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  • whats a good horror story name?

    Its set in a psychiatric hospital i want a tomboy name? I was thinking riley but i didnt know if that sounds right

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • How do I get rid of it its not letting me?

    I have a thing on facebook that says I owe them money which I don't for an advert that I haven't done I dont know how that works and it wont come out it has a cross but it wont go of when I click it how do I get rid of it tried reloading the page and everything I have reported the problem on facebook but no one has got back to me its stupid when I owe them nothing I think someone hacked into my account because it is in july this advert was made and I wasn't on facebook then due to family problems Someone help me???

    1 AnswerFacebook7 years ago
  • I don't know what to do anymore?

    I am 17 which means my counselling has finished I got a referral but they wouldn't take me because I am not "Mentally Ill enough" so I cut tonight because I was so depressed I couldn't cope I hear voices I hardly eat I don't sleep doesn't that mean I need help I am fed up I can't do anything I can't go to the doctor to get help because everyone makes appointments with her so I rarely get in I feel sick to my stomach I don't feel I can be happy anymore I am lonely the only way I can make friends is either on a virtual world or facebook someone help me other wise I think I am going to do something stupid I want to cut to keep me sane but I know if someone finds out im done for I will be told off im desperate

    3 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • Do I have to speak to my doctor to ask about horemone pills to be a boy? without telling my mum?

    I know it's weird to be asking this but I have thought long about this because I don't feel right in this girl body and I want to be a boy I am not just trying to have a sex change because of other stuff I don't think I am a girl inside I act like a boy/dress like a boy/I basically am a boy all my friends call me a lad or the name I have chosen 'Alex' and I am happy to be called that I feel more comfortable

    Someone help

    4 AnswersAlternative Medicine7 years ago
  • Is it disrespectful to clean someone elses grave if it isn't your family?

    Yesterday I was walking through the graveyard looking for someone my mum knew and I came across a really dirty grave it looked new but it wasn't recent 1990 (it was old but you could see the name and that) and everything but looked like no one had been there for ages. It had moss all over it and mold and long grass was coming out of it. The caretaker is suppose to sort this apparently but hasn't so I decided to do it myself and clean the moss and mold of it because I felt bad that no one had been there. Once I finished cleaning it I just went on my way I paid my respects to the mans grave and said sorry (I know some of you will think I am crazy but I can sense ghosts) I just went home after all that I told my mum and she didn't know whether to be worried or be proud because obviously cleaning someone else's grave isn't exactly normal. So what do you think should this happen more often or is it just plain disrespectful?

    I didn't mean it to be disrespectful I was trying to be kind and caring because the council is doing nothing to help these graves. I think its disrespectful to leave them in that state.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Why do I always ruin every relationship and friendship I always have?

    Its always like I pick a fight or I don't feel the same way anymore I always do this since I was younger I know I had it rough growing up with friends and that but I didn't think it would carry on to near enough an adult I am 17 , 18 next year and I don't want it to happen when I get a job and stuff. Every friendship I have they either leave or I do something bad without intention to hurt them. I have attachment issues as well which makes it harder. Someone help please?

    2 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • My phone wont let me get rid of the voicemail notification?!?!?

    I have a sony xperia Miro its on o2 and its been on there for months when I click on it it diverts me to top up I have topped up 10 pounds and I have call time anyone know how to get rid of this I have tried getting people to leave me a voicemail and it still didnt work I have looked everywhere for someone to tell me how to get rid of it but found nothing

    If anyone knows anything please answer this is really bothering me!

    1 AnswerMobile Phones & Plans7 years ago
  • Can you get famous if you make music videos and lipsync in them if its not your voice?

    I am doing a music video to Alone by falling in reverse as a tribute video to thank him for saving my life I am not trying to be like him so I hope if he does see it he doesn't think I am trying to be him I know I will never live up to be him at all! I just want to know if you could get famous by it someone said you could but I don't know obviously I can sing sort of but its not very good so I don't want to do my own songs because like I said can't sing sort of but let me know

    No stupid answers! or rude ones!

    4 AnswersRock and Pop7 years ago
  • I need help before I ask my LGBT group leader?

    Recently I have been wanting to be more boy and then a couple days later I want to be more girl but mostly I am wanting to be a boy I have a name for myself "Alyx" but only my online friends call me that and I can't change my name on facebook because I have used all my name things up on there but I have made a facebook page only to be myself on and people can call me Alyx I am going to explain or try to about whats been happening lately to my group leader but I dont know how to put it? I don't even think she will be able to help and I dont want to keep coming to her for help because I feel like a burden do you think I should email her now and get it over with because this is worrying me like mad someone told me it was "gender fluidity" I couldn't find anything about it so I came on here?

    Someone explain why I am feeling like a boy most days but then want to be my usual self couple of days later?

    Also can someone help me write a email to the group leader because I don't know how to explain it very well?

    No stupid answers please

  • how to type on a google drive document?

    I have an application form for "scotty's little soldiers" but I can't type on it I can not also print it of as I haven't got a printer. I need to know how to type on the form and then send it to them via email can anyone explain how to do this?

    2 AnswersGoogle7 years ago
  • How do news presenters know if someones been killed stuff like that?

    I have always wondered this and don't know how they know like do the police tell them or is it someone in the public?

    3 AnswersMedia & Journalism7 years ago
  • Is it a problem or what?

    For a few weeks now I have been thinking about this alot and I dont know what it means. A few weeks ago I started wanting to change my identity be someone completely different like change my name and stuff I thought of doing it today because I went to see a counsellor about my on going meetings there and they are putting me with an adult clinic to carry on and I was thinking about changing myself there I dont know what it means or if its a problem. SOME ONE HELP ME

    No stupid answers either

    1 AnswerMental Health7 years ago
  • What should I do? Does she hate me?

    I took an overdose on Monday and I have been trying to contact my youth worker because shes the reason I went into hospital so basically she saved my life. Shes been ignoring my texts and I dont even know what I have done wrong other than try to kill myself? I know that shes probably guilty because I could of died but thats no reason to ignore me is it? I needed to know if she still wanted me to come to her meeting next week and still I had no reply so I am getting my dad to give her a ring because if she doesn't want me to come in then i need to know. Its getting to much and I am getting depressed again because I have a crush on her and I think she hates me for trying to take my own life can someone give me some advice or try and explain to me why shes ignoring me? No stupid answers like you shouldn't of tried to do that because I know it was stupid.

    2 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • What can I do about this situation?

    Theres this girl on the same college course I am on she use to bully me in the past but she says she dont remember me but she obviously does because she found my facebook and messaged basically threatening me my facebook is on private ive already checked so she must remember me she keeps staring at me and my friends and I obviously dont want them to get involved but one of my friends will get involved no matter what which to me is a really good friend I have tried telling the teachers but they all ignore me saying 'just ignore it' 'stop picking fights' I am not picking fights they are all on her side I have tried to ignore her but she keeps staring at me Tuesday I had a nervous breakdown with other things going on in my mind I did not need her saying stuff to me and I told the teachers that she walked passed mumbling something under breath and they told me to go home and forget about they say teachers should listen but these ones dont I even went to student support and she didnt listen to me either im done with it I mean I enjoy going to college I made plenty of new friends and I am enjoying but when I had this 'breakdown' as my counsellor called it I blacked out and just done things I regret I cant say im sorry to the tutors because 1. they didnt listen to me 2. I have no right to when they have ignored everything 3.I warned them this would happen. Monday my tutor is ringing my mum he said hed have to talk to his boss but I am not going in if I have to go in another room by myself I have told her and both my friends at college that I either go in the classroom or I dont come back and trust me college is my dream I know I shouldnt of done the things but if they read my file just once they would realise I have a set of issues that have yet been sorted I have tried talking to them calmly twice now I shouted at them to listen but they still ignored me what should I do?? I don't want to get put in another room because that is not gonna make the situation better its gonna make it worse I want to go in to college acting normal but if I get kicked out I might end up trying to hurt myself because the only thing I know is to self harm when im upset/angry/depressed.

    SOMEONE HELP!!!!!!

    1 AnswerOther - Education7 years ago
  • Is it weird to have a ear piercing on one side?

    im a girl and I got my ear pierced today but only on my left ear is it weird to have it on the one ear because I cant have the other side pierced because of an operation I had on my right ear when I was younger and it has a bone in the lobe bit but I dont wanna look like a **** if I just have the one side done?

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body7 years ago
  • Im getting my provisional licence form tomorrow?

    I am still 16 till May but I can get it 2 months before so would they still send me my provisional even though im not 17 yet? or will they send it to me but until im 17 i can not use it

    6 AnswersInsurance & Registration7 years ago
  • Is it bad for a lesbian to go out with a boy if they love him?

    Well I have been going out with a boy for a few days now and I have had a crush on him ever since I met him but I was a lesbian and I know this makes me bisexual now so is it bad that a girl who was a lesbian is now going out with a boy if they love him?

  • Ads keep popping up everywhere on my computer when I am doing course work for college how do I get rid of them?

    I have tried everything but once I tried it my whole internet connection went of and I couldnt get it back after 5 minutes of looking around on my laptop I finally found out how to turn the internet back on I had to restore everything and the adverts still show up and its getting annoying especially when I am doing coursework for college or researching something How do I get rid of them without messing up the laptop or the internet connection?

    Please don't judge on my spelling or grammar because sadly I don't care :) I am tired and I want this to stop so I can at least do some more stuff to my C.V. before I get it printed so someone tell me quick???

    5 AnswersOther - Computers7 years ago
  • Why am I more scared of him?

    Basically I am more scared of slenderman than jeff the killer I dont know why? I use to be terrified of slenderman like really bad I wouldnt walk downstairs because theres a window in the front door and I wouldnt go downstairs without a flashlight or weapon I dont understand why slendy scares me so much but jeff the killer just doesnt scare me at all?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • Is having an imaginary friend normal?

    I dont feel its normal because I am 16 and im in college and I feel weird when I see her in the classroom messing around while I try to work its hard not to laugh like I use to be able to I am scared im gonna grow up to be an adult with an imaginary friend always around me :( I don't want to be the only adult that has one I feel so lonely because I cant talk to anyone without them laughing in my face Its just a worry of mine obviously I dont want to get rid of her because shes been my bestfriend since I was 5 and shes been through everything with me so someone just give me advice

    4 AnswersPsychology7 years ago