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  • So is this what you all represent Republicans/Tea Party?

    Topeka, Kansas, the budget was cut by 10 mil, and they've decided to stop prosecution Domestic Abusers, some have been arrested and released more than once in the same day.

    Colorado, has litigation passed to stop Soldiers stationed overseas from voting, while fighting Wars in Iraq, and Afganistan for our country.

    Wow, just wow. Thats beyond the Bush Tax Cuts that no Republican will even speak about, or Weapons of Mass Destruction that never appeared and no Republican has the guts to speak to, or all the 'freebies' President Bush left for the country... Bush Tax Cuts (not paid for), War in Iraq (not paid for), War in Afganistan (not paid for), Wall Street Bail Out (not paid for). All of that 'not paid for' left on the backs of every American, and in this 'new' climate everything must be supposedly be paid for now. Why the flip flop, when your country is in such dire straits, ya seemed fine when G.W. Bush had no thought about what he did or spent. Maybe a Republican will shock me and actually speak to anything here, other than attempt to bash a Democrat, as if I care, I'm an Independent, so I beat up that garbage early, don't talk to me about Democratic stuff, but what OUR country needs, and what your politicians did or didn't do, not just Republicans in the neighborhood, or down at the local watering hole.

    15 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • Republicans, please explain....?

    The Republican Caucus believes that anything not Military should be cut, or just vanquished, and at the same time restrictions placed on corporations should be lifted, and they need additional tax cuts, and this will create jobs.

    Now I'm just focusing on a few things, lifting restrictions, on the same Corporations on Wall Street that helped hurt our economy in the first place and needed a bailout, needs LESS restriction? Please explain the rationality in that.

    Also Corporations already are living under the Bush Tax Cuts, and they're wealth has increased higher than ever before in our Nation, and they need more cuts? Please explain how that SPECIFICALLY, help the unemployed because under these cuts... where are the Jobs.... they are overseas. And what should the Unemployed do until then, nobody has spoken to this... just flap in the wind, losing homes, moving from shelter to shelter until things get better and the deficit is paid back in 10+ years?

    Lastly are you disappointed that Republicans say 'Jobs, jobs, jobs' all the time, the Presidents a bad guy and he has something called a Jobs Plan, and the Republicans have what exactly?

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government10 years ago
  • Republicans and 'Job Creators'?

    Do these candidates understand its equal to spitting in the face of the unemployed for calling these people 'Job Creators'. These Bush Tax Breaks have been in effect for how long, since his reign correct. So explain why anybody is asking Congress or the President where the jobs are? These companies get they're tax breaks, and invest into a new candidate to get them more stuff, and set them up for a job after they leave if they're not disgraced for something stupid. If everyone wants to link the economy to President Obama, then why not these 'Job Creators' whom have been getting astronomical wealth from tax breaks. The send the jobs to Mexico & China cause the helps much cheaper. The Government wasn't created to 'make jobs' its just a part of the system. This isn't to 'praise' Obama either, I think 94% of everybody in congress and the white house are just bad Used Car Salespeople. But heres an idea, why don't somebody send someone they're who knows about world economics.... not a mom an pop company owner, not a soccer mom/dad, not somebody who balanced the books at home and church well. You wouldn't ask somebody who just looked like a Doctor, and has a degree in Business Administration to do your open heart surgery, that's dumb, that's whom the people send up there. But the Job Creators crap, stop it, just stop. I'm the unemployed, I know, not just blowing smoke to have a conversation.

    2 AnswersElections10 years ago
  • Republicans, proud of your accomplishments?

    Of the Debt Ceiling that won't be raised because the adults they're are playing obvious politics? The same Debt Ceiling that has been raised several times over since forever.

    Of the Bills created by Republicans that won't support WHAT THEY MADE, when the President thinks its a good idea as well, now abandon ship, and whomever that bill was supposed to assist or help?

    Of getting paid daily to do nothing but 'STAND BY IDEALS', which is a sexy way of saying 'argue', and then get a fan base of people to follow you, supporting you, while they're getting slaughtered at the same time and won't admit it? And Lastly, for producing 2 women for possible Presidency, which should be a good thing, but has the history knowledge of my Niece whom knows it better than them, and failed the class. Supporters who'er ready to jump on the keyboard and rant, pause for a second and think about the price you pay at the pump... and then think about the lifestyle of the guy/gals family whom made it possible for the gas to get to you, compare the two, look your family in the eye, turn your back on them, then begin cheering, and ranting once again for the 'good guys' that are up there making sure you stay where you're at, and the big companies, and corporations will keep rising...good on ya!

    10 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • Is there any possibility of humans living on a planet with multiple moons?

    Working on a science fiction project and wondering the possibilities and effects on human kind and probable planet characteristics. It'll be a work of fiction but I'd like to have a baseline of truth or probability to begin with.

    5 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Why aren't Rappers, voicing concerns about the state of our Government?

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not a 'Rap Basher', I actually like and enjoy Rap sometimes/most times. But for real, STOP PUSHING LAME SONGS ABOUT 'GETTING MONEY'. Its as if they're not citizens, and since WE pay them, they don't care. If you check the unemployment rate is out of control, and OBVIOUSLY Politicians get in the racket to simply keep arguments versus the opposing side going, so that nothing will ever be done to help the citizens, but they'll eat good, and maintain they're jobs. Rappers continue talking about getting money, cars, houses, and women, but how does that help any of us without these resources. Making songs like 'My President is Black', which has little or nothing to do about politics shortcomings, and the Bullying song with Eminem and Lil Wayne, which if someone understands what Wayne is talking about, and what that has to do with the topic, please help me out on that one too. I understand that 'everyone' in the industry doesn't have to get on a soap box, but that's why most Old School Rap fans miss groups in the past, as well as Tupac. Rappers will 'get at each other' all the time, sometimes over something as small as 'He looked at me wrong', but real issues within they're country, they're mostly silent.... and fans continue to pay them.

    11 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop1 decade ago
  • Gun Carrying Politicians. Really? Where does the pride come from?

    Our country was built on the Constitution, at a time when carrying a firearm was necessary and understandable. But in 2010, today, what GOOD does guns do? I'm not bashing REAL hunters, or Public Servants who are hired to protect us regular citizens. But all a gun does is maime, or kill someone, or something. Why is that good, to carry around death? Some will say 'Its our Constitutional Right, yahhh', but for example they're about to legalize some drugs like Marijuana in the state of California. How many will be soo happy to embrace that law when someone 'high' at the wheel kills a friend, or family member? If soo many Americans weren't punks, and lazy, and attempted to learn to defend themselves without a gun the USA would be a better place. The right to carry a gun & Death, are more important than the number lives lost EVERY year by guns. Thats why ANY politician that spews that crap will never get my vote.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Why did this Canadian call me 'Racist' for saying I was African-American?

    It is common knowledge that Africans were taken from their homeland, sent to the West Indies, to 'train' for being a slave, then shipped up north to the United States. During the time that Americans began taking over this country from the residents who lived here (Indians), and bringing in the help (slaves) because the 'powers that be' were obviously to lazy to build up the stolen nation themselves. Unlike Canada, the United States is known as the 'melting pot', where all races are supposed to coexist, and live in harmony. But the African, part of African-American is simply a signature of my heritage. It's not a racist statement, my heritage was almost totally taken from all 'Black', or 'African Americans' during the 'over 400' years of enslavement that everybody hears about all the time. The problem with non-Black, non-African-Americans, with these opinions, is they have this 'Just get over it' opinion, and don't even want to speak on the situation, during a simple conversation. Thats the shame within them boiling out, and they want to run to something 'more comfortable' to them. Let me give you all some information about the 'slaves' comfort prior to arriving to the big ole US of A. During the 'training' in the West Indies, there were huge camps full of 'potential' slaves, and I used to wonder how come they didn't just over take their 'Masters'. Well specifically I found out one act that would be used to keep the 'slaves' in line.... You take a pregnant female slave, strap and hang her upside down by her ankles, cut her belly open, and stomp the fetus to death, in front of everyone. Before saying that I'm so heinous for spewing this and that, do some research, and find out the truth about what America's predecessors did and stop living in a self induced cartoon about the world. I am an individual, but because of these dispicable acts against a whole people, that were KIDNAPPED TO THIS COUNTRY, AND treated in such a way, it is my RESPONSIBILITY, and my HONOR, to embrace my heritage. Doing these thing shouldn't make Caucaisan, Whites, Asians, Hispanics, any other race feel uncomfortable, but do more for a better society without bias.

    When I think of what happened during the Holocaust to Jews, sorry I don't feel uncomfortable, I feel bad for the victims, and can't fathom what was going on in the Germans mind, and what drove them to such madness. Same thing with the genocide in Africa.

    6 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Why does America, and the Media join in this Muslim Bashing party?

    Information for the UNINFORMED. Osama Bin Ladin was a resident in Saudi Arabia, and didn't particualarly like his Royal Family, and Government in cahoots with the U.S., allowing our military in their land, especially since he was against anything that was Israel. The guy had a following, CREATED HIS OWN VERSION OF WHAT HE BELIEVED THE MUSLIM FAITH SHOULD BE ABOUT. Left Saudi Arabia, and began his terror campaign. What in the world does he have to do with other Muslims that dosen't support his agenda....NOTHING.

    Where is the outrage about the failings of the Catholic Religion, and all of the pedofiles they employed, for decades, on top of decades, and its still going on now. They then protect these animals, all the way up to the Pope, and not even the police in this country or any other, are seriously going after these freaks. Should Catholic Churches be built anymore? Don't be fake group all the Catholics together like Muslims.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • For Michigan Wolverine Football Fans....?

    Please explain why Rich Rodriguez hasen't fired his Defensive Coordinator. He was a bum coach that didn't even win, or matter at Syracuse. Michigan plays a 3-3-5???? Thats an exotic blitz package you play with in a video game, not real life. Where are the defensive recruits? Rich has been there long enough to have his people in place, and they're SUPPOSE to matter, or improve something somewhere. Example, Mouton was a CB/Safety last year, now he's a LB??? Oh God, just fire EVERY coach and start over, and pray that at least 1 of the 2 QB's stay. I've been a Wolverine Fan from the time before Charles Woodson had a Rose in his mouth, and I've never, ever, ever, ever, seen such play from a Michigan defense. They might of been above average, to great from time to time, but at least they had athletes on defense. They're defense looks unenthusiastic, unprepared, no atleticism, less talent, and currently couldn't stop some High School football teams. Opinions?

    3 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Who else believes Pein dies now?

    After Manga 430, its obvious, but do you believe that Madara planned this like Itachi's death?...

    (In Konoha Library)

    2 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Michael Crabtree, 1st pick Oakland ?

    Obviously the Raiders are rebuilding, and given our futility, there are few teams as bad. What they lack most seems to be organization, and also real players in key positions WR, O Line, and Defense period. Thoughts may be forwarded via me to the Nation.

    11 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Whats up with the NFL, why is Chris Henry suspended for 4 games?

    The charges were dropped, and he's done nothing wrong since his last 'problem' what exactly is he suspended for? Does the NFL have bullseyes on certain players?

    4 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Who's tired of Aang?

    I didn't watch the Avatar much, it didn't draw my interest, I found it to be a cartoon for teens. Its not even offically an anime, never had a manga, and was made in the USA. I'm glad they actually let him grow hair over that weak arrow to show him which way to go. I found that the series was mostly hype, and is simply something to watch like Ben 10. What are your thoughts on the Avatar?

    10 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Algebra Help!!!?

    Simplify the rational expression

    1)x^2 – 7x + 12/ x^2 – 16



    1)x^2 – 3x + 2/7x - 14 ÷ x^2 – 1/7x + 7

    toughies to me.

    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • What are thoughts about Dogg the Bounty Hunter returning to television.?

    I don't want to sway opinion but only to poll and register them, thanks.

    8 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • This question is for Independents Only?

    Aren't you tired of an ineffective government due to bias of any kind? I'm personally tired of Democrats and Republicans, performing in front of me like circus animals. Often they wind up arguing, bickering, and destroying our country, with attitudes that wouldn't be allowed on Barney. I seek an organization that blows the whistle on those in politics that harm our country for 'Partisan Politics'. Are there any currently available, and would you as an Independent support this cause. Politicians that vote against their own electors should have to pay the price, just like convicted criminals. They should be bombarded with emails, phone calls, faxes, lists posted on you tube, you name it, as long as its legal, bomb them all. If Partisanship were spoken in the same breath as pedophilia, or as racism should, people would be more embarrased to attempt it.

    5 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • How do African American Women feel they treat their man, and how many believe he stays 4 the children?

    My friend has been with his woman for 3+ years, they have 2 kids (1 from her ex), he take care of the house & kids, (he do more than I would) he a BEAST. He don't even hang, and we understand, but she be beefin', throwin his stuff on the street, call the law on him, then say sorry. He want to go back to work but he in school and take care of kids so he say he stuck. If he start workin with me his wife gotta quit, so he confused. He like me only stay for our kids. Black women treat mates like clown, dumb asses, daddy's, stupid, and it's sad. How do you treat your man King, Man, or Trash?

    10 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Naruto questions...?

    1. If Shikamaru were Orochimaru's assistant instead of Kabuto, how would Naruto be different??

    (Example, I think Konoha would have been destroyed during the Sand invasion)

    2. Rank the top 5 shinobi from Konoha (don't name anyone that hasn't been seen fighting, ex. the 1st, 2nd, or 4th.

    3. Choose the best tag team Akatsuki vs. Akatsuki.

    4. Who will become Hokage first Kakashi, Naruto, Konohamaru?

    5. Orochimaru final transformation was a snake, Jiraiya was a hermit toad, what do you think the last Sanin Tsunade will be?

    9 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago