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Don't lose sight of the Truth. Allah created you for a purpose. You are here to uncover it.
How much do pet agencies charge to take a German Shepherd to Central America?
I need to travel with my German Shepherd to Nicaragua? ? Airlines will not take him because he is too big. How much do pet agencies charge for a large dog with an extra large kennel?
2 AnswersDogs6 years agoTo Christians: How do I know what Bible version is correct?
I recently converted to Christianity.
I explained this to a friend of mine that is Muslim and she told me that the Bible is corrupted (which in fact.. it is what is taught in Islam). She also asked me: "How will you know what Bible version to follow if there are so many?"
If anyone can please help me out here.. I'm far from being a scholar... I don't know what to answer her. Plus, I myself want to know if anyone out there has the knowledge and would like to share it.. thank you.
14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoQuestion for non-trinitarians/Christians?
I'm trying to convince a friend that ..well, that Jesus isn't God. I've shown him a few verses that show Jesus praying to God and I asked him "How could it be possible that Jesus would be praying to God if he "is" God?" ....and he said that it was a way for Jesus (God) to teach us how to pray to him...'s nonsense to me,.. so much that I don't even know how to respond to that!!, would anyone kindly help me respond to such nonsense?
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoWhat to do in case of an Clonazepam overdose?
My father overdose on Clonazepam, he currently lives in Nicaragua in a small town outside the city and is up in the mountains with no access to immediate medical help. My mother was able to call a clinic and told her that he needs Serum, will it help? Is there anything else that my mother can give him ? He has all symptoms of an overdose, he took the medication to ease a current pain from a broken tibia... mother was able to get a hold of a home-nurse but I'm wondering if there's anything else my mother can do in this case?
..this are the problems of living in a third-world-country, medical help cannot be received immediately and a person is in a high risk of entering a coma if not treated immediately :/
2 AnswersOther - Health8 years agoWhy does my puppy get hiccup when she gets scared?..?
It's adorable^_^") but the poor thing gets frighten quite often during the day.
I'm wondering if anyone would know..?
4 AnswersDogs8 years agoWhy is yahoo messenger (on cellphone) restarting on its own?
It's been doing that for a bit now, ..and it freezes? Is it the internet connection? or the phone maybe? It hasn't been working properly.
I rarely use it but I do leave it on..since there is no problem doing so.
1 AnswerPassword and Sign In8 years agoIf my permanent resident card expired, am I still able to apply for a job?
I applied for citizenship and I am in the process of it, meanwhile, my resident card expired on the 19th,.. I am currently applying for a job, I have filled out the information of my A# and expiration date, I am wondering if I'll have any issues getting hired because it has expired?
8 AnswersImmigration8 years agoWhy is the Death Valley road so lonely and creepy?
...last night was my 2nd time driving there and first time driving just with my Mom AT NIGHT and it felt never ending!!! 'cause it was plain dark and no cars at all >_< so creepy.
..and in the way back my uncle was telling me horror stories of that place, I wonder if he was just making them up to scare me? O.o
5 AnswersLos Angeles8 years agoWhy are plane tickets less expensive from TJ (MXC) to Managua (NIC)?
...and more expensive from LAX to Managua?..
..It's almost a 16 hour flight from TJ when it'll only take about 7 hours from LAX..
..not counting the 3 hour drive from LA to the TJ airport.
2 AnswersAir Travel8 years agoCitizenship questions the same day of the fingerprint appointment? Is it possible?
I heard It's possible to get asked the questions the same day of the fingerprint appointment but I really hope it isn't true because I have my appointment at 10am and I haven't slept a drop. I had a cup of coffee in the evening and the caffeine is keeping my mind wide awake. I will be unable to focus on those questions, surely.
^_<, I need more time to study, 5 out of the 100 questions are very similar and I'm having a bit of trouble trying to figure out what answer belongs to what question.
3 AnswersImmigration8 years agoIs it still dangerous to travel to Mexico City (DF)?...?
..from the airport toTeotihuacan >> to the pyramids ?..
4 AnswersMexico City8 years agoIs it normal to have the flu and feel it in the tummy?...?
The flu seems to be going away(kinda)... all I have is an itchy/runny nose but my stomach feels sick...
3 AnswersInfectious Diseases8 years agoWhere do tapioca pearls come from?
My Mom brought me a tea that had tapioca pearls and It's delicious.
I looked it up on Wikipedia but I can't seem to find if they're actual seeds?...
Tapioca is very common in my country (Nicaragua) but I've never seen tapioca pearls...
...thanks for the info
2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink8 years agoWhat is the easiest way for you to peel tomatoes?
I tried making an X on the top and putting them in boiling water for a minute but I seem to find it easier peeling them with the peeler...
..are there any other ways?
4 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years agoI put on a hijab today and my Mother freaked out?
She's Christian/Catholic and I told her I was reading the Quran, she said nothing negative fact, it kind of seem to me that she didn't mind until today...
I put on a hijab just a bit ago and she began to freak out and the situation ended up in an argument :/
I explained or was trying to explain to her my reasons and she wouldn't listen...
...she's leaving to our country in 3 weeks, should I just hide it from her while she's here? I don't want to have issues with her cause I won't see her again till next year...
I always have good communication with her I don't understand why seeing me covered for prayer freaked her out...she began to talk nonsense ?
:/ I never expected her to freak out on me for something so simple like covering myself..perhaps ..oh I don't know anymore :(
10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoMuslims, if a woman wants to pray (me) and I don't have the proper clothing, what should I do in this case?
...I wanted to begin prayer today but since I'm currently just learning ... I found out I had to be completly covered and I don't have proper clothing? I do have clothing that covers me but I'm unsure if it's acceptable?
Pants and long sleeve shirts?
Please give me a little info, thank you :)
11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoI'm addicted to coffee o.O is decaff a good idea? gets me hyper and keeps my mind awake at night when I try to get sleep.
I've never tried decaff...does it taste any different?
5 AnswersOther - Food & Drink8 years agoAny home remedies for headaches? sleep pattern is bananas o.O maybe that caused this headache.
3 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago