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Horses 4-Ever

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  • I want to be a dog breeder someday, advice? NO Mean or Rude Answers! Only advice please?

    I want to be a border collie breeder when I am an adult (I'm 16 now). I already know a ton about dogs and dog breeds and have done even more research on the border collie breed standard. I already know a lot about Border Collies and I researched even more. I have been reading about dog breeding. I want to be a responsible and reputable dog breeder, not just breed because the puppies are so cute. I want to get good dogs and further the breed. I know not to pick two dogs to breed because they are pretty and would have cute puppies but to find the females faults and get a male who will even out the puppies. Like if the female has small paws get a male with average/bigger paws. I want (when I become a breeder) to train my dogs in agility. I have a love for animals and I love border collies. I have looked on breeders websites and I already know a breeder I want to get my first border collie from when I'm like 19 or 20 yr. I am currently a junior in high school and I own three dogs. I have looked online and researched dog breeding.


    1: Do breeders mentor people who want to be dog breeders one day?

    2: How do I get a breeder to mentor me?

    3: How do dog breeders choose the puppy out of a litter they want to keep?

    If you breed dogs, your answer would be helpful.

    PLEASE NO MEAN OR RUDE COMMENTS if you have nothing nice or helpful to say don't comment.

    9 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • How to scare someone who doesn't get scared?

    My cousin always scares his sister and I and I want to get him back. How can we scare him really good? How can we (his sister and I) plan something without him seeing it coming? If we talk on the phone he listens in on us. What are some really scary pranks, like not jumping out from behind a door (that doesn't scare him, he doesn't scare easy) but something like pretend there is a ghost, but I think he would tell we are lying and acting. So what can we do to scare him?

    Psychology7 years ago
  • I ordered Next Day Air shipping yesterday and on my order status it says Awaiting Fulfillment?

    What does Next Day Air mean, shouldn't it have shipped already? I ordered some halloween stuff online yesterday and clicked Next Day Air for shipping, and looked on my order status today, it says awaiting fulfillment. When will it ship?

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance7 years ago
  • How to scare the **** out of someone who doesn't get scared easily?

    My cousin always scares me and his sister and anytime we try to scare him, it doesn't work. How can we scare him? He always scares us and we can never scare him, no matter what we do to scare him it doesn't work. He never even jumps! All he has to do is pop out at us from behind a door and we jump and scream, if we do that he does nothing! What can we do to freak him out? Any ideas?

    3 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • What are some jobs a 16 year old can get?

    Like can I work at any of these?



    Veterinary Office

    Dog Groomer

    Jamba Juice



    Can you give me some job ideas please? Can I work at any of these places?

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • Can I work at a vet clinic? Please read details.?

    I just turned 16 (yay!) and I am now legal age for a real job. Can I work at a vet clinic? (There is one across the street from me). Like clean cages, answer phone, write down appointment dates, feed the animals, etc. Do vets hire people for just those things, or do you have to be a vet tech or something? I do not want to be a vet, but I want to work with animals when I grow up I want to go to an animal teaching collage.

    3 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • After permanently dying your hair how long until your hair grows out to your natural color again?

    I am probably going to dye my hair blonde. With the Garnier Nutrisse Nourishing Color Creme 82 Champagne Blonde. (My hair is like brown/auburn with red and blonde in it, NATURAL color). I have never dyed my hair. After it starts fading if it is not dyed again what will color will it be? What is strip dye? How long does it take to grow out your hair so it will be my real color again? How long until I get my natural color back (I know permanent is permanent). But the color does start to fade after about 4-6 weeks. When it does start to fade if I don't dye it again, what color will it be? I don't want to have to dye my hair a color close to my natural color, I would want my real hair color back after a while. When it fades will it become a ugly color so I will have to dye it again?

    3 AnswersHair7 years ago
  • Hair dye allergy test? Do you have to have it on your elbow for 48 hours?

    I know it is long but please read it ALL.

    I bought Garnier Nutrisse Nourishing Color Creme 82 Champagne Blonde. On the directions it says to do the allergy test. It says to mix a drop of the developer and color and put it on the inside of the elbow for 48 hours. Do I have to have it on that long? Can I just leave it on for like 12-24 hours instead of 48 hours. And how long after I dye it blonde can I dye pink streaks in it? I have NEVER dyed my hair. And how long before my natural color comes back? I love my natural color but I want to change my hair. I have always had it the same. So? Please only answer if you have dyed your hair before. I will be 16 next month.


    3 AnswersHair7 years ago
  • Hair dye allergy test questions?

    I just bought Garnier Nutrisse Nourishing Color Creme, on the directions it says allergy test. It says put some dye on inner elbow for 48 hours. Do I have to leave it on my elbow that long? Will I be ok if I leave it on for a few hours? Does it have to be two days?

    1 AnswerHair7 years ago
  • My new kitten won't play now?

    I got two new kittens two days ago. The first two days they were eating, drinking, and playing. Now the one kitten won't eat drink or play. Is he ok? They have been tested and had shots so why is the third day here he is acting weird? Should I take him to the vet?

    4 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • How to get my adult cats to like my new kittens? And how to introduce my kittens to my dogs?

    I have a two year old female cat, she is kind of mean to other cats. She hisses and spits etc. I have two eleven week old male kittens, I got them yesterday, and I have another cat, female who is one year old who also hissed at them. She is not usually mean to other cats but she was mean. How can I get Callie and Texas (both female, 2 yr. and 1 yr.) to like my new kittens? The male kittens are neutered btw.

    2 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • How to teach my two new kittens their names?

    I decided to call my two male orange kittens Milo (The Adventures of Milo and Otis) and Simba (The Lion King). How do I teach them their names? Like I don't want Simba to learn the name Milo and Milo to learn the name Simba. So how do I teach them? They are from the same litter, they are eleven weeks old. I just adopted them yesterday. Oh and they have diarrhea and solid brownish poop. (Sorry I know that is gross). Is that from the new environment? They are on the same food they were eating. I got them from petsmart for adoption. They already have their vaccinations and are microchipped. And can they have treats for adult cats? I have had kittens before but that was a few years ago. And how do I introduce them to my other cats. One is 2 years old the other is 1 year. Both are female. The two year old cat Callie can be mean to other cats so I don't know how to introduce two 11 week old kittens. Oh my two new male kittens are already neutered. I know this was long, Thanks!

    3 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • Names for male orange kittens?

    I adopted two male orange kittens and I want to name one Milo (from Milo and Otis movie). But I don't know what to name the other kitten. I don't even know which kitten I am going to name Milo. One is orange with stripes, and the other is light orange with spots and stripes. Name Ideas Please. Only male names please. Thanks!!!

    9 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • I'm almost 16 and my mom won't let me dye my hair!?

    I have like brown/auburn hair, it's mostly light brown but also has tan, blonde and red in it. It is my NATURAL color. But I want to dye it blonde, but she won't let me. Yes I know it can damage your hair I don't want to dye it all the time only one time. Or instead of dying it blonde just dye aqua color streaks in my hair but she said no to that to. Is 16 too young? PLEASE no judging me saying your stupid why do you want to dye your hair, why do you want to damage your hair, your mom said no so it means no, etc. How can I convince her?

    4 AnswersHair7 years ago
  • What acne wash is better?





    Clean & Clear

    I have acne which is best to get rid of it?

    6 AnswersOther - Skin & Body7 years ago
  • I fell off my horse a month ago and my leg is still numb??

    I was cantering and fell off over three weeks ago and my left calf the left side is still numb? I can feel something is touching me because of the pressure when I touch my leg but I can't tell what it is. I used the end of a comb and I can't feel it I tried pointy things I can't feel it either. it is numb to touch and NO pins and needles just no feeling will it heal or be like this forever?? Can a doctor do anything to help numbness? I am 15 years old. Will it stay numb?

    1 AnswerInjuries7 years ago
  • My friend and I make plans to hang out but she never follows through?

    Me and my friend made plans to hang out when she got back from vacation, but we never did. Then we made plans to hang out a few weeks later, never did. Then we made plans to go see a horse show and cheer on my friend who was showing, than she suddenly got the flu! Do you think it was a lie, but when I talked to her she did sound like her nose was stuffed really bad, what do I do now! If I make plans again, I am afraid she will suddenly have other plans, or sick, or something! We have been friends since 3rd & 4th grade! I am in tenth she is in eleventh now. She is like my sister and we haven't hung out in so long! She went to Europe for 6 weeks with the rest of her class and we haven't hung out since she got back yet. Should I wait and see if she gets better soon and ask if she wants to hang out or just give it a few weeks?

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago