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I am 25 and a barrel racer. I love nothing more than to jump on my horse and chase those cans

  • Exercises to slow a horse down?

    I have an AQHA mare that was run on the track as a 2 and 3 year old, now at age 15 she has doen nothing but barrels for the past 11 years. I barrel race and don't mind the speed but I also show HUS and this is where I need help. I have used barrel horses in the past for HUS BUT they are ones that have had a very easy going manner and/or have never run on the track. Minnie Pearl (my mare) has a beautiful extended trot and has the height and conformation to excell at both HUS AND barrels but since she was ont he track and was constantly run on barrels thats all she wants to do is go fast!!! I love it in once sense b/c she is so eager to please but on the other it's a pain too b/c I would like to slow her trot and canter down so we could show HUS, give her a small break from barrels and get her to relax.... Does anyone know of any exercises I can do with her to "slow" her down

    10 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Do these bloodlines cross well?

    I recently purchased a new barrel mare. She's proven both on the track and off with earnings totaling close to $30,000. She has excellent confirmation and super bloodlines she is a granddaughter of Dash For Cash and has other greats such as Leo, Easy Jet all ON her papers. A good friend of mine owns a stud named Bully's on Fire who is Firewater Flit & Bully Bullion bred. He's trying to get me to breed ot his stud. I know the bloodlines are AWESOME I personally LOVE Firewater FLit horses, BUT I've googled and can't seem to find any information on if they cross well with a dash for cash horse. Any ideas if they do or not?

    Her registered name is Fun Dasher His name is Bully's On Fire

    1 AnswerHorses1 decade ago
  • Hunter Under Saddle .... helmet question?

    Labor Day weekend I am riding in my very first ever state competition. I am competeing in Adult Hunter Under Saddle. I have all the gear I need including a helmet but after watching several videos and looking at several pictures I am questioning my helmet. The helmet I own is a navy blue micro suede type material with a grey stripe down the front. It is by Lami Cell. Here is a link

    I have noticed that in videos and pictures the people riding don't have a harness on their helmets. If I use my helmet which has a harness will I be counted off or anything?

    7 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • I just colored my hair Sunday morning.. it messed up can I re-color?

    Sunday morning I colored my hair. I've done it before and never had an issue. This time well lets say the nice medium auburn color I had planned on turned out to be UT orange! I used natural Instincts which acco5rding to a friend of mine is the reason it messed up. What I'm wondering is since it was an all natural hair color and everything and is supposed to be gentle on the hair, how soon can I recolor? Could I concieveably do ti this evening? What color should I go with to get rid of my halloween hair?

    4 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Was this God stepping into life?

    I will admit these last few years I've been low on spirituality, and faith. things have happened in my life that just made me question my faith ALOT. The death of a very very good friend at such a young age, the choices I made regarding some serious issues with a former boyfriend... alot of things that I felt bad/still feel bad about. yesterday morning I woke up and said to my fiance. I want to go to church, get up lets go. We got up, took both kids to sunday school and went into the service. upon entering the sanctuary I immediately felt differently. I could feel the love seeping out of each and every person there. We sat down in a pew near the back and the sermon began. Every word that the visiting pastor spoke seemed aimed at me and my fiance. The whole sermon was just mind blowing. I came out of that church with renewed faith and hope for my future. I can't help but feel that perhaps this was God stepping into my life and saying "ok enough is enough, you need to get right with me and believe again" Is it possible that's what happened?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • getting in shape for a show in Hunt Seat?

    this year I spontaneously decided to show Hunt Seat at my local saddle club. I had been taking lessons at an english barn and much to my surprise I have earned high points at both saddle clubs i ride at. Well b/c I am high point in this even I will be representing my club at the TSSCA state show this year during Labor Day Weekend. The horse I am riding is SUPER lazy and it's a battle to keep him on the bit and collected sometimes. Are there any tips out there that will help me to make a good showing without it looking like a fight the entire time?

    6 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • It's been 13 months this normal?

    13 months ago I had my daughter. I breastfed for around 6 months and then swapped her to formula. She's been on formula (now real milk) since then. I know it's common when you're breastfeeding to not have a period, but ever since I stopped nursing her I haven't had a period. About 2 weeks after I stopped nursing I had a very light period but nothing since. I'm not pregnant as I have taken numerous tests to be sure and I know it's not birth control b/c I'm not on any. It's got me puzzled. I asked my Dr and his response was "just give it time"... well isn't a year enough time???

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Anyone know anything about Truckle Feature?

    Just got a new horse and her bottom side has Truckle Feature on her papers. I know alot about foundation QH's and a lot of race horses but I don't know anythign about Truckle Feature except he held a record for a QH race and was a top notch racer. I guess what I am really wondering is how have his foals and offspring done in the barrel arena?

    3 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Games On Horseback???

    Ok so here is what I m doing and needing. Last week a friend of mine's son passed away in a freak accident. His mom is a very good riding buddy of mine and was starting to get he rkids into showing with us when he passed away. Another friend and I have decided to host a memorial fun show in this little boy's honor. All proceedes going to the family to cover expenses that they ahve incurred. We are looking for classes to add to this show bill that are both fun for kids and adults. Thus far we have

    Hunt Seat

    Western Pleasure

    Halter Geldings

    Halter mares

    Costume Class

    Egg and spoon

    ribbon race

    catalog race



    one barrel speed

    fig 8 speed


    fig 8 flags and arena flags.

    What other games can u think of and also since we are planning on all proceedes going to the family what should we do about prizes? Get ribbons? I'm working with some of my vendors I work with to donate some products for prizes/trophy type things. any suggestions on that also?

    9 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Why does God take Children from us so early?

    I know there really is no answer to my question but I still just can't help but ask it. Yesterday my best friend's son was killed in a freak accident on his swingset. It fell over ontop of him and killed him instantly. He was only 5. Why does God take children in such sensless ways and what purpose does he have for takign them. "Fidge" had so much to live for and was such a sweet little boy. Everyone adored him. I know there is no answer to my WHY SO I guess what I need is for everyone to pray for the family please

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Neck Reining Tricks?

    So I'm training a horse to neck rein right now and using an old trick an old timer horse trainer taught me and am loving how well it works. It got me to thinking about other methods of teaching a horse to neck rein. The method i am using is where you take a ring and slip the reins through it behind the bit in fornt of the chest then put your reins (I use split for this) on either side of the horses neck so that when you are in the saddle and holding the reins the ring is sitting right in fornt of the chest. Works wonders on aiding to teach on to neck rein. anyone else got soem old timey tricks like that?

    7 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Age to begin breaking a horse????

    Ok first and foremost no I do not need to know what age to start breaking a horse. I break horses and I know the age that they are most generally started this is a question to see what age others think a horse should beging being broke. I am EXCLUDING TB racers and all racehorses form this question as we all know they start early. This is geared towards the all purpose riding horse! I am asking b/c I have noticed over the last few weeks as I begin to get more and more clients on my breaking business set up that folks are wnating their horses started WAY WAYY too early. I have a lady who contacted me about breaking her 14 month old colt... WTF??? And I have noticed on craigslist there are several 14-18 month old horses that are shwon being ridden by kids... (not a good idea) & by BIG adults.... (ok let's ruin some young bone by doing that....) Am I crazy or has anyone else noticed this and what age do you personally like to start a horse???

    27 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Horse Groups on YA?????

    So I know Yahoo has the groups section but I was wondering if anyone was a member of a group on YA that ahd strictly to do with horses? I stumbled across one a few months ago and I LOVE it!! It's a great group where adults can discuss horse issues in a mature fashion b/c we were sick of the childish bs that can and on ocassion does arise here in the horse forum. It's also a great place to make some new friends. Anyone else a member of such a group to do with horses? Where do I sign up? What have you learned form the group?

    7 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • What Can Be Done?????

    So this is a horse question but also a legal question.

    My friend and I break and train horses on the side. We get an email response to our ad and it's a lady who has bought a horse off of craigslist and needs help with him. She can't catch him but will gladly pay our training fee if we will come catch him and work him. Well we get out there and there stands this absolutely gorgeous black and white saddle horse. So we start asking his background. According to the woman whom they bought him from he was broke to ride , had 30 days pro training , had been gelded since fall of his weanling year and was an absolute dream to be around. The reason he needed a refresher corse was he is a bit pushy (according to his new owner) they usually keep a halter on him but he had gottne it off and proved very very difficult to catch. So we arrive with a few tricks up our sleeve get this lil sob almost caught and he rears breaks away and then i notice seomthing. Wow he's some gelding alright...... yeah

    9 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Coat Color Genetics Question #2?

    Ok for those who remember my earlier post about my mare foaling an having an odd colored colt, here are the pics. As I said he has palomino body coloring but his mane and tail are a peachy/pink/orange and his eyes are a greenish brownish blue...? anyway what color could this sucker be? His sire is a grey whose sire was grulla and dam was palomino his dam is a palomino overo whose sire was a pali overo and dam was a chestnut qh....

    13 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Coat color genetic question?

    My mare foaled last night and boy is this colt an odd color. He is the sae color as her but his mane and tail are different. Let me give you background on the sire & dam. Mare is a palomino overo with blue eyes. Her sire was a palomino overo her dam a chestnut QH. The sire of said foal is a dark grey welsh . His sire was a grulla hs dam a palomino. Now this foal is a palomino color BUT it's mane and tail are a creamy pink orange color. The tail has some black hair in it. Ir's eyelashes are the same color as it's little body and it's eyes appear to be a greenish brown. Could my mare have just thrown a champagne baby? What color could this foal be? I've raised many a foal but never had ne come out this color and I've had smutty buckskins , perlinos... etc etc so this just comfobbles me..... anyway I'll post picks later tonight (have to get away from work to do so)

    16 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Herbs and their uses????

    So I got the bright idea to try and grow my own herbs this year (this coming form someone who when they cook can burn water....) and I bought all these herbs from Bonnie Plants and well I have no idea how to use them, what herbs fo with what dish... etc etc. Here is a list of herbs I'm growing

    Sweet Basil


    Flat Italian Parsley

    Curled Parsley


    Fern Leaf Dill


    Sooooooooo what do I do with these things? lol How do I use them?????

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Has PETA gone to far about the whole horse racing thing?

    Ok read this link

    and tell me if you think PETA is freaking insane or is it just me? This article states that peta is now trying to make it where fillies can't race colts , where horses can't race on dirt or where racing should be banned period... WTF is it just me or are these people morons?

    36 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Mare due to foal anyday and not bagging up!??!?!?!?!?

    My paint mare, Bailey, is due to foal any day now and is not bagging up! We have had he ron a dry lot for many weeks now and she gets Prarie grass hay and the Co-oip supreme endurance feed with 13% protein and 7% fat. She can't have alfalfa or mare and foal due to being n/h for hypp. She has had equidone admistered and it has not helped much. Any other ideas? I'm frantic here! Have raised many babies but never had one do liek this!

    14 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Walter Sickert... Jack The Ripper??????

    Just wondering who all out there who may have read Patricia Cornwell's novel "Portrait of a Killer; Jack The Ripper: Case Closed" agrees with her throry that famous painter Walter R. Sickert is indeed Jack The Ripper. I've read the book so many times now I have had to buy a new copy in order to continue reading. The mor eI read it andresearch Sickert myself the more compelled I am to agree with her that she has indeed cracked this case? what are your thoughts on this book and her theory>?

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago