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  • Solve inequality with interval notation with a CASIO fx-9570gii?

    So I know how to do them by hand but my professor said using a calculator is much faster. However I am not sure how to do it with my calculator.

    The question is (x+5)(x-3)<0, x=-5,3 the answer is (-5,3). How do I use my calculator to figure these out without doing it by had?

    2 AnswersMathematics6 years ago
  • Movies about "World War 3"?

    I couldn't seem to find many movies (made after 2000) that follow that theme, other than the Red Dawn remake and How I live now. Do you guys have any? Only movies from late 90s and earlier please.

    1 AnswerMovies7 years ago
  • Ever just have a ridiculous professor?

    So during summer semester I have a professor that is making us read each of our four handouts (online but the program can track how long you are on it) for 30 minutes each. The handout is one page long, I understand work but read one page of random info for 30 minutes and to spend two hours for them all?

    Anyways just venting because I could have used that time to work on other classes.

  • Is my grammer, tense, and person alright?

    I have to write a topic sentence for a paper and the rules for it are:

    Has to be in third person

    Cannot switch tenses unless it would not make sense without doing so


    Subject of mine is based off a writing form Steven King

    Why We Crave Horror movies?

    Question for paper: How does King suggest horror movies keep people sane?

    I wanted to know if there are any corrections for this topic sentence since every error is half a letter grade off.

    Stephen King suggests that the way horror movies keep people sane is that these movies are used as a proverbial outlet to either set aside human emotion and realize that the emotions felt could be worse or even prove to oneself that an individual can in fact face the horrors of society even if it is set in a false reality such as a movie.

    Tips for corrections would be amazing as if it is not already clear I am terrible at English.

    2 AnswersHomework Help7 years ago
  • Movies like these?

    Language and whatnot does not matter as I don't mind subtitles and actually enjoy Korean and Chinese film making. I was movies that have a mentally retarded main character ( I don't know why but I always love the movies). My favorites are

    Ocean Heaven




    I have seen many of the mainstream movies (what's eating Gilbert Grape, Forrest Gump, etc) So try to think outside of the box to find some. I would really appreciate it as I'm really in a movie watching mood.

    Thanks ahead of time :D

    3 AnswersMovies7 years ago
  • Should I go to my doctor?

    I have had a stomach virus for the past couple days (you know the nausea vomiting and diarrhea without fever type) and well last night I vomited and burst a lot of blood vessels in my face, made me look like I got punched in the eye and nose but also blew some in my eyes. The thing is that they are hurting and I now have a headache, is this worth paying to see a doctor for?

    2 AnswersOptical7 years ago
  • Should I see a doctor?

    I have had a stomach virus for the past couple days (you know the nausea vomiting and diarrhea without fever type) and well last night I vomited and burst a lot of blood vessels in my face, made me look like I got punched in the eye and nose but also blew some in my eyes. The thing is that they are hurting and I now have a headache, is this worth paying to see a doctor for?

    1 AnswerInjuries7 years ago
  • I feel like I'm starving intellectually?

    I can not seem to have an intellectual conversation with anyone near me, because 90% of the time talking I end up having to explain what I'm talking about and it ruins it for me though at least they learn something. One example is I wanted to talk the current issues in treating cancer with my mother and brother but found that I spent the whole time teaching them about what cancer really was rather than actually talking about the treatments in question. I then figured maybe my family is not the people I should talk to maybe friends? I have some smart friends, hell many that are leaps and bounds ahead of me, but either they didn't understand it because of the field in question or they were not interested. So then I figured I might find some people at the community college I attend to speak to. (I am going to one to get my associates and save money because my family is poor and I want as little debt as I can leaving college) There was yet again another issue there most of the people were either adults with not interest or vocational students with no interest. I spoke to a doctor once on the field but I felt he was way ahead of me and then the same problem I had I was giving to him. Online forums don't feel the same as an actual conversation with someone. It doesn't even have to be about medicine though it can be politics or science in general and I feel like there is no one I can speak to in my small town and it really is bothering me. Thanks for all your answers ahead of time.

    1 AnswerOther - Education7 years ago
  • How to become a student teacher?

    I am nearing the end of my freshman year of college and intend on becoming a biology teacher. I decided I would get my bachelors in biology rather than teaching in case I may decide it is not for me because there is always that slight possibility. The thing I am trying to figure out since I can not seem to find that much information on is how to become a student teacher? Is it only for those who are majoring in teaching? I figured this would give me my first real taste of being one and would help me understand the field I intend on joining.

    Thanks ahead of time for your responses!

    3 AnswersTeaching7 years ago
  • Internet service without having lines?

    So my apartment complex only allows comcast, and don't have much choice but to be here so that is not an option. Since I cannot get any other provider than that through their lines are there any like say what cell phone company's offer that have a high data cap? ie 250-300gb I have seen ones from them that you get their little "hotspot" or w/e but their data caps are only a few gb's. Sorry that i'm ignorant on the matter but then again if I knew more about it I wouldn't be here asking.

    3 AnswersOther - Internet7 years ago
  • how long should it roughly take to learn mandarin?

    So for the last week I have been learning mandarin on Rosetta stone and I think its going fairly well at 30 minutes a day. I know without being around people who actually speak it will make it take longer, but I seem to grasp the new concepts fairly well. The only issue is my southern accents seems to make it a little difficult to pass their requirements in certain respects. So maybe a year or two? I know no one can answer for sure because that's ridiculous to ask but how long did it take you to learn at least enough to hold a conversation where they at least understand most of what you are saying?

    10 AnswersChina7 years ago
  • My brother had to pay sales tax at the dmv?

    This is in South Carolina

    He bought a 2002 motorcycle(not sure of the model or make) but they told him he had to pay sales tax on it. This is odd because when I bought my motorcycle I did not have to pay this. The dmv website says on newly purchased vehicles but does that mean you got it recently or that it was a new vehicle? I have never heard of anyone have to pay that and I want to make sure he was not messed around. Sorry for my ignorance as I have only bought one vehicle before.

    5 AnswersInsurance & Registration7 years ago
  • How to sue a bank? Serious issue?

    Ok so lets get this out the way, a while back i asked you guys w/o nearly as much info as I do now and get a lot of **** for it. "You shouldn't have made a payment for her" or "Your fault for paying over the phone!" blah blah blah

    My mom had a Amazon Store Card that owed $432.12 and I was nice enough to pay it off for her. Well it was payed via a phone(payed on 9/24/13), and taken from my account. I received a bill later that stated I never made a payment for that billing period yet the money was gone from my account. After about a month of getting the work around I was told to fax them a copy of a bank statement with me & my moms name on it to prove I paid it. Another 2 months and 3 faxes later I was told that it was not enough to prove I paid it. Then I again called my bank (Bank of America) and they said they could do a 3-way call with them and speak to them that way and tell them I paid it. GE Capital retail bank(The bank amazon uses for this card) refused to speak to them on the phone. They are basically refusing to work with me or my bank in resolving this matter. Now my bank today said that they would put in a dispute on our end with their bank, and Bank of America would research the issue (she said there was almost nothing to research they had proof on hand) and then contact them. The issue may be if they continue to refuse to cooperate with them. Bank of America stated that there was no way it could have gotten lost because it was a direct deposit from my checking account to their account, it did not go through a single middle man.

    So to the issue at hand, What do I do if they continue to be an issue and not work with us? The debt from the card is apparently almost doubled in these couple months. Now if push comes to shove how would you go about taking them to small claims court? Also another issue is they are on the other side of the country. I really do not know what to do, we keep getting these bills pooling up debt that we should not owe whatsoever.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • Flu like symptoms with impetigo?

    So about a week ago i developed a rash on my arm right about my elbow. It started to itch and form blisters so i went and seen the doctor( 3 days ago), she said it looked like impetigo and that i prob got it from a irritation from my work. She gave me antibiotics(cephalexin) and some steroid anti itch cream. Now i feel like complete crap, fever/chills, headache, and just general flu like symptoms. Is this normal with impetigo? should I go back and see if I can get stronger antibiotics? Thanks ahead of time!

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases7 years ago
  • why metaformin? I'm trying to figure this out?

    My grandmother is type 1 and last couple years has had issues keeping her blood sugar up. Her doctor(im not all that fond of personally) has her on metaformin (glucophage) insulin and one other that's a 24 hour type medication and im not all that certain as to the name of. Now it was always my understanding that metaformin was used to reduce blood sugar. I looked up to make sure i wasn't misunderstanding and though im a student im definitely a doctor so i knew there was a high chance i was wrong. It doesn't list it as having any uses in respect to her needs. Again sorry for my ignorance if i was missing something but I personally don't understand why, in a person who is having trouble keeping blood sugar up, is someone prescribing a medication to reduce it. She has other issues like she had her thyroid removed as a young child of which she is on medication for and such.

    Thank you in advance, and if you know more about metaformin that wikipedia/other google related websites don't let me know.

    3 AnswersDiabetes7 years ago
  • can i take amazon to small claims court?

    So back in September my mother had an outstanding balance on her Amazon store card of about $480. I took my own money and paid for it, but i couldn't find her card so we paid for it over the phone through amazon where they offered me a $60 discount if i paid it in full then which of course i did. Turns out they have no idea where my money is, the account is still racking up debt i believe its up to $700ish now. I have called over and over again and its either we still cant find anything, or speak the bank (GE Capital) and then they tell me to call amazon. I sent in 3 faxes so far of my bank statement showing i paid for it, but none of they times they say they got it or couldn't find it. I really could use that money back or to clear the account though.

    and how reasonable is this?

    If i win give me my money back ($420), and close the account.

    I have been trying my best but its always another persons department and they will send it but it may take up to two weeks to investigate of which i hear nothing from them.

    4 AnswersCorporations7 years ago
  • can i take amazon to small claims court?

    So back in September my mother had an outstanding balance on her Amazon store card of about $480. I took my own money and paid for it, but i couldn't find her card so we paid for it over the phone through amazon where they offered me a $60 discount if i paid it in full then which of course i did. Turns out they have no idea where my money is, the account is still racking up debt i believe its up to $700ish now. I have called over and over again and its either we still cant find anything, or speak the bank (GE Capital) and then they tell me to call amazon. I sent in 3 faxes so far of my bank statement showing i paid for it, but none of they times they say they got it or couldn't find it. I really could use that money back or to clear the account though.

    and how reasonable is this?

    If i win give me my money back ($420), and close the account.

    I have been trying my best but its always another persons department and they will send it but it may take up to two weeks to investigate of which i hear nothing from them.

    3 AnswersCorporations7 years ago
  • how long is too long for bowel movement?

    So i normally have a bm about twice a day, but since thanksgiving i havent had a single one, (i know two days but thats 4 less than normal for me.) I have had issues for months where it felt like i wasnt fully finished going you know, but (slightly nasty sounding) i had a clear diarrhea the morning of thanksgiving, and nothing since. I have a slight pain above my belly button and i feel nauseous. Should i take a laxitive? and at what point should i go see a doctor? I can, just dont want to rush there and (pay for it) to be told come back if blah blah blah keeps happening.

    btw im 18, and a male.

    Thanks for your responses!

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care7 years ago
  • what rights do we have as tenants?

    So there is a leaky roof in our apartment, which like many other issues with it, they put off. The power in the back rooms were the leak is will not come on, and they finally got here and said that its possible that the water damaged lines running through the ceiling and walls. The way to replace lines and water of course (common knowledge) is to bust out dry wall and ceiling. There is also mildew and mold up there so if they do and require us to leave, are they required to foot the price of a hotel if it takes longer than one day. Our one family member in town does not have the room for all of us to stay and we can not afford to foot it ourselves. I am just asking because of the fact that we pay almost $900 a month for a 3 bed 1 1/2 bath that we should have a maintenance team that can quickly fix this issue. What is our rights in this line if said issue to arise and we have to leave for at least one night?

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years ago