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  • How can I crawl out of this depression minus medication?

    27 y/o wife, mother of 2, teacher. Financially ok. Healthy so far. Great family. I am extremely depressed. I go to a doctor that does nothing but shove different antidepressants down my throat. i think above anything else, I am angry that I am sad, because there is no reason for it. I have said some pretty messed up stuff to my kids, and I secretly hope my husband finds someone else to make him happy because I suck at it. I feel everyone will resent me and hate me. I just want to run away, in order to not let anyone down. I have had suicidal thoughts, but have not crossed that threshold into actually planning or even considering that an option. I just need help. Insurance ins United Health care and they are giving me lots of providers, none of which are accepting new patients. Who do I talk to? My husband does not understand, and I cannot explain. I just need someone that might direct me in the right direction towards actually being happy, and enjoying everything we have worked so hard for. I am religious, and very open minded. Willing to try anything that will not develop into any sort of dependency. Thank you.

    5 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • How to frame a prehung interior door in a hallway with no studs?

    For some reason the people who lived in my house before me decided it would be a good idea to have a master bedroom, with a master bathroom attached via a small hallway...with no door between them. As far as I can tell there has never been a door and they did this to be "different" or something. When you're in the bedroom, it's very uncomfortable for anyone who is using the bathroom, for obvious reasons. So, I would like to put a door in, and have purchased a prehung door to do so. The problem I'm having is that there is only one place to put the door due to the fact that there is a walk-in closet in the hallway as well. Luckily there is a stud on one side in that spot, but not on the other side. Also, there is apparently no ceiling joist going across the hallway in that spot (but I have attic access there so it's no big deal to put one in). I am wondering if I can just install the door and attach it to the stud on one side, and just use heavy duty wall anchors to attach it to the sheet rock on the other side? Or, do I need to rip apart the wall on the side without the stud and put one in? A third option I thought of was to simply attach the new "stud" to the sheet rock, drilling through the sheet rock at the top and bottom into the ceiling and floor joists that run along the wall. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling7 years ago
  • I need a 2 pill Rx for xanax or equivalent anti anxiety medication for a flight...?

    I suffer from anxiety problems and IBS and have been offered Xanax in the past from my family doctor, which I have turned down out of fear for dependency. I am taking a flight on Monday and feel as though I will die of a panic attack if I don't have something to, I guess, 'calm my nerves'. I don't want a full month's prescription, because I don't feel I would use it, and I don't want that kind of medication in my home with my two young children around. Would it be a possibility for me to have my Dr. just call in an Rx for 2 anti anxiety pills for my round trip flight? Does that sound ridiculously desperate? I already feel extremely panicky about the ordeal and the trip is not until Monday. If not, does anyone have any proven suggestions on how to tame extreme anxiety in a situation you have no control over, such as a flight? All respectufl and helpful answers are welcome.

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • How can I make my husband understand the importance of making time for each other?

    Ok... so we have 2 children and opposite schedules, got it. However, I feel that he is not trying as hard as I am to squeeze in some extra mommy/daddy time, which I feel is much needed. We do have 2 days off together, but he gets involved doing projects around the house and what not. We spend family time together, but sometimes at the end of the night, I want my husband all to myself yet he rather work on the computer or watch dvr-ed shows he can watch at any given point. My self esteem is going through the window, and I seem to be eating a lot more at later times, mainly when he falls asleep after we agreed to stay up an extra hour later together, when I feel incredibly lonely. I need to seek advice from someone who is good with time management and can give me some ideas. SOmetimes I feel so down I want to go to couples therapy, but he won't budge into that under the premise that our problems are "not that serious". I would hate to resent him years down the line for not making our marriage a priority, after parenting of course. It is actually getting to the point where I refuse to sleep in the same room as him because I get so mad at the fact that he blatantly falls asleep when I'm in the shower or something, even with promises of sex and glory. Could he be having an affair on me or something? Sorry, let's focus on the main question! Any true, unbiased, and serious advice would be greatly appreciated.

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Caught my wife masturbating; she says our sex life feels "routine"?

    My wife and I had sex before I went to work today and when I came home from work and noticed a porn pop-up behind several windows that had regular content in them. That only happens when you were looking at porn and got a pop-up from another porn site, so I checked the history to see what was there and found that she had been looking up videos of guys masturbating, etc. I asked her about it and she said that she "didn't get her fix" today and needed help. She used to get orgasms very frequently, but now it doesn't seem like she does. She never looked at porn in the past and this is a totally new thing in our relationship. When I pointed that out, she said that our sex life has become routine. She said that maybe I needed to "try new things" and "try harder to be more creative." She makes it sound like I never try to initiate things and that she always has to (and she mentioned this on other occasions), but she is dead wrong. Out of the last 10 times we've had sex, I've initiated 8 of those times, because I have been keeping tally in an effort to prove her wrong. I don't want to play the "blame game" or pull an "I told you so," But I need to resolve this, because it really hurts my pride and slightly lowers my self esteem. She puts almost no effort in to keeping things interesting, shuns me when I try to do it, yet blames me for her being bored?! What do I do to make her realize that she needs to work on it too and that this is a two way street? I also need her to realize my efforts and not just think I'm some kind of cold fish in bed. And please, this is a serious question, so I don't need any stupid comments.

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What's wrong with me?

    I am 24-year old woman, and over the last 6months I have been experiencing abdominal pain, gas, constipation, irregularity, cramps, and lower back pain. I also get full from very small amounts of food. Fearing a bowel obstruction, I went to the GI and they conducted a colonoscopy and an endoscopy which yielded nothing unusual. I have tried everything from stress relief to truckloads of fiber, changes in diet, etc. I also have regular OBGYN visits and have an IUD (Mirena),but the doctor says it shouldn't cause any side effects. Since I am young, they do not conduct a lot of tests they would on older women, such as cancer in the ovaries and what not. It has gotten to the point where my symptoms are CONSTANT. Does anybody have any idea what could inflict such symptoms? I don't believe in webMD because it makes you the biggest hypochondriac! Any suggestions would help.

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Can someone design me a tattoo?

    I am originally from New Jersey and I would like to get a tattoo of the state on my left bicep. But, I have always thought New Jersey looked like a guy facing to the left with a flat head or some sort of flat hat on (look at it for a minute, you'll see what I am talking about). I thought it would be cool to have a tattoo that incorporated an outline of the state, plus the theme that it looks like a person. Can someone draw me a some ideas or sketches of this concept? Post a reply and let me know! Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerDrawing & Illustration1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know what this short story is called?

    I remember reading a story in elementary school that was set in the future. Three warring alien factions' representatives come to Earth for peace talks. They have to stay in a church for whatever reason. There are two of them who are relatively smart, but one is not very knowledgeable regarding Earth and its inhabitants. That alien is in the kitchen at one point with the church cook and is repulsed by the food. During that time, the cook feeds the church pet; a cat, and talks to it. A nun is killed later on in the story and the cat is found dead as well. They figure out that this alien was the killer because the alien saw the cook talking to the cat and thought the cat understood English, and therefore witnessed the murder and would tell someone. I was just wondering if anyone knew what story this was. I am 26 years old, so it would have been about 15 years ago or so. Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know what this short story is called?

    I remember reading a story in elementary school that was set in the future. Three warring alien factions' representatives come to Earth for peace talks. They have to stay in a church for whatever reason. There are two of them who are relatively smart, but one is not very knowledgeable regarding Earth and its inhabitants. That alien is in the kitchen at one point with the church cook and is repulsed by the food. During that time, the cook feeds the church pet; a cat, and talks to it. A nun is killed later on in the story and the cat is found dead as well. They figure out that this alien was the killer because the alien saw the cook talking to the cat and thought the cat understood English, and therefore witnessed the murder and would tell someone. I was just wondering if anyone knew what story this was. I am 26 years old, so it would have been about 15 years ago or so. Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • How do I rename a .pdf file?

    I downloaded a .pdf file and the file name had periods in place of spaces in the file name. Now Adobe Acrobat Pro Extended will not open the file because I think that Adobe is treating the next word after the first period as the file extension. (Example: Let's say "word1.word2.word3.pdf" is the file name. Adobe thinks the file extension is ".word2" ) I need to rename the file so that I can take the periods out and add ".pdf" to the end so Acrobat will recognize it as a valid file name. Adobe will not let you right-click and "rename" because there is no option for that due to Adobe's attempts to make it so people cannot rename files without opening them first. But I cannot open the file since the file name technically has the wrong extension. Is there a way to rename .pdf files in notepad or something like that?

    6 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • What is the best console gaming system?

    PS3, XBOX 360, or Wii, which one is the best? What are the pros and cons?...Just some background on me so you can figure out what I consider to be important with a game system...I am 26 years old, I was addicted to Tiger Woods Golf and Socom for PS2, although I do like Madden and other games like that...the Wii seems cool because it is a novel idea and Wii sports is fun, but I do like shoot 'em ups and stealth games like Thief and Hitman....what do you all recommend?

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Why do Christians continue to insist that the United Sates is a "Christian nation..."?

    ...and that the Founding Fathers wanted it that way despite an enormous amount of evidence to the contrary?

    Some examples:

    "The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion." - George Washington, Treaty of Tripoli, 1796...

    "Christianity neither is, nor ever was a part of the common law." - Thomas Jefferson, February 10, 1814...

    "...I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between Church & State." - Thomas Jefferson's Letter to the Danbury Baptists - January 1, 1802

    The Pledge of Allegiance was written in 1892 by Francis Bellamy (1855-1931), a Baptist minister, a Christian Socialist...Bellamy's original Pledge read, "I Pledge Allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all." - "...under God" was not added until June 14, 1954 by President Eisenhower...

    I understand believing in your religion, but must you constantly push it upon others? Why do you care what others are doing or how they choose to live their lives?

    32 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does anyone have the email about "545" employees (The House of Representatives)?

    I got this e-mail a long time ago that said something like this (I am just making the numbers up, but it was this same idea):

    "Imagine a has 545 employees:

    217 have been arrested for fraud

    128 have been directly responsible for 57 business failures costing

    $98 billion

    32 have been arrested for DUI

    53 of them have been locked for domestic violence

    etc. etc. etc.

    Sound bad? Would you hire any of these people?

    Neither would's the United States House of Representatives!!!!!

    Like I said, I made most of this up, but just to give the general idea of what the email was. I would be very grateful to anyone who could paste it here for me. (and you'd get 10 points, obviously) Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • How do I deal with severe pre partum depression if I already have children?

    I have a 1 yr. old, and am 17 weeks into my second pregnancy. Lately I have lashed out at her with intense feelings of regret and anger, and then feel extremely remorseful and cry for hours on end. I also think a lot about running away, ending my pregnancy, hurting myself, and I don't sleep a whole lot. Please, no religious judgements on my uncontrolled feelings. Just some words of advice

    3 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • What do I do about two job opportunities at the same time?

    OK, so I quit my job and went back to school to get some IT certifications (I already had a B.A. in Mass Communication to begin with). I got a CompTIA Network+ and a Cisco CCNA certification. After I was done with school I started looking for a job. It has taken me a little over a month, but now I have had a few unsuccessful interviews (due to lack of experience) and decided to try to get a job at Best Buy in the Geek Squad just to pay the bills and possibly move up in the ranks to their corporate division if the job goes well. But, now I have someone that has contacted me for a better job with more money. I have to go to Best Buy on Tuesday to fill out some paperwork so I can start the job, but this other person wants to interview me on Tuesday as well. Do I stay with best Buy because I know I have the job, or do I drop that and pursue the better job that I do not yet actually have?

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • How do I use Dreamweaver and Photoshop together?

    Ok, I have been using Photoshop for about 5 years (maybe more, I don't remember). So I am pretty well versed in the software. But, I have created a web site layout in Photoshop because I intended to use it to make a web page in Dreamweaver. I have never used Dreamweaver, but I figured it would be pretty is definitely not self-explanatory, however. How do I import my Photoshop template into Dreamweaver for use in my web page? I want to create rollover buttons, import Flash animations (which is a program that I am also proficient in) etc. I have tried and tried, but I am unable to do so. I feel so stupid because I am Net+ CCNA MCSA certified, but cannot figure out for the life of me how to use this f*c*ing thing! Help please! (simple, simple, idiot explanations please) Thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Why do people refer to their kids' ages this way?

    I notice that quite a few parents and pediatric types state their kids' ages in months, even after they are a year old! "My son is 19 months" or "My daughter is 34 months old." Why wouldn't you say "He's a year and a half" or "She's almost three?" That seems like a pretty pretentious, yuppie way to say it unless there's a purpose for it. Is there one?.

    16 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Do you believe in a diety of some sort?

    Yes or no, and what is your age, where are you from, what is your education level, and occupation? This is for school.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Poll: Are you Republican or Democrat?

    Are you Republican, Democrat, or do you affiliate yourself with a third party? What is your level of education and what part of the country do you live in? How old are you, and what is your occupation? This is for a study I am doing for school, by the way.

    20 AnswersElections1 decade ago