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which insignia?
I am a star trek fan, I am in school to become a x-ray technician if I had that job in the star trek universe would I have a science insignia or the insignia with a medical cross on it?
2 AnswersOther - Television6 years agoQuick question about the Taurus 905B2?
It says on the company's web site.
" For years, law enforcement professionals have asked Taurus to produce a small, lightweight revolver chambered for the popular 9 mm and .45 ACP. This allows the capability to cross-carry a pistol and a revolver and only one caliber of ammunition."
Does this mean that it fires 9mm and .45acp? and if so how? any one who has one I would love a answer. the company hasn't got back to me yet.
9 AnswersHunting7 years agoWhat does a Black Pentacle mean in my dream?
I am pagan and I had a dream that I was walking in a crowed of people with my necklace out and a person grabbed my arm and hugged me and introduced him self to me as a "brother" and showed me his pentacle it was silver, when I looked down to see if mine was out I noticed that it was black "instead or silver" like it is in real life and that it is the only thing I remember of the dream. I remember feeling a little anxious when he first grabbed me but after the hug I think I felt a little more at ease.
What does the color of his and my Pentacle mean? what does the context of the crowed and this person out of the blue mentioning that he is also Pagan mean?
1 AnswerPsychology7 years agoWhat does a Black Pentacle mean in my dream?
I am pagan and I had a dream that I was walking in a crowed of people with my necklace out and a person grabbed my arm and hugged me and introduced him self to me as a "brother" and showed me his pentacle it was silver, when I looked down to see if mine was out I noticed that it was black "instead or silver" like it is in real life and that it is the only thing I remember of the dream. I remember feeling a little anxious when he first grabbed me but after the hug I think I felt a little more at ease.
What does the color of his and my Pentacle mean? what does the context of the crowed and this person out of the blue mentioning that he is also Pagan mean?
2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoWhat does a Black Pentacle mean in my dream?
I am pagan and I had a dream that I was walking in a crowed of people with my necklace out and a person grabbed my arm and hugged me and introduced him self to me as a "brother" and showed me his pentacle it was silver, when I looked down to see if mine was out I noticed that it was black "instead or silver" like it is in real life and that it is the only thing I remember of the dream. I remember feeling a little anxious when he first grabbed me but after the hug I think I felt a little more at ease.
What does the color of his and my Pentacle mean? what does the context of the crowed and this person out of the blue mentioning that he is also Pagan mean?
1 AnswerDream Interpretation7 years agoHow to back up Xbox360 hard drive to PC?
I’ve got 2 programs Horizon and Xplorer360 and I can’t get ether to recognize my hard drive from my Xbox360 S is there a better program to use? If so please include links please thanks
1 AnswerXbox7 years agowhat was a better series? Prototype or Crackdown?
what was the better of the two? Why do you feel that way?..... No spoilers.
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years agoquestion about my Sony xplod head unit?
I have a CDX-GT55UIW head unit and I have read throught the manual over and over. it has a lot of settings the one that I am confused about is the 7band equilizer, Ive never had a system that had a seven band. normally it is just Bass,Mids,Treb. do I get the bass higher with these settings? I have tried setting them all the way up, all the way down, the 7 bands are as follows.
I want to get the most Bass out of it but I only have the 4 in dash speakers for now and the old stock system had more Bass then this one and it is from 1999 lol it is the stock speakers, and the sony head unit. any help would be great. Thanks.
Here is a link to the owners manual if you need to know any thing else about the radio
and the Car is 1999 Toyota Camry Le with out the JBL system.
2 AnswersCar Audio8 years agoI need help translating something?
I would like to find the translation or the phrases
" Protect me so I may Protect others" and " Save me so I may Save others" I am looking for it to be translated in a old Language like Latin, Aramaic,A Language that is still used but not common. It is going to be used in a paper so I didn't want to trust google translate.
Languages8 years agoIs my daughter too young to stay at grandparents’ house?
My daughter is 20 months old and me and my wife are planning a trip in December, we will be gone for 7 days at which time my in-laws are going to be watching my daughter. My mother in law has a child care business and watches her every day while me and my wife work and she loves it there has a fit when it’s time to leave. But me and my wife are a little worried that being so young she is going to think that we aren’t coming back for her or something. I’m sure we are not the only ones that have gone through this and I would like so advice and information on how this ended up for others out there. If you have gone through this any advice and stories would be appreciated.
Thanks so much in advance.
5 AnswersAdolescent8 years agodid any one else experience the new Yahoo answers page layout?
for a while today there seemed to be a whole new layout on the yahoo answers page. any one else see it? and if so what did you think of it?
7 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years agoDarksider II Dlc Worth it?
Just Got The Game, Is The Dlc Worth Getting? Weapons And Armor Worth It? Can You Give A Quick Review?
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years agoInteresting question about my game system choices?
I have an xbox360 now with a HDMI port.
I have a Blu-ray player.
I don’t play online multi player and have no ambitions to do so.
I don’t want or trust getting an Xbox ONE when it comes out. And from what I hear there isn’t going to be much if any graphics change in the new Xbox or PS4 so the question I have to ask is this…
Why should I bother getting a PS4? The question isn’t should I get it over the new Xbox because if I do get a new system it will be the PS4 but the question is should I even worry about it? I’ve got something that does everything it would do any ways. What are every ones thoughts and opinions?
1 AnswerXbox8 years agoI have a interesting question about my game system choices?
I have an xbox360 now with a HDMI port.
I have a Blu-ray player.
I don’t play online multi player and have no ambitions to do so.
I don’t want or trust getting an Xbox ONE when it comes out. And from what I hear there isn’t going to be much if any graphics change in the new Xbox or PS4 so the question I have to ask is this…
Why should I bother getting a PS4? The question isn’t should I get it over the new Xbox because if I do get a new system it will be the PS4 but the question is should I even worry about it? I’ve got something that does everything it would do any ways. What are every ones thoughts and opinions?
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years agoWill my Xbox360 games still work?
I know at some point the servers will shut down and the stadium light will go out on yet another console generation. but when this happens what about the DLC? will it still work? what if I break the 360 and have to redownload the DLC will it validate? games like Masseffect 3 that have to connect to EA and other systems before loading and letting you play will they work? OH THE HUMANITY!!!! or am I just worried over nothing and every thing still work?
2 AnswersXbox8 years agoShould I get a new system or not?
I was thinking of getting the PS4 I got the xbox360 now and I was thinking of how I’m at the point where the games I own I like to play and replay and I don't want to sell my xbox for that reason. I was reading online that the graphics won’t be that much diff then they are on the 360 just smoother. should I even get a new system when there isn't going to be much difference? or should I at least wait a while?
2 AnswersXbox8 years agoWhich game should I get?
I Am Torn Between 2 Games Darksector And EndWar Which Should I Get?
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years agoWhen are you planing on getting a next gen system?
which One? And Why?
4 AnswersOther - Games & Gear8 years agoWhat are the grossest, gore filled movie you have ever seen?
What is the grosses, bloodiest, gorefilled movie you have ever seen?
4 AnswersMovies8 years agoA question About Assassins Creed III please help?
is it important to the story line that I do all the homestead missions? or does it not really affect any thing?
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago