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Lv 55,425 points

Mommy to 3 great kids!

Favorite Answers14%

Hey I am 28 years old and I have 2 great kids already and we are expecting #3 a girl due on May 10, 2010, her name is going to be Kenleigh! We are all very excited. I am a easy person to talk to and I listen very well. If you need someone to talk to just email me trust me I will right back!

  • What is coming out my sewer pipe?

    We have lived in our home for a little over a year and for reason we keep having issues with our sewer... It keeps stopping up. Now to stop this we have quit flushing toilet paper which seemed to help for a few... Well last night it stopped up again we went out this morning and starting seeing this stuff come through the pipe. It looks like a bunch of toilet paper caked together in a log shape, it seems to have food in it as well. I'm just trying to see if anyone ha any idea what this stuff can be, because again we haven't been flushing toilet paper in over 6 months. Any help will be appreciated!!

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • Severe Pains in stomach. 6 weeks postpartum.?

    Ok Tomorrow my daughter will be 6 weeks old. For the last 3 days I have been having severe pain in my abdomen, it is more on my right side then my left. It feel like I have really bad gas or another way to explain it, is that it feel like I have been doing crunches for weeks without stopping. I am just wondering if anyone has had this problem what it is. Any advise will be appreciated.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Is a fasting blood sugar of 105 bad?

    Ok here is a little background first. I just had my baby 4 weeks ago and while I was pregnant I was diagnose with gestational diabetes. It was controlled with my diet. I refused to take insulin which they tried to give me at first because it made my sugar drop way to low and I felt like i was dying. Well I just had my check up yesterday and they rechecked my sugar through my blood work and my doctor called this morning and said that my sugar was 105 which was not good. So my question is really how bad is this sugar. In my opinion its not that bad and i have been reading things on the internet that said anything between 70 and 110 are normal. Any advice will be appreciated.

    16 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • Do you have to have a catheter when you have an epidural?

    I have heard conflicting answers to this question and i just wanted to know if anyone knew. I forgot to ask my doctor at my appointment on Thursday. I will be going in for inducement on Monday morning I will be 39 weeks and my doctor told me I will get my epidural as soon as I get settled in because I am already far enough dilated. So Will I have to have a catheter the whole labor, which is what I believe or will they just empty my bladder as they feel necessary which is what i have been told by a few people. Any information will be appreciated. Thanks

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Can you recieve unemployment if...?

    You had 2 jobs and one job shut down without notice? I am almost 6 months pregnant and we depended on both mine and his jobs for our income. My 1st job(had been there almost 3 years) shut down this morning without any notice to anyone. I now only have 1 job and it is only around 900.00 a month which is nothing in today's world. So I am just trying to find out can I still receive unemployment benefits even though I have another job??

    1 AnswerLaw & Legal1 decade ago
  • Diabetes Question and a Update!?

    For everyone that i talk to on here. I just got back from the doctor and the 5th Ultrasound and Guess what IT"S A GIRL!!! The doctor said the baby is fine but still a little big for 22 weeks but he believes that my diabetes test will be positive because of the baby's size. So now for the question.. Is there any thing I can and should be doing before knowing the results from the test besides watching what I eat?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What do you think of this name?

    We have had 2 ultrasounds and still haven't found out the sex of our baby, but the doctor said that if he had to guess then a girl. So what do you think of the name Kenleigh Lacole? I love the name Kinley, but it is to common so we switched up the spelling and Lacole is after my niece. Thanks in advance for you opinion.

    4 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • What is left in a car at a pick n pull place?

    Does anyone know if when they put a car in a pick n pull place for parts and etc, do they take out the radios and navigation systems, or would we have a chance to find one in a car out there? Any ideas or knowledge would be appricated.

    6 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • What are the chances of finding out the sex?

    I will be 16 weeks 5 days tomorrow and I have my 2nd ultrasound tomorow as well. I'm wanting to know our chances of being able to find out what we are having! Any stories or opinions welcome thanks in advance!

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What are the chances of miscarrying after hearing the heartbeat?

    Ok I had my first ultrasound yesterday. I was 8 weeks 5 days exactly what I thought I was. We heard the heartbeat it was 173 bpm and the baby measured 8 weeks 5 days. I was so happy. So my question is what is the chance of having a miscarriage after seeing a heartbeat that strong and the baby being the right size? Also everyone is saying the heartbeat is really fast to prepare for a girl which is what I think i'm having anyway. Have you ever heard that? Thanks in advance

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What do you think of the names we came up with?

    Ok I know that everyone has their own opinion so i'm just wanting to know what are other peoples on the names that we finally choose.

    A Girl- Kenleigh Alexis Lacole

    A Boy- Kasaan Bently (will be another name here)

    Thanks in advance for your opinion. They won't change but good to know what ohter people think!

    9 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • What is the website to go to look at pregnancy test?

    Hey I know there is a website that you can go to to judge someone Else's pregnancy test is positive or negative. Does anyone know what this is. Sorry i'm sitting at work bored out of my mind and need something to do. Thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Not really a question just an update for the people that keep up with me:)?

    Well I took a test this morning(was going to wait till monday but couldn't) And got my BFP Finally. Haven't told daddy yet because i'm at work till 6:00 tonight and don't want to do it over the phone. So Question is Does anyone have a cute way of telling him that he is going to be a daddy again. This is what I thought of making a card for my little girl to give to him and saying guess what daddy... on the front and the inside say i'm going to be a big sister!. What do you guys think of this and give me some more ideas as well. Thanks

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is it normal to have period like cramps.?

    I asked a question yesterday about when i should take a test. So here is another question. AF was suppose to show her head yesterday but never did and still hasn't. but I have been having cramps like I am about to start. So is it normal to have these cramps or can i just assume that i am going to start soon and going to get that BFN once again on the test :(

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Here We go again ? about when to test!?

    Ok I am now due to start today. AF still has not came normally I start during the night this did not happen. I have been cramping a little bit but nothing like normal. My question is when should I test and hopefully get that BFP. Last pregnancy I tested positive and miscarried all on the same day. So this is the scary part for me. Any advice will be helpful and appreciated. Thanks

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Another Question about TTC?

    Ok since I had my last miscarriage we have not had much luck in the baby department. My question is it seems that now i am having White milky discharge about 2 days before my period is to start, before this was not happening at this time. So i am wondering if by any chance do you guys think that I could be ovulating right before my period? We have been doing the baby dance on all the days that my ovulation calender has said to be doing it and its not working. Any advice will be appreciated. Thanks in Advance!

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • My rott ate some pork chop bones?

    My dog ate some pork chop bones last night I have been watching him very closely. My boyfriend just called and said that he is throwing up the bones. I need to know if he needs to go to the vet or if he is going to be ok after it gets out of his system. I know that chicken bones can kill them but not sure about pork chops. Please answer ASAP so I know if i need to leave work and get him to the vet right now or if it can wait till I get off at 3. Thanks in advance for your answers.

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • A dog with bad Allergies!?

    Ok I just got a Rott yesterday from a lady to "took good" care of him. He is 3 years old and weights about 110lbs if that helps at all. This poor baby has hardly no hair on his back and behind his ears are raw due to scratching. I have already started giving him benadrly(?) and he has gotten a bath. I am trying to find out what else I can give him or put on him to make him more comfortable as I can not get him to the vet until Thursday(that is the earliest appointment at my vet). I try to make him not bit at his self but sometimes I don't catch him. I just feel really bad for him. Any advise will be appreciated. Thank You

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Is it me or him, someone please give advise!?

    Ok We have been TTC for a few months now. I have 2 children from a previous relationship and he has 1. His 1 child took over 8 months to conceive. We have had no luck together, the one time I did get pregnant We lost the baby I was only 4 weeks along. Also we are doing the baby dance on the right days. I have an account with a website called Yourdays. So my question is Does it sound like it could be because of my body or his. Also any advise to help make this time less stressful because as of right now it seems like more of a job doing the baby dance then fun. Please Help any advise will be helpful.

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Why so people ask questions about abortion in...?

    the pregnancy section and expect to get a great answer. People in this section are pregnant or TTC and they want a baby. So why would we tell you to have an abortion or what to expect when this happens, well we didn't kill or want to kill our child so we wouldn't know. Sorry to rant but just wanted to know everyone elses opinions. Good or Bad because I know there will be some that disagree with me.

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago