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Police State
iPad 2 streaming issues?
I've had my iPad 2 for about 5 months now and have never had connectivity issues with it until recently. I use a neighbors wifi signal and for some reason my iPad won't stream videos. I tried YouTube, Netflix, and several other video sites and every time I get nothing. What's weird is that the connection works fine if I'm not streaming videos. I also have some videos downloaded and they work fine. I went to my local library and used their connection and video streaming worked great and if I use my phones internet (which uses the same connection) video streaming works fine. This leads me to thinking this is the iPads fault. Streaming worked before until about five days ago when it just randomly stopped. Is there anything I can do? In the settings maybe?
Thank you.
1 AnswerPolls & Surveys8 years agoJob rejection after second interview?
I recently went in to for and interview at a local Subway right down the street from me. The interview went very well and a few days later I was called back for a second interview that also went pretty well. I have no employment history, however I made it clear that I'm always on time and even brought up a herpetology study I started at my high school (I even showed up early for both interviews and stressed that I live right down the street). Basically, everything fit. The manager and I even had some good laughs and got along great. However, the next day I was told they went with somebody else because she had "more experience". I was upset but was very gracious and thanked the manager for his time. This is my first job interview and obviously my first rejection. Afterwords the manager told me he still has my application on file. I'm wondering what that means? He made it very clear during the second interview that he didn't want to do any more interviews or have to fire anyone else. He wanted someone for the long run. So do I still have a chance? Was this just a way of patronizing me so I wouldn't be upset? Was/is there something I could do better? I apologize for the long question, this was just upsetting to me because the job was perfect for me and I felt that I had a pretty good chance. Thank you for your answers.
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years agoJob rejection after the second interview?
I recently went in to for and interview at a local Subway right down the street from me. The interview went very well and a few days later I was called back for a second interview that also went pretty well. I have no employment history, however I made it clear that I'm always on time and even brought up a herpetology study I started at my high school (I even showed up early for both interviews and stressed that I live right down the street). Basically, everything fit. The manager and I even had some good laughs and got along great. However, the next day I was told they went with somebody else because she had "more experience". I was upset but was very gracious and thanked the manager for his time. This is my first job interview and obviously my first rejection. Afterwords the manager told me he still has my application on file. I'm wondering what that means? He made it very clear during the second interview that he didn't want to do any more interviews or have to fire anyone else. He wanted someone for the long run. So do I still have a chance? Was this just a way of patronizing me so I wouldn't be upset? Was/is there something I could do better? I apologize for the long question, this was just upsetting to me because the job was perfect for me and I felt that I had a pretty good chance. Thank you for your answers.
3 AnswersFood Service8 years agoWill AMC live stream Breaking Bad tonight?
I don't have cable, so I would have to watch breaking bad's newest episode online. Does anybody know if AMC's official site live streams it? Thank you.
4 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years agoIs AMC going to live stream breaking bad tonight?
Breaking bad's newest episode airs tonight on AMC but I don't have cable. Can anyone tell me if AMC will live stream it on their official site? Thank you.
2 AnswersDrama8 years agoIs Minecraft pocket edition worth buying?
I have an iPad 2 and have always wanted to play minecraft but I'm a little worried. Is it comparable to the PC version in terms of content? The seven dollar price is pretty intriguing but I don't want some watered down version. Thank you for answering.
4 AnswersPDAs & Handhelds8 years agoWho's your favorite Dragon Age character?
It could be from either game. Who's your favorite character and why?
5 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years agoCan I skip Orzammar in Dragon Age Origins?
I played Dragon Age about a year ago and sold it because I got really bored with the stupid Orzammar storyline. I recently bought it again and all I have left for the recruit missions is Orzammar. Can I just not go there at all? I don't really mind if it makes the game any harder in the long run I just want to avoid those dumb dwarves like the plague.
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years agoDoes anybody play Halo 3 anymore?
I just bought a 360 and was wondering if anyone still plays the multiplayer to Halo 3. Also does anybody still play Gears of War 2 as well? Thank you.
4 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years agoX-Box 360 flash drives?
So I recently bought a 4GB 360 and heard you can store up to 16GB of game installation data per flash drive. My question is, can I just buy several 16GB flash drives and fill them all with data on the same 4GB 360?
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games9 years agoXbox 360 flash drives?
I recently bought a 4GB 360 and heard you could store up to 16GB of game data on a single flash drive. My question is, could I use several 16GB flash drives? Like, just label them for certain games I want to install?
1 AnswerXbox9 years agoWas Maurice Chevalier a pedophile? I know he sang that song, but I heard he molested kids also.?
Was Maurice Chevalier a child molester?
1 AnswerCelebrities9 years agoMy cat's eye popped out. He apparantly has an infection and I don't know what to do.?
Roman is 5 years old and is a healthy indoor cat. It looks like there is an abcess behind his eye. Th ere is a lot of pus coming out and water. I called vets, but there is only one 24 hour one in my town but he wants 4,000.00 for coming in. My vet won't be in until TUesday. Today is Friday. Is there anything I can do this weekend to help him?
7 AnswersCats9 years agohow do i find out if i have a warrant?
2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police10 years agoAm I old enough for Grand Theft Auto 4?
I'm 17 and I already convinced my mom to let me go out and buy it, however I'm still wondering if it might be too mature for me to play. I've played games like Red Dead Redemption, Resident Evil 5, Fallout 3 and seen movies like Goodfellas and the Godfather. So Is there any content in the game that is maybe worse than the content in those movies/games? Thank you.
9 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoWhat on earth happened to Mtv?
I was just watching it and there's a show about teens being pregnant!
What happened to the good ol' days of spring break, alchohol and teen angst?
8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoIs Green Day punk rock or not?
I don't think they are. They sing about anarchy in one song and then sing about peace and war in another. Real original... now make up your mind.
I understand that they might have been punk early in theire musical career, but to still call yourself punk after several hit songs, big budget music videos and appearances on Mtv, then you ain't punk rock...
13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoWhat's your favorite video game series?
I have to go with the resident evil series.
5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoBayonetta, God of War, or Devil may cry?
I have to go with God of War but Bayonetta is an extremly close second.
6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago