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top o the morning, im and 19 year old aussie, currently studying psychology at university. i answer questions that either amuse or intrigue me, so i hang around in the mental health, psychology, gws and religion sections. if you wish to debate with me please feel free to email me or if you just feel like talking thats fine as well. oh and ive now enabled IM so thats cool too

  • Magic what is it and how does it work? btw there is christian magic?

    Thanks Fern

    sounds like Thaughtmergy (scuse the spelling)/voodoo (scuse if thats wrong)

    thank you again

    8 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • A vampire question not asking about meeting or becoming one, but what they are?

    Hello all

    A little question i decided to ask regarding vampires

    What are they?

    Ie how are they created, what they do, how they die, what they are like etc

    im interested in myth and lore regarding vampires so don't bother posting

    "they don't exist nernenerner"

    thanks all

    PS: also info regarding other blood drinker lore is welcome

    8 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Magic discussion/theory/opinion/ethics (lol)?

    Ok first up, I am a huge fan of fantasy, Myths and legends so i know a lot of ideas about magic but this is what my idea of magic is.

    second if your going to claim magic is evil please do not post, i am an atheist and do not believe magic is evil. oh and if your just going to claim it doesn't exist im not interested this is a hypothetical question.

    oh and this is more a discussion question please share your ideas about magic or correct mine if you like.

    ok my understanding of magic is that magic is an energy. Everyone is born with a natural supply of energy that resupplies like any other form of energy, we recharge with sleep, food etc. we can also increase this natural supply of energy by using, in a sense it is just like a muscle.

    However magic energy can also be harnessed in strong emotions, or from the real world all living things have this energy. however to use this energy means draining other living things of this energy.

    Magic because it is just like other energy means that using it has limits. like the body it has limits, pushing it too far will hurt and pushing it too far can be fatal.

    Being an energy there is nothing evil or good about magic, it simply is the purpose it is put to determines whether it is good or bad. for this reason in my opinion there is no such things as 'black' or 'white' magic.

    How magic is used is based around the individual, what the person believes determines how it works and what can be done. thus only theory can be taught to someone, the process is unique to each person.

    ok i cant think of anything else to add, if anyone wishes to ask me about my theory please go ahead. please share your own theories or feel free to 'correct' portions of mine.

    note: I am not a witch/wizard/mage/wiccan/pagan etc

    5 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Vampire Myth/truth however you wish to say it?

    this may not strictly be a question, but id like people to share their thoughts.

    firstly who else is sick of reading the sexy vampire questions?

    vampires of myth, apart from appearing in virtually every culture in the world in some form or another. by that i mean supernatural creatures that feed off blood or life exist in most culture.

    despite this no legend of vampires or vampire like creatures i have ever heard of claims vampires are Beautiful, human, kind, good etc all vampire legends state that they are predators, vicious and hungary completely uncaring of their human prey.

    The current idea of vampires as sexy humans with superpowers has only come into existence in the last 80 years. it was promoted by the movies and then went into popular literature. From that ideas such as Psy/Psi/Pranic vampires has come into existence, also the idea that vampires are human with a strange thirst. attached to this has come the idea that Vampires possess magical powers or superpowers, some legends do speak of powers but mostly they are only increased physical abilities.

    If anyone knows of a legend that speaks of the modern Vampire please tell me, I am extremely sick of hearing questions asking to meet a vampire, i keep wondering why someone would want to meet a predator that will kill them in a heartbeat.

    7 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • The World ends with you. a couple of questions?

    ok i have a couple of questions feel free to answer any of them, im trying to get 100% so any hints are also welcome

    first where do you get scarilette? (however you spell it) the pin that you trade for attack boosts and fusion boosts etc

    whats the most effcient way to earn money?

    what is the most effcient way to level up your pins?

    thanks people

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • this is about The World Ends With You and mastering pins?

    in TWENWY im trying to get 100% a question about mastering the pins, when you evolve a pin do you count as mastering the previous form of it?

    for instance if you have a pin that evovles 3 times, a,b and c when you evolve it to b from a do you count as mastering a?


    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • I feel like im not worthy of her?

    yes i know the title is a cliche.

    anyway a bit of history, ive had serious depresssion in my past and i still have quite a few problems left over from it, also my relationship with my parents isnt the best so the whole close family thing is a bit of a mystery to me.

    well anyway ive started dating this girl (its a bit more complicated but the rest is irelevant) but i just dont see that im worth her time or good enough for her. we were at a party last night and looking around at my mates and stuff i just cant figure why the hell shed be wasting her time with an emotional wreck like me. today we were at my mates house and were all chatting and stuff and i realised i well i want to impress her but im too nervous to try im just worried and screw up and look like a bad idiot.

    im not exactly experienced in relationships my depressive past has left me a bit deprived of close relations with people so im not really sure what to do, im not even sure if this is a question lol. just hoping someone has some advice.

    oh if anyone wants any extra details or clarifications please just ask and ill do my best to give it

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I feel like im not worthy of her?

    yes i know the title is a cliche. i know this question belongs in the dating section, ive already posted it thier but because of my past im also posting it here im hoping i might get some useful diffrent perspective on it.

    anyway a bit of history, ive had serious depresssion in my past and i still have quite a few problems left over from it, also my relationship with my parents isnt the best so the whole close family thing is a bit of a mystery to me.

    well anyway ive started dating this girl (its a bit more complicated but the rest is irelevant) but i just dont see that im worth her time or good enough for her. we were at a party last night and looking around at my mates and stuff i just cant figure why the hell shed be wasting her time with an emotional wreck like me. today we were at my mates house and were all chatting and stuff and i realised i well i want to impress her but im too nervous to try im just worried and screw up and look like a bad idiot.

    im not exactly experienced in relationships my depressive past has left me a bit deprived of close relations with people so im not really sure what to do, im not even sure if this is a question lol. just hoping someone has some advice.

    oh if anyone wants any extra details or clarifications please just ask and ill do my best to give it

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • i feel like im not worthy of her?

    yes i know the title is a cliche. i know this question belongs in the dating section, ive already posted it thier but because of my past im also posting it here im hoping i might get some useful diffrent perspective on it.

    anyway a bit of history, ive had serious depresssion in my past and i still have quite a few problems left over from it, also my relationship with my parents isnt the best so the whole close family thing is a bit of a mystery to me.

    well anyway ive started dating this girl (its a bit more complicated but the rest is irelevant) but i just dont see that im worth her time or good enough for her. we were at a party last night and looking around at my mates and stuff i just cant figure why the hell shed be wasting her time with an emotional wreck like me. today we were at my mates house and were all chatting and stuff and i realised i well i want to impress her but im too nervous to try im just worried and screw up and look like a bad idiot.

    im not exactly experienced in relationships my depressive past has left me a bit deprived of close relations with people so im not really sure what to do, im not even sure if this is a question lol. just hoping someone has some advice.

    5 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • i feel like im not worthy of her?

    yes i know the title is a cliche.

    anyway a bit of history, ive had serious depresssion in my past and i still have quite a few problems left over from it, also my relationship with my parents isnt the best so the whole close family thing is a bit of a mystery to me.

    well anyway ive started dating this girl (its a bit more complicated but the rest is irelevant) but i just dont see that im worth her time or good enough for her. we were at a party last night and looking around at my mates and stuff i just cant figure why the hell shed be wasting her time with an emotional wreck like me. today we were at my mates house and were all chatting and stuff and i realised i well i want to impress her but im too nervous to try im just worried and screw up and look like a bad idiot.

    im not exactly experienced in relationships my depressive past has left me a bit deprived of close relations with people so im not really sure what to do, im not even sure if this is a question lol. just hoping someone has some advice.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What is Forgivness?

    just wondering what actually is it? you hear about all the time, in religion, society and the law but what is it?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What is Forgivness?

    just wondering what actually is it? you hear about all the time, in religion, society and the law but what is it?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What is Forgivness?

    just wondering what actually is it? you hear about all the time, in religion, society and the law but what is it?

    12 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • What is Forgivness?

    just wondering what actually is it? you hear about all the time, in religion, society and the law but what is it?

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • belivers and the relgious out there explain to me.?

    how can there be a loving god when things like this happen.

    mate of mines sister she devloped leukemia at age 3 due to treatment by mans medicine she survived but it ended up coming back three times after. the first 2 she fought off but the last she died to at age 9. if your god is all loving why did this happen, she was also a beliver and a great person.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • horoscopes, zodiac, starsigns?

    this is for the people who post in here can someone please explain why they believe in this bs, maybe how it works or something because it makes no sense to me

    i will edit to answer posts if i want to ask something

    6 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • religion, churches, beliefs?

    hello my religious friends. first of i want to state im and atheist who was formally a devout Christian and im not trying to bash your beliefs though i may bash various churches. now i have many questions i like to ask about various beliefs. so i would like to discuss various things about religion via email i dont want addresses just email me via my profile. some of these questions are fairly obvious but here it goes.

    if god is loving why is there suffering?

    if god preaches peace why is there so much violence in the holy books?

    why do religious people cause so much trouble?

    what makes you believe?

    why do you use the holy books as evidence for your beliefs?

    any random comments or questions?

    oh yes im not going to say "no your wrong god doesn't exist" that would be silly. so if you want you can answer these questions on here or you can email me via profile and ill debate with you further which i would prefer.

    scuse the length

    ave fun:)

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • the bible my religious freinds?

    please excuse my spelling.

    i find it amusing that believing in a holy book requires blind faith in MAN. see if you believe in a god from a holy book then you must believe that the men who wrote it were inspired by god, but the men who wrote it are the ones who claim they were inspired by god. and as you dont know that for sure you have to have blind faith that they were telling the truth that they were inspired by god.

    can you argue with this?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • religion, christians/catholics, god, satan, good,evil heres a question?

    this question is directed at Christians or catholic whichever you call yourself.

    are all good action the result of gods influence?

    are all evil actions the result of satans influence?

    if the good actions are gods why are you rewarded for them?

    if the evil actions are satans why are you punished for them?

    please answer this

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • violence, women, girls, physical?

    ive hit a women or girls before what do you think of me, im i a demon, evil, coward etc because i dont think i am

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago