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Lv 2429 points


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Live in San Diego California

  • como se llama esta cancion y quien la canta?

    dice asi:

    no no soy perfecta....

    porque es de humanos equivocarse no soy perfetcta....

    mas es hinumano no perdonar.....

    3 AnswersLetras1 decade ago
  • donde puedo encontrar los nombres de canciones o las letras? algun sitio bueno?

    no quiero de pop, sino de banda etc grupera norteñas etc alguien sabe

    3 AnswersLetras1 decade ago
  • Can you buy the tickets at Qualcomm Stadium Or no?please help?

    can I buy tickets for the Mexico Vs Guatemala game at the Qualcomm Stadium before the game or no?

    Can I buy tickets anywhere in San Diego that is not on the internet anybody know??? please help

    3 AnswersOther - Soccer1 decade ago
  • URGENT: do you know the name of this syndrome or what coulD it be?

    ok in the bottom goes the story: and First goes the question:


    Do you know the name or possible name for :_____ syndrome

    partially loosing your hearing from one ear and if the neurologist say to be careful when going up and down stairs caused it had affected something with the left eye as well

    The story

    My best friend suffered a car accident in which she was a passenger on the back of a van the car was impacted by the left side. With the crash her head went toward the left side and she broke the window with her head, Now the side effects from that accident is that she has partial lost of hearing in her left ear and she saw a neurologist when the lawsuit was going on but they said it would not cover to fix her problem, the neurologist was rude and racist and although he did tell her the name of the syndrome she has, she doesn't remember and her file was terminated or something.

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • como se llama la cancion y quien la canta ?....?

    quiero saber como se llama la cancion que va asi

    Dices que el maldito espejo te astado diciendo que has aumentado de peso, una talla en tu bestido es mas divertido para este travieso....

    no importa si comes miles de pasteles....por mucho que pasen los anos.......

    bla es todo lo que me acuerdo

    2 AnswersLetras1 decade ago
  • Receta para hacer en un bautizo?

    Necesito una receta para una comida rica pero facil de hacer para un bautizo algo diffente. No mole, No birria, no Barbacoa, ideas especialmente platillo de differentes estados de mexico, menos Puebla y Ensenada ya los se. Gracia alludenme

    5 AnswersCocina Étnica1 decade ago
  • Como puedo hacer esto alludenme?

    Voy a hacer empanadas de harina, pero no puedo hacer la forma de la tortilla, alguien sabe como puedo hacerle? con el rodillo pero no queda una forma redonda? Ya se como doblarla y hacer la forma de la empandada. El problema es hacer la forma redonda de la torilla sin que se encoja y que quede redonda? Algun truco o aparato que vendan y donde lo puedo comprar?

    Las tortillas de maiz son mas faciles...pero con la maza de arian es distinto alluda porfavor

    4 AnswersCocina Étnica1 decade ago
  • How do you change the background?

    I Need step by step instructions on how to change the background on a pix using adobe photo shop please.Anybody who really knows let me know. Details I find it hard tried before and couldn't do it, I got lost somewhere???help please

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • can one person can make a difference ?

    My question is do you think a one person can make a difference in the world. I mean because the world is just too crazy now a days, people at least in America are too rude too mean. If one person started being nicer too everyone, do you think others will too, I'm trying to be positive in the middle of so much negativity... Ar you tired too like me of going out and when your driving everyone tries to be first no one's nice anymore and at stores people seem soo defensive and mean pushing cutting lines etc...get me? or am I the only who feels this way

    12 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • what the f is T-pain?

    can anybody tell what t-pain is?

    9 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Does anybody know how long it takes to get you period again?

    I had a baby on may 3rd after that I haven't got my period yet, does anybody know how long it takes to get again. I'm not breastfeeding anymore if that helps. Please help. Is it normal not to have my period yet?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago