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Bob Marley Girl
Am I being unreasonable about my boyfriend?
So I recently began dating one of my best guy friends. We pretty much just didn't admit that we were in love until now, although its been obvious for about two years. But anyway a situation came up.
He wants to spend the night with one if his friends, who happens to be a girl (a girl I don't particularly like as a matter of fact.) He acts like I'm being ridiculous about not wanting him to, but I just don't want to be second place to this girl I hate. I also have been very lonely for the past year and I don't want to lose him. I do not want to end the relationship, but I feel that it would be hard to forgive if he went through with it. Am I being unreasonable or is he?
3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoWhat should my YouTube name be?
I was thinking of forevererica. That's my name btw. Any other suggestions?
1 AnswerYouTube8 years agoIf you make a YouTube playlist, can you keep adding videos to it?
Like as you upload new videos? Or is a playlist permanent?
3 AnswersYouTube8 years agoShould I make a YouTube channel?
I've been thinking about it for a month or so, and I wanted to make a YouTube beauty channel. I was given the idea by a few people that I was subscribed to with my account, but I never made a channel to put videos on. I'm sort of scared to lol, and I don't know why. But should I do it?
2 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years agoHelp, my phone got wet and isn't working..?
Long story short, my phone, a Samsung Galaxy Precedent, got wet today and didn't let me unlock it since it is touch screen. About 2 1/2 hours later, I was able to unlock it, but it wouldn't respond to any of the lower features, like the call button. Plus I can't type to text anyone. I can call if I go through contacts, but I would like to be able to text and use my instagram and facebook apps, which are impossible to use without full use of the screen.
Does anyone know what I could do to fix it and be able to use my entire touch screen?
7 AnswersAdolescent9 years agoI'm paranoid that people don't like me?
I was friends with people on Facebook, all of which are people I know and have classes with. I talk to them, but we're not close. But anyways, 4 or 5 people have deleted me on Facebook. And there are several people I know who didn't accept my friend request. I've never done anything bad to any of these people, so why are they being unfriendly to me?
5 AnswersAdolescent9 years agoIf I sign into a different iTunes account on my iPod touch, will it erase my data?
I am under my mom's account and she's very picky about giving her password for apps and music. So if I make a new account will it take everything off my ipod?
1 AnswerMusic & Music Players9 years agoShould I text him back? ?
My boyfriend and I were together almost 8 months, and I told him we needed a break because of his clingyness and possessiveness. That was 3 days ago. I just needed space. I've been thinking about him s lot today. Should I text him?
5 AnswersAdolescent9 years agoHelp me find Newspaper articles for a government assignment?
I have an assignment in my AP government class where we have to get 40 newspaper articles, from a newspaper or an online newspaper, and they have to be on certain topics. I have at 25, with at least one article from every category except Election 2000 and Election 2004, and I haven't found any in the USA Today, Wall Street Journal, or New York Times. I haven't seen any on the Internet either.
Can anyone send me a link to some articles on those topics?
3 AnswersMedia & Journalism9 years agoMedical question for women? please read?
Here's the story. My boyfriend and I had sex 3 weeks ago. It was protected and everything, he condom didn't break or anything. But then Monday night I took 6 aspirin, and since then, I've had pain, almost like hunger, right under my ribs.
Is that pain related to a possible pregnancy or just a side effect of aspirin?
4 AnswersPregnancy9 years agoWomen, is this normal for me?
I've had sex twice, but have not had an orgasm yet. I knew it was supposed to hurt the first time, and it did, but I figured the second time should be better. It was not bad at all, and I experienced tightness, but never got my orgasm even though we were at it like 50 minutes. Is that normal?
2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years agoWhat is this Kony 2012 thing going on?
As you can tell I'm not one to keep up with current events. But a lot of people on my facebook have been posting about this Kony thing. What is it all about?
12 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years agoI need help with my iPod?
My iPod touch has a black screen and wont move. It is unlocked and everything but instead of the home screen it is black. Please tell me how to fix this. Would it help to plug it up to iTunes?
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years agoTeens: Does it make you a bad person if you have sex at age 14?
Just curious to see what others think.
15 AnswersAdolescent9 years agoMy iPod is messed up. How do I fix it?
It was flashing "TextNow" at the top in red. Then the screen turned white. Now its black. How do I fix it?
1 AnswerMusic & Music Players9 years agoHelp!! My ipod is flashing the word "TextNow" at the top?
It was flashing "TextNow" at the top, then the whole screen turned white. How do i fix it?
1 AnswerPolls & Surveys9 years agoWhat do I wear with green converse? ?
I have these shamrock colored Converse and I think they're really cute, but I have no idea what kind of clothes would match them. Does anyone else have any ideas?
2 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years agoNeed help!!! Boyfriend moving far away...?
My boyfriend of four months has been asked by his dad to move in with him. He currently lives with his mom, but he's supposed to move at the end of the semester. We had to break up, because the longer we waited to do it the harder it would be..BUT....his updates on Facebook still show up on my page, and it says he changed his profile pic. So I looked and it was our homecoming pic, with me in the picture, but then changed it back to his previous picture..Which I thought was odd since we broke up. But I still like him, and based on this I am almost positive he still likes me too.
Btw his dad lives 12 hours or more from his mom..which is the reason for breaking up. We're 14, almost 15.
So the question is, Do you think he still likes me? also, do you think he could decide to stay here if it gets too hard to leave me?
Thanks in advance for the answers and advice...
1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years agoNeed help! Boyfriend moving far away...?
My boyfriend of four months has been asked by his dad to move in with him. He currently lives with his mom, but he's supposed to move at the end of the semester. We had to break up, because the longer we waited to do it the harder it would be..BUT....his updates on Facebook still show up on my page, and it says he changed his profile pic. So I looked and it was our homecoming pic, with me in the picture, but then changed it back to his previous picture..Which I thought was odd since we broke up. But I still like him, and based on this I am almost positive he still likes me too.
So the question is, Do you think he still likes me? also, do you think he could decide to stay here if it gets too hard to leave me?
Thanks in advance for the answers and advice...
1 AnswerAdolescent9 years ago