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  • Can anyone diagnose me?

    I woke up yesterday nauseated. I wound up vomiting, but it was yellow and tasteless (I know bile has a taste to it, so I dunno if it was that or not). Over the course of the day, I vomited 5 times like this. If I laid down it got worse. I talked to my sister (a nurse) who said she recommended a decongestant. When I took Mucinex, I was finally able to lay down, so I went to sleep for a couple hours. When I woke up, I felt better in one sense...I could still lay down, and I didn't feel nauseated, but my stomach still felt weird and my head, back (but my back hurts rather frequently), and different muscles in my body were aching. I tried to do some work, but I wasn't able to concentrate, so I took more medicine, took some Tums for my stomach and went to bed. I woke up this morning, and my stomach feels pretty normal (at least compared to yesterday...I think it's mainly hunger right now because I only ate 3/4 of a bowl of soup yesterday) and my head is aching pretty badly (I assume dehydration), but that's about it. Does anyone know what is wrong with me?

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know any good covers...?

    I'm looking for good covers of old songs. When I say old, I am talking AT LEAST the '90s. Before that would be great as well. I know Something Corporate have a good one of "Just Like A Woman", but any others?

    The one with the most accessible covers from older songs will get best answer.

    10 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Is Pablo Sandoval still considered a rookie?

    If so, do you think there's any competition for Rookie of the Year?

    5 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • When using a digital camera...?

    Some of my pics have these little red dots over them in night pics. Even if it didn't appear that way on the camera LCD, and even if the image was completely stable (such as, using a tripod). It still has these little red dots on them. Some great pics are ruined by these. Is there any way I can remove them from the pics?

    2 AnswersCameras1 decade ago
  • Fans of the Dune book series...?

    I have been meaning to read the Dune books for a long while, but in which order should I read them? Should I start with 'Dune', read the rest of the Dune Chronicles, and then read the prequels? Or should I start with 'Butlerian Jihad', go through the rest of the Legends of Dune trilogy, go through the House trilogy (House Atreides, House Harkonnen, House Corino), and then continue on to the Dune Chronicles?

    Which way is better for grasping the story? Does it flow well if I start with Legends of Dune?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Background music similar...?

    The background music to this song at the beginning reminds me of another famous song that is in like, a billion movies...what am I thinking of? It is driving me nuts...

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Came back from Cambodia a week ago, and now I feel sick...?

    Which obviously concerns me a little bit. I read that the incubation period for malaria is 7-10 days. I wore bug spray, I am not typically bitten by mosquitos, and we went inside (in Siem Reap, where there is reported malaria danger) right before it got dark. We were outside at dark in Phnom Penh, but apparently there's no perceived risk there, according to the CDC.

    Today makes it exactly a week ago that I was in Siem Reap, and last night I started to feel sick. I felt so horrible (aches, diarrhea, headache, slight dizziness) that I just decided to go to bed, even though I had a bunch of work to do. I slept for a long while (around 9-10 hours) with intermittent periods where I woke up and had to reposition myself. As the night went on, I felt better and better. My stomach ache is at a very manageable level now, but my headache has increased by quite a bit at this point. I am not feeling good overall, so I checked my temperature, and I am at 37.7 degrees celsius. Is that cause for concern? I know some people classify that as a "low fever", but is it cause for concern? I am traveling tomorrow, and I am not about to waste the money I've spent on these trips and skip out on the last moments with friends before we all go home to our respective countries (I am studying abroad).

    4 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • Climbing Mt. Kinabalu (Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia)...?

    My 5 friends and I are climbing Mt. Kinabalu in around 2 weeks. I'm excited. One of my good friends is a little concerned though because we have not seen anything on how cold it is on the hike and once we've reached the top. She gets cold very easily. Does anyone know how cold it is? I realize it's a mountain, but we are also in the I dunno. I know it won't be warm, but any ideas how cold it will be? Then I can tell her how much she should bundle up.

    2 AnswersMalaysia1 decade ago
  • What is the ideal amount of time for exploring Angkor?

    I've heard many different opinions on what would be the most ideal amount of time for exploring Angkor Wat (which I am planning to do in a few days). What are your opinions on how many days I should devote to this? I would like to see some things around Phnom Penh for a day as well, but I don't know if I will be pressed for time or not.

    1 AnswerOther - Asia Pacific1 decade ago
  • Can you help me find this fruit?

    So, I was in Indonesia recently, and while we were there, our hosts gave us some delicious fruits. I don't know what they're called, but they are red on the outside with what looks like spikes (although these "spikes" are actually bendable and not sharp at all) all over the surface. You peel the outside off and the inside is kinda a whitish-clear color, and it has a seed inside. You eat around the seed obviously. Does anyone know what this is called so that I can find them again?

    6 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Can you still get epilepsy at the age of 21?

    I have had problems with a certain twitch for the last few years. It hasn't really bothered me for a couple years, and it is not too frequent nowadays unless I get stressed or am tired or something. However, also if I am stressed or tired, I have (over the last couple years) developed a quick shake. It is more like a quick jolt through my body, but since I have come overseas for this semester (so, for about the last 2 months), these shakes have gone from quick jolts to full body shaking. Like, my arms and head and everything will just start shaking. And like, I will not be able to stop it for a few seconds at least. Over the last couple of days, it has been worse than ever. It has made me concerned that maybe I have some early stages of epilepsy showing, because I don't know what other conditions involve full body shaking. I am 21. Is it possible to only start seeing symptoms of epilepsy at 21? Or should I look down other paths to figure out what this could be?

    Also, I am signed up to go SCUBA diving in a couple weeks. They asked if I had had problems with convulsions, and I said no. Would these classify? Plus, I am taking malaria pills at the moment. Do you think those could possibly have a hand in intensifying these shakes?

    I know that's a lot of questions, but I am a little worried, and my good friend is practically begging me to go see a doctor, because she has noticed them escalating since she's known me.

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Is it possible for me to have O+ blood?

    My mom's blood type is A, and my dad's is B. I needed to know my blood type for an activity that I am doing, so I got it tested. I picked up the results today, and they say that my blood type is O+. How does that make sense? Is it a mistake? Or is that, in fact, possible?

    3 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago
  • Lariam/Tylenol/Mucinex?

    I am sick at the moment, but I need to start taking my malaria prevention pills for an upcoming trip. So, I am taking MucinexD right now, and my friend was gonna give me some Tylenol to help me out as well, but are these able to be taken at the same time as my malaria tablets (Lariam)?

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • What do you think Matt Stairs actually meant by this?

    Just found it funny since he plays for Philly and all...

    What do you think he meant though? I'm assuming he doesn't mean what it sounds like there...I have my guess for what he meant, but I want to know what you guys think.

    8 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Who did the original song "Last Kiss"?

    I heard Pearl Jam's song "Last Kiss" was a cover. I've always thought it was them! Who did the original?

    2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Flag Football on turf - turfburn question?

    So I was playing intramural flag football on a turf field. I am a very aggressive player at anything I do, so I go all out. If I don't give everything on the field, I don't see it as worth it. If I feel the only way to reach a flag is to dive for it, I will do so. I have on several occasions, and each time has led to turfburn. As I'm sure most of you know, this can be very painful after a couple hours.

    I have cleaned it out with as much of the turf out of my leg as I can...and put Aloe on it, because my friend told me that should help. Is there anything I can do to speed up the healing process? It usually takes me about 2 weeks to fully heal from it. When on offense, I play QB, so I need to be able to move around pretty fluidly. Any suggestions are very appreciated...thanks!

    1 AnswerFirst Aid1 decade ago
  • Date Night - 90's Theme...?

    Hey guys,

    So one of my friends asked me to her sorority's date night. It is an optional 90's theme, but I was gonna try to go all out for it (and she said she would if I did), so can anyone give me any suggestions as to what each of us should wear? Just some ideas...What were some fashion trends for the 90's for guys and girls?


    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • What is the song in this commercial?

    You've probably all seen the commercial. Does anyone know what the song playing during this commercial is?

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Question About The 10-5 Trade Veto Rule...

    I know the rule is that if you are in the Majors for 10 years and with a specific team for 5 years, you automatically have the right to veto a trade. I think that's a good rule, but I had a question about it. I figure it's best to ask it with an example...

    Chipper Jones has been in the majors for 10 years and on my Braves for 5. By the rule, he could veto any trade. Now, Tom Glavine has been in the Majors for 10 years and also was on the Braves for 5, but then he left to the accursed Mets. Now, the prodigal son has returned home to Atlanta, and so my question is, does Tom Glavine have that rule in effect? He was on the team for 5 years before he left. Does that still count now? Like (I know this wouldn't happen), but if the Braves had tried to trade him at the trade deadline, would he have the right to veto it? Or would he not be allowed to because he left for those few years? A little confusing, I know. I hope you can understand what I'm asking...

    6 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Toxicity of Elephant Ear plants?

    My brother came inside and said he had put some of the fluid from an elephant ear plant (which we have in our yard) in his mouth. He said it burned a little, so he spat it out and rinsed his mouth out. He then looked it up online and told me it had some type of acid in it which, if ever ingested, you should call poison control. My dad called poison control, and they said he had to get to the ER as soon as they could. This has got me really worrying. How toxic is this stuff? It's supposed to be a harmless garden think they'd tell you if it was toxic. It was a dumb thing for my brother to do, granted, but its I'm wondering how toxic these things are?

    5 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago