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  • clean water coming up into kitchen sink?

    ok, so kitchen sink (double w/ disposal) working fine then decided to clog. we've been here for 2 years.

    after clearing a clog in the ptrap, hubby had to replace all of the parts under the sink (long story but they were all cross-threaded, and some parts even disintegrated...).

    tried all sorts of things, got a little 15' snake from lowe's, all seems fine, but when we run water into sink the sink will start to fill up after a minute or two. there are sometimes air bubbles that accompany this.

    occasionally, clean water is ebbing up into the sink, or coming out of the pipes while they are open.

    it's a townhouse, tub upstairs has sluggish drain but that's not a new issue. toilets and other sinks are fine. i'm too scared to try the washer lest onions end up in the laundry, but it doesn't appear to have any water backing up into it. neighbor's kitchen sink is on other side of wall from our kitchen sink and seems to be working fine.

    the dishwasher has water in the bottom - and water came up in there while i was flushing hot water through pipes. though hubs said he's been checking and it's doing ok.

    we cannot check the vent on roof - we don't have that sort of ladder.

    so, latest thing was i heard some water so went to see, the open ptrap was spilling clean water. went to get towels and when i came back heard some noises in the wall as well as more water rushing sounds and then some clear water with some onion skins came out. when hubby found original clog he cleared out what appeared to be mostly onion skins.

    yes, i now know not to put onions in the disposal, and that egg shells are actually a good thing for the disposal.

    hub says the main draining place for our kitchen sinks is a mere few feet away and it then goes out to the sewer or whatever - please forgive me, he's not here to put that in plumber-speak, or, properly.

    i don't know if there is a 'main line clean out' or if hubs has checked it, i suspect not.

    there are no horrible smells or objects coming from the pipes/sink.

    soooo, should we continue snaking? that there might still be a few clumps of onion skins??

    at the time of original clog 2 days ago, we tried hot water, boiling water, baking soda and vinegar, 2 cans of caffeine-free diet coke, and liquid plumber; but we did not do any of these continuously, are there any we should try repeating/repeatedly? since there are still onions skins down there might they not start degrading more? (is regular coke better? hubs said diet had same acid?)

    oh please yahoo answers gods, send someone with our answer - and, ps, may it not involve hiring a plumber.

    thanks for the help!!

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • where can i find a good philly cheesesteak?

    in the new orleans area, having a craving. please, only people who have had a true philly cheesesteak and know what i mean... you know who you are : )

    1 AnswerNew Orleans8 years ago
  • need help with how to use windows 8?


    boyfriend gave me a laptop with windows 8 and I am sort of completely mystified... could someone please point me to a comprehensive site that will help me understand how to use this os? if it matters, its an asus laptop. am used to xp and vista, now having troubles with the usual things, like where are the menus, control panel, etc... am not a computer expert or anything, so a site that speaks 'stupid' may be ideal. thanks so much for help

    2 AnswersSoftware8 years ago
  • can't use some of the keys for accessing runesca9e?


    yeah, water on the la9to9 com9uter, now the certain letter '9' and the shift button that i need to fill in my email or user name are not working so i cannot enter runesca'9'e. it won't allow me to '9'aste the info.

    cannot find direct link to contact jagex anywhere...

    suggestions '9'lease


    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • could anyone find another version of the card game booray?


    have looked at a bunch of sites for a free online card game called booray or bourre and they all lead to

    the same version of booray.

    can anyone find another version of booray online

    thank you

    1 AnswerCard Games1 decade ago
  • why shouldn't we store things on top of a microwave oven that is in use?


    no vents on top so that's not the issue, and it's in every manual in the warning! section.

    having a small kitchen, it is convenient to store some things on top of the microwave oven like dried beans in glass jars, small appliances, garlic and onions in a glass bowl...

    please explain, or direct me to a site that clearly explains, what happens to food and other items when stored on top of the microwave oven.

    will it harm the food? short out appliances? cause bean monsters?

    please help. thank you

    2 AnswersOther - Science1 decade ago
  • when did you fall in love with George?


    i'm 40. The Boss has been in charge for all of my memory.

    i cried through all the tragedies, from Thurmon to Murcer. the tooth fairy brought an inconsolable little girl Mr Munson's card the Saturday after his passing. my mother passed away less than 2 months after Mr Murcer, of cancer - his struggles and seeming triumphs hitting home on such a profound personal level.

    too young to really appreciate/suffer through the Billy years, except to feel sorry for the poor guy... the moment i fell in love with The Boss was when, after many years, i went to a Yankee game in Seattle. in 1996.

    and then, watched the Yankees pull off an incredible World Series.

    and there, was George. crying as the Yankees received the trophy and accolades.

    that was the moment i fell in love with The Boss.

    many times since, i have learned to love the old codger. and, having ties to Florida as well as my home town of New York, i have seen so many reasons to love George.

    ok, i'm silly this way... i named my 2009 car George Harvey, after the many Georges i have loved, number two being Mr Steinbrenner, after Mr Harrison.

    please, only answer with fond memories, please let us respect the deceased.

    2 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • have an old down comforter that needs to be sanitized - with concern for dust mites or other yuckies?


    my mother passed away and she has a down comforter that is at least 20 years old.

    she wasn't diligent about dusting/sweeping, and used a futon - meaning the bedding lay on the floor. i don't imagine the comforter was cleaned often, not even annually.

    if the comforter is dry-cleaned, will that eliminate all dust mites, dust mite poo, and most/any other allergens? i don't have any particular allergies that i know of, but why start now?

    dry-cleaning chemical hazards understood, i prefer environmentally-friendly options, but, in this case, i just really need the comforter "sanitized", or the animals at the Humane Society will have a 'new' nice, very expensive blanky - while i love the animals, a down comforter is very nice for me, too, but, affording one is not so easy. i'd like to keep it, if possible.

    Thank you for any advice

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • Runescape and people asking if i have a bf?


    so, i play the Runescape. i'm far from being a youth so i dunno what the kids are up to these days when it comes to mmorpg... or anything else for that matter

    i get asked, and see others get asked, if they have a bf or gf.

    could someone please tell me what this is about? is this bf/gf within the game or is Runescape the eharmony of the kids?

    what would be the purpose of a bf/gf within the game?

    i'm just curious why it is so prevalent, and if there is some kid or gaming thing i don't know about.

    ps i always say i do have a bf, it would seem pedophilish to talk to what could be a child/teen, and them thinking i was "available". i would like to not be paranoid, so if this whole bf/gf thing is completely game-related, i'd be glad to know.

    Thanks for any help

    7 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • need a reason for a personal day?


    took a personal day today, now am scouring the internet for an excuse to tell my very nosy supervisor/friend tomorrow.

    left a message saying i had personal things to take care of and he will want to know what.

    was out sick a lot earlier this year, am no longer allowed to be sick and call out. a personal day in and of itself isn't acceptable either. there must be a good reason.

    don't have a car so any car thing won't fly.

    no kids, no pets

    nothing health-related will work since he handles that (insurance) at work

    he knows my entire family, so nothing family-related can work

    mental health day won't work

    he would want details about whatever it is

    in fact he knows all about my life, my only hope is that this is his vacation week. or is it next week?

    i need something to say. under enough pressure i'll just be honest with him, but if i can give a good excuse then EVERYONE would be happier.

    Thanks for the suggestions

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • dumb pool etiquette questions?


    ok, so a game ends... who is "supposed" to say 'good game'... the winner or the loser - does it matter?

    also, i'm a cute female and a good player, if i beat a man, who's a stranger, and friendily say aww he let me win and thank him is he more or less insulted? does it just depend on the guy? does that just come off as totally sarcastic rather than trying to save his face?

    no, i don't do that with every guy... just the ones who seem particularly disappointed in front of their male friends - and the guy isn't being a jerk about it.

    thanks for the help!

    6 AnswersSnooker & Pool1 decade ago
  • worst game ever? what happened to the Rangers?

    Hi Rangers fans,


    every 5 frickin seconds dallas scored on valiquette in the third.

    the Rangers started off so great and now they can't win to save their playoff lives...

    whaddabout gettin' my boy Avery back?


    10 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • how do i access windows live mail from another computer?


    i'm talking about the live mail where you can add email accounts and view them all in one place - NOT a email account.

    can't seem to get any help and all roads lead to live hotmail accounts.

    my computer died and so i want to access my windows live mail but can't figure out how to do that. please don't refer me to any live mail support areas from microsoft... like i said, they either all end up at live hotmail, or the get support doesn't have an option applicable to my question and i've been waiting for 3 days for them to re-direct my question to someone who can help me. yeah...

    i don't want to have to set up all the folders and contacts again, is there a way to do this?


    PS is there a better and more reliable (program?) than windows live mail that will allow me to see several gmail/other accounts in one place?

    Other - Computers1 decade ago
  • finally connected my cell and laptop via bluetooth... now what?


    set up new computer, has a bluetooth icon in task tray, got curious, wanted to set it up. not sure how they finally managed to connect (computer kept trying to connect to a nokia - my phone is lg) but they did.

    ok, so what is the point?

    can someone tell me in moron-speak just what this connection is used for? can i talk through my computer like a bluetooth device? can the computer use the phone to connect to the internet?

    it's a smart phone - but not a blueberry or iphone or whatever the REAL smartphones are. it connects to the internet - but i don't use that except to download games so not sure what it really means that it connects to the internet. it's an lg 8300 or something.

    connected my cell to the car radio recently, but that was pretty straightforward as to the purpose - at least i think all it does is allow me to talk without using the handset.

    there's probably a lot i'm missing about all these things, and any and all info or links would be great - provided they are in simple language this technologically challenged person can understand.


    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • i'm a terrible flirt - and, i mean i suck at it, lol... more?


    i am new at my father's office, and i'm almost 40 years old. no kid here.

    but, i have some interest in a couple/few of the men at the office.

    it is my father's office - it bears his name, although he is not actually in ultimate power anymore.

    i want to maintain a level of propriety, but, let's face it - i'm old. if i make ANY action towards any man within the office am i doing wrong?

    there are three interesting men, two are like a decade younger than me, and one is a married partner, whom i've known about 25 years - since i was a little girl.

    doesn't seem too promising... but, i'm looking for love and feel like a teenager developing crushes. obviously, the married guy is a no-go, no matter what - married is married. but, then there are these "little boys"... is it inappropriate for me to pursue them in any way? i'm terrible at flirting, and am mostly self- effacing - should i wait for them or make a move? in which case, will i miss any possible opportunity? i'm attractive and look young for my age, but without confidence, maybe i'll just miss the boat?

    i'm such an idiot, lol. who would want to get involved with the "boss'" daughter? a brown-noser?

    in the past, i take every opportunity and screw it up. but, would being forward be too much? like, one guy has these beautiful eyes... is it over-the-top to tell him so?

    it is a professional firm, these people are university-educated... not little fluff-heads like me. even though they are young do i take a chance or do i take the route of self-preserving dignity that might be better for my father?

    i am beyond looking for love - meaning, it has been a long time, and i want a man, lol. but, i DO want something real. i don't think i have too much to worry about regarding men wanting to use me for advancement, as i think they must realize Dad isn't a partner anymore...

    Gals - and guys - please help me to understand how to handle this seemingly delicate situation!


    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Please explain to me how to use CTRL V to rename several files?


    ok, so at work i scan drawings to a file, and then need to rename them using a long formula... like:

    02300.001 cvxb (date) h40gh 002 Nav 2

    the next drawing would be renamed all the same except it would be:

    02300.001 cvxb (date) h40gh 003 Nav 2

    the difference being the 002 or 003 after the h40gh, yes?

    ok, so, i can rename each file by typing each name out, or by using the CTRL V and then simply changing the one digit before saving... but, i have forgotten/cannot figure out how to accomplish this.

    have tried it in my own word program - which may be too old or lame for this function, although i have windows xp sp3 and i guess it isn't word's fault but mine. but, i dunno. when i try the CTRL V the name doesn't change.

    anyway, i know it can be done at work, i've done it, but have since forgotten how.

    would you please give me a step-by-step on how to do this, and maybe even explain why i cannot replicate this action on my home computer - if it's not simply something i'm doing wrong?


    4 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • i downloaded a video from youtube... how do i put it on a disc?


    used some program to download some videos from youtube... they will play on vlc, they will not play on windows media player. how can i put them on a disc? have some dvd-r discs, but really only want the audio.

    please use moron-speak because i don't get this stuff and need it really spelled out for me.


    4 AnswersYouTube1 decade ago
  • OK, James Bond movie buffs... see if you can answer this one for me?


    there is a James Bond movie from the late 1960's or so, i believe they are in the US and go to a Japanese restaurant. My impression is that they are in NY, NY - haven't seen the movie in a while, obviously. I think the restaurant is the old Nippon on E 55th st or maybe E 53rd... but would like to hear from someone who knows where they filmed that scene.

    Please provide source info, if possible.


    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • i have all these coffee filter pouches, but no coffee machine?


    so, no machine, but need coffee now.

    have pre-filled coffee filter pouches, how can i make coffee with them without a machine?

    i have a little stove top kettle.

    Thanks for your help!

    5 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • i have a can of salmon?


    going through my Mom's food, there are 2 cans of Master Choice red sockeye salmon, distributed by Compass Foods, montvale NJ.

    can't find anything about either company.

    the only things printed on the can are:



    no expiration date.

    there is a bar code... promising, but pointless without anyone to verify it's meaning, if any.

    the stuff in the can moves around freely, is it supposed to?

    i don't want to eat this stuff, but there is a food drive in my building. would be very bad form to give cans of bad fish.

    the cans look new and in good condition, and i would love for someone hungry to enjoy them, i don't like salmon.

    when i say the stuff in the can moves, i mean, it moves. i shake, it shakes. is that normal?

    anyhoo, if anyone has any ideas, short of opening the can, of how to tell if the fish is still good or how to contact either company, i would really appreciate it.

    perhaps this should be a separate question... Ma also has a bunch of cans of tomato sauce. they are a bit dented, but, no holes.

    i make my own sauce (and prefer my own sauce), and want to give them away. i will use them if the food drive won't take them, or if they will just throw them away if i give them.

    does anyone know the policy of the average food drive? am i better off using them than giving them away where they will be thrown away?

    dunno if location means anything, but, i'm almost in NYC city limits, yeah, we have homeless and needy people here. demand is high, so how picky will they be?

    Thanks for your help!

    5 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago