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  • Is there a fingernail polish on the market that will stay put more than a few days?

    I have very brittle nails; if I don't keep them polished, they will peel off in layers or break off entirely. I would love to find a polish that won't wear off 2 days after I put it on. They all claim they are long-lasting, but I haven't found one that lives up to that claim. Let me know if you find one at any price.

    2 AnswersFirst Aid1 decade ago
  • What kind of product would seal the spaces between floor planks that have shrunk.?

    I live in an older home and the entire 2nd floor is one large room, 15' x 25'. This is my sewing room and the spaces between the 5" wide pine floor planks are collecting needles, pins, pieces of thread, etc. The vacuum won't remove them once they are embedded between the pieces of wood flooring. I would like to fill the spaces with some kind of wood putty, or something thick enough to seal the spaces to prevent parts of my sewing projects being embedded in the floor. What kind of product could I buy or make that wouldn't cost me an arm and a leg?

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • What would you use to fill in the spaces between pine floor boards that have shrunk?

    I live in an older home and our guest room is located on the 2nd floor. The flooring is 5 in wide pine planks that have obviously shrunk over the yrs and left spaces between the boards that are as wide as 1/4 inch. I stained and sealed the planks years ago, but I also use the room for sewing. Needles, pins, pieces of thread are embeded in the spaces between the flooring planks so deep that the vacuum won't remove them. I would like to fill the spaces so that they won't continue to collect bits of my sewing projects. A liquid would simply disappear into the sub flooring. Is there some kind of putty or paste I could stuff between the floor planks to seal it.? The room is approx 15 x 25 feet so there are lots of spaces to seal. What could I use that wouldn't cost me an arm and a leg?

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • What's with the pop-up added when you answer someone's question?

    I can't see that it serves any purpose at all. When you check the box that states not to show this pop-up again, it ignores you. I can't imagine whose bad idea this was, I just hope they fix it. It certainly wasn't needed. Will you let Yahoo know they have created a monster?

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • All you Readers Digest subscribers out there-are you outraged with their billing practices?

    I have been a reader and subscriber for at least 30 yrs - it's one of the best -written and all around educational magazines ever on the market. They used to remind you just before your subscription ran out and billed you once to renew it. NOT ANYMORE! I just received my 5th bill for the new publishing year after I had paid the bill in November 09! This has been their practice for the last 5 yrs and I am finally fed up with their billing practices. Has anyone out there experienced the same problem?? I would guess there are many of us who have paid the same bill more than once and ended up with two copies of the Digest each month for a year. I am asking those of you with the same problem to notify customer care at 1-877-732-4438 to let them know how their present billing practices are destroying their customer base. I have already complained 2 days ago and just today received billing for the same subscription that I just complained about and had paid months ago. Let me hear from those of you in the same situation - I now refuse to subscribe to any more copies until they stop this practice of constantly re-billing the customer. This is a terrible thing to happen to one of the best magazines on the market, they need to hear from everyone who has been bilked into paying for subscriptions already paid for.

    They didn't listen to me, but I am only one customer - you can e-mail also : Thanks

    3 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Venetian plaster - has anyone tried this process?

    We couldn't find wallpaper that we liked to re-finish our dining room walls that were originally paneled. Two yrs ago I used a med. sized paint scraper and 2 gallons of joint compound to cover the paneled walls of my kitchen and loved it. When it dried, however, I had to apply paint to the new surface, which was difficult because it was quite textured! I loved the look and would like to re-create it in my dining room; this time I want to add the paint to the 2 gal. pail of joint compound to save painting it later. It will look like venetian plaster when I am through, I just want to know if anyone has tried this successfully and does it take the joint compound longer to dry with the addition of the paint? I am getting too old to work for long periods on a ladder and the paneling is not in good shape but has been cleaned and sanded and ready for the process to begin. I would like some inspiration from other DIY's about the technique.

    3 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • Bleaching dark blue jeans to make them lighter color-Help?

    I know some of you out there have done this and I tried to bleach my husband's jeans to a lighter color (picky man anyway) because he wouldn't wear the dark blue jeans that we bought him. Well, when I took them out of the bleach water two days later, even though I had weighted them down to evenly bleach everywhere, what a shock! It looked like I had tie-died them blue and white in most places. There has to be a secret to doing this, I have tried and failed. Does anyone know how to evenly bleach dark blue jeans to look like the light blue ones most people are now wearing??? I used plain old chlorine bleach about a cup to 5 gal water. HELP

    4 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Does anyone out there have severe restless leg syndrome? Medication no longer works-what is left?

    Four years ago a car accident left me with a concussion, no memory for months, and restless leg set in soon afterward. Medications helped at first, but now nothing helps. I cannot sleep at night nor can I lay down during the day and sometimes I can't even sit still without kicking, or jerking my arms and hands! I had a heart attack and surgery 6 months ago and not being able to rest from restless leg is affecting all that I do. The medication is expensive, and at this point useless. I am desperate for sleep and have taken prescription sleeping pills that also don't work. Is there someone out there with some answers. HELP

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago