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I am a fundamental, Independent, bible-believing, born again Baptist. I believe God made everything and that God is Jesus. I use the KJV. I have been saved for almost 14 years and am trying to serve Him as much as I can. I used to be homeschooled and am now in my second year of Bible college. I wrote a newsletter for 2 1/2 years. I hope to marry a preacher. I believe our main purpose in life is to serve God, worship him, and bring the lost to Him. I hope you know for sure you're going to Heaven. If not, don't hesitate to e-mail me. I play piano, love lasagna and cheese, love to write and sing.

  • Baby does not want to breastfeed?

    My baby boy is now 7 weeks old and will barely even touch my breast. He used to breastfeed a bit but it wasn't enough so I had to give him a bottle. I would breastfeed and bottle feed at the same time so that my milk wouldn't dry up. By now, he knows the difference and will scream and cry if I try to breastfeed him. I know some of it has to do with the fact that I hardly have any more milk. I have been trying to breastfeed him in order to get my milk supply up but it isn't working. I have also been taking some drinks and medicine that are suppose to help. I'll take hot showers as well. I know that formula is very expensive and it will be a long road if we have to keep formula feeding him for the next year. I would like to get my milk back, although I don't know if it's too late because I barely have any now. I have been stressed and sad at times because of this. I don't know if that's affected it.

    My question is, how can I get my milk back (what can I do or take that has been proven in your life to work) and how can I get him to drink off of me again?

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • My 3 wk old baby is fine during the day but cries for 2 hrs at night?

    He will sleep almost right after feeding during the day or else he'll stay awake for a bit but just look around until he falls asleep, but at night he'll be up anywhere from 1-3 hours. We'll feed him, rock him, change his diaper, burp him, give him a pacifier--we've tried everything. We've also given him medicine for stomach pain caused by air and anise water. He just keeps crying and crying no matter what we do. He is very gassy, idk if that has something to do with it. And then when we finally put him down, he's up again within half an hour or hour and we don't know if he's hungry or what's wrong with him. Could he have intestine or stomach problems? He hates drinking water. Does anyone know why he could be crying so much? I know he hasn't figured out day and night yet but what can we do to get him to stop crying so much? I'll even hear him crying in his sleep before he wakes up.

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Looking for the book "Amy Carmichael: for the children of India" by Sam Wellman in Spanish?

    I am looking for a Spanish version of this book. Does anyone know if it has been translated into Spanish and where I could find a copy? Thanks.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Will Ontario accept a foreign marriage and register it in Ontario?

    If someone from Ontario were to marry someone from Mexico in Mexico, would Ontario accept the marriage certificate and register it in Ontario, or would they have to go to Canada personally and get a Canadian marriage certificate?

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • First Baptist churches in the 13 colonies of America?

    I have been looking and looking on the web for the first Baptist church founded in each of the first 13 colonies but I cannot find anything. I know the first one started in America, in Rhode Island, but if anyone knows where the other ones were located that would be an amazing help this project I have to do. Thank you in advance

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • My sister has had bad health problems and the doctors don't know what it is...?

    Ok, she's felt like this since she was a kid but it's been getting worse over the years, especially this year. She was suppose to have a doctor's appointment for a consultation this December but they moved it to March but she's reeeally bad and I want to figure this out soon. Here are some of the symptoms and facts about her:


    She has pain 24/7

    On a scale of 1-10 the pain is usually a 4 but can get up to 9 or 10 at times

    The pain is mainly/usually in her head and stomach area

    The pain in her head is concentrated mainly on the right side of her head in the area above her ear

    The pain in her stomach area is all across the stomach area reaching up towards the rib cage

    Sometimes the pain in the stomach will be deep reaching towards her spin

    At times, her whole body will ache


    She gets very cold easily, mostly when she's outside

    She shakes really bad when she's cold

    Will shake sometimes even when she's not cold

    Weighs around 110 (used to weigh up to 118 but lost weight due to lack of eating because of the pain she receives from eating and from fact that food seems not to be staying in her body even when she does eat)

    Cannot gain much weight

    Pain keeps her up at night and therefore she only gets roughly 5 hours of sleep per night, if that

    She has low blood pressure

    She is taking medicine right now for anti-depressant, IBS, as well as taking Vitamin C

    She works about 13-15 hours a week and this past semester she was also taking 9 classes in school, but she doesn't start the school semester again until the end of January

    Has irregular bowel movements, meaning that she doesn't go to the bathroom often

    Sometimes she won't even go to the bathroom once in day

    When she does go to the bathroom it is usually just for #1 (peeing)

    She gets dizzy

    She will sometimes feel drained when she is dizzy

    She is the third child out of three

    She is 18 years old

    She works out often at the gym (is in good shape)

    Has good sight

    I don't know what else to put, but I'm writing all this just in case you would have to know about these things in order to figure out what the problem is. If you have any ideas of what it could be, please e-mail me or reply to this. Thank-you for any help or ideas you can offer.

    5 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • I have these red dots all over my legs...?

    Sometimes I get these red dots all over the bottom of my tighs and stomach. I have a few on my stomach, but not much. But there are a lot on my legs. I noticed them yesterday. I have gone swimming within the last few days, and the weather has been a mix of hot and cold, windy and rain. I don't know if those have anything to do with it. I'm just wondering why I get them. Does it have to do with sweat or being wet at all? This time I have had more dots than ever before. I don't think it's normal because I don't know anyone else that has said they get them. It's kinda weird. Does anyone have an answer?

    7 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • My sister feels sharp pain in her stomach, can't eat a lot of food, gets sick after eating....?

    My sister has all these symptoms...can you tell me what you think it is she has:

    1. Stomach hurts

    2. Feels sick after eating most foods (there are only certain foods she can eat without getting sick)

    3. Gets dizzy

    4. Wakes up feeling sick in the middle of the night

    5. Has lost about 18 lbs. this year from a lack of eating

    6. Has very painful menstrual cycles

    7. Low blood pressure

    8.Back pain in lower back

    9. Gets hot and cold in a matter of seconds

    10. arms get numb after holding them in weird positions for just a few seconeds

    11. Gets very cold outside in a matter of seconds

    12. Will often curl up in a ball from a standing position from a sharp pain in her stomach

    13. Barely ever goes #2 in the bathroom

    14. headaches

    15. chest pains between breasts down to where bone ends

    She has had this pain and sick feeling for years, but over the last 4 years it has gotten worse. She doesn't eat much sweets at all. This past year has been the worst for her and we're trying to find out what's wrong or what we can do to help. She is limited to only certain food and it costs a lot to get the food she needs. We would like to know what's wrong. Please no crazy answers. Only answer if you know what is wrong or if you know someone who would know,

    5 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know info about Tim Tebow?

    Do you know anything about his history? Religion, birth, age, goals, etc. I know he's a Christian but I just want to find out more about him. He's definitely a really good football player.

    13 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • What would you do in this situation?

    My mom feels like everyone is against her. My dad and my siblings say things that make her feel like she's the bad guy. She doesn't like the relationships my brother and sister are in and whenever she says something about it to my dad, it's like he just back fires on her and makes her feel like the tension is all her fault. Yes, she probably has added to the tension, but the thing is that she feels everyone hates her. I try to comfort her but she still says she thinks she'd be better off dead. Sometimes she wishes she were never born. She says she hates her life. Over the 20 something years they've been married, my dad has started things and a lot of times he didn't finish them, or he quit. She always brings that up. She's very bitter about a lot of things that have happened in her life. We have lived in a continuous debt because my dad's lack of a steady job or because of him buying things. I've told her all I can to try to make her feel better and get her to see the blessings in her life, but something always happens to get her depressed again. She's very stressed. She does a lot of work and cleaning around the house and feels my dad doesn't do much to contribute to that, such as cleaning or fixing up things around the house. I'm not saying my dad is the bad guy. He loves my mom very much, just sometimes he gets frustrated with her. And I can understand why he would be frustrated and why she would be frustrated and stressed. What can I do, or what can I tell her? What is there to do?

    12 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • If someone asked you....?

    to kiss them....would you? Like if you liked them, would you kiss them if they asked you to? Even if you weren't dating them and they weren't looking to date you?

    Note: I have never done this nor do I wish to do this. I'm just wondering what your response would be. Random question.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Spanking your kids a crime??

    I read this in the CBC news:

    Justice Charles Gonthier said striking down Section 43 could make parents liable to criminal charges each time they spank their children. Two other justices, Ian Binnie and Frank Iacobucci, questioned any need to change the law, saying it guarantees immunity for reasonable discipline, not for child abuse. "This is a defence to assault," Iacobucci said. "It doesn't mean it's a value to be promoted."

    We aren't making kids any less than us by spanking them. If we never spank them they will grow up unruly and abusing everyone around them. They won't feel they are getting hurt at all by hurting other people and doing bad things. It won't be any harm to them if they do wrong things...that's how they'll grow up thinking. We are teaching them that when they do bad stuff there are consequences. We aren't hurting them to the point that they get a scare or anything. They need discipline, they need to know how to respect people, so we discipline them by spanking

    11 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Law on Spanking Kids....?

    Did you hear about the law they want to make in Canada that you can't spank your kids or else you will get charged with abuse???? It is totally crazy!!!!!!!!!! I think it should at least be voted on....what do you think?? the government has no right to make such a big decision without letting us vote on it. Like, come on! this will change the future completely for our kids.....please help to do something about this. Contact the have to be persistent, because he takes a while to reply, but keep at it. Send a lot of e-mails if you have to. Here's the e-mail: .....Be sure to do something about this nation's future!!!!!!

    12 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Spanking your kids....?

    Do you believe we should have the right to chose if we are going to spank our kids or not? All it is is a few spanks on their won't kill them. A lot of times just talking to them doesn't help. I think we should be able to decide if we are or aren't going to spank them. The government of Canada is trying to make it law by August that if you spank your child you can get charged with child abuse. I understand if the kid gets injured in some way, then it can be counted as abuse, but if you just spank them, it hurts for a bit, then they go off and do whatever, that isn't abuse. A loving parent won't want to hurt their child. The government shouldn't be able to choose how we discipline our children....

    do you agree with me? if so, say something to the government. e-mail them to allow us to at least vote on this issue.

    39 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Atheists, have you ever gone to church??

    Would you go to church if one of your Christian friends asked you to? When did you become atheist?

    44 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Poetry.....errrr?

    okay, you know when you have a word that is like an image and is used repeatedly and emphatically throughout the poem, what does that word become? What is it called?

    2 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Poetry.....errrr?

    okay, you know when you have a word that is like an image and is used repeatedly and emphatically throughout the poem, what does that word become? What is it called?

    2 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Don't you think we should get more points whenever someone answers our questions?

    We would be able to get way more points that way!

    7 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Do you think people are born good?

    Are people born good then become bad or are they born in sin and have points where they are good? What instilled in us this understanding of good and evil, other than people telling us something is wrong (where did they learn it was wrong)?

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What are your views on homosexuality???

    also on interracial marriages, divorce, dating/courting, religion, the Presidential election...

    Who would you vote for? What political party are you normally? I am normally republican but in this election I wouldn't even vote for the republican candidate. Everyone is horrible this time around. What do you say?

    19 AnswersElections1 decade ago