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  • What's A Good Test To See If He Likes Me Too?

    I'm 22 years old and about month ago I met a new missionary at my church, we quickly bonded and I developed a crush on him. I've been a member of the church for almost 6 years so this wouldn't be the first missionary I've found attractive, but there's something a bit different about this one. If I text them to say I had or am having a rough day HE calls to check on me. He recommends songs for me to listen to(always a love song), in Sunday school he sit next to me(if someone else isn't sitting there already) instead of his companion, and all sorts of other little things. I am aware that almost(if not all) of this is against the rules, so I try to keep myself/emotions in check. However I want to know if he could like me too. I don't want to outright ask for several reasons; He has to be with his companion at all time so whether the answer was yes or no that could be a problem, if I text him they share a phone so his companion could still find out, If the answer is no I don't want it to be awkward and he has to transfer, and I'm just really self conscious about stuff like that. I am also aware that he could just be extremely friendly, but from all my knowledge he's only this friendly with me and since this is against the rules why risk getting in trouble just to be friendly? I just want to know what's a good "test" to see if he likes me too. I am actually willing to wait 22 months for his mission to be over before pursuing anything but I want a sign from him if I should even entertain the idea of waiting. Any advice on how to draw some clues to his feelings from him?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Are The Feelings Mutual?

    I have been a member of the church for almost 5 years and I've been taught by almost a dozen missionaries over that time, and I've had 1 or 2 crushes on "my" Elders. I'm still friends with a few that are off their mission now. Recently I met this missionary that has put all of those crushes to shame. Unlike the other I feel like he might have feelings for me too(like all little girls with a crush hope for). There's just a lot of little things. We both kinda see him as a "alternative" Mormon He calls/text to check on me several times a week, we talk about music (rock and R&B not just church songs), When at church if there is spot next to me in Sunday school he sits with me(not his companion), he even tells me to check out all these love songs he used to listen to before he had to focus on his mission. We laugh and we joke together like friends whenever we talk or see each other. I feel like there is a closeness between us that wasn't there with the former missionaries I knew and isn't there with the ones I'm getting to know now. There's no need to to "flirt to convert" because even though I don't agree with everything(maybe 75% of things I agree with) the church say I still feel like it's the right place for me. Am I just reading too much into things? If not what should I do once his mission is OVER, because I am not going to distract him while he's doing the church's work? If I am reading too much into this what do you think of the "little things" I mentioned. Am I just reading too much into the idea that maybe he likes me too.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Crush on Mormon missionary, what should I do?

    I have been a member of the church for almost 5 years and I've been taught by almost a dozen missionaries over that time, and I've had 1 or 2 crushes on "my" Elders. I'm still friends with a few that are off their mission now. Recently I met this missionary that has put all of those crushes to shame. Unlike the other I feel like he might have feelings for me too(like all little girls with a crush hope for). There's just a lot of little things. We both kinda see him as a "alternative" Mormon He calls/text to check on me several times a week, we talk about music (rock and R&B not just church songs), When at church if there is spot next to me in Sunday school he sits with me(not his companion), he even tells me to check out all these love songs he used to listen to before he had to focus on his mission. We laugh and we joke together like friends whenever we talk or see each other. I feel like there is a closeness between us that wasn't there with the former missionaries I knew and isn't there with the ones I'm getting to know now. There's no need to to "flirt to convert" because even though I don't agree with everything(maybe 75% of things I agree with) the church say I still feel like it's the right place for me. Am I just reading too much into things? If not what should I do once his mission is OVER, because I am not going to distract him while he's doing the church's work? If I am reading too much into this what do you think of the "little things" I mentioned. Am I just reading too much into the idea that maybe he likes me too. And yes they're super hot lol

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • How should I view things between me and a local LDS missionary I have a crush on?

    I have been a member of the church for almost 5 years and I've been taught by almost a dozen missionaries over that time, and I've had 1 or 2 crushes on "my" Elders. I'm still friends with a few that are off their mission now. Recently I met this missionary that has put all of those crushes to shame. Unlike the other I feel like he might have feelings for me too(like all little girls with a crush hope for). There's just a lot of little things. We both kinda see him as a "alternative" Mormon He calls/text to check on me several times a week, we talk about music (rock and R&B not just church songs), When at church if there is spot next to me in Sunday school he sits with me(not his companion), he even tells me to check out all these love songs he used to listen to before he had to focus on his mission. We laugh and we joke together like friends whenever we talk or see each other. I feel like there is a closeness between us that wasn't there with the former missionaries I knew and isn't there with the ones I'm getting to know now. There's no need to to "flirt to convert" because even though I don't agree with everything(maybe 75% of things I agree with) the church say I still feel like it's the right place for me. Am I just reading too much into things? If not what should I do once his mission is OVER, because I am not going to distract him while he's doing the church's work? If I am reading too much into this what do you think of the "little things" I mentioned. Am I just reading too much into the idea that maybe he likes me too. And yes they're super hot lol

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Should you finish one story before starting to work on a new one?

    I've been working on my first novel for about two years now, and I'm roughly halfway finished. Lately I have been getting ideas/inspiration for another project/story. I was wondering if it would be a good idea to switch over and start working on that story(or swap back and forth between them both) or if I should just wait before starting something new?

    10 AnswersBooks & Authors10 years ago
  • How to make an online friend(acquittance) a real friend?

    Several months ago I met this guy who worked at the mall. I recently(today) found him on Facebook ad sent him a friend request that he accepted. I want to become friends with him beyond online. How do I do this?

    I also may have bit of a crush on him but he has a girlfriend so for now friendship is all I want from him.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Ready to approach my crush, what should I do/say?

    There is this guy that works at the mall and I've had a crush on for almost a year. I am ready to approach him but I am not sure how. Let give you a little background first:I met him last year when I was shopping for shoes at the store worked at. He helped me out and he seemed friendly and I got to learned a little bit about him. After that day I didn't see him again for 10months(i.e. until about month ago) I really want to get to know this guy but I'm extremely nervous that he might not feel the same. My friends think he does. They said when they went to the store without me he asked about me(His actual words where your other friend) and he told them to tell me to stop in and say "Hi". I think that could just be him being friendly/using his customer service. But one time when I was at the mall my friend said she saw him kinda checking me out(he noticed me on a bench while he was walking and slowed down and turned around a bit to look at me). I am still not sure if that means anything of substance or that he would want to hang out with me too. But I'm ready to approach him either way. Now I just need to decide how. My two ideas are:

    1.Give him a note with my number that says I think he seems interesting and to text me if he wants to hang sometime.

    2.Actually tell him he seems interesting and give him my number in case he wants to hang sometime.

    There are pros and cons to each:

    Note: Pros: quick, easy, and if I could get out before he reads it I wouldn't have to deal with whether or not he'll actually take my number or anything like that. Cons:It doesn't come off as really confident and he would have something tangible to make fun of.

    Talk:Pros:It could make me seem confident(If I don't fumble over my words which is a con), he won't have anything tangible to poke fun at. Cons:I could fumble over my words like an idiot, Since I have to approach him at the store his co-workers(or boss) could hear and that could make things really awkward for the both of us.

    Any advice?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How do I get to know this guy? Really need advice before he vanishes again.?

    10 months ago I met this guy who worked at a store in the mall. After that day I didn't see him again until 3 weeks ago. I'm really interested in getting to know him. Problem is I am super afraid of being rejected and not being able to go back to the store without it being awkward. I have never wanted to know somebody this much before and I really don't want to live with a bunch of what ifs. Are there any pointers anyone could give me?

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Am I promiscuous or something worst?

    I am 20 years old and I've never been in a relationship. Every time I've had sex I was going through something negative (failing a class, death of my parents, etc) I've has sex with 5 guys; my first was somebody I met at a party and had only known for a few hours. I've only slept with people that either I don't know very well or that I know don't care about me in "that way" (whatever that way is) and that I don't care about them either. I want to be love and know what its like to be cared about. I feel like I'm not pretty enough, thin enough, good enough for love and the only way I will ever be able to connect with someone (even if its only temporary) is through the meaningless sex. I've recently decided to be celibate until I am actually in love but I feel my loneliness will cause me to go back to old habits. Any advice wold be great

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Am I desperate or is it something else?

    I'm 20 years old and I've never been in a relationship. At age 17 I lost my virginity to a guy I met at a party because I was depressed and dealing with a lot of emotional pain and I just wanted to feel something other than sad.After that every other time I've had sex after that it was because I was emotionally overwhelmed by something in my life. I want to be in a normal relationship but I always feel like I'm not pretty enough, thin enoigh, good enough. I feel so lonely and I don't know what to do. I have recently decided to be celibate until I am in love but I think that my loneliness my cause me to relapse and go back to meaningless sex with guys that don't care about me and that I don't care about. I think maybe I feel like no one will ever love me so I have to do these things just so I can feel a some kind of connection with another human being. Am I damaged? Is this normal? Am I just needy? Should I not be in a relationship? Anything anybody can offer me about this would be great.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How do I get the type of guys I like to notice/like/find me?

    I am a totally rocker chick and I am so into musicians but for some reason those are not the guys that are usually attracted to me. What can I do to get the guys I like to like me back?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How do I go about starting a alternative music/fashion magazine?

    I am 20 year old music business major. I am interested in starting an alternative music and fashion magazine. Are there any pointers you could give me on getting this started?

    1 AnswerRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Writing a story what should I do with it?

    This is not my first story but it is the longest one I've worked on. I've been wondering what I should do with it. Should I post it on some original fiction sites? Should I polish it up once it's finished then submit it to publisher/editor? Which do you go to first? Should I self publish? Any ideas/help/advice would be great.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • how to get a band to sign with your record label?

    I already have two bands on my roster (but they're friends band) but there is this UK band (I live in Philadelphia, Pa) that I want to sign so bad. They are great and have so much potential to be a success in the US and I want to make that happen for them. What should someone who just started out in the music industry say to get them to sign with me?

    8 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • How much would it cost/should I save to relocate to Seattle?

    After I finished school in 2012 I want to relocate and start a new life my top 3 cities are San Francisco, Seattle, and Boston. I want know how much should I try to save up to relocate and what are these cities like.

    4 AnswersSeattle1 decade ago
  • Who's going to Warped Tour 2010?

    Some friends and I are planning on going to the Camden show in July and want to know who else from Philly are planning to go? This will be our first time going and we want to get an idea of what to expect, so if you been before or are planning on going this year any advice you want to give to us newbies? We'll be taking the ferry so maybe if anybody else wants to a group of us could even meet up and go together.

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago