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  • do i have an eating disorder?

    so about a year and a half ago i think i really did have one, like i kept my calorie count under 500 a day and sometimes skipped days completely all the while working out like theres no tomorrow honestly that whole period of my life is kinda a blur since i was in an almost constant state of mental and physical exhaustion

    so skip to present day im still fat (like actually fat lmao) but i dont care anymore (i recently discovered the wonderful world of unconditional self love) and i eat normally about half the time and no longer count calories but the kicker is that i still do a lot of things typically associated with EDs like

    - generally only eat one meal a day but sometimes i wont eat much more than like half a bagel

    - i often "forget" to eat and dont really notice until i get bad hunger pains or notice my body is sore/weak or when i start blacking out a little when i move to quickly

    - sometimes i feel kind of repulsed by the thought of eating no matter how loud my stomach is growling

    - sometimes after eating a lot of food i feel really sick and guilty and make myself throw up (i guess you could say its a binge and purge thing)

    - i hate to admit this but i actually almost enjoy the feeling i get when i havent eaten like the hollow spacey feeling even tho my muscles and head ache and i cant really to any physical activity

    disclaimer: i dont do this all the time only about 50% and i dont do it on purpose it kinda just happens accidentally

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • my cat has sores around his mouth how can i help him feel better?

    ok right off the bat im gonna say WE HAVE A VET APPOINTMENT so please dont come up in here just to yell at me for not taking him

    additionally we've taken him for this problem before and its most likely allergies we've also had some success in getting rid of the sores by treating him for fleas and such but the sores come back every month or two and the broad spectrum treatment we've been using is fairly expensive so we're taking him back to see if theres a better way to deal with this

    anyway so his appointment isnt for about a week and the sores are the worst ive seen on him yet so id like to try and give him a little relief he has some kind of inflamed red bumps on his chin and both corners of his mouth are swollen/raw/balding he also has an abrasion under his chin thats scabbed over he isnt showing any signs of discomfort really aside from scratching at them

    i was thinking like a warm or cold cloth or like Vaseline or something along those lines idk suggestions please??

    1 AnswerCats7 years ago
  • star trek/ real life parallels that relate to the high school curriculum ?

    i recently wrote i social (history) essay on the parallels between the United Nations and star treks Federation and received a really good grade on it and i think that looking at the parallels between star trek and real life might be a really good way to help me better understand and retain my lessons so does anyone have any other ideas or thoughts??

    they can relate to any subject thank you

    1 AnswerHomework Help7 years ago
  • extremely skittish and lethargic cat? explanation and advice?

    ok this isnt any new behaviour shes essentially acted this way since she grew out of her playfull kitten phase but shes become pretty overweight at this point and its a little concerning

    so shes 4 years old names pebbles and was the runt of the litter and the owners of the farm we got her from mentioned that the mother cat had takken the kittens into the pid pen and that she may have been sat on or something like that (we do think there could maybe be some brain damage at play) shes still very small especially since we p sure she's a main **** so stunted growth could potentially attribute to some of her roundness

    we have experienced several other problems with her in the past like she didnt and still doesnt groom herself properly especially her butt we've actually had to go to the vet to have her shaved and washed bc she develops severe diaper rash from lack of cleaning

    we also had issues when we adopted another female cat who ended up being quite agressive due to anxiety issues and would actually attack and chase pebbles throught the house every chance she got and pebbles ended up basically permanently retreating into my parents room we ended up finding a new home for the aggressive cat

    however both before and after the other cat she would spend the majority of the time laying and sleeping on my parents bed and is even scared of us a little but like if we take a corner or walk towards her to quickly shell bolt back to the room

    1 AnswerCats7 years ago
  • my cats claws seem to be hurting him?

    im just going start off saying that i know they have little nerve finger things in their claws i'm always super super careful not to clip them when i trim my cats claws and i noticed this little issue before i even started clipping so its not that

    his claws seem frayed like the still come to a sharp point and their are no cracks or anything in the tips of his claws but its almost like long thin pieces have sort of peeled off but are still attached at the root kinda like a hang nail or something some of his nails also have some blood crusted under some of his claws (granted he has been outside a lot and some of it if not all of it could quite likely be another animals)

    so is this a thing that has happened to anyone else's cats and what can i do to help him out

    1 AnswerCats7 years ago
  • bad breath and sour taste in my mouth that wont go away?

    its just this really foul sour taste at the very back of my mouth and im not going to lie i never really formed the habbit of brushing twice a day when i was little so i miss a day now and then but the issue here isnt with my teeth and i've been to the dentist recently so its not a tooth problem

    it only really gotten bad today and at first i though it was just that i didnt brush my teeth this morning (stayed home) but eventually it bothered me enough that i went and brushed my teeth which didnt do anything so i gargled with mouth wash and that fixed the problem for about 10 minutes but now its back and just as strong as ever and i begining to think there could be an underlaying problem here

    i am on quite a few medications (adhd, anxiety, hypothyroidism, iron supplements, and sleep meds) which i've heard can affect oral health and i also have my tonsils removed a few years ago

    1 AnswerDental7 years ago
  • can cats catch human strep throat/ soar throat?

    its probably nothing but i noticed that my 1yr cats voice was a little hoarse today which is the same way my older cats upper respiratory infection started last year so if anything its probably that but i just want to be sure

    i'm not sure if cats catching human illness is a real thing but i remember my older cat developing cold symptoms while i was sick with a cold a few years back and i wanted to know if the same thing could happen with strep or just a regular soar throat since my sister and i were sick (her with full on strep, me with a severely soar throat) very recently

    if it is possible i was also worried about how it affects cats like would a bug like strep throat be dangerous or life threatening to cats and if he does turn out to be sick is there anything i can give him to help him feel a little better like idk people drink tea for a soar throat so i guess i was wondering if there was something similar i could do to help him feel better (since i read that with upper respiratory infections you should wait a few days to see if it clears up on its own before taking your cat to the vet)

    3 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • home/ over the counter remedies for cat pain?

    my cat is limping fairly bad and before you tell me to take him to the vet we will if he doesnt apear to get better over the next few days but he's a big boy and he often gets into fight with the neighbouring cats so this happens a lot and its almost always a bite or a scratch but it just occured to me that their could be some sort of home remedy we could use to help him feel better like putting polyspoirn on you're knee when you scrape it or taking ibuprofen for a twisted ankel (im not going to give my cat people meds i just mean something on th same sort of level but for cats)

    2 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • what classes should i take to become a costume designer?

    i decided costume design/construction would be the best carer for me and i plan on going to the art institute in vancouver

    i'm more interested in si-fi type costumes/props and im looking for suggestions more specific than just "fashion" or "cosmetology" because i already know i have to take those sort of classes

  • what classes should i take to become a costume designer?

    i decided costume design/construction would be the best carer for me and i plan on going to the art institute in vancouver

    i'm more interested in si-fi type costumes/props and im looking for suggestions more specific than just "fashion" or "cosmetology" because i already know i have to take those sort of classes

  • headache remedies?

    i get really bad head aches all the time and i was wondering if anyone has any good little remedies other than pain killers

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management7 years ago
  • good rock bands ?

    i like arctic monkeys, the killers, weezer etc does any one have any good recomendations ?

    9 AnswersRock and Pop7 years ago