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Lv 610,369 points


Favorite Answers14%
Answers2,570 a thirty something mummy of two.i love hearing about other peoples lives.i love animals and books but also have a wild side.i have a sense of humour and believe we are all individual and shouldnt be judged by others.i have suffered from anxiety and depression but have gotten through it.i love life but love sleep love to go out and party when i get the chance.i am very open minded and get along with most people.i have a dry sense of humour which is sometimes taken the wrong way.oopsie

  • Changing your title from mrs to miss?

    I intend to get a divorce next yr but in the meantime is it legal to change my title on paper from Mrs to miss

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • I have 6 dogs but two have started to fight?

    I have 3 labs a Lhasa and 2 cocker problem is with the 2 is 2 yrs and has been neutered and the other is 7 month and is still intact although I'm getting him done asap.they keep erupting into fights.originaly it was the younger one but it seems the older one has had enough and he went for the younger one today over can I rectify this as they keep hurting each other.thanx.all advice welcome x

    3 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • How often do you check out ?

    Check out your contacts profile

    even though you don't come on here very often.

    1 AnswerLanguages9 years ago
  • Marine fish question?

    I bought a garden eel today and he still hasn't buried himself in the sand this normal.none of the fish are a threat so I'm wondering if thats why or do I need to make the sand thicker.any advice would be appreciated.x

    4 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • Anti bark collars ? whats your view?

    I'm talking about the ones that give off a high pitched sound when the dog barks.I would like peoples opinions please.

    12 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • euthanasia on the court case in britain?

    this poor guy had the locked in syndrome where he could only blink and wanted to die.what are your comments on this ?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • children's sleepovers.mixed sex?

    my nine year old daughter often has sleepovers with her girl friends and now she has a new best friend who is also 9 but is male.she is wanting him to sleep over but a few people have said they wouldn't allow a boy to sleep wondering what other peoples opinion is on this.should i separate them into separate rooms at the end of the night,let one sleep on the floor and one in the bed or not allow this at all.

    26 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • a question about beef?

    what does the eye mean in rib eye

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • guinea pig question ?

    anybody got any ideas on the type of toys that would interest a guinea pig ?

    2 AnswersRodents9 years ago
  • would you still eat this ?

    just about to make tea and discover the meat balls for the spaghetti went out of date on the 25th of this month.they smell ok and have been sealed in packaging and kept in the fridge.we are having a debate on whether to cook them or not.thankyou :)

    5 AnswersOther - Food & Drink9 years ago
  • immunosuppressant and tattoos?

    is it safe to have a tattoo whilst having immunosupressants as long as you go to a proper tattooist

    2 AnswersTattoos9 years ago
  • daughter having allot of time off school?

    my nine year old has missed allot of time off really worried im going to get a fine or even worse.i live in the uk and don't know what the procedure is.she has been off for genuine reasons and im guessing her attendance will be a very low 80%.she had all last week off with a skin virus which the doctor diagnosed and is now off today with a vomiting virus.i actually went into school last week to ask for some work for her to do at home which they never sent.she will be back at school tomorrow but im sick with worry.can anyone give me advice please.i intend to make sure her attendance gets better but im worried she will become ill again and they may take proceedings against me.i pray she doesn't get ill again because i cannot and will not send her to school ill.

    5 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education9 years ago
  • is it ok to put it in writing?

    if you cant say the words

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • opinion on an age gap?

    what is your opinion on a 20 yr old girl dating a 36 yr old man

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • how would you handle this situation?

    my daughter has made a new best friend at school and i have become friendly with her mum.lets say her name is karen.i was told karen used to have a drink problem but during our few month friendship i haven't seen any sign of it.i did ask her daughter while she was here playing with my daughter does your mum like wine to which her daughter replied yes she used to but she liked it too much and my gran had to move in.i have fetched up alcohol to karen and she told me she liked the odd white wine spritzer.yesterday morning i met her at school and she asked me if i cud do her a favour.she asked if when i went to shop could i get her some alcohol as her husband was out for the night so she could have a drink because he didnt like her drinking.i got her the alcohol but then she turned up this morning asking if i could get her some more.she actually seemed tipsy and it was 9am.i told her no sorry and she said oh its ok i just fancied a few do i handle this.i want to stay friends with her but i dont know what to do.i myself like a drink but this has made things very uncomfortable.i only drink at weekends now and she says she will pop round and have a drink with me.any advice will be greatly appreciated thanx x

    1 AnswerFriends10 years ago
  • my best friends ex cheated on her?

    and now she is considering going out with the exes girlfriends ex.i think this is wrong so please give me you're feed back

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • can you help what you dream about ?

    i had a really awful dream last night and it keeps playing on my mind.the images keep coming back and makes me feel physically sick and sad.can u help what you dream because i cant stop thinking about it today.i don't want to discuss the dream but has anyone ever dreamt anything so bad its haunted them all day.i want my mind erasing.thanx x

    3 AnswersPsychology10 years ago
  • so u had a good friendship ?

    then the person hurts u.u distance yourself and this person thinks your in the wrong.would you need to have your say or leave it because this person is so up there own *** its unbelievable.they talk about you they get others to unfriend you.i think they need a reality check.i have never done anything to hurt this person yet they really believe im in the wrong..

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships10 years ago
  • what was i thinking ?

    thats all i got to say.mmmm we all make mistakes ?

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships10 years ago