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  • Do second rate officials get to chose for us?

    I have been looking through the ITV Player vids of the X Factor, both last nights performances and those of Gamu, right at the beginning. I really do like three of the four girls who got through and imagine that they all have some degree of success ahead of them..but that little girl from Scotland was better than any of them at her worst and with no more than a flower in her hair she filled a whole stage to bursting point. I expected to find some reason for her being left out of the show, something I had missed..but there is nothing except for the possibility of government interference..which we are told never happened.

    I do not believe it. Unless Cheryl Cole went tone deaf and stayed that way, taking the other judges with her when it come to the choice of wild card, then someone put the boot in for fear that a girl of eighteen would demonstrate to would be immigrants that all they have to do is develop a breathtaking talent of real financial value and they will be allowed to come over here and go on benefits..not that Gamu was on them but what the hell. Myself, with a talent like that, I would rather earn large sums of money working it...but who can tell with immigrants?

    What really bothers me, in the end. however, is that we are in need of good nurses, Gamu's mother appears to be considered worth-while by her employers and her community..she is a single mother who has worked, studied and made herself a part of her community while bringing up three children. If she asked for financial help she was not entitled to then she did not lie, she simply asked if she was entitled and was told that she was...her employers and neighbours want to keep her, her children's school want to keep the family, her local MP, for heavens sake, wants her to be allowed to stay because she is an asset to the community and her daughter has the makings of an asset to Scotland..but some second rate officials in West Minster, with either sense not generosity of spirit have decided to apply the word rather than the intention of the law so that they can bump up the numbers when they declare how many deportations they have arranged this year. They can have no doubt that this family are valuable to their community and that they will suffer if they are deported; they can not doubt that this family has a work ethic worthy of praise and support..but they have interfered to prevent a gifted young woman from being able to ensure that her family never has to live in a poverty stricken country where all their efforts may not be enough to keep them adequately fed and housed or able to complete the education of the younger children! This is not good government, it is malice, laziness and envy and I can not be the only one who objects to such people making decisions on my behalf?

    1 AnswerGovernment1 decade ago
  • Is this news item in any way new?

    This story about radon appears to have been written by some who has not read a news story in decades. If you have granite then you have radon, if you have radon then you have a serious health risk unless your home has been sealed against it. I knew that fifteen years ago, possibly longer, and others must have been aware of it much sooner so how on earth can it be regarded as news? Don't you want a job where all you have to do is to write about stuff that is already common knowledge.and not even add anything new to it! The first qualification for Journalism nowadays seems to be bone deep laziness!

    1 AnswerMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • has Susan Boyle spoiled her voice by having her hair dyed?

    Alright, stupid question but to judge by the newspapers outrage that she has dared to go to a hair dresser and have a perfectly normal shade of brown put onto her hair and her eyebrows plucked, she must have done something that the reporters would never dream of having done to themselves! Please answer this is you think that Miss Boyle has every right to do as she pleases with her own appearance...

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Why are moles worse than expense cheats?

    The search for a government mole who is offering to sell details of M.P.s expenses looks like it is being taken far more seriously than any attempt to stop M.P.s from cheating on their expenses. Apparently the mole has breached trust..but then, so have the M.P.s, surely?

    9 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • What exactly are fair grounds for sacking a senior executive?

    Here is a woman in charge of a department that was so badly run that no one appears to have known what their job was or who they were meant to be serving. The end result is that their incompetence killed a child, or allowed it to be killed when they were well aware of the danger that child was in. She was sacked. That seems little enough punishment to me when her refusal or inability to do her job properly amounted to reckless endangerment..but she is claiming unfair dismissal because, it would seem, senior executives do not believe that they are meant to do their jobs properly or at all. Bankers, council officials, politicians..who else is being paid a large salary for nothing and, in many cases, worse than nothing?

    2 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Has the step-father been excommunicated too?

    The mother and doctor of a little Brazilian girl have been excommunicated because an abortion was performed on the girl after she was found to be carrying twins fathered by her sexually abusive step-father.Abortion is allowed in Brazil only in cases of rape or if the mother's life is in danger and no one can doubt that a nine year old girl meets both these criteria, especially with twins. The girl has not been excommunicated because she is too young..but not too young for the church to think that her health and possibly her life should have been sacrificed to the perverted lusts of her step-father who,so far as the news goes, has fled the country. No one is saying if the church has taken action against him or if it condones what he has done...I really do want to know. I am not inviting a debate on the wrongs and rights of abortion, not even in this particular case, I just want to know if the church has condemned the man responsible for this situation.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If Guy Ritchie is busy holding family meetings...?

    to work out how to do best out of divorcing his wife then she would surely be a fool not to listen to people who tell her this is going on? Why is it then English men seem to think that they are allowed to play as dirty as they please against American wives and still come out of it all with good press? More importantly, how do they keep coming out of it with the good press? I know that reporters are lazy but they are not all stupid as well !

    9 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Who wouldn't vote for Giuliani?

    I just read in the news that Mr Giuliani has retired from the race to be chosen a Republican candidate for the next elections ; where the republican party has left its brains!Here is the one candidate they had who is respected and trusted on an international scale...his campaign should have been uncontested, instead of which, men with a tenth of his gravitas and a tiny part of his personal charisma have worked their behinds off to stop him from becoming the next president! Here is a man who if anything serious was known about him would certainly have been brought down long ago by Bush Junior and co., who has cared about and supported the people he has served..who was there, visible, at risk and doing his job whilst Junior and friends were scurrying off into hiding without even informing the public that they were safe!

    When the power went down Giuliani was quick to react and reassure, and his reassurance was believed and trusted. Does anyone expect to find a better president?

    6 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • May I take this opportunity to?

    wish you all a happy and a peaceful Christmas season regardless of your beliefs or lack well, be happy, take care of each other.

    9 AnswersFriends1 decade ago