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Favorite Answers30%
  • Ok should wait or make the next move?

    Ok so there is this girl in my college English class I'm over my head with. I've had my eye on her since the beginning of this school semester. We don't get a chance to talk much in class, we are split into different groups for most classes or spend time writing. Neverthless, she gets extremely shy around me and is nervous when I talk with her. She knows that I stopped talking to this girl I had been dating briefly since I'm open about it with my buddies in class. Anyway, she definitely knows I'm interested to be more than friends with her. Long story short is that I showed a bit of interest the last class before spring break and she texted me over the break with a convo one day and a good morning the next leading to her asking me to hang out with her and some of her friends. I ended up not showing up because I was running super late (I gave her a big apology) and a few days later I texted her but she didnt text back after a few msgs. (I skip to the point from her and dont put as much detail as I'd like)Anyway this past monday I text about the class and ended up asking for her age to know if it's legal to date her (shes a senior in hs) to which she didnt reply. the next day (really skipping lots of detail) she ends up asking me to go with her to a hang out which later gets cancelled. I asked her if she still wanted to do something but she never replied. The next day, however, she texts me back with good morning and acts nervous and nice in class. what should my next move be

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • What should I do now?

    Ok so there's this girl in my English class in college who I have my eyes on. We hardly get time to talk in class since we're always split up in groups or busy writing. I noticed her shyness around me since the first day of class. She even knows that I stopped talking to some girl I dated for Valentines day (long story,to put it briefly I got played) I got the chance to get her number about 2 weeks ago and we've texted a bit but not much. This last thursday, our last class meeting before spring break, I hustled to catch up to her after class and talk to her for a bit. I had to let her go because I left a lab coat in class since I was in a hurry to meet up with her and talk to her after class. This sunday she texted me and we had a good conversation for a few hours. Today she texted me goodmorning and we were having a conversation where she ended up asking me if I wanted to hang out with her and some of her friends at a club. We both don't drink so I'm assuming it was just to hang out and get to know each other. Thing is, I wounded up running real late (more than half an hour) and she texted me if I was on my way. 5 minutes later she texted me that it was a bit too late (I was already going to be more than 45 minutes late). She also texted me that we can hang out another time if I want. I then texted her apologizing and stating that i hate to have let her down like that and to have made a bad first impression and that it's rare for me to be late like that. She texted back saying that "it's okay. we can chill another time :)" I really regret having run so late but I want to know how to make up for it. Should I skip a day to text her to make arrangements to hang out? Or should I let her text me again first and go from there? My older brother said that if she really likes me (I'm assuming she does since she was confident to ask em to hang out with her) she won't let this get to her and let it slide. Should I make it up some how or no? I have learned my lesson to never be late again so I know better now. She's really beautiful and I can picture myself with her and she seems sweet, polite and smart. I don't mind guys giving their opinion but I'd prefer girls opinion. I'd appreciate as much feedback as possible. Thanks!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Ok so I might have messed up the convo with her...can I fix it? Other suggestions too?

    Ok so there's this girl I've been meaning to talk to in my English class for college. She's actually a Senior in high school taking the class as a dual enrollment course and I'm a college sophomore. She's really pretty (attractive, cute and seems polite as well) and a bit shy around is in class (which I really like since I'm outgoing) I have her number and we've briefly texted before spring break. This past thursday (our last class session before meeting again after the break) I got a chance to walk with her and talk to her after we got out of class. Thing is, I had to go back to pick up something I left since I left abruptly to catch up to her (sounds hilarious...I know!) Anyway she texted me this afternoon and we had a good conversation about the stuff we would do over spring break. Long story short we were having a good back and forth conversation about what she's into (horseriding) and all was well until I texted her back a little longer (that might have breaking up the flow of the conversation...I was driving) with "Maybe you can teach me one of these days ;)" besides what we were texting about. Could she have gotten creeped out or maybe thought it was too much? I was just trying to be a bit flirty but I realize maybe it wasn't such a great idea! Should I text her starting a conversation tomorrow or some other time during our school break? Anyway she's already overheard that i stopped talking to girl I went on a date with last month and she has seemed a bit shy but seems to be interested (not sure if she likes me but she was real nervous at first). I also want suggestions on what would be a good place to hang outside of class for the first time. We do have a paper to write over a movie we watched in class so I was thinking of asking to see if she wants to work on it together over coffee. I am also thinking of asking her to be my workout buddy since I'm trying crossfit out this week. Any suggestions if any of these are good ideas? Or any other suggestions? How would I be able to take this as just friends first while still showing interest or would that be a bad idea?I really see myself with a girl like her since she seems well mannered and polite. I also want advice on how to not come off strong and stuff. I'm really confident in myself and a bit arrogant so that's why I mention that. Thanks!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Ok what should I do? Girls preferably but not exclusively?

    Ok so I've been getting to know this girl I sit next to in my Chemistry class for a while now. She's 21 and I'm 19 (I have half the little experience I have with girls with a girl who was 22 when I just turned 19 so I'm comfortable dating older women) Right off the bat she made it obvious that she liked me by being touchy with me, asking me to join her in a student club, asking me to be her trainer to workout with, and all. We've gone out three times outside of studying at school together (once to study together with starbucks at the library and then the gym once and we went out for lunch on valentines-I called her a week before to ask her and I even surprised her with chocolate roses the wednesday before our class) I never officially said anything was a date but I did tell her I like her when i asked her to be my valentine and she knows I do by my actions (footsie the wednesday before valentines, being flirty with my texts and even looking right into her eyes and brushing my hand on her leg while we sat together studying). She has had trouble meeting up with me a few times (twice, one before valentines but she tried calling to tell me, and the other this past saturday, we were supposed to go on a picnic together at the park like she had insinuated on valentines but she ended up saying that something came up, which can only mean she's seeing someone else or that something really came up since her mother has cancer and she has to take care of her sometimes). Now I've played hard to get these past 2 days and it has worked since she found a reason to text me yesterday by asking about the class when she could have checked on her own (I texted her back telling her she can feel free to ask for my help anytime to which she replied "likewise :)" but I didnt text back. Now today she texted me asking about what I think about her losing 20 lbs (she has a great body) and asked me to be real honest with her. I gave her a lengthy reply and I asked others if they thought it was a good reply to which they said yes. Anyway, she brought up that she wants to lose the weight to feel as toned as she did when she was with her ex (she's brought him up like three times to which I didnt reply in an angry way to it, it doesnt bug me since I know it has to do with her past but I know it would be baggage if we were to date) to feel confident to which I replied that she should "find other ways to be confident since looks only go so far if you want to find a great guy and keep him." She then replied with "that's so true personality is key gonna find someone who meshes well with mine and likes me for me" I haven't replied in an hour and told one of my friends about it. Thing is know too much info about this girl (I happened to read through her emails since she left it open by accident on my laptop and i felt bad but I got to know really personal details about her past sexual experiences with guys who were huge jerks with her and how she's felt used). I think I might end up having issues trusting her since she has quite a few guy friends, she even hanged out and watched a movie with one a few weeks ago. Nevertheless I still have feelings for her but I'm making plans to meet with another potential girl tomorrow who I know off the bat is quite the opposite (she's a bit shy, finishing up high school and in my english class as part of dual enrollment and would seem the better choice since she's more focused on school and doesn't come off as a former or current party girl, the first one confessed to me that she's stopped since she's seeing how it has affected her old friends) Now I haven't texted back this first one and what I want to do now is spend time with both to see which one I like most. I totally know how I could be a player and sleep with the first one but it feels kind of weird being that I would be a player with not much experience. Now how should I play it out? I know if I text back the first one that I'm in the "friend zone" (which I think is a lame term and should even be a part of some relationships since it has worked for some people) but I need time to get to know both. What do I do? Sorry for the incoherence where it may apply and for the bad grammar(I've taken the last hour to think about this and write this when I should be studying for my midterm tomorrow lol, I'll be fine though, I'm a bit of a nerd with an athletic build as well as a bit conceited and overconfident at times) I will see both of them tomorrow (the second one who is in my english class only might have overheard I went out for valentines with the first one) Should I tell the first one to offer to hear her out sometime.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Ok I need help writing an english paper. Help!?

    Ok so I need help writing a paper for my English class. The professor has split up a book we're reading, called The Circle, by Dave Eggers, into 6 parts. Briefly put, the book is about a young, ambitious woman named Mae Holland who is given the opportunity of a lifetime to work for a company that is very similar to Google. The mission of the company is to make virtually everything and everyone transparent to each other through the use of millions of live feed cameras set up all over the world, as well as sites that are similar to Facebook and Twitter to see what people are up to. Long story short, it seems like more and more transparency is sought after by people, to the point of invading other's privacy. So far Im reading through the designated 4th part of the book assigned and I'm starting to see the repercussions of the excessive need of the characters in the book of the use of technology to remain socially connected and what not. The professor wants us to write a 650 word response for about 74 pages of the text (book is about 500 pages) but I don;t know how to write si much about such few pages, She does not want a summary but rather wants us to what we think and what is going on in the story. Any ideas about how I should go about writing this? help!

    1 AnswerHomework Help7 years ago
  • what should i do? It's about a girl. Girls opinion preferred?

    Ok so there's this girl in my chemistry class who I've been talking to for a little over a month. We've hung out outside the classroom outside the classroom quite a bit, and on friday we went out for lunch and she was my valentine. She even hinted that we should go tot the museum (we even went after eating but it was closed) and hang out and play ball at the parkl together. Our texting between each other isn't that great but we sometimes talk on the phone. There's a lot of stuff I can talk about but bottom line is that I told her we should workout tomorrow and make arrangements to study before wednesday (we have already worked out the friday before valentines and she's mentioned that she wants to workout together around twice a week) to which she replied "are we having a test on wednesday" I'm pretty upset that she's beating around the bush and not just telling me no because she can't or some bxllshxt excuse to avoid it. Should I even bother texting her back? (i think my best strategy now is just to ask to do just one thing together and not this, what do you all think?) I felt like texting her back "why can't you just say no, i won't get all butthurt" but have decided against it since i might come off as immature. She's already not been able to workout together once, not been able to study once because she was busy (which IMO is at least partly true since she has to take care of her mom at times since her mom has cancer) but it bugs me that she does that. I really like her and can tell she likes me too (she get's touchy with me and laughs at stuff I say and it's obvious), but am I coming off desperate maybe? (I know I have a bunch of questions but I could certainly use the help from y'all) I've been real nice to her but I'm still assertive and confident around her. I'm starting to think that ignoring her might work as it has somewhat but in small terms. (By this, I mean to say that she'll text or call after a day of us not talking, she mostly texts or calls me first)

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • What should i do? Girl's help preffered?

    Ok so there's this girl in my Chemistry class whom I like and am certain likes me back. In fact, she started making it seem like she really likes me (I got her number the first week of school and sit next to her in class-she texts me first about the class, has asked me to be her workout trainer, has suggested I join her in joining a student club, gave me her food one time and even feels comfortable talking to me on the phone, she was even the first to call me). It wasn't until after the 3 rd week of school (we're now on the 4th week) that we hung out in person. I texted her and we arranged for me to buy her starbucks and study together for class which we did. This past week we studied together on the day of the test and I played footsie with her while studying (which caught her off guard but she seemed to like). As we left she saw a wall decorated with stuff about valentines and asked me if I had a valentine. I told her that I was actually thinking of asking her and she asked if ?I was joking to which i replied "idk, am I?" in a flirty way. neither of us brought anything up about that as of now. We We finally worked out today, and for the most part it was a disaster. I had a tough week with tests so I didn't sleep well and accidentally took too much caffeine in the morning. I was able to teach her exercises and techniques (She calls me her coach and personal trainer) but during the middle of the workout I accidentally slipped and fell (it was embarrassing and I'm glad there wasn't many people but still. I noticed that she noticed but she didn't even mention it. She played it real smooth yet for half the time I felt real nervous and jittery because of the caffeine. I suggested we run a mile to finish a mile and pushed her to run fast (she's more of a jogger and doesn't sprint much) What confirms the fact that she really likes me and wants me to do something with her for valentine's is when she said we should workout next friday without saying anything about valentines. However despite the fact that she ignored that it was a bit awkward and told me she had a great time working out, I told her yes but still acted weird. Now my older brother (who has a a lot of experience) said that I should just ask her out over the phone for lunch for valentines. He told me to do this today (today's when our workout got awkward) but I havent decided where I want to take her( It seems like it's too late to call her and ask her where we should go, and don't want to make a fool out of myself calling her without knowing where I should invite her). I don't think I messed it up very bad today, since she was cool about everything, and I want to ask her out for valentine's day on a date. Now I was thinking if maybe I could text or call her to get coffee and study tomorrow where I'd be prepared to ask her to go on a date with me for valentine's, but maybe it's late already??? It's 1030 pm right now.I'm choosing between a homecoming school dance (food would be free, we could take cool pictures, dance and have fun), a movie and dinner (nothing pricey, i'm on a tight budget), or something like going out to canoe after a dinner. I was also thinking of getting her chocolate roses delivered to one of her classes next week besides wherever I take her. What is my best plan of action and should I even text her tonight? or should I just call her tomorrow to hang out and ask her in person, or just call her tomorrow and ask her on a date over the phone. (as you can tell I'm fairly confident around girls but don't have much experience even though I would say that most girls find me handsome and well built) My brother texted me to see if I asked her yet and I said no and he says i'm delaying it. I really like her even though she's not necessarily my type (I'm more preppy with the clothes I wear even though I don't come from a wealthy family at all) and she's not. I am a bit suspicious that she seems desperate for me to make the next move. Please give me advice on how to go about this because I will see her in class which might make it award, so I have to play it careful)

    3 AnswersPhilippines7 years ago
  • Ok what should I offer her and or do? Girls preferably?

    Ok, so there's this girl in my Chemistry lecture I'm really into. Right off the bat we got along real well and sit next to each other in class. Yesterday I bought her starbucks and we went to the library to study for our class together. I didn't call it a date or anything like that but we sure had a great time studying together lol. At first I wasn't sure if I liked her (I'm getting the vibe she really likes me, she suggested that we be study buddies, for me to workout with her, and asked me to join her in one of her extracurricular activities), but after spending time with her yesterday at the library, I realized I like her so much even though she's not normally my type. (And guys, she has this great body, but that's besides the point.) She laughs at everything I say even if I don't try to be funny and is overall real talkative with me. When we finished studying yesterday, she suggested we study again, and we made arrangements for tomorrow evening, a day before our first test. She's comfortable talking on the phone with me

    (she even was the first to call me) and I said I would call her a few hours before meeting up tomorrow. Now last time we met at Starbucks and she left her car there and I drove her to the library and back to starbucks when we were done. Should I offer to buy her coffee again or something else? Or should I even offer to buy her anything at all since it might imply it being a date?(not that I have a problem with that, but in that case I have to make it clear to her right?) I really like her and am even thinking of letting her know how I feel. I already have an idea of what to say. Should i hold back and wait to let her know how I feel until valentines or no? What are some ideas for a date on valentines? The university we attend is having a dance on that day but I'm not the best dancer. I really like her but I also want to be careful because if it goes wrong it could get awkward since we have class together. I'm almost certain she likes me. Feel free to also answer my previous question which is tied with this one. Thanks!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • What should be my next move? Valentine's is around the corner! Girls prefferably?

    Ok so I've been having Chemistry lecture with this beautiful girl for about 3 weeks. I started talking to her right before class and right on she started bring up how we should get together and be study buddies as well as hang out. I sit next to her in class. She also mentioned that she was looking for me before class started (I told her the same)On the second week of class I got her number after she asked mse to help her out with the homework after class. It was during that week where (sorry for my grammar, not sure if I used the right one) she also mentioned we should workout together. That week not much happened. This past week, however, I showed off just how studious and dedicated I have been to the class (answered all the questions in class and helped her and some classmates as well with the course material) She even texted me to see when the online homework was due when she could've checked herself. Right after the second lecture that week(we meet for the class twice a week), she tried talking to me but I was sort of a jerk by just nodding to her questions since other classmates started talking to me. However I texted her we should work out soon like she wanted to. She said she would see since she's taking care of her mother who is fighting cancer. We ended up not working out but Saturday night (I texted her and I offered her for me to buy her a starbucks and study together) Today we went to grab drinks there but ended up going to the public library since Starbucks and another coffee shop were packed. She asked me to drive her from the coffee shop to the library which I agreed too. On our way to the library we got to learn a little more about each other and all. She insinuated how she felt comfortable with me and asked me if I would join her when she does volunteer hours on thursdays. She even caught me off guard by asking what I thought of her when I first met her (i wasnt expecting this so I replied by saying I thought she was interesting but in a non flirty tone) While we were at the library (we studied for 3 hrs), there was a point where we were reading from the textbook on my laptop together where I started realizing how beautiful she is and where I even found it hard to concentrate on the homework because I couldn't stop thinking about her. As we left she mentioned that we should study together at the library together again and we made arrangements for Tuesday (we have our 1st test on Wednesday). When I dropped her off we hadn't gotten flirty on our trip back but she wanted a hug from me. I guess that in a sense it was sort of like a study date (perhaps not but we certainly flirted a bit. She even mentioned how she thought I was really toned and all. Should I text her or call her and let her know I had a great time or no? Or would that insinuate it was more like a date? I feel very attracted to her (she's not exactly my type but we did find we have some things in common plus she has this great body, she's tall and has nice legs) Valentine's Day is also coming around the corner so should I wait until then or soon to ask her on a real date. (At first I didn't think I would be into her but now I can't stop thinking about her. I also want to avoid making things awkward since we have class together and all. She's 21 and I'm 19. Any tips and advice would be greatly appreciated.

    1 AnswerValentine's Day7 years ago
  • Chemistry Homework Help! I'll answer your questions!?

    I need help ona question from one of my Chemistry homework assignments. The question is as follows:

    A 38-g sample of lead (Pb) pellets at 53 degrees celsius is mixed with a 77.1-g sample of lead pellets at the same temperature. The density of (Pb) at 53 degrees celsius is 11.35 g/cm^3.

    a) what is the final mass of the combined sample?

    b) what is the final temperature?

    c) what is the final density? (g/mL)


    1 AnswerHomework Help7 years ago
  • I need help answering a scholarship question, help?

    I need help answering a scholarship question as part of a scholarship that is due this next wednesday. The question is as follows:

    Tell us about a personal experience that inspired you to pursue a higher education and why you chose your degree path.

    I'm having a hard time thinking of a particular time in which I actually had an experience that inspired me to pursue a higher education. I would like to say that what has inspired me to pursue a higher education is going through rough economic times for an extended period of time with my family, this being my reason to pursue a higher education. As far why I chose my career path, which is in the field of dietetics, is a much easier question for me to answer. However, can the question be implicating that I have to make a clear connection between both of these? I would appreciate quick responses, as this is due a few days from now.

    2 AnswersFinancial Aid7 years ago
  • Where's a good place to buy quality school supplies that isn't too pricey?

    College student on a budget but I want decent school supplies like index cards, index card boxes, staple, spins, sharpies, etc.

    3 AnswersHome Schooling7 years ago
  • Ok, so I'm texting this girl I'm getting to know and I messed up...what do I do?

    I'm texting back and forth with this girl who works at the library. We're texting back and forth about what they were saying about me since I applied for a position there. Anyway, I screw up by randomly bringing up Type A personalities, saying I'm one (I told her introduced myself to her supervisor briefly and mentioned I was very quick about it, Type A has to do with psychology, kind of unimportant but anyway)and then asking her if she knows what that is...Anyway after she says she does I also sort of kill the conversation by saying that might be the reason her supervisor mentioned for me to be patient (I had asked her what her supervisor said after she asked her if I was her friend). I feel like a big jerk since I know she's being real nice to recommend me and all. Should I send her a text briefly mentioning I apologize for being rude? If I should, should I also say something else? I sort of want but I'm not too sure. I'd like to get a girls opinion since I like this girl and want to get to know her.

    (sorry for the bad grammar, wrote this pretty quick)

    2 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • What are some good places to work a weekend job for a college student?

    I'm a 19 year old college student in my second year of college. What places look to hire a college student willing to work anywhere from 15-25 hrs on weekends(Fri-Sat)? Thanks! Will answer your questions as well.

  • I want to do something nice for my neighbors, what are some good ideas?

    Ok, so this past New Year's Eve/New Year's was the very first time I didn't spend time with my friends or family since my family went on a trip with my aunt and uncle all in one vehicle so I decided to stay. My neighbors offered me to spend the New Year's with them, which I accepted. I ended up having an amazing time with them and their family! ( They're Cubans, they sure know how to have fun) Everyone, including myself spent time in conversation, laughter, music, champagne (even some rum, but I didn't get drunk) and dancing, It would only be proper etiquette (and me doing something nice for them in return since they made me feel comfortable despite the fact I was not with my family) for me to do something for them in return. Now, I don't have a lot of money right now, but I was thinking of getting them a family gift or something along those lines. Can any of you all give some good ideas/suggestions that aren't too pricey but not cheap either? Thanks!

    1 AnswerOther - Holidays7 years ago
  • Help! I need help figuring out the GPA I will need.?

    Ok, I am an undergraduate at The University of Texas-Pan American seeking to gain acceptance into the Coordinated Program in Dietetics in hopes of becoming a Registered Dietitian (RD). I am looking at applying to the program by the spring of 2015. So far I have completed 38 credit hours with a GPA of 2.74.(It's horrible, I know, I was lost, was not goal oriented, did not know what I wanted to study and was not as determined as I am now) My goal is to obtain a 3.5 GPA by the end of the Fall 2014 Semester. In order to do that, I will be taking 14 credit hours in the Spring of 2014, 7 hours in Summer I 2014, and perhaps 15 hrs in the Fall of 2014. What kinds of grades should I shoot to get (I know most likely I would need all As, but is there a little cushion to get a B or two?) in order to get that 3.5 by the end of fall 2014? How can i calculate what I need to achieve that 3,5 GPA? Thanks!

    1 AnswerOther - Education7 years ago
  • Ok so I want to talk with her more but I don't want to be creepy about it. Help?

    Ok so here's more background info about what I need help and/or advice with. I go to the library pretty often to study and relax. (Might sound a bit nerdy but I am pretty sociable and enjoy being at other places too lol) Lately, one of the girls there really has my attention. I'm very attracted to her and want to hang out with her and get to know her. I've already talked to her about 3-4 times and found out that she goes to the same university as me, what she is studying (told me she is a transfer student as well, she's fairly open about herself) and other details related about that. She'll switch around the help desks at the library and I manage to get a few minutes conversation with her without disrupting her from her work. Since she is from around where I live but new to the university we both attend (she recently transferred), I want to make her feel welcome and ask her to join a student club I'm in and maybe even date (I don't want to come off to strong) I guess you could say that I want to ask for her number, but I don't want to make her uncomfortable since we are in a public setting, that is to say her work setting and end up having things get awkward. She seems pretty receptive but should I continue with a few more shirt conversations with her to ask for her number and all or just go for it? I want to know what you all think and I prefer to hear advice from girls.

    3 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Would it be foolish to hope to speak to a narcissistic person again?

    So I dated this girl for a 2 and a half months. It started out great, I would go ice skating with her often, go to starbucks often as well, and just talk very often to her. At first she was real empathetic, nice, outgoing and friendly, but as time passed she would act very elusive and cold. At first I wouldn't let it bother but i noticed that she gradually started acting indifferent and unfriendly. It got to the point where I knew she would ignore my calls and such. I eventually walked out on her in one particular instance where I saw her at the library from a distance and called her to find out she ignored my call. I went up to her and she mentioned that she had only seen us as friends-she had always acted flirty with me and would play footsie with me as well and I can tell the difference when someone is just being friendly. That was the last I saw of her for 3 weeks. I wrote her a letter apologizing for my immature behavior on my behalf as well as giving her an explanation .Just yesterday I ran into her at the library where I talked to her for a few minutes, I made small talk about what I've been up to. Upon the time to leave I asked her if we could talk for a while where she blew up and denied ever having any feelings for me and saying "I NEVER,EVER, liked you!"(She's very power hungry as well as conceited and vain, I still see the good in her tho) I asked her if she wanted to talk as friends to which she replied that we have nothing to talk about anymore. I know the best thing to do is stop thinking about her and carry on (which I have by getting more involved at school and making new friends and even talking to other girls), but I feel bad about how she feels and I still have the slightest hope of reconnecting with her as just friends. Is it absurd for me to have this hope? Can I expect for her to talk to me again? I know there's so much to learn from this experience and would also like to know what you all think. (sorry for the bad grammar and punctuation)

    2 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • How doe credit card statements and payments work?

    ok so i just opened up a credit card account with Bank of America (don't bother telling me about how bad they are, i already know) and i really want to manage it wisely. by this i mean that i want to make payments on time so i can build good credit. I want to know if the balance must be paid every month. i'm on 0% APR for 15 months. thanks! please try to explain it in layman's terms if you can.

    5 AnswersCredit8 years ago