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For the LADIES! finding a perfect swim suit?
ok he is the deal i haven't bought a swim suit forever... because of the reasons to follow but i will need one in a bout a month. I have nothing up top so any swim suit usually just flattens out what i do have and after 2 kids i have the little pooch and oh lord stretch marks galore lol. so what im looking for is some sort of tankini that wont flatten me on top.Im not looking to be big up there just so you can tell there is something lol and also a bottom that looks alright but covers. anyone know where i can find a tankini with some sort of push up top? Any suggestions??
3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade agodid she break a law or is she in the right? very important please read!!?
Ok this is long complicated and yes very stupid but bear with me please I have to tell this from the beginning for you to understand the situation. My friend got a divorce recently and her exhusband was a no show the judge gave her the car. The car was under her mothers name and he now exhusband's. She traded that car off for a 4 door cause she has 3 kids and the ex was supposed to sign his name off the title but refused to do so. So the car was stuck at the dealership cause even though she had divorce papers signed by the judge saying the car was hers the ex wouldn't sign his name off and when he found out they wouldn't give him the car back unless he paid it off he stole it off the lot. The police were called reports were filed but he still had possesion of the car and was constantly telling my friend that he was going to trade in do this do that so yesterday she took her mothers spare keys and went to his place of employment and took the car back to dealership herself he is as we speak at the dealership argueing with them and trying to get my friend in trouble for grand theft auto. I think I already know the answer to this but since the title is still under her mothers name also and she has papers verifying the car was granted to her in the divorce she didn't break into the car she simply used her key she commited no crime right? Or can she get in trouble here? Any input is appreciated thank you so much for quicker replies you can I'M me at cee_jae22 on my yahoo messenger thanks again
5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agocan she get in trouble? very important please read!!?
Ok this is long complicated and yes very stupid but bear with me please I have to tell this from the beginning for you to understand the situation. My friend got a divorce recently and her exhusband was a no show the judge gave her the car. The car was under her mothers name and he now exhusband's. She traded that car off for a 4 door cause she has 3 kids and the ex was supposed to sign his name off the title but refused to do so. So the car was stuck at the dealership cause even though she had divorce papers signed by the judge saying the car was hers the ex wouldn't sign his name off and when he found out they wouldn't give him the car back unless he paid it off he stole it off the lot. The police were called reports were filed but he still had possesion of the car and was constantly telling my friend that he was going to trade in do this do that so yesterday she took her mothers spare keys and went to his place of employment and took the car back to dealership herself he is as we speak at the dealership argueing with them and trying to get my friend in trouble for grand theft auto. I think I already know the answer to this but since the title is still under her mothers name also and she has papers verifying the car was granted to her in the divorce she didn't break into the car she simply used her key she commited no crime right? Or can she get in trouble here? Any input is appreciated thank you so much for quicker replies you can I'M me at cee_jae22 on my yahoo messenger thanks again
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoi need to make a cd for a wedding first 5 seconds or so of the wedding march followed by johnny and june?
My friend wants to walk down the aisle to the first 5 seconds or so of the wedding march then have it cut to the song johnny and june anyone know a simple way of doing this getting just the first part of the wedding march so i can burn it to a cd?? any help is appreciated thank you
2 AnswersWeddings1 decade agoemployment record??
hi everyone i need a copy of my employment record all i need is the start and end date of my previous jobs and the start and end pay for them is there anyway i can find that out without paying for it in a hurry?? Its important that i get this soon I need to redo my resume and I dont have any of that information anymore If anyone knows how i can get that for free in a hurry your input is appreciated thanks for you help
3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade agoHelp Gall Bladder Question!! Please?
Hi everyone I had my gallbladder taken out when i was pregnant. My son is almost 4 months old now and I've discovered that i cant drink alocohol anymore. I had a couple of beers last month at a friends house and got this unbearable sharp shooting pain up my side. and Last night I had 3 beers with a friend i havent seen in a while and all of a sudden it happened again. My friend said that you cant drink after you have your gallbladder out thats why I was in so much pain. But the doctor never told me that. Anyone else have their gallbladder out? What was your experience? Is that the reason I'm in pain??
Thank you in advance
3 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade agoGarth Brooks Concert??
Hi everyone I was lucky enough to go to the Garth concert on Nov. 6th (which was AWESOME by the way) but unfortunatly none of my pics came out which really makes me mad because I had some really good shots. I was seated in section A row c seat 38 really close to the stage if anyone out there was at the same concert I was maybe you caught a pic of me or got good pics of garth!! I would really like copies even if you just send them to me via email! I would appreciate it very much THANK YOU I would probably take any pics from one of his concerts thanks again
2 AnswersCountry1 decade agoOMG I feel terrible anyone else been through this?
Im sure im going to get alot of judgement for this but please don't tell me im a terrible mother i feel like am already . My 3 year was running around outside and she was chasing the dog when she ran into me I was holding my 12 week old son and i lost my footing and we both fell. I feel SO BAD !! I caught him for the most part it could have been alot worse he mostly fell into my arms but OMG I feel like the worse mother in the world right now He is ok he screamed of course because it scared him then he finished his bottle and fell asleep. Anybody else done this? When am I not going to feel bad about this anymore?
22 AnswersParenting1 decade agoHow or where do I find something like this?
I know what I'm looking for but I can't find the words to describe it Sorry thats irritating. I need to find a website that will let you upload a picture and then it ages it. For example it ages your picture 10 years so you can see what you will possibly look like then. I can't seem to find the words i'm looking for to explain what i mean but hopefully you understand. I know there's a website out there that lets you do that ages your picture and also one that lets you change your hair and things to see what you look like with a different hair cut, color, ect.. Anybody know what I'm talking about?? if so do you know where i can find it? I tried searching it but i guess i'm not typing in the right things because i havent had any luck
thanks in advance
2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade agoRepeat Question WITH MORE DETAILS!!!?
I just asked this I know but i only seem to get answers the first 10 minutes its posted lol I added on this detail to my previous question but I doubt it will get me more answers.
Any how like I said I have two sick babies here my 3 week old son is sick but this is about my 3 year old daughter
She's been getting a high fever (102.7 last night) that spikes up mostly at night ( I know it usually gets worse at night) But she started complaining that her mouth hurst and this morning she woke up and her gums were all red and she has little sores all over her tongue and a few around her mouth. Most of the answers suggested hand foot mouth desease. I already thought of that also but she has no sores on her hands or feet JUST her mouth. Like I said before I already called the DR and I'm taking them in in the morning ( cant today its sunday)
I was just curious how many of you have been through this and what your experience was like. thanks!!
7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoneed answers ASAP PLEASE!!?
first if i know to call my dr. i already did and my kids are going first thing in the morning. they are both sick but this is pertaining to my 3 year old daughter. She's been having a fever that spikes up mostly at night but she started comlaing that her mouth hurts and this morning her gums were all red and she has little sores all over her tongue and a few around her mouth. anyone else gone through this?? what is it and what was your expierence like?? please no smart *** answer like i said i already called the dr. and i'm taking them in first thing in the morning thanks in advance!!
10 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoBluetooth??
Ok I know I'm behind the times here, but I have a couple of stupid questions. I just got a phone ( free with plan nothing special) and it has bluetooth on it. I knew people that had bluetooth and they send each other ringtones and stuff and it didnt cost them anything. How can I do that?? will it cost me??
What can I do with bluetooth for free what are the benfits of having it?
Like I said I know I'm behind but I dont know what bluetooth is exactly or how to work it I've never had it before but if I can get free ringtones form it thats great! the ones on the phone are lame as I'm sure you all know
I just have a simple little plan I dont have the internet on it so I hope that doesnt screw me!
Thanks alot!!
2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade agoCould I be Leaking? Please answer!! I need answers ASAP Thank you?
Ok I'm past my due date 7/31 I'm 80% effaced still but still just at a 3 dilated. My question my panties and pants are wet. (like i didnt quite make it to the bathroom in time and dribbled) but i didnt pee my pants I already changed my clothes today so this is the second one that got wet. Could this be leaking or is it just liquidy discharge? And YES I KNOW TO CALL THE DR. I already called up there but the rude person I got told me that if it broke i would know and my dr. is on vacation this week. I would appreciate your opinions..thoughts??
But please refrain from sarcastic or rude answers
Thanks in advance!!
18 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoPlease no stupid answers Just want some advice Thanks Read below for details?
Ok here's the deal I'm dilated to a 3 50% effaced he's head has been down far enough to feel when i get checked for a month. I have regular contractions but he seems to be doing the same thing my daughter did. I did everything but dilate past a 3 and my dr. had to give me a shot to "open me up" i guess you could say. I also have a tore muscle down there that hurts REALLY HURTS. here's the thing my due date is in 2 days. and like i said I'm miserable and sore my question is is there anything i can do to make myself dilate more? (my dr. is on vacation this week he is planning on inducing me if it doesnt happen by the time hes back). Sex isnt an option for me. I have been walking as painful as it is trust me I walk ALOT. Anything i can do?? I know he will come out when he's ready but the thing is HE is ready my body is just messed up it thins out i contract but i dont dilate without help i know it makes no sense but i cant help it. Just want suggestions. Not ridicule please Thanks
6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoWhat do you THINK?? Opinions? Guesses?? PLEASE?
Ok before i get a bunch of "it will happen when it happens", "ask you dr". or 'how are we supposed to know" type answers. I know that there is no way to tell exactly when it will happen I'm just curious to see your guesses and expierences.
I am 9 months pregnant due 7/31 Dr. felt his head over a month ago. I went from a 1 and 0% effaced to a 2 1/2 and 50% effaced in 3 days. my stomach is hard as a rock I am VERY sore down there it hurts to walk and and takes me FOREVER to get up. Any guesses ?? opinions?? or if you just want to tell me your experience was it similar? this is my second but my first wasnt this stubborn lol Thanks in advance!
9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoSILLY ?? I KnOw BUT PLEASE ANSWER!!?
how do doctors tell how far dilated you are or if your cervix is thinned out I know they stick their fingers up there but how do they tell how far along you are? Also besides sex( not a option right now) and walking. what can you do to hurry up labor?
I dont want to try castor oil and such because of the risks. And bfore get a bunch of wait till its time my dr. told me to walk as much as i can to hurry it up he felt his head a month ago and i've been having contractions and problems I'm just curious on how they can tell I've always wondered so if you are in the medical field or just know how they know how far along you are please answer THANK YOU!!
11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoHow long did it take?
Ok I know ask my dr. I'm just curious from other mothers out there
I'm due july 31. 3 weeks ago the dr. felt his head when he checked me and said i was dilated to a one but not thinning out yet. since then I have "dropped" A LOT
I havent been checked since I have another app. the 18th.
Just curious how long it took after you dropped for you to have the baby?
Any thoughts on how close I am??
5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoAm I close??
Ok I'm extremely tired all the time, I get sharp pains in my crotch ( and butt up my back) among the normal other stuff headaches ect. I feel restless like I want to do something but
I am so exhausted and so sore that I can't
Doc said today that I was dilated to a 1 and he felt his head when he checked me but I'm not thinning out as fast as i did with my last one. Just curious on what you guys think some say I'm really close and some say I'm still a ways off
I'm 35 weeks pregnant Do you think I'm close?
9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoMYSPACE ?? anyone that knows alot about music downloads??
Ok I have that playlist thing on my myspace where you can put a bunch of songs on it and then paste it on your myspcae and listen to them when ever you want. My question is is there any way that i can make a playlist like that and put it on my desktop or something. On my computer somewhere and not on a website?? Thanks ahead of time!!
3 AnswersMySpace1 decade agoRemember the song Indian Outlaw?? Arizona residents!!?
Ok anybody from Arizona or anyone that knows remember when indian outlaw by Tim Mc Graw first came out?? It wasnt played in Arizona because it "offended people" Anyone remember this?? If so can you tell me where I can find something on the internet talking about it? I want to show my friend that I'm not crazy but I cant find where it talks about it. Any help would be appreciated Thank you
6 AnswersCountry1 decade ago