

    3 AnswersRunning9 years ago
  • Becoming a police detective?

    This is a career that I find very interesting, and if anything, it is a road that I would like to take. I would like to know how one would become a police detective(I am aware of police academy, becoming a police officer prior, climbing the ranks, etc.), but what types of academic requirements/suggestions can you give me? Which universities are great that specialize in the area of law(in Southern California preferably)? And what courses should I take that would help me out in the profession?

    I am a junior in high school, right now my average weighted gpa is 3.56, I am taking 3 AP classes this year(AP Language/Composition, AP Environmental Science, AP US History), I plan on taking and passing the AP tests as well as taking the SAT and ACT. What chances do I have of even getting into a preferred college?

    Sorry I know this is a lot, but it would be really helpful to me and anyone else with these types of questions. Thank you very much.

    8 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • My ex's ideology on high school dating?

    Ok.. my ex told me many times that "High school relationships are only to see what you want for a future boyfriend/girlfriend."... Don't you guys find this in the least bit ****** up? She said it to one of her friends when we were together and is it any wonder why I'm so bitter and moody whenever I'm with her now? It's like she had an expiration date on me.. I cared so much for her, yet she never took our relationship seriously by what she said..

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Virgin mobile texts delayed?

    Hey guys, I've been having this really REALLY irritating problem off and on for about 2 years now. Sometimes my texts come through fast and when they should be coming in, but sometimes in the middle of nowhere my texts may get delayed from days to around 2 weeks.. Sometimes I get the texts too, sometimes I don't. I know my friends get my texts but they don't come to me when they should.. It is really annoying and don't understand how this problem came about. What could I do to fix it?

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans10 years ago
  • Vomiting after every meal?

    Hey guys.. I keep getting the urge to throw up after everything I eat and drink. EVERYTHING. I can't take sips of water, I can't take nibbles of anything because I will throw up within 15 mins of eating/drinking it. What can I eat or what can I do? I can't eat anything without throwing it up.. I plan on going to the doctor's office tomorrow or the day after. Also I have been like this since yesterday morning. I can also feel/hear a lot of phlegm in my chest and even when I spit a lot of it out, it still keeps coming back.

    4 AnswersInfectious Diseases10 years ago
  • Throwing up and going to school?

    Ok I vomited about 10 minutes ago and school starts in 40 mins. I'm sick with a cold, but I think I threw up because of food I ate, should I stay home or go to school? I have 2 tests and 2 important projects due today...

    1 AnswerOther - Health10 years ago
  • Am I attractive or not?

    Alright well this is me(one in red headband), I don't care if you bash the way I look or whatever haha I just wanna know how people would respond. I'm not talking about sexy attractive, I just mean like a look impression. Rate me on a scale of 1-10.

    (Awaiting bashing now)

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Does she still have feelings for me?

    Heyy guys, I wanted to ask a question about my ex's behavior around me.. I mean she broke up with me 3 weeks ago... She got with some douche last week.. Umm.. Well I text her sometimes and most of the time she just gives me short answers and in real life when I see her in classes I get the vibe that she tries to avoid me. What throws me off is that sometimes I catch her glancing at me from the corner of my eye and 2 days ago we had a long text conversation and she seemed really nice and happy about it.. I made lots of references to things we used to do(I still like her) and I used to always say grr and she would always say rawr lol she told me rawr and I told her my grr has more meaning cause(rawr means I love you in dinosaur lol) and she said it doesn't then she settled with grr has a little more meaning and we ended it on a good note and instead of usually replying "night" to my good night text like she usually does, she wrote "good night :) see you tomorrow. The next day she doesn't look at me when she comes into one of our classes and until the bell rings we just gave eachother uneasy smiles and I was gonna walk with her to our next class but didn't cause she felt like having a pointless short convo with our teacher.. So I leave and when I get into my next class I found out she talked to one of her friends about our conversation the day before(idk how in detail), then us two barely talk, I look at her homework she moves my hand off it and idk.. that's pretty much it. Today(the day after) I keep seeing her looking at me during class and give her a quick glance as she looks at me and we both awkwardly look away quickly(lol), I didn't stay to walk with her to the next class cause she probably didn't want me to and idk we said like a few words to eachother in that class and that was it.. I get the vibe she's avoiding me but I just wanna know more in depth, what could she be thinking about me? Does she still have feelings for me?

    Real answers please, no outright accusations or bashing because you don't know me. Thank you.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • My ex-girlfriend's behavior around me?

    Heyy guys, I wanted to ask a question about my ex's behavior around me.. I mean she broke up with me 3 weeks ago... She got with some douche last week.. Umm.. Well I text her sometimes and most of the time she just gives me short answers and in real life when I see her in classes I get the vibe that she tries to avoid me. What throws me off is that sometimes I catch her glancing at me from the corner of my eye and 2 days ago we had a long text conversation and she seemed really nice and happy about it.. I made lots of references to things we used to do(I still like her) and I used to always say grr and she would always say rawr lol she told me rawr and I told her my grr has more meaning cause(rawr means I love you in dinosaur lol) and she said it doesn't then she settled with grr has a little more meaning and we ended it on a good note and instead of usually replying "night" to my good night text like she usually does, she wrote "good night :) see you tomorrow. The next day she doesn't look at me when she comes into one of our classes and until the bell rings we just gave eachother uneasy smiles and I was gonna walk with her to our next class but didn't cause she felt like having a pointless short convo with our teacher.. So I leave and when I get into my next class I found out she talked to one of her friends about our conversation the day before(idk how in detail), then us two barely talk, I look at her homework she moves my hand off it and idk.. that's pretty much it. Today(the day after) I keep seeing her looking at me during class and give her a quick glance as she looks at me and we both awkwardly look away quickly(lol), I didn't stay to walk with her to the next class cause she probably didn't want me to and idk.. I get the vibe she's avoiding me but I just wanna know more in depth, what could she be thinking about me? Does she still have feelings for me?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago