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  • Why is this cat throwing up and what to do to help him?

    My friends brought in a stray cat. For a few weeks they were just feeding him outside. They'd feed him like 6 oz of food in one sitting and the cat would hang out with them for hrs before running away acting very healthy and never throwing up in front of them. They got him checked out and vaccinated at a vet. Last week they decided to bring him in and get him neutered. They fed him right after the neutering (they weren't supposed to do that) He threw up in the morning and when they got back from work he was extermly dehydrated and lethargic. They brought him to the vet and gave him a water IV. since then he's been lively but not eating much and throwing up a few times a day, they brought him back to the vet today, the vet gave him another water IV and some kind of a parasite shot. The vet examined him without bloodwork or xrays and determined that he is healthy. He threw up 2 more times since then. But he has been drinking water.

    Is it safe to assume that it's a reaction to the neutering or anasthesia, and to wait a few days to see if he gets better?

    Is there anything that can be done to settle his stomach if it's the result of eating cat food all the time? Or the possibility that it's a hairball?

    If it's something more serious what test should be done.

    Since the throwing up started after the neutering is it safe too assume that it's a reaction to the neutering and not a blockage or a disease?

    1 AnswerCats10 years ago
  • Should a stray cat be adopted?

    A stray cat has been coming over to my parents house for about 3 weeks.

    He has no tags, no microchip, not neutered? The vet thinks he's sray. Is it possible he has a home?

    When he comes over to my parents house. He's alway starving. He generally comes over every day. They took him to the vet. Got him vaccinated. At night he begs to go out, so they always let him out, sometimes he'sw gone for 3 days. He spent one night at their house. Didnt use the litter bix, but didn't go anywhere else either.

    Should they adopt him? Force him to stay a the house for a couple of days, and go to the vet to get him neutered?

    They live in a safe neighborhood, no coyotees, not very busy streets.

    Is it better for him for them to force him to stay in the house, or let him roam outside and feed him when he shows up?

    7 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • How do you domesticate a cat?

    For about two weeks a stray cat has been coming to over to my parents house, my mom has been feeding him (she had some cat food left over from when my cats stayed at her house) and she went out and bought more just for him.

    He is extremly friendly.

    Several days ago my parents took him to the vet, got him checked out, and gave him vaccinations. That day he spent most of the day in the house. They set up a litter box for him, but he wouldn't use it.

    At night time he started miawing and scratching at the door. They ended up letting him out. He was gone for 3 days. He came back today, spent most of the day with my mom and then took off.

    He's not neutered yet. My parents are planning on taking to the vet for that next week. (Assuming that he doesn't dissapear again)

    Should they try to keep him inside from now on or for at least a couple of days?

    1 AnswerCats10 years ago
  • Is tanning without burning dangerous?

    I generally don't sped a lot of time in the sun and I always wear sunblock when I go out in the sun. I decided to go tanning to build a base before my 10 day Carribean cruise next week.

    I know there's tons on information about how tanning (outdoor and indoor) cause skin cancer. I decided to do some research, partially to prove to myself that going tanning prior to my cruise is benefitting my skin by preventing from getting burned. Everything I read seems very inconclusive.

    Can anybody point me to some artcles in the trught about tanning and whether or not there's any conclusive research about how tanning without burning causes skin cancer

    4 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • What is the best way to get a base tan in 9 days?

    I am going on a Caribean Cruise leaving next saturday. I'm pretty pale right now so I would like to get a base tan before I go so I don't scorch on the cruise. And yes I do plan on wearing sunblock, but sunblock rubs off and I plan on going swimming too.

    So I started 2 days ago. I went for 4 minutes, didn't burn, didn't get pink. I went back today for another 4 mintues. I think I may have been slightly pink earlier, but I look fine now, so I don;t think I got burned at all.

    Should I go back again tomorrow for 4 minutes, or should I go for 5, or should I skip tomorrow and go on saturday. how long should I go for on saturday. I want to get as much of a tan as possible, but I do not want to burn. Should I go everyday for a shorter amount of time (how long should I go for) or every other day. Including tomorrow I only have 7 days left. I don;t plan on going the day before I leave.

    4 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • 2001 Jetta VR6 FCZ transmission does not engage any gear?

    Drove the car down the street and the transmission stopped working. I took a sample of the fluid and it does not smell burnt, but dark in color. I did a vag com scan and the transmission controller showed no fault codes. Any ideas on how to troubleshoot? Can I remove the transmission and take it to a shop?

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • How do I grow hot jalapenos?

    My department is having a hot pepper contest at work in October.

    This is my second year growing jalapenos. They came out pretty good last year, but not extremly hot.

    I live in Connecticut. My garden is in an area that get's full sun from about 7:00 am to 1:00 Pm. I cannot move the area of my garden.

    Is there anything I can do in terms of fertilizing and how much water I give the plants to make the jalapenos as hot as possible.

    I read somewhere that you shouldn;t fertelize pepper plants until they produce a small fruit. Let me know if you have experioence with that and if it's true.

    Please provide any advice that you have from experience.

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Should I get a shuttle bus for the guests for my wedding?

    Most of my guests will be coming in from out of town. I'm expecting about 80-100 to be staying at a local hotel. I found two hotels next to each other about 2.5 miles away from the reception. Neither offers a shuttle bus service.

    I could rent a 12 person shuttle bus for about $350 - $500.

    I think it'll take the shuttle bus about 15 to make 1 round trip. The reception starts at 4:00. I'd want to have the shuttle bus start bringing people at 3:30. This would mean that by 4:30, the shuttle bus will have delivered a max of 48 people. 20 of us are going in the limo, and I'm sure there'll be at least 20 people staying at the hotel who will be with at least one person who doesn't drink at all, or much, and will take their own car. Which means that by 4:30 pretty much everyone who wanted to get on the shuttle bus will be at the reception.

    Let me know what you think. Is it a good idea to get the shuttle bus? Or is it too small for the amount of people. I think a 30 person shuttle bus would be twice as expensive.

    The other option is to have everyone who doesn't have a sober drive, pay for their own taxi to the reception. cost will be about $8 per cab. But I do not want people waiting for the cab for too long and missing more than half of the coctail hour as a result.

    4 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • How to address wedding invitations to single friends and family members?

    I am in the process of addressing invitations for my wedding. My fiance has several cousins that are in relationships, we're not a 100% sure which ones, and we are inviting several friends who wont know many people at the wedding.

    I would like to give everyone an option who is single to bring a date. However, I don't really want to write and Guest on all of the invitations, and have people start searching for a date to bring.

    What should I write, so that I do not offend anyone, and give everyone who wants to bring a date the opportunity to do so.

    7 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Should I take my kitty for x-rays?

    The reason that I am asking this question is to find out whether x-rays could reveal something that would be easily fixible and waiting too long to get them would cause my kitty's problem to go from small to extremly severe.

    My kitty has been limping for about 2 weeks. took him to the vet 2 weeks ago. They didn;t find anything wrong. He hasn't gotten better and him limping has gone from one leg to both. And he seems unable to jump up.

    Took him to the vet again today. They re-examined him. There still seems to be nothing wrong with him. They re-examined his legs, nothing seems wrong by feeling them.

    The vets next suggestion is x-rays.

    I am not against spending a couple hundered dollars to make my kitty better. But I was hoping to find out from either a pet owner whose gone through a similar situation or an experienced vet what will x-rays actually tell us.

    I'd like to take my kitty for x-rays monday morning - however I'm debating whether rushing to get x-rays done will do anything other than cost me a couple hundered dollars.

    What I'm thinkining is that is his injury is not very serous the x-rays wont tell us anything and he'll get better on his own. Unfortunatelly if it's something serious like a deteriorated spine or a slipped disk it may require a surgery that cost a couple thousand dollars, and I am not sure if I'd be willing to pay that.

    If you have any exerience in this area please let me know if taking my kitty for x-rays could show us that what's wrong with him does require immediate mediacal attention, but not necesarrily a multi thousand dallar back surgery.

    Thank you for your help.

    2 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • My cat is limping on his back legs?

    My cat has been limping for about 2 weeks. At first it looked like he was just limping on one leg. We took him to the vet, they said he was fine, but told us to bring him back in two weeks if he doesn't get better. He hasn't gotten better. He's limping on both legs now and he's not running around like he used to. He's only 2 years old.

    The vet recommended x-rays. Before we take him to get x-rays done next week I would like to know if having the x-rays done will really help with anything. Should I get the x-rays done asap, or should I wait longer to see if he starts getting better?

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Maggie Sottero Diamond White/pewter accents appear gold?

    I'm getting married in 2 1/2 months. I just tried on my dress for the first time this weekend. I got a Maggie Soterro Emme in Diamond White with pewter accents. I do love the dress. However, thinking about it the accents looked more gold then pewter. Has anyone else whose gotten a Maggie Sottero experienced this? Did they mess up my dress and use the wrong color accents? Or does pewter just look a little gold in certain light?

    3 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Tomato leaves turning upside down?

    I planted several tomato plants about 6 weeks ago. I live in CT. The plants are all about 2 feet tall. Several leaves on each plant are turning themselves upside down, the downside of th eleaves is now facing up.

    Why is this happening?

    Is it bad for the plants?

    How do I stop it?

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Why is my cat pooping in the bathtub?

    I have had two cats for 6 months. They've always been good about using their litterboxes. In the past week, the girl has pooped twice in the bathtub. I've insured that I close the bathroom door when I go out and at night as a result, so she has not done it again.

    I am curious why she did it in the first place and if she'll keep doing it if I leave the bathroom door open.

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Does anyone own vitacraft cookware?

    I just went to a show where they sell vitacraft cookware. The cookware looked very good, and I almost bought some. My finace managed to talk me out of it.

    Here's my question, the cookware (pots and pans) were being sold for $1400 for a set, and came with some free stuff (knives and china). However I was told that, I needed to buy it today, if I wanted to get that price. I hate when companies do that.

    Has anyone bough their cookware for less than that?

    Is it worth the price?

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • How do I get my cats to eat more wet food?

    I've had my cats for 4 months (they are 1 year male 11 lbs and 2.5 years old female 8 lbs). When I got them, based on everything I know, I set out to feed them 1/2 wet and 1/2 dry food.

    They do not eat enough wet food. I figure they should eat between the two of them about 9 oz of the wet food. They only eat about 3 oz a day of the wet food. I give them wet in the morning and when I get back from work, as much as they'll eat and if there some left over I leave it in their bowls. At night and during the day I leave them dry food. I measure out their dry food, so that they do not get too much of it. A couple of times I tried to reduce their dry food so they'll eat more wet and it did not work. One night I did not leave them any dry food, and in the morning when I gave them their wet food they only had a little bit of it like they always do.

    9 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Questions about travling with my cats?

    I have 2 cats. I plan on taking my cats to my parents house for a 4 day weeknd. Their house is 3 hrs away. I plan on putting the cats in 2 seperate carriers with some food.

    Water will spill. Should I plan on stopping to give them water.

    Should I also plan on stopping to let them use their litterboxes, or go outside. I have harnesses for them. So i'd have to put them on when we stop. It seems like a hassle. But I want to do everything I need to to keep them comfortable.

    Is there anything else I should consider for this trip?

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • What is the name of this plant and how do you take car of it?

    My friend got a plant recently. She does not know how to take care of it. It has large hear shaped leaves. And the petals are also heart shaped and red with yellow 2 inch long thingies in the middle. The name begins with an a (we think), something like andringema.

    What is it called?

    How much sun does it need?

    How much water does it need?

    1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Can my adult cat eat kitten food? Is there a high quality dry food for kitten and cats other than WellnessCor?

    I have a 9 month old boy kitten and a girl who's almost two. I had them both for 2 months and have been feeding them half canned Wellness and half adult dry food.

    I bought a small bag of Kitten Chow for all ages. However, once I brought it home and read what's in it I threw it out. I also bought a bag of Wellness Core. When I started to mix a little bit into their food they were eating it. Once I started putting in more they started picking it out of the bowl, and everyday I would find the wellness core on the kitchen floor. Is there another high quality dry food that's good for both kittens and cats?

    Would the kitten benefit from getting the kitten food for the next three months. If so, will the adult cat be ok eating it?

    8 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Is it important that I feed an 8 month old kitten, kitten food, not adult cat food?

    I got a kitten and an adult cat a few months ago, they came with adult food from the shelter (Purina Pro Plan). I have kept them on the same food. Should I get kitten food for the 8 month old kitten? They eat from each others bowls.

    I have been free feeding them, and supplementing with some wet food too.

    I plan on switching to a higher quality dry food (like Welness). I recently picked up some Wleness canned food, and my goal is to start leaving out less dry food, so that eventully I can get them to eat half and half.

    If I do this with adult food. Is this ok for the kitten?

    Or would it be better if for the next few months they both ate kitten food. My vet said that it's best to free feed them so they can eat like 7 meals a day. that's why I don;t really want to start feeding them just twice a day.

    11 AnswersCats1 decade ago