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  • My dog keeps trying to eat poo.why is he doing it?

    I let my dog out earlier and noticed he was standing to the corner of the bin.

    I looked over and saw a slush on the ground that looked like dog poo.

    I shouted and he ran off to the wall.

    Recently I got back up to let him out but this time I lookec out the window and saw him going to the same spot.

    I jumped out and just rolled the bin over.

    I thought maybe he was hungry so I gave him food and I heared him eating it but when I came back down later it was mostly full.

    4 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • Why are 2 of my brothers so distant?

    I have 3 brothers.

    One is kind of the black sheep of the family and I accept that.

    My oldest brother however is very distant with us but gets aong with us.

    He lived in Spain for a while but moved to America.

    He barely calls home just every few weeks or a month

    He didn't ring today on Father's Day but at the same time he does get along with us when he's around.

    When he lived here in Ireland he invited me to spend the night with him a few times as a kid

    The last time he was here though he was barely around but I admit he was probably busy visiting friends so I let him go on that but he wanted to have a one on one drink with me at a pub and later have the family over.

    I don't understand him when he is away he does call as much and doesn't call on Father's Day or Mother's Day but when he's here or talking to my parents he doesn't act distant like my other brother.

    I don't really get him.

    My 3rd brother calls up more often than not.

    1 AnswerFamily6 years ago
  • Help I am a screw up?

    I am smart theres a lot of things I know but I do stupid things.

    While I am good at following tasks I tend to screw up on obvious stuff if left to my own. For example you can tell me to take down the clock fix the time and get batteries and I would do that but I would come back and put the batteries on the clock and walk off not thinking of changing the batteries and putting it back up.

    Like I said I know a lot of things but I can never do anything right and I tend to do stupid things. People keep telling me I should think of the obviously think but that is not how my brain works I don't know what to do.

    1 AnswerPsychology6 years ago
  • How do you know if you have depression.?

    At random times every now and then I just suddenly feel sad out of no where and it comes after the smallest things.

    I just feel down

    Lay down in bed and stare in the wall.

    I feel lost in life and alone and that I will never meet anyone and if I was then I would just screw it up somehow,

    I would not say I hate myself but I m not happy with myself either.

    I m certainly not sucidel I would never do it as empty as my life feels I just would not be able to do anything.

    Other times I am perfectly happy the way I am in fact i often feel sad when it comes to being alone but other times being alone is the best a new fb friend I added kept messaging me today and honestly I was annoyed I just wanted to watch TV in peace.

    In my course in the room of 10 other people I think I am the most liked.

    I am definitely most likely to succeed in my future steps and I been told I m funny and will be missed by others when I finish this Friday.

    So sometimes I feel great about my self other times I just feel down and hopeless and honestly believe that I am destined to be alone forever and end up either never being able to find a job or end up in a job I hate.

    When Robbin Williams died I was shocked because he was always so funny but now that I think about it I am always making jokes.

    Even though I don t usually feel down at those times.

    But when I do feel down I do tend to smile and laugh so no one can tell.

    What do you think are these signs of mild depression

    8 AnswersMental Health6 years ago
  • How well can daredevil see?

    I watched one of the episodes of the new show and in it during a scene where a person on the phone is kidnapped we see DD running off and throwing his walking stick into a bin and going into the apartment and immediately picks up the phone.

    I get his power is that he can sense where things and people are if they have a smell and a sound to them.

    But take the phone is was just on the floor not doing anything and he knew where it was.

    So what is it ? Can he actually see like make out faces and colours or is he completely blind where the whole world appears black to him

    2 AnswersComics & Animation6 years ago
  • When did atheism start?

    I kind of find it hard to see anyone living in let's say 1708 believing that there was never a creator due to the lack of science and how religion back then was a dictatorship

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • What books should become tv shows?

    I'm looking for books that kind of give that feel to it that would make a great tv series that could rival other shows based off books like the walking dead games of thrones and more any suggestions

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • Should Adam sandler and Jim carrey go into drama.?

    Adam sandler use to be a good actor I liked his old movies but they kinda lost their value over time while his new movies just suck. Jim carrey on the other hand was an actual good actor and still does the good movie here and there but has made bad movie decisions.

    But they both did good roles in the rare drama movie. Do you think they should leave the comedy business specially sandler and focus on more serious roles.

    They make millions either way so they shouldn't care but for once I would like to hear that sandler did a movie that I could actually sit through

    1 AnswerMovies6 years ago
  • Why doesn't iron man buld the other avengers armour?

    In the civil war comics iron man builds spider man a armour suit that makes him more powerful why does he not do this for the others like imagine if captain America had a suit that he could fly around in

    3 AnswersComics & Animation6 years ago
  • Can I get a refund on playstation store?

    I bought the gta game online on the store but I had to go to the settings to clear space when I went back I was in the home menu I went to the game and saw it was still priced so I thought my payment did not go through so I bought it and downloaded it only to find out my first payment did go through can I fix this

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games6 years ago
  • am i bisexual?

    I sometimes find my self looking at men on the internet but out in public i would never look twice at a guy unlike a woman if i was ever given the chance maybe in the future i would try it with a man but i fear it might be too uncomfotable but like i said sometimes i do fantasise about men. I personaly believe bi people would be the better option between the 3 or 4 or whatever i get a bit confuse when people talk about sexualities out side the first 3. But yer i believe the bis are the best form of sexuality because they basically have more options with who they want to be with. What do u think. What exactly am i

  • do the people who work in phone shops go through your history or personal information on old phones?

    i just got a new phone and i was going to give my old phone to my mom's friend the thing is my mom took my phone before i got the chance to delete everything.

    so my google account and all is still open on it.

    so after putting in her sim card she notice my stuff was still there and will be going to a phone shop to have all my stuff on it cleared.

    but the thing is i don't want strangers going on to my old phone and going to my pictures or my google account.

    will they just go on and delete everything one quick search and they could see i got a new phone.

    i don't really have anything to hid but still it is my privacy.

    2 AnswersLand Phones7 years ago
  • does a person see a friend request if you cancel it straight away on facebook?

    i looked up a notification i got from someone in my friends list and i noticed i sent a friend request to someone i did not know by accident my arrow must have went over the send option and i must have clicked it when i was reading the post. i cancelled it straight away will that person still see it ?

    1 AnswerFacebook7 years ago
  • is fitness classes a girly thing to do?

    i am doing a session with my cousin who is a body couch.

    i am thinking of doing it for a little while because it would cost to much. he charged me 20 for the 1st session but i am not sure how much it is for the next one it might be the same or more.

    i was thinking of doing classes but i noticed his classes seem to be all women.

    it seems the guys just do the 1 on 1 sessions and women do the group classes.

    now i am wondering should i do it.

    i don't really want to be the only guy in the not counting my cousin.

    i don't dislike women i just don't like being the odd one out.

    1 AnswerOther - Sports7 years ago
  • why don't we eat bugs?

    8 AnswersZoology7 years ago
  • was what people say about Bruce Lee true?

    people claim Bruce Lee did all these amazing things that would make him a super human.

    i saw a video of him playing table tennis with nunchucks which i know was fake but the other things like catching rice in the air with chopsticks using a heavy punching bag with metal in it because other punching bags was too weak for him.

    breaking a guy's shoulder accidently by slapping it

    being able to kick a guy in the air which he never did but did have people hold up shields for him to kick was knocked them off their feet. he said he could kick someone into the air but did not do it because he could kill them. he even said he at most of the time held back a lot so he could not accidently kill anyone.

    they also said he was so fast that he could take a coin from the palm of your hand and switch it before you had time to close your fingers.

    on the set up movies like the green hornet he moved so fast that to the camera men all they saw was him standing there and people falling over and when asked to slow down all they saw was a blur.

    i know the guy was amazing like i know he could do push up with 1 finger and was able to knock people over with a 1 inch punch but a lot of these stories just sound like Chuck Norris jokes.

    like Chuck Norris is so strong every time there is a earthquake that is actually just Chuck kicking the ground.

    Bruce Lee was so fast he could beat down 10 people and no one would see him move.

    no one is that fast or strong.

    1 AnswerTrivia7 years ago
  • aspergers help are these symptoms and how do i overcome them?

    since i was a kid i always had a hard time making up my mind and was always unable to come to a decision.

    just now after my brother came home from America my family decided to go to the pub and i chose not to go.

    but when i saw them all going i don't know i felt like i should have gone but i could not make up my mind.

    the thing with me is i hate pubs always have.

    when i was a kid and went on holidays with my parents we would also go to pubs and i hated them they were always loud with people shouting and music playing. my ideal day would be to just sit back and relax since i hate loud noises like groups of people in a small area yelling or loud music playing unless when i am listening to my own music when i go out and kids. i really hate hearing kids i have 4 of them come down every sunday with my other brother their dad and they make so much noise.

    with pubs i just feel uncomfortable and can't really enjoy myself it might be because i hated going to pubs in other countries with my parents or for some other reason.

    by the way my parents are not drunks or anything we usually just went to Irish themed pubs for the live bands

    anyway i found out years ago i have aspergers so this might be way it is so hard making decisions.

    as a kid and teen i was must worst did not talk much and was real shy. i overcame most of my problems but now i still find it hard to make decisions when i do i usually regret it and wish i chose the other option.

    how do i overcome this i hate this

    1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago
  • how to deal with a dogs rotten teeth.?

    i asked a question liked this earlier but now i want to know something else.

    a vet told my mother he had a rotten tooth in the back that needed to be removed.

    so i went to check his teeth i could get a good look but when i looked at the back teeth i did not see anything out of the ordinary but again like i said he would not really let me look so i only got a second to look but i did notice his other teeth. like his canine teeth at the top are a bit grey or yellowish.

    i never tried brushing his teeth before mainly because i knew the only way i would be able to do it is if he was asleep or knocked out otherwise i would never get near his teeth.

    how do dogs teeth work can they get rotten like ours but not effect them the same way as we do.

    and how do i clean them without brushing. should i buy more of those dental sticks for dogs.

    5 AnswersDogs7 years ago