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Lv 2727 points

Rudy P

Favorite Answers4%
  • How to Make Cement out of Cleveland Type 1?

    I bought a 97 lb. bag of cleveland cement? Can I mix it just 50/50 with water for bricklaying, or do I need special sand? I have regular unmarked bag of sand, but not sure if that is the right stuff. Thanks!

    1 AnswerDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • Why are there so many theories of Evolution?

    Why are there so many theories of evolution, at least 6 of them. Then they compress all these stories and put them into our childrens textbook like it was just one theory. Nice and neat right?

    How can these lies be taught in our schools?

    Does anyone find this to be intellectually dishonest?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do you brag about Jesus Christ, or your religious organization?

    I am a Bible believing Christan, who studies and follows the scriptures, I also teach others, and point them to God's word.

    When I want to brag about something, it is nothing other then Jesus Christ died for me. I always Give God the Credit. I also give Jesus Christ the credit for Salvation.

    In contrast, you have these other religious groups. They all post here claiming "THEY" are the best. Be it Catholic, Jehovas witness, 7th day etc.. You must join "THEM" to get saved.

    Why can't they just humble themselves, and give all the credit to Jesus Christ? Why must you puff up your religious organization?

    I mean why be a walking bilboard for a religous organization, why not be the light of the world and promote Jesus Christ?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Doctrinal Conflicts of the Catholic Church?

    The Catholic Church that it is the "Only Way" to salvation.

    I am sorry to disagree, the bible in John 14:6 says he is the only way.

    The Catholic Church teaches that the Pope in rome is the head of the "True Church".

    However, the Bible says that "Jesus" is the head of the True Church.

    Do you trust a Chruch full of corruption, lies and coverups?

    Or do you trust Jesus, the only perfect and Sinless one who ever lived?

    King James Bible 1611 AV

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Catholic Monsenior Gay Chat rooms, AOL hidden camera?

    Anyone hear about the Monsenior who got caught on camera talking to someone in a gay chat room? I am not sure if they were underage.

    How long will you attend a Church that is run by people like this?

    Isn't it time you converted to the True Christian, and the Truth of the Bible?

    King James Version 1611

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Question for Catholics.?

    Not that you use it that often, but which Bible version do you officially claim? I have noticed for every argument, you use a version to fit your needs. So which is it?

    I use King James Version of 1611. And it is not JUST another translation, it is a different manuscript then all of the other Bibles.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • End Time Prophecy - Why the interest?

    Why are so many Christians interested in End Time prophecy? If you are a Christian, you will not be here for the Plagues in Revelations, you will be Raptures (read Thess)

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Question about a Catholic Movie?

    Do you believe the movie "Passion of the Christ" is just a summary of the Catholic faith? I mean think about it, 3 hours all about Jesus death, and almost nothing about His resurection....

    I don't think a true Christian would see this movie, and I did not go see it. The reason, it breaks a few commandments. The first, do not make idols. Second, it makes a false witness about Jesus, because no one really knows what he looked like.

    Mel Gibson also let us know his mind, when he ranted about Jewish people. I know many think that Only the Jews killed Jesus, but the real truth is Jesus died for all of us, willingly.

    Do you find it Ironic, that this movie is just like the Catholic Church? Only Focusing on His death and maybe even His Physical Birth (Christmas). In fact we are NEVER told to celebrate Jesus Birthday anywhere in the Bible.

    Why doesn't the Catholic Church ever talk about Paul's epistles? Why do they thing the Catholic Church is the author of Grace, and not God?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why Do Catholics on R&S?

    Love to cut and paste things from their archives of dogma? Ever notice they are posting like 40 scriptures, when the question was only up for a few minutes?

    Thanks to all the people who answered without copy and pasting, It is probably against the rules to do that, but we have to put up with them.

    Why not speak from the heart insead of copy and pasting your laws and caticisms?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why call me Protestant?

    Why do Catholics insist on calling me Protestant? How about we start calling them Protestant because they are not teaching the True Bible, instead Man-made doctrines?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do Catholics need to put me in a catagory??

    Why do Catholics always have to catagorize us Bible followers.

    They always say to me "Your Organization", and "Your Church"

    Who said I belonged to any organization? Who said I belong to any Church?

    I just follow the Bible, and I am not any denomination, so don't claim I am in 15,000 denominations. I a also not a protestant, I was never part of your Corrupt Church, and never will be.

    I am not in any denomination, but you Catholics, not only are you in a denomination, you are in a totally seprate Religion, Just like Islam is different then the Bible itself.

    God is not a Catholic, He is not Baptist, He is not Lutheran. These are all organizations founded by who? That's right. Man.

    I am sorry I do not fit into your story telling sessions.

    Denominations, including yours are not from God.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why does the Catholic Church Teach.....?

    Why does the Catholic Church Teach that the story of Adam and Eve is just fiction and never really happened. Without Original Sin, how can we be sinners? Why would we need Jesus, It doesn't even make any sense.

    Let me ask you Catholics, how does it feel to attend a Church that claims they are Christian, Yet calls God and God's word a lie? Can you really call yourself Christian attending a place that calls God's word a lie? How is this not blasphemy, the word you like to use so often?

    Why does the Catholic Church continue to add and delete from the Bible. Oh, that's right, they think they are infalable!!!

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Catholics and the Crusifix?

    Why do catholics make an Idol by putting a statue of Jesus on the Cross? Don't they even know the very basics, that Jesus Died and Rose again. Why don't they ever take Him off the Cross?

    Why do they put crusifixes all over their houses, over their beds like they are warding off evil spirits. Does anyone find them acting in superstition?

    Jesus is in heaven, at the right hand of the Father. Why don't you open up your Bibles, take Jesus off the cross, and start claiming the fact that He has risen from the dead.

    Why do you need the Statues and Idols? Perhaps you are focusing on the Physical things, and not the Spiritual?

    Stop breaking the second commandment! Actually, your organization deleted it from the Bible, but go find a real Bible and read the second commandment! No Idols!!

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Undocumented Christians....?

    Why is it that ignorant American's say, why don't Undocumented workers pay taxes?

    They WOULD pay taxes if the Govt. would let them have a Social Security number and let them work without fear.

    Instead, they can't get medical coverage, so they are forced to use your tax dollars when they need help for themselves, and their entire families. They are also forced sometimes to get free money from the Govt. and food stamps.

    Sadly, you the taxpayer are going to take the Bills, and there is no end in side. As long as you keep sweeping it under the rug that there are 20 Million people here who are not documented. You don't want to do anything about it, so Pay pay pay.

    Also, when you drive you car you are paying. The Govt. will not give them licenses, so they can not legally buy insurance. Add this to the figure, that you pay all that money for uninsured motorist.

    How long do you want to play politics? Give them SS numbers so they do not forced to get free everything.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Have you noticed how people tell you about church?

    The one day, I was at a wedding. And one of my friend's mothers who was a devout catholic came over to us, and she said kind of in an agry voice.


    in an angry like tone...

    But when a true Christian invites someone, it is more just like calm, hey, did you want to attend our service sometime?

    Has anyone experienced this?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Bibles - Isn't it ironic?

    Do you really believe Jehovas Witness and Catholics are Christian?

    Don't think they are simular? Compair their Bibles. Acts 8:37 is missing in both, so are hundreds of other words and verses.

    If you want to read the real Bible, get a King James Version 1611.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do Catholic claim.....?

    Here in the US, the Catholic church is pretty moderate compaired to the rest of the world. I mean yes, it is witchcraft, but they really tone it down.

    however, in other countries like the Phillipines, it is WAY more extreme. I am talking things like Palm reading in the back of the Churches, Carrying around Statues all down the streets.

    In some other countries, it is even MORE extreme then this, mixing Catholicism with other believes that are opposite of being a Christian.

    Now, why do they love to add these type of people to their numbers and brag about it? Is Palm reading and Psycics something you would want to brag about?

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Church Questions - One unit or Se prate units?

    Why is it that the Catholics LOVE to boast to everyone how they are the one true church (they are anything but), and infallable and perfect ......


    When all the scandles with small boys happened in the Church, they acted in the opposite way, saying Each parish is now independent? They also claimed each parish that had victoms was bankrupt, yet the vatican not only has billions in cash, they have artifacts and gold they stole of the Jews during the Holocost?

    Is it right the victoms of these families did not get their money? Why didn't the preist get any jail time, just retirement plans, while the victoms went away empty handed? Why were the people who facilitated the cover up were not arrested also?

    Do you really believe if the same thing happend to you as a Christian, or athiest the govt. would look the other way? Why the special treatment?

    I really don't understand how people can in good conscience still be a part of this organization...

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Missing commandent?

    Did anyone ever compair the 10 commandments in the Catholic Bible, to the 10 commandments in the real Bible, or anywhere else, say like on state parks?

    The second commandment has been deleted to promote statue worship. Read the real 2nd commandment....

    Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago