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  • how is psychology broken down into categories?

    what are the main categories/ headings within psychology e.g. cognitive, biological, abnormal etc because i know a lot of the approaches etc but am having difficulty in organising it. i know there is something like the process approach and the person approach. if anyon can list for me the basics under headings or a link to a diagram i would be very appreciative.


    1 AnswerPsychology10 years ago
  • open a cash ISA now or after April?

    have been looking into different cash ISAs and the top rates etc. found the one i think i will go for but when should i open it before april or after the new tax year or doesnt it matter. please explain your answers, thankyou

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • only studying one subject at university?

    do you only pick one subject to study at uni. i have applied and been offered a place a birmingham uni for Bsc in psychology, i dont have to take any other classes do i? its a single honours degree

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • genuine product testing/ opinion poll websites?


    im interested in doing some opinion/survey webites and or product testing to earn a little extra money or vouchers etc. is there any that people would reccommend as i know that there are a lot of scams out there. plus any other ways to earn a little extra money (i am a student and do work part time)

    3 AnswersOther - Advertising & Marketing1 decade ago
  • university decisions after offers?

    i would like to study psychology, i have 5 offers and chose the different unis for different reasons. i am predicted 4As excluding general studies. birmingham- convenient not too far away, good uni AAB cardiff - fab uni, my aspirational choice AAA loughborough - AAB, 4 year sandwhich course which could really help me career wise Bangor - good for research, 400 ucas = fallback, swansea - ABB love the place, friend already there. obviously your input will not form the basis of my decision im just interested in your thoughts.

  • connecting a free view box to a laptop?

    would like to know if there is a way of connecting a free view box to a laptop and then use the laptop like a television. i think this can be done via certain wires. tv recently broke and wanted a cheap solution to watch tv


    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • what is the average cost of a return ticket to Australia from the uk?

    i.e. flying from the uk to australia and then obv back to the uk. period of time staying in australia - unknown, does length of stay make a difference?

    3 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago
  • adult and teenage items/objects?

    for a psychology study that i am doing as an EPQ i need ideas for typical itmes and objects that you would associate with adults and items and objects you would associate with teenagers. for example for a teen ager it may be an ipod or a hoody. please give me any suggestions you can think may be helpful. thankyou in advance. could you also state which category the item/object would go in. thankyou

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • bf cant keep it down? erection?

    recently my bf has been getting erections a lot. i was wondering what suggestions there are for keeping it down. i mean its flattering but a little inconvenient (we are in college). i walked into the college common area and he got a hard one on. im really not trying to sound big headed or showing off, i mean i personally dont think im that attractive but he obviously does lol. any suggestions, i hear masterbation can help? please dont dont just say more sex cos if we could just go and have sex all the time this wouldnt be a problem would it

    7 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • shaving after waxing? just had a full leg wax?

    i have just paid £18 for a full leg wax. the results feel like the stubble you get a day after shaving. it was done by professionals and they seemed to do everything right. can i shave my legs as im going out tonight and im staying at my bfs and dont want stubbley legs.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • tips for a females first time?

    my boyfriend and i are are going to have sex for the first time together. its my first time, its not his. i have no worries that he will be gentle and caring. obviously it will hurt, but that can be helped by for play arousal and lube right. im not stupid i know its not going to be brilliant sex but my question is what do i do. i dont want to just lye there, is it best to wrap my legs around him, do i just caress his body. any advice? he will take the lead, and yes we are old enough, we do trust each other and contraception will be used.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • think my boy friend is unaware im fatter than i look?

    basically ive been going out with my bf for a few weeks now. i really like him and he likes me obviously. the thing is i hide my figure quite well with the clothes i wear, and im worried when he gets beneath the clothes hes not gonna like what he sees. sounds bad but hes quite fussy about stuff and i dont wanna disappoint him, he is slim. my prob is from the belly button dow to hips. its fat there and i have lost 3 stone but i just cant seem to budge that bit. what if he hates it. hes seen me in jeans and bras but jeans covered the right bit. does anyone else have the same problem. i would prefer answers that are more than if he doesnt like you for you then hes not worth it - that doesnt help. thanks

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • unlimited text mobile deals for no more than £10 a month?

    basixally i want unlimited texts, i dont want to spend more than £10 per month. i am currently on orange and would prefer not to change my number. what is the best deal i could go for, i dont need a new phone its literally just cheapest for unlimited texts. thanks

    1 AnswerMobile Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • personal contraception method?

    with most contraception there are obviously negatives and positives. condoms would be used regardless. i hear with the pill that weight gain is quite a prominant side effect and can make people very emotional, those are two thing i really dont want, it may sound a little vain not wanting the weight gain but ive worked really hard to loose 3 stone so im not turning back now. this is a discussion i ultimatley need with med professional i know just wanted some input from others, what works for you? (please no pull outs or keep fingers crossed etc

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • how to tell a guy no its that time of the month?

    ok so to celebrate no more exams me and my mates gonna have a camp out, fire booze etc, i got a new bf havent gone any further than snoggon yet though i expect sat night would change that, only i will probs have my period then. how do you tell a guy that without completely grossing them out. guys and girls your in put please

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • boyfriend seems to be nervous about the kissing?

    i started dating this guy. we are really similar and get on really well. he told me that i was his first gf which i found really sweet that he told me that - im not exactly the most experienced in the love department - odd drunken snog at a party but nothing serious. he has always been quite confident in himself and we are two friends out of a big group of mates at college. we had our first kiss and it was kinda a quick peck on the lips, it was like 1/4 of a second long. do you think he was just really nervous, or maybe that he hadnt kissed anyone before, i think it may be the second one. anyone experienced anything similar?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • ive lost 3 stone but now i look a bit like a deflated balloon - flat tummy?

    i have lost 3 stone thorugh diet and exercise. i have quite a high waist - which is now slim and i am happy with that however i still have fat at the bottom of my tummy. how do i burn this off? what sort of exercise is best, im guessing could be sit ups, i found when i was bigger that situps just made my stomache look bigger. im now a size 12. 5 foot 5 and 9 1/2 stone annoying im lighter than i look and my BMI is perfect now just need to rid of the extra flab

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • any one else feel really awkward asking what the pay is in a job interview?

    i just got a job (trial period first as normal) at my local bakery. i didnt ask what the pay was, though i dont really feel comfortable asking, its the just the pay i want any way though it is a little extra money im after and the experience - you cant get one job without experience from another ... anyone else accepted a job without knowing the pay. it is only a part time job i'll add as im a student.

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • what were the words in volney mathisons word list?

    i am doing a psychology EPQ and was interested in this particular study - the galvanic skin response. after researching this i can only find that mathison used word lists however i dont know what sort of words are on that list. if you know please answer and tell me where i can find the information/how you know what the words in the list are. thankyou

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • disk defrag is not working properly please help?

    i went intot he disk defrag programme on my laptop. it analysed all the disks and said that a disk defrag was recommended so i clicked degrag now. selected all disks as recommended the it goes to analyseing all of the disks again and tells me a defrag is recommended now. why wont it defrag properly?

    4 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago