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  • I'm dating a guy with a pee fetish?

    So I was discussing some things with my boyfriend earlier and after I made a joke about him being into weird sex he told me that he liked watching girls pee. I haven't ever dated someone with a fetish like that before. In fact a lot of the guys I've been with have either been pretty innocent and naive or really vanilla. Now, to be honest, I'm looking for a bit of advice on this more than I am an answer to a specific question. He has a pee fetish, this I know, it's what to do about it that I'm unsure of.

    I'm not going to break up with him over this, everyone has their kinks and it's such a silly reason to break up if I really care about him, which I do. I'm just not really sure how to go about things in this situation. We are currently in a long distance relationship, he lives on the other side of the country and I won't get to visit very often. We've known one another for over a year but only very recently began as a couple, and have yet to have sex or anything of the sort.

    So, people of the internet, any advice?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • How do you like girls/guys to be down 'there'?

    Basically do you like them to be shaved, trimmed, or what?

    For me I prefer both guys and girls to be trimmed (I'm bisexual). For a guy it doesn't really matter how he trims down there just as long as he does. For girls, same deal, but something like a landing strip or something it always appreciated. Not necessary but appreciated.

    What do you guys/girls like your partner to be down there?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Should I break up with someone I love?

    I love him, he's amazing in so many ways. We've had problems but they've always been petty and we have always worked them out. There is a distance issue between us but despite that we've been a strong couple... But recently he's been acting really strange and, though I don't like admitting it I don't trust him as much as I used to. At one point he would tell me everything - even when I didn't want to know. But now he barely speaks at all and though he gets mad at me for keeping something incredibly private and painful to myself, he got worked up about me asking him ONCE why he felt he was pressured... For two weeks now he's been talking to me less and less. He's been keeping things from me and most of the time I don't even feel like he wants to be around me. We play this game together when we can't actually be together, and we used to spend every second in it with eachother. But we don't anymore and, every time I bring it up he just says 'sorry' and whenever we talk it's always really brief and usually ends with him saying 'oh'. I love him so much, and he claims that he still loves me. I asked him if he really wants to continue this and he panicked and practically begged me not to leave him, but that was about the longest conversation we've had in weeks. Up until a couple of weeks ago he'd always have my back or be looking out for me and we'd talk all the time, now it's like he thinks I'm getting in the way when I'm around... What the hell is happening? Should I leave him..?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Where can I find Fullmetal Alchemist box sets?

    If I am to understand correctly, the first anime seires (not Brotherhood) wasn't ever released in the UK in a single complete box set, but instead as a collection of four (Series One, parts 1 & 2, and Series Two, parts 1 & 2). As of yet I have been able to find Seried One part 2 and Series Two part two, both used and not in incredible condition. I found one 'new' version of Series One part 1 selling for over £70 and it didn't look trustworthy to me. This is driving me insane, because I can easily buy a Brotherhood box set yet no matter where I go I can't get all the episodes for the first series. It just feels wrong to have Brotherhood and not the first series. Can you help me? I really would rather have new copies.


    1 AnswerComics & Animation7 years ago
  • Questions about applying for a Canadian citizenship?

    A few years ago my father applied for me to get a canadian citizenship before he went away, but the papers ended up getting lost in the post and I didn't receive them for a few months. Being still quite young at the time, even once I got them I had no idea what I was meant to do with them. It confused me and put me off completing the paperwork. That was about four years ago, and I'm looking to try and apply again. What I'm wondering is, can I use the old paperwork or is that now 'out-of-date'? I would need to change the address but the details are basically the same. If not, how do I re-apply? I believe I would need a full copy of my father's birth certificate to do so (since he is my canadian parent), and though I don't have one on hand I could probably contact my grandmother for a copy. Basically, I still have no idea what I'm doing here and I need some help.


    2 AnswersImmigration7 years ago
  • I don't understand what he's trying to get at?

    I have a friend who has been acting odd lately. We met in a game so he didn't know what I looked like when we first met (in fact he didn't even know I was a girl until we started to talk). Recently he saw a picture of me and started acting oddly, and since has been saying weird things. At first he was just talking more about his romantic life, but... The other day he saw a girl in the game we play who had a certain hair colour, and started going on about how much he loved girls with that hair colour, having only just found out that my hair was that colour. He's started to say 'I love you' a lot and at first I thought he was just joking, but he got irritated when I didn't say it back (like, honestly put in a bad mood, though maybe it was just cause he was tired?)...

    And then, yesterday he said he needed to do something, and he was about to say what but then hesitated like he didn't want to tell me. I asked him where he was going and he said that he needed to check facebook, hesitated, and then said 'for something' like he was trying to hide it... Before I go on, I should mention that he has said before that he likes a certain type of girl with a certain style. When he came back he started asking how I dressed, even mentioning the same 'style' that the other day he'd said he'd liked on girls. Either he has no subtly or I'm reading too much into this... He does kind of talk to me like I was one of his male friends, which is what I'd prefer; I'm not interested in him.


    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Is there an alternate meaning to 'fapping'?

    As I know the word, it is to masturbate. Basically to ****... I don't know if this is my friend messing with me or trying to avoid a potentially awkward situation, but I overheard him saying something to his friend when he picked up the phone (hahah) and he said that he 'wasn't talking about that kind of fapping' and started saying I had a dirty mind ¬_¬ I'm almost certain that he was just messing with me (or trying to avoid an awkward situation) but my curiosity has been peaked and I'm just making sure.

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay7 years ago
  • Why is my friend acting so weird all of a sudden?

    I don't know if I should call him a friend. He is more of a, raiding partner; we've known each other for a few weeks and game together, raiding dungeons and such. Basically what's happened is that he had a picture on his profile of him while I didn't, so I gave him my name to look me up on a social networking site (as he thought it was strange for me to know what he looks like, and for him not to know what I look like). He looks at my pictures and is fairly quiet about them, eventually commenting on my ever-changing hair colour. But then it got strange and he started talking about his ex girlfriends and a girl he seems to like, and about a girl who likes him but he thinks is annoying, and what his 'type' is. We've never been much for talking about our personal lives, except for some small talk, so this is just strange. Why is it that every guy I play games with thinks that just because I'm a chick they can unload their love-life issues on me? They wouldn't talk about that stuff if I had a penis, that's for sure. So why did this guy get wierd after seeing my profile, and how the **** do I stop it before it starts getting really awkward?

    To further clarify the situation, I have no romantic feelings for this guy and don't suspect he has any for me. I don't think that's the issue. I don't want it to, but frankly if this is going to become a thing it's really going to kill my mood for talking to him... I don't need to hear about his sex life, I get enough of that from others ¬_¬

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • Can two or more characters on the same account in FFXIV contribute to the same trophy?

    I have four different characters in FFXIV at the moment, one is level 50 and has completed the game. During the beta for the PS4, I made a new character in the first period and kind of fell in love with her, so reuploded her appearance data when the game came out in order to play her again. My question is, will both my endgame character and the one I'm working on now contribute to the same trophy. For example, if I killed five thousand enemies with my level 50, and five thousand with my new one, would I be able to unlock the 'To Crush 10,000 Enemies' trophy that requires you to kill ten thousand hostiles.

    Another thing to mention, when I completed the game during the first day or so of the PS4 beta, my Warrior of Light (completeing the game) trophy didn't unlock. Almost two weeks later, when I was just stolling down the road looking for something good to farm, the trophy just popped up on my screen. I was, irritated to say the least. Since one of the reasons I began taking my secondary character more seriously was because I thought the trophy had glitched out and I'd have to complete the game all over again. Has this ever happened before that you know of?

    Thank you for answering my questions ^.^

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • How do I get rid of tiredness in order to pull an all-nighter?

    I have a gaming session planned tonight with a friend and we're going to go hardcore to max out our team. I've been really looking forward to this, but the issue is... I didn't get much sleep last night because I was bringing my healer up to scratch for tonight, and I got a little carried away with a friend in party chat. I need to stay awake tonight but I am getting tired, and it's only about half three. What can I do to keep myself awake tonight? Caffeine of course, but there is only so much I can do without giving myself a heart attack. I had a cold shower and I'm going to make myself some spicy food, but what else can I do? I so very rarely get to do any hardcore gaming these days, as I am too busy. I've really been looking forward to this and want to be able to stay awake to heal the skin off of my team tonight! (and if the healer bails on them they're all kind of ******)

    Please help me! I've been planning this for too long.

    Thank you (:

    5 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • How do I get him to admit he likes me?

    There is this guy that I've thought might like me for a while now, and after a lot of thinking about it I am 99% sure that he is definitely in to me (and the other one percent is only excluded because no one can ever be 100% sure about anything). When it comes to men, I want them to make the first move; it's a turn on for me, I admit it. The problem is, this guy happens to be rather shy about this kind of thing, and even though he's a lot more comfortable with me than he is with most people, I still don't see him blurting out any time soon that he likes me. He's never really had a girlfriend before, and he's definitely a virgin, and he doesn't seem very good at 'reading the signs'. So how do I get him to tell me that he likes me?

    Last night, he was very close; he sent me a ton of messages about how he really needed to talk to me and that he was going to rush home so that we could speak. When we started talking, he was all awkward and hesitant, and then after a lot of false starts and stuttering he just made a joke and pretended it didn't happen. How do I get him to admit how he feels? I really want him to make the first move...

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • What areas of your body does bike riding target?

    I've never really paid much attention to which areas of my body my exercises target, and I was always more of a runner than a bike rider anyway. I've been kind of angsty recently, so I've been working out more to burn it off and I decided to invest in a stationary exercise bike - though I've had weights and resistance bands for a few years. I wanted to know exactly what areas of my body the bike targets, so I know what areas to target with my weights and bands.

    So what areas of my body will the exercise bike target, and what results can I expect from them (i.e. lifting, tightening, toning and hopefully not bulking up).

    Also, my friend burst my yoga ball recently and I need to invest in a new one, and I figured I'd pick up a new mat and some other things while I was buying it. Do you know any good online stores that I can buy from with affordable delivery charges and good customer service?

    Thank you!

    5 AnswersCycling7 years ago
  • Is this a sign that he's in to me or something?

    I have a friend, and we talk all of the time; literally every single day. We get on well and can chat for hours on end without getting bored. At night we'll play games together online and spend AGES talking over the headset, often ending up in the both of us staying up way past what we intended. In fact, a lot of the time he'll end up getting bored of playing games but stay online just to talk to me while I play something.

    As of recently, he's started talking more openly about subjects he tended to avoid before - namely sex and relationships. I think in the three months we've known each other he's mentioned something like that once, just after we first met when he said that if he ever managed to get a girlfriend he'd spoil her or something along those lines. However, he's been going on a lot recently about things that turn him on, not so directly as to say it like that but he'd bring up an actress or something and go on about how good she looks. But that I totally brush off and just think it's because he's more comfortable talking to me now.

    What I'm curious about is this; over the past few days this guy has been telling a lot of jokes about Him and I being in a relationship. Every now and then he'll make a joke referencing movie or tv couples and have us stand in for them, or he'll tell me (in a joking way and a sort of mocking tone) that he'd 'treat me right' if we where going out, or when we're gaming he'll go on about then and joke that they're dates.

    So what's going on!?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • How do you deal with a racist friend?

    I have a friend who happens to be a little racist. He's also a bit homophobic... Which infuriates me! Being bisexual, the homophobic thing obviously bothers to me, but that I can handle; it's the racism that really gets to me. While his is generally directed at black people, I'm asian-caucasian and have had really hurtful things said to me about my asian heritage. I can't stand racism, it drives me insane, and sometimes it really makes me question our friendship... This friend is younger than me and still in school, and he is also from a religious family and comes from a very white-dominated area of the US. He has never said anything really terrible, like that black people don't deserve the same rights as white people, but he has said some things that get on my nerves. Everyone has their faults, and I don't want to just stop talking to this person because of one of his... But I don't know how to deal with this and I find it very uncomfortable - and entirely insulting - when he starts acting that way! How do I deal with this racist friend?

  • What if I broke up their friendship?

    I met the person I'm with, Jack, through our mutual friend, Ian (false names for the sake of privacy). When I first met them, Jack and Ian where close friends. However, before introducing me to Jack, Ian used to flirt with me a lot, but left it alone because I am older than him. Not long after I started to talk to Jack, Ian began getting irritable with him, and started saying how annoying he was when he wasn't around. I didn't think much of it at first, but kept my mouth shut... But after Jack and me started to become a little more than friends, Ian started to completely stop talking to Jack. And tonight, when I was talking to Jack, he said that Ian was getting on his nerves and started bad-mouthing him to me.

    I feel responsible for this, because it didn't start happening until I showed up! I don't want to ruin their friendship because of what I have with Jack, because honestly he is younger than me by a few years, and while I do really like him I don't love him or anything; friendship is for life, but relationships between teenagers usually don't even last a few months (I can't even say he's my boyfriend). I'd hate to kill their friendship for something that might not even last another couple of weeks, but I don't know how to fix this.

    What if I broke their friendship, and how can I reverse the damage I've caused?


    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • Why am I constipated?

    Okay, so I am constipated but I don't feel like I need the toilet at all. I don't think I've been in three or four days, and the past few days I admit I haven't really been eating well (nor have I been doing much exercise). I've sort of had a lazy weekend.

    But the point is, I'm constipated and I don't feel like I need to go at all; I don't feel constipated, but I KNOW I am because of what I've been eating and how long it's been. I can't take any laxatives because I don't have any in my house, and for certain reasons the chemist and clinic in my town won't give them to me. Can you help me? What should I do to fix this, and why is it happeneing at all?


    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care7 years ago
  • What are some Native American tribes from the Colorado area?

    I'm looking for a Native American tribe that was present around Colorado and the surrounding states five hundred to one thousand years ago. I'm writing a book that involves Native American lore, and I want to be true to the history of the people. I want to find a tribe that suits the story, which is going to be set somewhere in or around Colorado.

    Also, I'm not from the states. I want to avoid any stereotyping or any cliches associated with Native Americans, so if you could give me any pointers as to what to avoid I'd really appreciate it.


    4 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups7 years ago
  • Should I re-dye my hair without bleaching it, or should I not risk it?

    I dyed my hair a really shocking, vibrant turqoise a little while ago and really loved it. However, I'm looking for a change and want to go pink. I used a pigment remover to lighten the blue two days ago, and it went from a very dark green (since it had faded) to what is now a pallid turqoise, though slightly darker at the ends. I then bleahced my roots, which are now blonde, but as I dropped the bottle didn't have enough to cover my very long hair (I sit on it sometimes) and the rest is still very much blue, though it is pale at the top and slightly darker at the bottom. If I use a medium shade of pink dye on my hair and leave it in for a couple of hours, will it colour properly? I don't mind if it's a little off, to be honest. I just don't want to have to spend another £40 on bleach, and I really don't want to have to bleach it again anyway. So what colour will this medium shade of pink come out as on pale blue-green? I've been dying my own hair for about a decade now and have never come across an issue like this before, hahah... I always lightened it well before, but this time it just didn't seem to work out :/


    1 AnswerHair7 years ago
  • Which home exercise bike is the best quality of these chosen three?

    I have a budget of about £150 for this, and have found three potential bikes that I will be purchassing next month. Since my gym membership was too expensive, I have decided to buy one of these so I don't get lazy - and $150 is about three months of a gym membership, not including petrol fees. The three bikes I am thinking of buying are listing below in order from cheapest to most expensive:

    Confidence Fitness MKII Pro Magnetic Exercise Bike (£119.99)

    Marcy MCL100 Home Exercise Bike (£129.99)

    York Fitness Active 110 Cycle (£142.14)

    I will likely be using this bike often, so it has to not be poor quality and break down easily. Could you look these bikes up and tell me which one you think is the best. The price on them does not matter, since they are all under £150, so unless you think it is overpriced for what it's offering, ignore how much it costs. Also, if you know of any exercise bikes available in the UK at or under £150 that you think is better than these three, by all means feel free to suggest it.


    5 AnswersCycling7 years ago
  • What is your favourite Elder Scrolls game?

    I really enjoyed Skyrim, and as of now I have dedicated more than a thousand hours to my main character alone (and have a total of nine other characters which I play). The game was improved from Oblivion not only in the levelling system, but those graphics! When I first played Skyrim I was used to playing Oblivion ALL the time, and my heart nearly fell out of my ass I was so amazed.

    However, while Oblivion has many faults in my mind, it is by far my favourite Elder Scrolls game. I never played enough Morrowind to justify calling it my favourite game, and have not in my life touched Arena or Daggerfall (though I would like to). Neither have I played any of the spin-off games.

    In my mind, Oblivion has to be one of the best games out there - and not despite it's flaws; because of it's flaws. The levelling in Oblivion was not the best, I think most would agree, but it made the game genuinly gut-wrenching. When you got to a certain level you where constantly on the edge of your seet and screaming at the screen because it just got so damned hard (and being as prideful as I am, I can't justify ever lowering the difficulty I started the game on, for any reason). Not to mention those incredible quests, and those dungeons where it was so dark that you simply couldn't survive without a torch or spell. The only real issue I ever had with Oblivion was with the bow, but it was a petty issue and didn't stop me using one (the bow just always seemed a little rigid and didn't feel as if it flowed as a bow should). Not to mention, Oblivion had amazing stories and excellent characters, the voice acting was class and the graphics (for it's time) where spectacular. I remember when Oblivion first came out, and I saw it on that computer screen, and sitting there listening to the music and staring at the most beautiful world I had ever seen... I was completely enthralled, and when I look back on those memories those graphics had blown my mind - more even than how Skyrim had. I still think back to the good old days and remember then as the most realistic graphics in the world :L

    So what's your favourite Elder Scrolls game, and why?

    Shadow hide you,


    6 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years ago