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  • Tight chest, short breath.... What's the deal?

    Nearly 2.5 hours ago, was eating dinner. Chest pain (tight, burning), with sweat, and shortness of breath. Some pain in right collarbone and upper aim.

    All this, except the shortness of breath, eventually went away after about 30 minutes.

    Chest pain/tightness still comes and goes, like inside of my chest is pushing hard against my sternum. Too scared to go to sleep!

    (Am 27, female, overweight but reasonably fit, family history of heart problems, ex smoker)

    Mum thinks I'll be fine, won't take me to hospital, don't want to sound like a dick calling ambulance :(

    3 AnswersHeart Diseases8 years ago
  • How do I re-open a lip piercing?

    I had my lip piercing (as well as a labret) taken out about 8 months ago for surgery I had to have, and left them out since then. I now want my lip one back... Is there any way of reopening it from home? I can insert a safety pin through the front but there doesn't seem to be a 'hole' on the inside of my lip. Any suggestions? Will go to the piercer again if I must but would like to try at home first!

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Withdrawl symptoms for Endone?

    I have been on Endone for the past 5-6 weeks. Was originally just on Oxynorm 10mg. Then doc put me on Oxycontin (controlled release) 10mg, as well as oxynorm 10mg. Just a few days ago my Oxycontin dose went up to 20mg.

    This is for a possibly fractured pelvis (xrays have been inconclusive) that happened just under 6 weeks ago.

    A friend just told me he had withdrawl symptoms when coming off Endone- what will they be, what can I expect? I'm now worried :(

    Other - Health1 decade ago
  • Mirena pain- how long and how bad is 'normal'?

    I had my Mirena inserted yesterday. Took two Naprogesic (period pain tablets) an hour beforehand. The pain was incredible- the doctor suggested it might be bad (small and sensitive uterus), but I literally screamed and cried, and was in shock afterwards. I DID have a pregnancy up to 7 weeks a few years ago which meant my cervix is slightly more dilated than someone who hasn't had a pregnancy at all.

    The pain was so intense for the rest of the day I took 4 Endone. Not just cramps in the uterus, but vaginal pain too. Like sharp cutting pains.

    This has continued today as well, and I'm not impressed. Also I'm not sure how long she cut the strings, but I can feel them without inserting my fingers and I'm sure that's not right... One of them seemed curled up, which could have been what was causing the sharp cutting pains so I straightened it out.

    I did ring the clinic and am waiting for someone to call me back, but I suffer bad anxiety as well and am making myself sick with worry in the meantime- anyone got any answers for me? Should I still feel this much pain the day after?

    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Dad despises me.... What should I do?

    Sorry might be a little bit of a long one, I'll try to keep it succint!

    My Dad has always liked my brother more than me- my brother has always been the 'easy' child (did school, did Uni, got a job, has travelled overseas, has a nice car.... you get the drift), whereas I, for lack of a better description, have been hard work. I admit this freely- it's just who I am. I struggled at school, dropped out, moved interstate a few times before coming home, have held (and subsequently lost) more jobs than I can remember.

    I also have suffered from various mental illnesses since I was about 15- I am now starting to get flashbacks of something that happened to me when I was younger, which would explain a LOT of what is wrong with me.... (I think a certain extended family member did some certain unwanted things to me).

    So, you get the idea- I'm no picnic. Life has been hard for me.

    Throughout all of this, Dad has made a pretense of 'being there' for me, but always turning around and telling me how useless I am, how he doesn't like my life and where it's headed, how I need to get my **** together- blah blah. All of this is fair enough, and to an extent- true.

    However, recently, I received an email from him stating that he no longer wishes to speak to me until a) I leave my current partner (whom he has never met, and won't even let me talk about), b) hold down a job for 6 months c) completely change my life, my attitude, and most likely my personality. He has sent emails like this before, including one where he placed blame upon me for him having to leave my mother (gee, thanks Dad...) He claims I am a 'failure' and an embarrasment to him, and he no longer wishes to have me in his life.

    I, quite simply, have had enough of him and his attitude. I have been considering changing my last name for a couple of years now, and this last act of his is likely going to push me to do it. I have nothing to do with the rest of his side of the family anyway.

    But is it the wrong thing to do?

    I always thought that despite your faults and misgivings, that your parents would be there for you, even if they do feel like smacking you upside the head once in a while.

    I can accept that he will probably never appreciate me for who I am (I have had many people, both related and unrelated, tell me the same thing about him), and therefore never respect me. I will always feel small and worthless around him. Should I cut the strings entirely or what?

    10 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Vertical Clit Hood Piercing- will I be able to work in 2 days?!?

    I've been planning to get one for ages, have done all the necessary research, but what I REALLY want to know is- if I get a piercing done tomorrow morning (Saturday) will I be able to work Monday morning? (3-4 hours of walking- feeding horses etc).

    Personal experiences please? (How long until you could walk without looking like an idiot? lol)

    5 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • I think I might have Borderline Personality Disorder.?

    First of all, I would like to apologise in advance for the long-windedness of my "question."

    I'm wondering if I have BPD.

    I've suffered Depression since 2001 (on and off), and anxiety for a couple of years now. Have been on and off medication for both of them. Both of these diagnoses feel 'empty' to me, because there's a lot more going on with me than they both cover.

    Yes, I get depressed. However, it's not the same suicidal depression I had years ago.

    My anxiety is still 'there,' more social anxiety than anything. I hate being in public (unless I'm drunk) because I feel like I'm being watched... Judged... Laughed at. Maybe my fly is undone, or my glasses are crooked, or my hair is sticking out at a funny angle.

    What those two disorders DONT cover is:

    -Amazing bursts of anger. Temper tantrums. For example, today, the stupidest thing (in hindsight) set me off. I first punched a wall, and that didn't hurt enough, so I put my hand through a glass door on a display cupboard. Broke the glass, made myself bleed. Momentary satisfaction. Not the first time I've done this... And the most satisfying time was when I broke 2 metacarpals. And when I'm not physically hurting myself in times of anger/rage- I'm wishing I was.

    -I 'attack' myself. Pick at myself. Pick at scabs, pick at little zits. Any raised bump on my skin and I attack it. For hours on end. I lie in bed reading a book and I'm attacking myself. I do it whenever I have free time and a free hand- and my body is hideous.

    -My personal relationships suck. Last guy who tried to make things work with me... Well, I ****** him around hardcore- without meaning to. One minute I thought the world of him, next- couldn't stand the thought of him. So he left.... And then I found myself missing him. He came back.... Hated him again. I felt bloody awful. This went on for about 5 months.

    -Feelings of utter emptiness, confusion. Half the time I don't know whether I'm coming or going. Arthur or Martha. I can never make plans more than a few days in advance. (I do try but they never happen). I don't have any life goals. I just... float through each day. Sometimes I get wild ideas I think will work, and well, obviously, they never come to fruition either. I don't know who I am, what my purpose is. I feel like a jellyfish blobbing around in the ocean just waiting for something to happen. For life to stop and pick me up in it. I've seriously considered getting pregnant just to have a purpose.

    -I'm not suicidal but god I wish I wasn't here. My moods are all over the joint, I know I'm hurting the people around me but I just can't seem to stop it. I can't be home on my own because I go stupid (my poor Mum and her partner are going away for Easter and have to take me...)

    -I constantly feel like I'm being misjudged, seen the wrong way. I hate it when people get the wrong idea about me- I fight for it. Usually ends up messy. I always seem to attract ****.

    -I'm ashamed of myself. I can see what I am, and I hate it, and feel bad.

    There's probably more but you get the idea.

    Lately it's been getting to the point where I've seriously considered signing myself into a mental hospital- even just for the escape. I'm too scared to see a GP because I think they'll just laugh at me and try to put me on more drugs... When I know it's more than that. What do I do?

    7 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Really really bad hayfever- what to do?!?

    Hey all. Bit of background- I never started getting hayfever until I was about 15 years old- in 2002. It started off as VERY occasional- and definitely only seasonal.

    Over the years, it's gradually gotten worse and worse.

    I now get it EVERY day. I take a hayfever tablet (have tried all sorts at all strengths) and still suffer. Even when I take 2 tablets- I'm still a mess.

    I wake up in the night to sneeze- I can't get back to sleep because my nose is stuffy and running.

    All day I'm sneezing- morning is the worst, I've been known to sneeze 20 times in a row. It's getting to the point where I'm crying in pain from it. About a month ago I even gave myself an ear infection from sneezing so much, we also think I gave myself a staph infection (carried in the nose and other places) from the same thing.

    Doesn't matter whether I'm inside or outside, in the rain or in a dusty paddock. In the shower, or grooming a horse. I'm constantly sneezing, and my nose hurts, and it's making me utterly miserable.

    Is it normal to get hayfever this bad, or is it perhaps something else?

    I do have an appointment lined up to see a doc soon (takes a while to get in to see someone decent around here) but thought I'd pop in here and ask as well.

    Someone help!!!

    4 AnswersAllergies1 decade ago
  • Clitoral Hood Piercing + Horseriding?

    Just wondering if anyone out there has combined these two things?? I work with horses and ride regularly, but want to get a clit hood piercing, and am concerned whether or not it's going to rub, cause damage etc! Anyone got any ideas?

    Also, if anyone happens to know of any good places in South Australia that do this, please let me know!

    5 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Is my toe broken- should I see a doc?

    So, last night (about 12 hours ago), I walked into this heavy wooden saddle stand I have in my backyard. Definitely not the first time I've done it, but this time it hurt like all hell, and the pain just got worse and worse. At one point I was sitting there shaking, almost crying (I'm no wuss, last time I cried was when a horse reared up and landed on my shoulder lol).

    I definitely heard a loud CRACK (or more like a 'snap') when it happened. I tried putting an ice pack on it for a while but it hurt too much.

    Now, it's my left foot- the second smallest toe looks kind of... fat and red but not too deformed. It's the base of that toe, and the smallest one, that's bruised and swollen (the bruising goes down my foot about 3cm from the base of the toe). I can't bend my little toe, and I generally have a high pain threshold but this throbs constantly and hurts to walk on.

    So, my questions are- is it likely something has broken? Should I actually see a doctor, seeing as it's the base of the toes and not the toe itself?

    (Did I mention the bruise is pretty?)

    3 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • Mould Inhalation- should I be worried?

    Yesterday I cleaned my car, and I had mouldy hay on the backseat (I own a horse lol). I had to scrape it off with a paint scraper, spores went everywhere. Then I just picked it all up with my hands and popped it in the bin, and vacuumed the rest up. I know I definitely inhaled some.

    I felt a little off-the-piss last night, but this morning I have incredibly bad hayfever like symptoms (I have hayfever but it's never normally this bad) and my bronchitis seems a lot worse, and I'm also a bit nauseous and have a headache.

    I did some googling, and it seems these are the symptoms of mould allergy, but I can't seem to find what I should do next! Should I see a doc, or will it just go away?

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Nodular Necro-biosis in horses- anyone have experiences?

    My horse was recently diagnosed by a vet as having nodular necrobiosis on his back, it seems it is as a result of my poorly fitting saddle.

    Just wondering if anyone else has had experience with this condition, ie what caused it? What treatment did you use? How long did it take to go away? Did your horse find it painful? Has it ever returned?

    For info sake, my horse has a few lumps on one side of his back, and only one or two on the other. Behind the wither, only a few centimetres on either side of the spine. Very painful to touch. I will be starting a course of Preddy graunles to see if they go away, and can't ride until they have (and until I get a saddle fitted correctly).

    3 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • What bit should I be using for showjumping? (Crazy excitable horse!)?

    Hello all! I have an OTTB and we have come a long way over the past few months, and are now looking at small shows.

    He loves to jump, but whenever we so much as glimpse a jump I lose control. He's great in the dressage arena (probably finds it too boring? hehe) and I can usually bring him under control if he gets a bit excited, but in the jumping arena- I usually end up gripping for dear life with my legs and unfortunately- hanging off his mouth in an attempt to slow him down (not good, I know.) I've tried one rein stops, but as soon as we get going again it's 'zoom zoom zoom.'

    I am having lessons but I was thinking of perhaps getting a 3-ring dutch gag just for jumping? (Again, he's usually fine without a jump in sight! Even going for gallops he pulls up with a 'whoa'),

    So, is a 3 ring dutch gag ok? (Obviously on the nicer hole first!)

    Either that, or any ideas on calming him down? We seriously cantered nonstop around the arena countless times today because he just put his head up in the air and I couldn't slow him at all! (My thighs hurt now...)

    12 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Anzac Day Dawn Services- can you ride your horse there?

    I'm not even sure where I got this idea from, but I could swear I've seen or heard about people riding their horses to dawn services, in respect for the Light Horse brigades etc etc...

    Can you randomly rock up on your own horse, or is this not recommended?

    2 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • Is my ankle broken? What about my knee? (You can tell I've had a good day...)?

    I fell off my horse about 12 hours ago (he's an ex racehorse, got overexcited, bucked and I came down).

    I can't remember how I landed, but I had immediate knee pain. I hobbled back home, mounted again (with the sore leg) and rode for 5 minutes before putting him away.

    When I got home I took my riding boots off, and realised my ankle hurt too. I've been hobbling around all afternoon on it, but now it's gotten to the point where I can't bear any weight on that leg. There is only very mild swelling in both the knee and the ankle.

    I can bend my knee, but not straighten it, and it is tender to the touch, with bruising above the kneecap.

    The ankle is tender on the inside to the touch, and I have very limited movement, and sharp pains whenever I try to stand on it.

    I normally have a pretty high threshold for pain, hence hobbling around lots, but now I'm concerned! Would my ankle be broken?

    1 AnswerInjuries1 decade ago
  • Horse with ticklish wither- is it pain?

    Hi there. I picked up a horse about a month ago- an ex-racer who was retired 10 months ago due to a bowed tendon. He is 7 years old.

    When I picked him up, the previous owner showed me that he had a ticklish wither- you simply touch his wither and his muscles 'spasm' in the same way he might do if he were trying to get rid of a fly.

    However, sometimes, he'll put his ears back, swish his tail and back up when you do this.

    Is it pain, or just sensitivity?

    If it is pain, what are the causes?

    (PS I haven't ridden him yet so never fear!)

    10 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Lump on upper left arm- what is it?

    Hi there, I started experiencing pain in my upper left arm about 2 weeks ago. I hadn't knocked it, and there was no visible bruising or anything, not even swelling. About 4 or 5 days ago however, it started swelling, and now there is a solid lump there, perhaps around 2cm? It is mildly painful, hurts when I press on it, and I can't sleep on that arm.

    I had the cervical cancer vaccination about 5 or 6 weeks ago (Gardasil) and I wonder if it's connected, but I thought if I was going to experience a reaction to it, it would have happened sooner? IE Within the first fortnight or so?

    5 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago