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I skateboard and I love hanging out with my friends

  • Body Building in ROTC?

    Hey everyone,

    I'm entering my Freshman year of college this fall at WVU. I'm doing Army ROTC and wondering how I can body build while complying with the Army's physical training that I will be doing three times a week. The Army doesn't involve much weight training. How do I create a good workout routine that fits together with how i'm exercising in ROTC? Also, I have a meal plan for my school but how can I make sure I am eating the correct amount of macro's everyday? From what I have seen the food I can get is mostly fatty junk and I don't have kitchen access from my freshman dorm :/ Thank you!

    2 AnswersMilitary3 years ago
  • Im have nowhere to go in my Life?

    Okay I am a Junior in Highschool and i`m 16 years old. I have a 2.6 gpa (awful i know) and my family has no money saved for college. I go to one of the top 300 "Best" highschools in the USA, which may explain my lower gpa. But as im coming closer to the end of my childhood I am not seeing many options for me. How can I get a college education? I don`t want community college, a degree from one isnt worth anything and literally anyone can get into them. I can`t be in debt from student loans because those are just a burden on you financially and its nearly impossible to reach success when you have so much money to pay off. I scored around a 1100 on my practice SAT. It really seems like the SAT is my only hope, unless a college is smart enough to acknowledge that where I went to highschool is much more challenging than in Kansas for example. (I go to school in Northern Virginia). I would consider military but it sacrifices your young years into service and im not sure I want to do that. I see myself going no where and I could really use some suggestions at the moment.

  • Depressed and thoughts of suicide. Help me........?

    Hi everyone my name is Calvin. I am in 8th grade and thinking to myself why I should stick around on this planet. I have fine grades in all of my classes except Algebra and Latin. I have currently a 33% (An F) in Algebra and a 51% (An F) in Latin. I have friends but not that many and the ones I do have, I am not really that close to. Since I have bad grades I have gotten my Phone, Computer, and TV taken away. I cannot go out and do things with my friends and I am only allowed to play in the neighborhood on weekends. I am confined to my room during the school week. I try to do homework and study for the classes I`m struggling in but I just can`t do it. I don`t know how. My Dad won`t let my mom find me a tutor being he is unemployed and my family is struggling with money. My life is boring and depressing everyday and there is no point of living right now. Because of the state I`m in I am constantly late for my classes because it`s hard for me to keep up with the bell. I apparently have the most tardy`s in the whole school with 1300 kids in it. My dean called my parents about this issue and my parents are very disappointed in me now and my parents got in a fight. Tonight my dad has been yelling at me constantly and threatening me and telling me that he might get a divorce with my mom. My mom is staying in a hotel tonight because of what has been going on. For me there is no point of living . Help me.

    3 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Very annoying situation.. PLEASE HELP!?

    Alright so a week or two ago my dad sent me to my room for a stupid reason that is a whole different story you can ask me privately about. Anyways after my dad grounded me I ran outside a couple blocks away to blow off some steam for half an hour. I did not ask my dad because I knew he would say no and I REALLY needed to get some air and be left alone for a little bit. I was sitting on the side of the road and some weird and crazy lady called the cops and told them that there was a "poor" "lost" "sick" child (13 by the way) sitting on the side of the road when I was perfectly fine. So the cops come and ask me what wrong and I tell them I wanted to blow off some steam and get some fresh air and they perfectly understood. They offered me a ride home and I accepted it. They drive to my house and tell my dad where they find me and everything and he sends me to my room again. When the cops leave (after probably being lied to(by my dad)) he takes my phone away from me for a MONTH. Now it can be hard for any other month but taking it away during December,March,July,June, or August is just impossible for me to do because those are the months I have spring break, winter break, summer vacation, etc. Spring break starts tomorrow (Saturday) and ends on Easter. That is my only full week with no school until summer! I want to go out and do stuff with friends and spend nights at my friends houses but I can`t do that without my phone. I will take a whole other month of no phone after this (Im supposed to get my phone back on April 1st) but I can`t go without it for this break. Please help me! I would like to know what to do but I don`t know. I really want some advice on how to get it back just for this break. Please Help...

    3 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Im so confused and sorry!!?

    Ok so i was in my house and my dad told me to turn the volume down on the TV so i did. Then my little sister starts crying because i turned it down and then my mom starts bitching at me because my sister is crying.Then i say ok ok then turn it back up. Than my dad gets pissy and makes me turn it down and gets angry at my mom for not hearing him task me. Then mabey thirty seconds lateri wanted to pick up my cat and play with him and my dad yelled at me and told me to put him down. I said "FINE!" and I accidentally droped my cat on his head and I FEEL SO HORRIBLE and sorry for the poor kitty and my dad is calling me a bastard and stuff and he screams at me and he told me to go to my room and I didnt mean to hurt the poor cat I just wanted to drop him on the floor. and he`s telling me and my family i abused the animal and I so scared and sorry for the cat. Please help me!

    P.S. The cat is fine right now.

    2 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • Why can`t I find a job for me?

    Okay so I really want to go on a trip to Orange County California with my friend this summer with his dad. We can do everything except the money interrupts everything. My friend and I want to pay for our selves and we want to find a job. I know anything under 16 years of age is child labor (For an actual job at an actual business) and no one will hire a couple of 13 year olds for babysitting. Don`t even get me into yard work, I already tried and people rip me off and don`t pay like they said they would, and it takes too much time, etc. I already do chores around my house but that only pays for my phone. I have an instagram account maybe I can earn money with that somehow? Please someone help me! 10 points for the best answer!

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance8 years ago
  • Why won`t my parents let me grow up!?

    OK so I sent an email to both of my parents months ago twice about finally letting me watch and play "R" and "M" movies and games and they both never replied. I watch and play them at my uncles ALL the time and even he thinks that they both should just let me watch and play that stuff. All of my friends do. I just want to be able to watch and play it all the time with my friends and like my friends. My dad plays those games and watches those movies and never lets me even touch them! Now with the video games I am not talking about being LIVE with other people so please don`t give me that crap about " Oh but your dad and mom just wan`t you to be safe and doesn`t want you talking with strangers" im just talking about the freaking game itself. Now here is the E-mail I have mentioned earlier and all the names in it are replaced and fake for security reasons. Here it is "Mom, Dad, I think its time I move on. I know that "R" Movies and "M" Games have bad content and all but

    1) I am not stupid enough to repeat bad words and stuff like that anywhere after I see it.

    2) I will get exposed to it sooner or later anyways.

    3) Dad, um... You kinda embarrassed me in front of an 8 year old that is aloud to watch family guy when all he asked is if I liked it. I could have handled that myself and also the times you have told Schuyler and Jordan I am not aloud to play C.O.D.

    4) Mom, when ever you say something like " Jesse can`t do that" or "Mark can`t do this" please mom just please remember the fact they both watch and play the stuff you don`t want me to.

    5)I just want to be mature about this and speaking of mature. I am not immature for my age, I mean just take a look at Tony (14 years old by the way) he is way, and I mean way more immature than me (If you have not noticed he does pretty lame stuff, for example the other day he went up to me and started poking me and as he was doing it he was saying "Poke-Poke-Poke-Poke-Poke-Poke-Poke-Poke" and I had to tell him to SHUT UP AND GROW UP! in the nicest way possible.).

    6) Please remember I am not complaining and I don`t want to fight I am just asking to grow up as nice as I can.

    7) Don`t worry I won`t start acting all like a punk teen if you let me move on. I will still be nice and I will still watch kids shows and kids games like Adventure Time, Regular Show, Arkham City, etc.

    8)I am going to be 14 soon. It will be kind of awkward if I am an even older teenager and you don`t let me move on. Like when I am 14 and you won`t let me watch TV-14 (for 14 year olds by the way and thats the rating of family guy too)

    9) Dad, you shove National Lampoon and Caddy Shack in front of me all the time too (I know they are the TV versions but seriously, how bad can a TV show (not movie) be from a TV movie)

    10) Mom, Dad, I don`t want to remember my childhood thinking of myself as that kid that can`t grow up because his parents are holding him back. I don`t like it AT ALL when some kids are like to other kids "Oh, did you see that Big Bang Theory last night" or "Remember when you beat me in C.O.D. because you kept on getting those care packages?", I did not EVEN KNOW what a care package was until I asked you Dad.

    11) I know that all of that content on those Games, Movies, and TV shows are only for Entertainment Purposes and are not real and are made for people to laugh and are all acted out and fake. I also know that all the gore in Video Games and TV are fake and I know how to handle it easily.

    12) Please Mom and Dad read this e-mail over again and all I am asking for is a chance to grow into my way to a Man.

    13) And did I forget to Mention that what I am asking for is free"

    So yeah that was the whole email and they never replied. Please help and give me some advice please? I just wan`t to be a normal kid with my friends at my house or their house. Ten points for best answer!! Thanks!

    1 AnswerFamily8 years ago
  • Really unfair parents?

    Hey, today i wuz on my computer watching utube and my younger brother wuz yelling at his computer and hitting it and telling it to go faster. i kept on telling him him it`s ok and that it`s time to get a new one but he screamed at me and told me to shutup and threw pencils at my face. i decided to go downstairs so my mom could handle this but he followed me slowly out the door and pushed me out the door. i thought 2 myself that this wus bullsh*t and i chased him into my bed and started kicking him like crazy (if i really fought him he would be uncounsious cuz i have done it b4) and he kicked me like crazy to and i wuz about to punch him in the face until he started crying like he wuz f*cking 4.I ran downstairs and ran into my mom on the stairs and told her my brother was insane. I went downstairs and sat for about three minutes and came upstairs but my brother already convinced my mom he was the victim when he did just as much to me as i did to him (actualy he screamed at me and three pencils a centimeter away from my eye) and he convinced her he might have a concusion. when i didnt even touch his head and now he is downstairs watching tv while my dicky, redneck, conservative parents sent me to bed for the night without dinner. i agree i might deserve a punishment but he gets nothing? please i want some help!

    2 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • Mitt Romney legalizes weed?

    I heard rumors that mitt romney will legalize weed. Is this true? whats the deal

    9 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Deleting factory apps for android?

    Is there anyway to delete the original apps on the android with out downloading anything extra or anything like that? I have alot of apps that came with the phone that i don`t need and it takes up soo much space. Thanks.

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • Help! Abusive mother!?

    Ok so I am going to sixflags tomorow with my friend and me and my mom were looking at the sixflags map figuring out which rides we are gonna go on and when. I suggesed things and she said no and no and no and my mom kept on saying that. Then my mom said that i am not going alone around the park by myself with no adult and I said ok. She brought it up AGAIN and i said ok ok you already said that. I asked my mom if we can split up in groups and my mom said " go ask your father" then my dad said "Yeah it`s fine only at the times that she wants to do it though" so I went and told herthat then my dad overheard me and said"no no no thats not what I meant, I meant ONLY when she wants to" (my mistake, I just went up to her and told her he said it`s fine) and my dad came and asked her if I said it the way he did and she said no, with a BIG sarcastic d*cky smile across her face. After my dad left I asked her why she smiled when she said that and she ignored me the first time and I asked her again as if I didn`t ask her a first time and she turnd around and yelled SHUT THE F*** UP AND GET OUT OF HERE!!! and slapped me uncontrollably and I went upstairs. Is this right? and what should I do about this? PLEASE HELP!

    4 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • Skateboarding at RFK skate park?

    Are you allowed to skateboard at the maloof money cup skatepark in DC and if so, do you have to wear pads and how much does it cost and all that good stuff? Please TEN POINTS to the best answer!

    1 AnswerWashington, D.C.9 years ago
  • Northern Virginia Skateparks?

    Does anyone know any skate parks in Northern VA that 1) Don`t make you where pads 2) Isn`t some bull sh*t some kid made in his backyard and put on the internet 3) Has banks ledges and stairs 4) is free 5) I would rather have it indoors but outdoors are still fine too 6) I would rather have it not crowded but it`s still fine if it is.. Thanks! P.S. it can also be about 2 hours away from washington DC at most.

    1 AnswerWashington, D.C.9 years ago
  • Arkham city free downloaded content?

    Is there anyway I could get any of of batmans skins or any bundles for free? Please no codes that don`t work. Thanks.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Arkham city free downloaded content?

    Is there anyway I could get any of of batmans skins or any bundles for free? Please, no codes that don`t work. Thanks.

    1 AnswerXbox9 years ago
  • Custom Decal Stickers?

    Is there any place where I can buy a Custom made Decal sticker printed in my logo? Like a place where you upload your picture ( your logo) and it turns the shape into a sticker? I don`t care about the price but can someone please tell me where I can do it? P.S. I know this probably doesn`t exist but is there a place where I can get a custom logo ( like everything I said before) but made out of the stuff at - Thanks I appreciate it and please don't answer the frog tape question if you do not know an answer.

    1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts9 years ago
  • Custom Decal Stickers?

    Is there any place where I can buy a Custom made Decal sticker printed in my logo? Like a place where you upload your picture ( your logo) and it turns the shape into a sticker? I don`t care about the price but can someone please tell me where I can do it? P.S. I know this probably doesn`t exist but is there a place where I can get a custom logo ( like everything I said before) but made out of the stuff at - Thanks I appreciate it and please don't answer the frog tape question if you do not know an answer.

    2 AnswersOther - Local Businesses9 years ago
  • Free microsoft points?

    Is there anyways to get free Microsoft points for Xbox live without any surveys and without an overprotective dad that makes you lie about your age so you can`t purchase stuff (he made me say im twelve and im really thirteen and it says im to young to get Microsoft points but will let me buy games and demos and apps.)? Thanks.

    3 AnswersXbox9 years ago