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  • One minute my rabbit adores me and the next she wants nothing to do with me?

    For the past two days me and my rabbit, panda, have been doing GREAT! we would take naps together and cuddle. She would come to me just to see me. I didn't even have to pet her!!!!! She just wanted to be with me. I wake up this morning and she just got out of her cage and layed on the floor i gave her hay and she only ate half...that is not normal! I come home from work and let her out and she did it again =/. I decided i would cuddle with her before i went to bed and she decided she was not having it!!! she would not! let me pick her up and i put her on my bed and she ran away from me =[. She appears to be eating her dinner now, but why does she hate me all of a sudden? Is that a sign that she isn't feeling well?

    6 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Green mucus coming from my bunnies nose?

    I have a mini lop rabbit. Recently like...yesterday probably. I noticed, what looked like her nose was dirty from far away, i brought her up close to me and it was green mucus! Shes acting perfectly fine..acts like i dont feed her actually. I also know rabbits hid their illnesses. What do you think this could be? She has no discharge around her eyes. She was sneezing and i took her to the vet for

    that, they said she was fine. Could she be allergic to her bedding you think?

    Please help my bunny

    4 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • My vet told me to buy a new rabbit cage?

    I have one of the standard rabbit cages where the rabbit is on wire. I was a little concerned about it in the first place and then i went to the vet and she wasn't to happy about it either. I saw alternatives like buying a mat so she has some support but the matt is just going to get covered in pee...and completely destroyed. Isn't it? What cages if any have you found good for your rabbit?

    2 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Hair color change after blonde.?

    I dyed my hair blonde and i want to try a chocolate brown. Closer to my natural color, but a little darker. Here is what i was wondering if i were to dye my hair with store bought brands and i didn't like it would it be really hard to remove the color because of blonde? My roots are showing i haven't had it done in months.

    6 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • What am i doing wrong?!?!?!?!?!?

    I bought 2 hamsters in the last month both died within a week. I bought them from petsmart..the first one had wet tail. The second one just died for NO reason!!! The first one broke my heart but she was mean and now this one just really is upsetting. She was a dwarf hamster and probably the sweetest one ive ever met! she ate this morning and she was running on her wheel and everything...i came home from school and she was dead!!!

    what am i doing wrong?!?!

    6 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • Is my hamster going to be ok?

    I put my hamster in her ball after coming home from school and left her alone for 5 minutes! Not a good idea.... Well i went into the kitchen to see her and well...she was gone. I found her after a long search under my fridge. She ran away from me as usual but i got her and put her back in the ball. I brought her up to my room to hold her and she sprinted away from me! Almost falling off of my bed so i put her away.

    She now seems very skidish(sp?). She runs away from me even more than she used to and she just sits under her wheel. Is she just a little scared? Or will she not be ok

    7 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • Teddy bear hamster not eating =[?

    I have had this hamster for about a week and she did eat at first, but she stopped. I think she is drinking i occasionally see her briefly run to her water bottle when she is put back in her cage. She has been moved from the pet store to a friends house to my house so i would assume that could be why

    As far as i know she sleeps all the time. I know she pees for sure i can smell it, but no sign of poop. Which usually happens when you don't eat i suppose. I looked at her butt and touched her tail doesn't appear to be wet or dirty

    When i take her out of her cage and let her run around she is active, but the minute i put her back in her cage she finds a comfortable spot and goes to sleep.

    She let me hold her for the first time yesterday and she didn't seem to be upset about it. Maybe she just doesn't like her food? Anyone know whats wrong with my ninja?

    4 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • Literary devices in We Will Rock You?

    Buddy you're a boy make a big noise

    Playing in the street gonna be a big man some day

    You got mud on yo' face, you big disgrace

    Kicking your can all over the place


    We will we will rock you

    We will we will rock you

    Buddy you're a young man hard man

    Shouting in the street gonna take on the world some day

    You got blood on yo' face, you big disgrace

    Waving your banner all over the place

    We will we will rock you

    We will we will rock you

    Buddy you're an old man poor man

    Pleading with your eyes gonna make you some peace some day

    You got mud on your face, you big disgrace

    Somebody better put you back into your place

    We will we will rock you... singing

    We will we will rock you... everybody

    We will we will rock you

    We will we will rock you

    Well known lyrics but just so you have a visual..rhythm and rhyme are obviously. But im leaning more towards the stuff like "you got mud on your face you big disgrace" what kind of device would that be..part of me wants to say metaphor but the other part says thats not it

    Please help me

    2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Inactive Teddy bear hamster? =/?

    I just bought a hamster yesterday afternoon and he is quite inactive 0_0. When i bought him he was sleeping in his little hut so i would assume that might be why but he just kind of sits in the corner. Is he ok or is he just scared of his new surroundings? Is this a sign of sickness? I mean everything looks fine

    Just want to make sure everything is a ok =].

    7 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • Is this normal? (ortho tri cyclen?

    I have been taking ortho tri cyclen for about 3-4 years now. I do not miss pills normally and for the past 2 months i have gotten my period a week early and no sign of it the week its supposed to come =/. I know when beginning to take birth control wierd periods happen alot but ....ive been on it for years.

    I was looking online and saw a couple things that mentioned taking a pregnancy test. Is this possible or am i being a little ridiculous?

    Could this be a sign of any other problems?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Is this a problem? (ortho tri cyclen)?

    I have been taking ortho tri cyclen for about 3-4 years now. I do not miss pills normally and for the past 2 months i have gotten my period a week early and no sign of it the week its supposed to come =/. I know when beginning to take birth control wierd periods happen alot but ....ive been on it for years.

    I was looking online and saw a couple things that mentioned taking a pregnancy test. Is this possible or am i being a little ridiculous?

    Could this be a sign of any other problems?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • My tire was flat this morning????!?!?!?!?!?

    Ok so i woke up and was about to head over to dunkin donuts my tire does let out air on its own and you just have to fill it on occasion...It was really rainy and muggy last night (dont know if that has to do with anything). I got in drove down the driveway and realized my car was vibrating and was SO LOUD i wanted to cover my ears! So i turned around parked and realized my tire was completely flat!! (It is the tire that lets out air)

    I reversed a few times looking for a hole no visible damage. I drove down to the end of my driveway (long story) yesterday at about 2 ish and everything was perfectly fine. When a tire is completely flat do you have to use a lift to fill it again? it doesnt appear to be filling when i use my air compressor and i dont know if i just need to be REALLY patient and fill it for a long time or if i need to lift it so it doesnt have to lift the cars weight

    7 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • I drove with the emergency brake on =/?

    I have a subaru outback and i drove with the e-brake on. Not long at all about 4-5 minutes. I did not smell anything burning as many people do and i went out and drove it around the block after realizing it and everything seems fine. Could anything happen in the future? Or is the coast clear unless i do it again?

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • What to eat when toning your body?

    I am currently doing Jillian Michales 30 day shred and i am wondering what to eat while im doing this. Keep in mind im not trying to lose weight but tone my body. I do not have the money for her meal plan WAY to pricey and i was wondering how weight watchers would fair. If weight watchers wouldnt be any good what would be good?

    Does anyone have any other suggestions?

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Trouble breathing could be asthma?

    Randomly i will be sitting in class or something like that and all of a sudden i cant breathe. Its not like i cant breathe at all its like im not taking in enough air. Often this is followed by me getting hot and i usually throw up when this happens but not always. Could this be asthma? My mother says its my sinus's i can see the throwing up thing but not being able to breath? Is this possible or is it more likely asthma? Or is this more likely something else?

    3 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • Jillian Michaels 30 day shred?

    My mom just got this 30 day shred video and i have already decided i am going to do it with her, but here my problem lies. I have been reading all the reviews and such and everyone is talking about how they lose so much weight and how great it is and everything and thats wonderful but...i in no way shape or form need to lose weight and i am far from fat. What i do want is to tone my body so the little fat i do have is not jiggling all over the place on vacation BLEH! does anyone know if i eat more calories will it have no affect or will i just not lose as much weight? has anyone tried this? Does it work well?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Which one sounds better?

    Laguna Beach- Peach, Freesia, and Coconut Milk

    Crystal cove-Kiwi and Wild Strawberries

    9 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know what happened to the LG VU?

    i know it cant be discontinued it just came out a month ago but when i went online today to purchase it, it was gone. I was thinking that maybe it was out of stock or something. I know you can get it at walmart but if you do that you have to get a whole new contract...not what i want. Does anyone have an idea of what happened to it?

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Sprint phone and at&t?

    Im guessing i already know the answer to this but i love this phone so much i have to ask. I want the pink lg instinct, but it is a sprint phone and i have at&t service. I am guessing it wont work but has anyone tried an at&t sim card in another providers phone and had it work or just know that it will work?

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Did i permanently stunt their growth?=/?

    I got 2 baby african dwarf frogs about a year and a half ago one albino and one normal both female.

    I had them in a 10 gallon tank with a goldfish (about 2-3 inches) and a corydora. I had an oscar in a 29 gallon(yep realized that mistake) and he is now comfy in a 55 gallon so i moved the goldfish corydora and frogs to the 29 gallon with a blackmoore goldfish.

    My friend just recently gave me a frog after it used his new baby frog as a snack lol and i was expecting the norm a female.

    I knew of his behavior so he is in the 10 gallon by himself now the first night he jumped out of the tank and was hopping around my room without a care in the world as if he didnt even need water(this astounded me) so i put him back in the 10 gallon and everything was good.

    I was woken up at 5:30 this morning because he was croaking this excited me because i new that meant i had a male i turned the light on checked his but for that tab and it wasnt there i got so excited!

    This frog is 4 years old

    The frogs i originally had are quite small. The albino didnt grow much at all and the normal one only got fatter (which i know is supposed to happen but she didnt get any bigger length wise)

    so if i feed them nightcrawlers and turtle pellets (or whatever pellets they are)will they get to their potential?also do you think it would be safe for me to put my favorite frog(the normal one) in the tank with the new frog (because of his past)?

    I would really like to breed them they are a beautiful couple of frogs

    but the albino one ate the tetras from when i had her in the beginning and the normal one has never even touched a fish. I am afraid that if he tries to hurt her she wont fight back because she wont know how. could this happen?

    The one i would be putting with him is about the same size actually she is just fatter

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago