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Lv 2903 points


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Im Just a normaly girl but i love giving people advice and I hope i can do that on yahoo answers and help others.


    Last one i promise!

    A sugar cookie recipe calls for 4 cups of flour for every 2 cups of sugar. If y is the number of cups of flour and x is the number of cups of sugar, write a formula to determine the number of cups of flour needed for any number of cups of sugar. Your formula should be in the form of an equation.

    7 AnswersHomework Help8 years ago

    Two cars that are originally 275 miles apart start traveling toward one another at 9 am. One car travels 52 miles per hour and the other travels 70 miles per hour, both with their cruise control on. Write a formula that represents d, the distance between the two cars t hours after 9 am.

    3 AnswersHomework Help8 years ago

    Tim cycles along a path in front of a school at a constant rate of 11 feet per second. Write a formula that determines Tim’s distance d (in feet) from a school crossing given the amount of time t (in seconds) since Tim was 10 feet past the school crossing. (Hint: Make a table of values to help you see the relationship between d and t .)

    Im desperate and have been stuck on this problem for days

    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago
  • What would be the charge for.....?

    What is the charge for unarmed robbery in New York?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Why wont my computer reconize my ipod?

    I have the ipod shuuffle 2nd geneation and when i plug the usb into my laptop it wont reconize its plugged in and my ipod wont light up. Why could possibly be the problem???? Should i just by a new one ???

    4 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Whats the matter with my cat?

    Ive had my cat precious since i was 5 and now im 14 when we got her she wasnt a kiiten but wasnt an adult either so im not exactly sure about her age but preety old. Lately shes been acting strange and she vomiting all over the place and atfisrt didnt think much of it and then she started doing it more frequently and there have been black stuff coming up with it and i dont know what to do... but proir to this she was always hungry, whthe smebody would open the refrigerator she would come running and im statring to think it might be worms has anybody had any similar problems and if soo how did you fix it ???

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Does Makeup look good on everybody?

    Well ive been experimenting with it for a while and it just doesnt look rigth and i dont know if its me or how i wear it . But is it possible for makeup to look ugly on you even if u dont have on that much?

    21 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • I need help pronto .... some body anyone please answer my question!?

    Well im just started a new school and so far it hasnt been going so well.

    I noticed today in class that my teacher is prejudice/ racist she is asain and seems to only favor asains or white children in class and it just smacked me in the face today because we recived our test and 12 out of 34 kids passed and out of the twelve there is not one black or hispanic child in there on top of the fact that she hardly ever calls on the black or hispanic kids in the class aand then tells us how we need to participate more often.maybe she crazy( she assinged us the same homework 3 night in a row) . Normally I dont do this poorly in math but i definetly think something is screwy in here.

    what im asking is how should i handle this situation ? I need to bring my grade up in math but how do i do this with a teacher that seems like she wants me to fail.(i asked for extra credit but she said that i have to do well on the next test and thats it {she was very rude about it too}.

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Simple ideas and projects that can change the whole look of a kitchen..?

    I deperately need to redo my kitchen but getting new everything just isnt an option (the finace isnt there) so is there just a few things that I can do myself that will help to change the whole look of it that wont burn a whole in my wallet.Im open to anything right about now.( I so sick of looking at it)

    6 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • Does really laxitive make you loose weight?

    Okay so i heard that taking laxitives helps get rid of water weight and I wanted to know if this is true or not?thanx

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Why is my computer doing this?

    Ive been trying to download itunes on my computer for the past 45 mins and it wont go through what i means is it starts downloading and then freezes at a certain point...Why is it doing this how can i fix it?

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • I want longer hair...?

    Okay,so my hair is permed and im African-American I have permed my hair for a long time and it just seems that it's not growing anymore well it does grow but it breaks off. I don't want to go natural but I want my hair to grow is there any tips trick or anything that i can do to help my hair gorw 1-2inches before school starts.

    4 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Any good hair product recommedations?

    So My hair is permed so is there anything that i can use to make my hair less dry and healthier?

    5 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Is this a scam or what?

    So Ive heard of online surveys for teens and how you can make money but I don't belive any of it. The Problem is that Im basically on the computer at least Once each day and i really want to make my own money but im reluctant to try this. I want to, but with all the things going on out there like identity theif and so forth i don't want to get my self into a horrible situation. For people who have done this already does it work and do you have any website i could try?

    6 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Has anyone ever been in a one way friendship?

    So One of my closest friends seems to be spaced out. What I mean by that is I always call her but she never calls me and Whenever i ask her to hangout she's either busy or some other excuse. most times she says she'll call me back hang up on me and never calls me back we are always honest with eachother and i want to tell her that i can't stand what she's doing but i don't want to argue with her and loose her as a friend. I fell like every since school ended for the summer she's changed and i don't want to come off as needy but i feel like im loosing my best friend how should i confront her about this?

    10 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Hair issues please help...?

    Okay so im African American and I have permed hair and I have no idea what to do with it. I wash my hair 1 a week because i have dry scalp. But my hair is suffred from major breakage and is up to about my ear lobes and i want to grow it out to at least to my shoulder but i need a routine for my hair so it will grow back i can't really afford to go to the hair salon every day so what do i do?

    2 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • How to lose ten pounds fast ?

    Okay so i am 5'5 and weigh 131 pounds and im tryin to lose weight just to be alittle slimmer in the thigh area mostly and i've tried to loose weight but i dont have time to exersise so how can i do this before i go on vaction this summer.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • 10 points for best answer... what is the name of this song?

    Okay so i dont know the whole thing just this part.

    "ma lips like suga(ma lips like suga)

    this candy got you sprung(this candy got you sprung)

    im sweet like..."

    it kinda sounds like a remix to the song "im blue"

    please help i have this song stuck in my head for days

    8 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • Is He trying to tell me Something?

    Okay so I like this guy my age and im not sure where to go with out relationship. We aren't exactly friends but we talk to eachother most of the time when we're together. He likes to play fight with me alot and its always trying to make me laugh.I want to go out with him and would but a girl that im friends with went out with him. He's a Playa but is very sweet and smart.I cant stop thinking about him and i get really nevous around him and blurt out embarrasing things sometimes. Where do i go with this?

    28 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How to help my hair grow faster?

    Im a young black girl and i want my hair to grow. I tried everything from massaging my scalp to tying it down at night hair is permed and i have a hard time growing it. I don't want to bald myself and start from scratch Because i will be made fun of.But this doesn't seem to be working either. Im done with chemicals but my hair breaks when ever i don't perm it for a while. I want home remedies to make my hair grow faster. Does anybody have anything to offer ?

    4 AnswersHair1 decade ago