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I am a young woman who seeks more wisdom. I wish to be more elevated in life, not just to my surroundings, but to life as a whole. I know that life begins with a purpose and i will find that purpose beacuse destiny has my name wriiten all over it. I am proud to be a muslim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ramadan~ Why is it muslim brother's and sisters that people focus on the western world and its allurements?
My reasons for asking this is because the western world has truly cultivated the minds and it seems like the hearts of young muslims.
Its mind bobbling that as soon as muslims come to the western world we tend to forget who we are and that is confusing to me.
Why forget such a pure way of life (ISLAM) for the allurements of this temporary dunya? I direct all statements towards myself before asking any questions to others!!!!
7 AnswersRamadan1 decade agoWhat Candidate is most electible at this point in the game?
We have seen their up's and down's and all in between, nut are we really ready to choose one of the three as a President? Understanding the people where not made perfect, which Candidate can always reassure you that your vote will and will always be counted with them?
2 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoWho cares who becomes the next President of the United States?
At this pont in the election primaries i have had enough. Each candidate has a enough scandal to go into the White House. If it isn't someone lying about getting shot at or someones pastor preaching from his personal views and not the Bible, it someone giving us misinformed information while they are visiting Iraq. The Candidates fight like little kids and some kids dont even act like them, its horrble and a slap in the American people face. We want change and a differnce in this country, but people tend to paly with our minds due to that yearning we all desire of a better life. I say do away with all the drama that's why i watch soap operas.
10 AnswersElections1 decade agoWho would like to see a Eliot Spitzer and Monica Lewinsky Presidential ticket? I mean because anything goes ?
I ask this question on a serious tip!! Anything goes on now a days from the fools we elect to represent us and so forth!!! Our jobs, the economy, our homes are not safe any more. Less jobs are being created and this really hurting folks... So, if we elect people who sometimes claim to be the best and they become the very ones who let us down, then we should elect people with less integrity!!!
8 AnswersElections1 decade agoWhy cant everyone just get along??? Can you tell me what is racism? Have you ever been affected by it and how?
I still can not believe that at this day and age racism still exist!!!! I could have sworn the whole world is a mixed breed!!??? Tell me what and why and who are the real culprits behind this sick disease called racism?
9 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade agoIs America ready for Bill Clinton to be President again?
I ask this question simply beacause there are those who like Bill Clinton and there are those who dont....?? Do you think if Hillary is elected that Bill would be running the white house and the reason she is so under pressure is because Bill will go looking fo another hunny like he has done before!!!????
13 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoHave you ever connected with the deceased? What was the feeling like?
People all around the world have claimed they have conntected the dead. What have they seen or heard?
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhat Presidential Candidate has been the most negative? Who do you like? Mcain, Obama, Hillary?
These three Presidential Candidates are running for office. Some of their views are connecting with the voters at home and some are not. Out of the three candidates who looks like a compulsive liar? Who looks the craziest out of the three? Who seems the most bipolar? Who is worthy of President of the United States Of America!!
9 AnswersElections1 decade agoWhy is true love so hard to find? Or to even find you for that matter?
I am a good person and all i do is run across people the opposite of my nature! I wish to fall in love, but at this point it has became a fantasy. it has no real, true value to me at this present momment. Maybe one day huh!! Maybe meaning is it meant to be or is it not meant to be?
3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoI Am a young woman who desires a closer connection to what this experience we live called life??
I am fascinated with life. The way we awake until the time we lay down to rest our heads. There are many questions that we as spiritual beings who live a human experience have to ask. Does anyone have a particular method they have used to obtain total peace of mind?
17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago