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Why do cats make happy paws/biscuits when they are happy?
What makes cats knead their paws/make biscuits/happy paws, when they are happy.. Usually they purr too.. Only animal I know of that does it so wondered what about cats makes them do it.
3 AnswersCats1 decade agocomputer keeps locking up or restarting?
Have ran all my spyware and antivirus software.. Have ran disc cleaner, defragged. But my computer keeps locking up forcing me to restart or restarting itself.. about 6-7 times so far today.. I hadnt downloaded anything new before it started doing it. Its an Acer computer running windows 7.
3 AnswersDesktops1 decade agoDad not giving medicine when he has visitations.?
Im divorced and my kids get weekend visitations and some holidays with their dad. One of my kids has quite a few medical problems one of which make her aspirate(liquid goes in lungs) if it isnt thickend with this stuff called simply thick. Shes also a silent asprirator so unlike most people liquid goes down wrong pipe she wont cough, shes had multiple pnemonia etc and also has asthma. I just found out after asking my daughter if she needed more thickner because its been 8 months since i gave them a box and he had them all summer and he hasnt asked for more, that he has never given her the drinks with thickner. We are facing surgery this month for this condition because it hasnt gotten better in 4 yrs and it should have. What I want to know is what rights do I have to either a) prevent visits unsupervised, or b) how can i make him meet her needs. His girlfriend has also just moved some of her family in and now my kids have to share a room with a grown couple and their 3 kids. I dont think that is a good enviroment for my kids to be sleeping in a room with a couple in bed together.. So how do I go about making sure my kids get what they need without coming across as the Evil X and not start a fight. I want my kids to spend time with their other side of the family but I want them taken care of too.
5 AnswersParenting1 decade agoToo many processes at start up?
My computer is running 50-57 processes at start up and is being really slow.. How do i tell which ones are necessary and which i can get rid of.. What else can I do to speed up my computer. Have done disc clean ups, deleted un used programs, defragged etc. Even tried doing a system restore to an earlier time but still running a lot of processes. My computer is an older one A dell Dimensions 4700. Ive also tried making sure all my drivers are updated to try and help my computer not be so slow.
8 AnswersDesktops1 decade agoLaws and rights regarding eviction when there is no rent and its a family memeber?
I live in FL with my bf and 2 young children. His mom has a servere illness and is on hospice(end life care) and his 75 yr old grandmother also live in this house(which is owned by his grandmother). We were not asked to pay rent we were to take care of the medical problems and the house in stead of. His aunt just told me she wanted me to leave and gave me 1 week to get out and is going to put his mom and grandmother in nursing homes. Currently neither my bf or I are employed(he lost his job because of amount of time have to take off due to his mothers medical issues. (as an ex of severity she has had 44 surgeries on her abdomen and has 6 ft of intestine and 15 differnt meds to take so its a big deal to take care of her) What I want to know is if his aunt has to go file an eviction. If she does by FL how long we have to leave. And since it wasnt a rental (no money exchanged we did by food etc.) how it or if it changes the eviction. Not that we dont/wont go just want time
7 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoWireless routers. I have 2 of them which one is better?
I have a Linksys Wireless G router and My husband just brought in a Netgear Wireless router that has the same MBPS and is also a G router. Which one is the better one. Weve been using the linksys and my laptop isnt getting any better than good signal. Do you think the Netgear one might be better?
15 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade agoGuild Wars Any Good? Also what are some other MMORPG?
My hubby and I are avid Wow players and freind of ours told me that we would probably like Guild Wars and that it was a MMORPG like WOW but you only had to buy the game not pay a subscription everymonth. Is that true? Also what kind of characters can you run with? Are they all humans or what? Any info on Guild Wars or another similar game would be appreciated.
7 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoKids soccer?
Does anyone know what size soccer ball younger playes (6yr olds) play with? Is it size 3 or 4 5 is the the adult size I know. I have a little girl signed up to play but I want to get her a ball to practice with at the house.
4 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade agoCan a school make a 1rst grader go back to kindergarten?
This is the 3rd day of school and I got a call from the school wanting to set up an appointment to discuss sending my daughter back to kindergarten. Can they do this? They graduated her last year so they are the one that passed her saying she was ready for 1rst. She doesnt finish her work in the time allowed but gets it with extra time. She does need a little more one on one than some students but not enough to disrupt the rest of the class. She moved to this school mid year last year and before moving had no problems but the teacher did pay a lot of attention not just give work and sit at desk rather than helping if she needed it. This new school last year had her coming home saying she was too stupid to do the work but when she came home and I explained the directions she got the all right. I had a talk with that teacher and after that she did well enough that they passed her. I am worried that if they move her back it will make even more of an impact on her self esteem
2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade agoSchool complaining about special needs for a 1rst grader?
My daughter is going into 1rst grade in a new school this year. She was born 8 wks early and weighed 3lbs @ birth and is still very underweight 33lbs @6yr old. She eats very well but is also ADHD and very active and burns all the calories off quickly(Even with adhd med) She is going to have to have 2 snacks and 2nds at lunch @ school. I even have a DR note for it. She also has swallowing problems(silent aspirater) and has to have thickening in all her liquids(not even a sip from a water fountain is ok) They are complaining that it is too much hastle to have to send her to the cafeteria during class 2x's a day for a snack and for anytime she wants a drink. And takes her away from learning. Homeschooling isnt an option for us either (just incase that is someones suggestion) Because I have DRs orders I am sure they have to do what Ive asked but they arent happy about it. What is the best way to deal with this situation?
22 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade agoSony Viao anybody else got one?
I just bought a Sony Viao and am not sure If I like it or if I just dislike Windows Vista. Does any one else have a Viao and if so do you like it or what.
3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade agoDvd recorders without remotes?
I am thinking about buying a dvd recorder off of ebay and have seen a lot of them without remotes. Do you have to have the remote in order to record? There are some buttons on most of them but cant tell what they are.
1 AnswerOther - Electronics1 decade agoMy kids are getting out of control?
I have been having major problems with my 4 and 5 yr old girls over the last few weeks. They have been getting on their bedroom furniture and jumping off, tearing up their books and toys, not minding at all,and getting up extremely early and taking things from the house that do not belong to them. We have tried talking to them about why what they are doing is wrong( suuch as if you jump of the dresser you could really hurt yourself. Break your arm or leg and have to go to the hospital. And that would hurt very bad and make daddy and mama very sad that you hurt yourself.) We have tried time outs, taking away priveleges like not getting to play with their slip and slide, spanking, if they do something good they are rewarded. I am at wits end. Well this morning I guess I finally lost it somewhat. I have taken all their toys away since they are tearing them up anyway and told them that they had to earn them back. I took out the furniture except for matresses so they cant jump off
10 AnswersParenting1 decade agopremature newborn kittens?
My cat is having kittens and the 1rst one was born dead. they dont seem to have ANY hair at all and are about the size of a mouse. They also seem to be weak not able to move much and very weak sounds. Also their feet and faces are kind of a purple color. I was wondering if they were premature or what. We thought that the mom was having them on the 3rd because she was bleeding but she never did have any kittens. This is her 1rst litter. I also wondered what other suggestions u guys had to help them survive. I went and got some kitten milk and a bottle. I am thinking after she is done I will put water bottles of warm water in there to keep them warm. What else can I do?
8 AnswersCats1 decade agoDigital camera screen keeps going off.?
Anybody know why my HP 315 photsmart digital viewfinder/screen will not stay on. You can still snap a pic and then it will show on the screen but you cant see what you are shooting. Is it a loose wire or something? Its not been dropped, gotten wet or anyting like that. Thanks for any help you guys can give
1 AnswerCameras1 decade agoThose sites that give away computers and stuff?
Has anywone ever gone all the way through the free stuff(computers, game systems, ipod, etc) and completed the join up and pay for something(netflix, columia house, etc)part and actually gotten whatever it was that you wre supposed to get? I mean you have to go through a whole lot of advertising and questions wanting you to join up and finally come to a page that says complete 2 sponsors offers and recieve your gift? I was just wondering if this was for real or not. I dont think it is but wondered if anyone had ever gotten anything.
4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoEnlarged Prostate what else besides cancer can it mean?
My brother in law has been having alot of pain in his abdomen and the doctor ordered CAT scans on thursday. We just got the results (by phone so they didnt go into any detail) and they said he had an enlarged prostate. So I know guys can get prostate cancer and one of the signs is enlarged prostate. What other things can an enlarged prostate mean?
4 AnswersMen's Health1 decade agoAfter a hysterectomy where does the semen go during sex?
Ive not had one nor do I need one just something I wondered.After you have a hysterectomy and they remove your uterus when you have sex what happens to the semen? Does it just go in and float around or what? Also does it go up towards your bowels and if so isnt that a chance for infection? How does that work?
6 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoName for a new puppy.?
We just got a 5 week old chocolate and tan colored chihua male. We started off calling him rolly poly but we dont think the name really suits, Can you guys give some suggestions. We thought about something funny like killer or cujo since hes going to be a tiny dog but decided not to go with one like that. Thanks guys,.
21 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade agoWhy won't Yahoo news videos play?
I like to read the news on the internet rather than a traditional paper. Well some of the stories Id like to see are not written but are videos and I can never get them to play. I have a lot of different media players on my computer so I dont think it is that. It will pop up a play button but when I push it nothing happens. How do I fix it?
2 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products1 decade ago