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  • Women, do you know and revel in our power over men that they've stupidly given to us the last 50 years?

    Any man who isn't afraid of us must be stupid. We now have all power over them where it counts - In the world of reality. It may be comforting to talk about all those gender neutral laws and good intentions of feminists, but the result of all that is that any woman can ruin any man with impunity and there's nothing he can do to prevent it.

    No laws favoring women? Wwaaahahahaha! New laws have giving us a huge club whether we just speak softly and show it, or chose to use it on some poor bastard. That French head of the World Bank found that out in New York as he made his perp walk in front of the world - adios Dice-K. We are the protected class and get all the support from the law when it comes to gender discrimination. The authorities ignor men with similar complaints. There's little men can do to punish women without being arrested and ruined. Society despises men who abuse women regardless of the reason. Women, however, are applauded when they slap, kick or punch a man. Many times, it's portrayed as humorous. In today's reality, women initiate more than half of domestic partner violence, yet the men are arrested in an overwhelming majority of the cases. The women get counseling at a shelter but male victims never get support. A few days ago, a woman on YA asked what she should do about claiming her husband hit her and had him arrested when in fact, it was she who assaulted him. I told her to shut up about it and tell him that unless he does exactly what she wants, she'll scream "RAPE" next. 50 years ago, wives couldn't be raped in the eyes of the law.

    Of course, claiming rape is the ultimate club in our arsenal. Rape is heinous of course and NOW and other feminist groups benefit financially from exaggerating claims such as "one in four coeds will be raped in college." Although not even close to the truth, it gins up the fear in women to the point of hysteria so that some are ready to castrate the first guy who smiles and says, "Hi". And ladies, we are much better actors and more convincing than the poor stupid men we accuse.

    I caught my exboyfriend coming on to my sorority sister so I played the rape card to expell him from my U so I wouldn't have to look at his cheating face again. I came home from our next date and told my roommate that he raped me whereupon she called the campus police to take my statement and send me to the hospital where DNA swabs were taken..

    It was all so easy and he didn't know what hit him. The court supplied an advocate on whose shoulder I could cry, and a counselor too. My sorority sisters were wonderfully supportive and I received much sympathy from even their parents, while he, on the other hand, was immediately suspended from campus until the student judiciary hearing. Although president of his fraternity, it was comical to see how fast they distanced themselves from him to assure everyone that Greeks support women and condemn sexual assaults. He really discovered that he had few friends.

    All he could say in the judiciary hearing was that the sex was consensual, something that all expect the guilty party to say, and of course, all were skeptical. But it was his word verses mine (and the roommate I first told). I cried and haltingly told my sad story of the attack between sobs. I was so sincere! My roommate sobbed for real as she told of my duress in the aftermath of rape. What's really great now is that colleges don't have to believe the woman's story "beyond a reasonable doubt" or even to a "a preponderance of evidence" standard. The new standard is that they only need to believe that the odds of it actually being a rape is 51%. That's right, they only had to believe that my story was slightly better than his - and they did. What a country!

    I don't know whether any other college admitted him with his record of rape, or whether he finished his senior year, but I no longer have to look at his face.

    I could have easily had him convicted in court too, which would have put him on a national sex offenders registry once he got out of prison. He'd have to tell the local police wherever he moved, tell all neighbors, and tell prospective employers. He'd be a social pariah, probably never marry, and qualify only for menial jobs that no one else wants. Many of these men turn to crime. It would have been easy. I'm certainly more ethical than that so I dropped the case.

    Everyone knows he's a rapist now anyway. His name as an accused rapist and a story about him were already in the news (my name was kept out to protect me) and all criminal justice workers from cops to DA are indoctrinated to believe the "victim", no matter how crazy or inconsistent her story. It's all excused by "rape trauma" since "women never lie about rape". What a free ticket!! You go girls!!!!! We rule!!!

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Is it O.K. to exact revenge on him for dissing me?

    A few years ago as a HS freshman, I thought this really cute and very smart boy really liked me, so after a week of phone calls between us, I told all me friends that we were a couple ("going together"). But when he heard that, he stopped calling me and completely ignored me. He hurt me and embarrassed me deliberately in front of my friends, so I told them that he raped me. I even got another boy who liked me to say he saw him touch me inappropriately in class. I just wanted him punished by the dean of students, but things kind of got out of hand. I couldn't help it.

    He was convicted in juvenile court, expelled from school and couldn't get into another. He's also on the sexual predictors list which means that all his neighbors must know, and has been unemployed for awhile because his employers must be informed too. That also made sure he wouldn't get another girlfriend and hasn't any friends since everyone knows he's a predator, but that's really the only thing I'm glad about. He really deserved that for hurting me, but I'm somewhat conflicted about the other stuff. What should I do?

    7 AnswersGender Studies9 years ago
  • TEABAGGERS, If the Boston Tea Party...?

    was held to protest the unjust influence of corporate interests (East India Company) on government elections and policy (Intolerable Acts), and the "Founding Fathers" which you all hold in reverent awe, we're so greatly suspicious of corporate power, then how do you justify Supreme Court legislation from the bench granting corporations unlimited contributions and influence in elections?

    11 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • What is Citizens United, and why does it advance freedom of speech?

    I recently read where Gov.. Romney said, "corporations are people too."

    7 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Are there any objective studies of false RAPE accusations?

    Prof. Eugene Kanin of Purdue did studies of false rape reports more than a decade ago where he documented recantations of false police reports and also recorded the reasons these women gave for making false accusations. Other than that, data which the Women's movement has used to claim such false accusations are rare, are simply cherry picked opinion poles of those in police or rape councilors and hardly objective.

    Does anyone know of any unbiased objective studies made by academics without a connection to feminists or devoid of other gender-political agenda?

    2 AnswersGender Studies10 years ago
  • Is the following question ranting or offensive in Gender Studies?

    Roger H asked people to comment on the following and got some great answers (especially mine) before YA deleted it saying it violated community guidelines. Of the 10 or so answers, two were angry. Does that justify deleting the question? Roger H appealed, but to no avail.

    Title: "Boys are stupid. Girls Rock!"

    There are two men and a woman in this T Mobile commercial. Watch the You Tube video here: The older man is a stereotypical, greedy capitalist. The young man is such a complete dunce, despite his cocksure demeanor, that the smart, beautiful woman can't help but laugh at him.

    Ads, to varying degrees, hold a mirror up to wider social beliefs. Does this article sums up how women as a class treat men as a class in our modern, enlightened society? It's only natural that ads would echo these attitudes.

    The following comment under the You Tube post of the T Mobile ad sums up not just this ad, but the way American television marketing portrays the genders: "Love this commercial, the girl (T mobile) looks so weak compared to the stronger man (I phone 4). Yet, she is the one who is stronger and smarter. The shritless guy is to look stupid and weak. Awesome! Girls Rock!"

    Roger H put some time into the question unlike some of the banal crap we see here, and some of up responded thoughtfully. I'm angry. Why would YA delete this?

    6 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Feminists, Is this story simply Patriarchal misogyny?

    Once upon a time, a Prince asked a beautiful Princess,

    “Will you marry me?”

    The Princess said “NO!”     

    And the Prince lived happily ever after and rode motorcycles and went fishing and hunting and played golf and dated women half his age and drank beer and whiskey and had tons of money in the bank and left the toilet seat up.

                                                                   - The End -