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Lv 31,849 points

Lynn G

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  • Agh! A cockatiel egg!?

    My approximately 2 year old cockatiel hen just laid an egg! We noticed a couple of days ago that she was spending time ratting up the papers on the bottom of her cage, and then she went down there for several minutes and when we went to check on her, she was sitting on an egg. Of course we're going to call her vet tomorrow, but in the meantime, we have a damn egg rolling around. I put it in an empty food cup stuffed with paper towels and she's looking at it but not sitting on it anymore. Do I do something else with this thing? I really don't want her sitting on the dirty bottom of her cage...

    2 AnswersBirds9 years ago
  • Bad fair foods calories?

    I am going to the fair this evening. Does anyone know how many calories are in cheese on a stick? It's like a corn dog, but the dog is made of cheese. Oh, and what about a corn dog?

    Please don't say "a lot," because I already know that! I just want my annual gross, dangerous treat without completely derailing my diet...

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Sun conure flicking wings?

    Our 1 year old sun conure has been flicking his wings like he is uncomfortable and making a squeaking noise. I looked at his wings and saw that they are loaded with new feathers. When I gave him his favorite treat, he stopped doing it temporarily. Poop looks normal, appetite is fine, and he's pretty active, maybe a little less than usual. Could his new feathers be causing this, or something else? Has anyone else dealt with this? We don't want to call his vet if this is normal, but we don't want him to be miserable, either.

    3 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Whay happens at a psychiatry appointment?

    I have an anxiety disorder, and 've been taking 20mgs of Paxil for almost 3 years, and it worked great for about 2 of them. It was prescribed to me by a campus doctor when I was in grad school. My symptoms are back and it's getting disruptive, although it is still better than it was before I was on anything. I want to find a psychiatrist to see if my medication needs to be tweaked or changed, but I am nervous about it. What happens in a psychiatry appointment? Do they run physical tests, or just ask questions? And then what happens?

    3 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Anxiety that is no longer under control?

    I have an anxiety disorder. Two years ago I started taking 20mg of Paxil prescribed by a university doctor. It wiped out nearly all of my symptoms. My obgyn has been filling the prescription since then. Suddenly the anxiety seems to be back in full force, and I am not sure what to do. I think I need to have my medication reassessed, but I don't think my obgyn can do it. Do I look through the phone book to find a psychiatrist or something, and why would the medication suddenly stop helping?

    6 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Stabby, coming and going pelvic pain?

    A few weeks ago, I got a weird, gas-like pain in the side of my hip and lower, and it lasted about a day, sometimes hurting less than others. Yesterday, I got the same thing again, ranging from having to leave work level pain to discomfort to almost nothing at all. My friend suspects I have a cyst. Has anyone else ever had these? What do I do about it?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Husband being parental?

    I'm 28, my husband is 31. Tonight, we both got home about 8:30pm, when we usually eat around 6. It was a particularly grueling day, and I walked several miles and did a ton of traveling. By the time I walk in, my blood sugar is bottoming out and I have a throbbing headache, so I break into a bag of pita chips (which I don't even like) while waiting for dinner to cook. My husband knows all of this, and tells me to put the snack away so I have room for dinner.

    I've hear mothers say things like this to their grade schoolers.

    I think this was rude and condesending, and totally out of line. I am annoyed that he seems to think he's my parent. Am I right?

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Sun conure speech development?

    We have a 5 month old sun conure. He's taken to us very well. I work with him every day on saying hello, but so far I'm only getting garbled vocalizations. My cockatiel was talking at 3 months.

    What can I do to help him along? Or is he just too young?

    2 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Second moon question?

    Just curious---

    If Earth would somehow aquire a second moon, what would happen? Would the tides get all screwed up or anything like that?

    8 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • New Sun Conure coming home!?

    We just picked out a sun conure and are bringing him home on Wednesday. Rather, he picked us out. He's adorable and loud and we completely fell in love with him. I can't stand a quiet house.

    I've had a bird before--a cockatiel for 15 years. I completely adored him and I think he had a great life. He died a few years ago, and I miss him like crazy.

    We're going to take the new bird to the vet as soon as he's in our care. He has a clean bill of health now, but we'd rather have our guy assess him. We are going to buy a big cage and toys and climbing gear for him before we bring him home. I'm reading up on the conure in general right now. We've got the time and energy to spend with him, no other pets or kids yet, and have people beating down our door to watch him when we need to be away for a few days. His diet seems to be the thing I'm having the hardest time learning, but I think we'll get it.

    My question is what else do we need to know? I want to be prepared and to give the little guy the best life possible.

    4 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Am I paranoid? Or just an idiot?

    I'm set to get married in a few days. I WANT to get married. My fiance is kind, gentle, responsible, cute and fun, and I love him. I am terrified, though, that something is going to go wrong at the last minute and we are not going to get to be together, like finding out that we aren't "meant to be" or the wedding getting screwed up or something. I have no real reason to suspect that this will happen.

    Did anyone else worry about this? Is this normal? And what do I do--ignore it, talk about it, pray--or just wait???

    8 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Paternity, assault and DD?

    A teenage boy with a developmental disability has sex with a teenage girl with a developmental disability. The boy is initially accused of assaulting her until it is determined that no force was used and niether could legally consent. The girl winds up pregnant. The boy had previoulsy been declared sterile, but the timing is suspicious.

    Considering the boy has a guardian, what are the boy's legal rights to determining if he did father this child? Can he or his guardian ask for a paterninty test?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Invite lesbian friend to bachelorette party?

    My best friend from grade school, "Kate," is gay. I am fine with her sexual identity, but I am straight. I'm planning my wedding. I invited Kate to my bridal shower, and she came, and I was happy to have her there. I will be inviting her and her spouse to my wedding. I would like it very much if they both came. The question is this:

    I am going to be having a crazy bachelorette party with a lot of half-dressed guys and booze. I don't know whether I should invite Kate or not. I absolutely want her to be part of everything, but I don't want to weird her out or make her think that I don't understand that she likes girls, or worse, that I want to "convert" her.

    My other friend thinks that inviting her would be weird, but I'm worried that not inviting her would be weird. I'm not really sure how to present this if I would talk about it with her, and I don't want her to feel obligated to go to a meat fest that she would hate.

  • How do you start a group home?

    I'm trying to help a guy who would like to start a group home for people with DD. Does anyone know how to do this?

    7 AnswersPeople with Disabilities1 decade ago
  • Free college textbooks?

    Does anyone know how to get your textbooks for free or get the government of the school to buy them?

    3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Name some good cars.

    My 1996 Chevy Corsica is basically falling apart and it needs to be replaced soon. I know jack about cars. I want something with a decent engine, reliable, attractive if possible (but doesn't scream "a girl drives this!" for safety purposes), and something I can drive in the nasty part of town without it being too obvious that I don't belong there, since I have to go there all the time for my job. I'm willing to spend about $200/month, and used is okay.

    Can you recommend some good cars?

    (P.S. no Toyotas, Hondas or Hyundais.)

    5 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • X and Y Chromosomal Disorder?

    Has anyone ever heard of X and Y Chromosomal disorder? I can't find it on the internet anywhere. If so, does it have a more common name?

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Buying flowers!?

    I got an estimate from my potential flower woman today. My fiance wasn't too upset about it, but my coworker friend nearly stopped breathing. $2600. Is this good or bad considerering what I'm asking for:

    I giant bouquet

    9 bridesmaid bouquets

    17 boutonnieres

    6 corsages

    14 pew decorations

    1 giant flower wreath

    flowers for the cake

    flower petals

    300 bulk flowers for centerpieces

    Oh, and I want to use just roses. What do you think?

    13 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Wheelchair Van Rentals?

    I'm supposed to figure out how to rent a 2 wheelchair accesible van for under $800 for a few days for a trip maybe 200 miles away within the state (Wisconsin). Any ideas on how to do such a thing?

    2 AnswersPeople with Disabilities1 decade ago
  • Eeew...button-downs!?

    So I just hit it off with the hiring manager, and I think I may be getting a new job. Problem is, the place is very conservative, and collared button down shirts are required.

    I am very busty, and do not wear button down shirts because I fear I will wreck them. However, since the pay is good, I fear I will have to conform.

    Who knows where I can get a good button down, with maybe a little stretch to it, that is cut so I will not have to tuck it in, that is not hideous? (P.S. I am full-figured, and I can shop in both the misses and the women's department, but I've got a 42D going on that I'm somehow supposed to!)

    7 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago