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Lv 42,915 points

Jessica A

Favorite Answers59%

I live in Dallas, Texas with my cat Jorge. I'm a red-state liberal...Go Barack Obama! I'm leaving the field of social work in a couple of weeks, because I've accepted a job as a third grade writing teacher next year. I'm excited but scared. For fun, I like to spend time with friends and family, practice yoga, shop, and read. I'm also addicted to Starbucks, and I rescue animals. They just seem to find me!

  • What is a good class pet for my second graders?

    I teach second grade and would like to get my students a "class pet" this year to help foster a sense of responsibility and get them more interested in science too! I have the requisite aquarium, but I was kind of wanting something a bit more fascinating for them.

    I would like a pet that is relatively easy to take care of and does really well with children. I also don't think I can deal with a pet that eats mice, worms, etc. I've considered slider turtles, a hedgehog, or guinea pig. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you so much!

    20 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Cancer Survivor Stories?

    My sister was recently diagnosed with a Stage IV glioblastoma (brain tumor). She had surgery to remove the 1/2 pound tumor, but the doctor was unable to remove it all (he said he got approximately 90 percent). She is also 8 months pregnant. We are all heartbroken and would like to hear some encouraging stories, if you have any. They are going to deliver the baby within the next couple of weeks, so she can begin radiation and chemotherapy. We have all been inundated with negative news and would really like to hear some encouraging stories.

    Thanks so much.

    7 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • Brain Tumor Information-Please Help?

    My little sister, who is 27 weeks pregnant, had a seizure on Thursday morning. She has been diagnosed, with what doctors keep saying, is a HUGE brain tumor. They haven't done a biopsy yet, because it's so big it's going to have to be removed anyway. We are all just so confused about this. The doctor said that some characteristics indicate it's benign (smooth appearance) and some characteristics indicate it's malignant (appearance of a cyst and necrosis).

    I was just wondering if anyone has any information or helpful websites, because we are all so stumped and freaked out. She's only 29! Everything I find on the internet seems to be written in an incomprehensible language. I was just wondering if there were any websites that were geared toward the freaked out family instead of the medical professional, or if any of you have had a similar experience. The surgery is Tuesday, so we'll know then, but I'd like some info. before. I'm just so worried. Thanks so much!

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Can somebody please help me with the name and artist of this song?

    Do you ever have one of those days where you wake up with a song stuck in your head and you have no idea why? Sunday is my iPod update day, so I would like to add this song to my collection. The chorus goes something like this:

    Whatever I said, whatever I did

    I didn't mean it, I want you back for good this time....

    I think it's a guy singing it, but he has a pretty high voice.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you much!

    3 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • How do I care for Asian Jasmine?

    Help! I know a little less than nothing about plants. I just got a new place and the garden is covered in Asian Jasmine. I was wondering how often I needed to water it and if there was anything else I needed to do to ensure the garden keeps looking as beautiful as it does right now.

    I don't know if this matters, but I live in Texas, so our summers are usually really hot and humid.

    I would REALLY appreciate some help. Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • How do I help my cat lose weight?

    I have a 6 year old cat, who is the light of my life. However he weighs 23 pounds. I've tried putting him on diets, but he still can't take off the weight. He also refuses to eat the diet cat food the doctor perscribed. I don't over feed him at all, but I also have to feed him a little at a time or he will just eat until everything in his bowl is gone.

    I've made an appointment with a trainer to see if she can help me get him to walk with a harness. Usually, he refuses to do that. He's also an only cat because he is very jealous and is nasty to other cats he perceives as a threat. I have thought of getting him a kitten with the hope that it would inspire him to play a bit more. Is this a good idea, or will it just make him miserable? He's very lazy, but seems happy. I'm just at work during the day and I worry that he's lonley.

    I would really appreciate some assistance. Thanks.

    11 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Yoga or Tai Chi for "Mature" Ladies?

    My mother and her best friend, both in their mid 50s, are looking for a new way to get some exercise. On Sundays, they have the opportunity to take either yoga or tai chi (the yoga is a low-impact session, but a great place to start) Although I have practiced yoga for almost 2 years, I know almost nothing about tai chi.

    In your opinion, do you think yoga or tai chi is the best place for them to start? The yoga class is mainly kundalini and meditation; they aren't in the best shape of their lives, but have made great strides with Weight Watchers. However, they do not exercise regularly.

    I would like some advice as to what form of exercise would be best for them, given their circumstances. Also, I would like some information about tai chi. I am almost completlely ignorant when it comes to tai chi.

    Thank you so very much, in advance, for your advice. My mom is the light of my life, and I would love for her to find a form of exercise that she enjoys

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Please Help! I need ideas for an 85th b-day present for Grandma?

    I'm on a pretty tight budget ($50 is pretty much all I can do). She gets inundated with personal, family items every year (photos, movies, scrapbooks, etc.), which are great, but I wanted to do a little something different. She's a wonderful woman and very lively for her age. Her party is tonight, so I need to find something ASAP! All authentic responses are MOST appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Classroom Management Strategies for Elementary Students?

    What are some effective classroom management strategies to use with elementary age students? What is your personal classroom management philosophy? Also, are there any good websites that address this topic? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

    1 AnswerTeaching1 decade ago