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Lv 43,433 points

Kalpana Disusa

Favorite Answers23%
  • Saggy skin problem..Pls help!?

    I used to have big breasts (30H) and then I lost 10 pounds. I was not overweight to begin with (BMI 22.5) and I'm still in the normal range (BMI 20.9). Anyhow, my breasts have lost some volume (28G now, still a good size so I'm fine with that) and there is some saggy skin left on them. When I lie down sideways or with my hands up, there are also wrinkles to be seen :(

    My question is whether the skin will snap back to normal with time, and if so how long will it take? I'm only 27, by the way, and have been maintaining the 10 pound loss for 2 months by now.

    Pls no insults and dirty comments

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Can curry/gravy suppress appetite?

    Here's the thing: I recently noticed that when I have egg curry for breakfast, I don't get hungry for many hours afterwards. I thought it was the eggs, but somehow omelettes do not have the same effect :-o so I was wondering, does curry have appetite suppressing properties?

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes7 years ago
  • Does he like me or is he just flirting?

    So I had been attracted to a guy but never told him...And then I got into another relationship but broke up within a month...Now that guy is trying to be frnds with me (the older 1) and I still like him- but all he ever tells me is that I am interesting, sexy etc (and he also ignores me sometimes) Does this mean he just wants to have sex or smthng- bcos I am not into that, I want real relationships-or does he really like me? :-o shud I give it a chance?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Does eating any specific foods increase breast size?

    I have always had large breasts (around 32F or so). Few months back, I began eating chicken on a daily basis (to get more protein), I also began to eat more whole wheat but otherwise my diet is the same. I seem to have lost about half an inch all over (could be because I'm exercising more) and my bust size has gone up by about 2 whole cups (and now I can't find bras) ! I just can't understand why- I haven't gained weight or anything. Can eating chicken increase cup size?!

    I'm not complaining, just curious.

    6 AnswersWomen's Health7 years ago
  • Help! very slow metabolism?

    Im a pertite female , 5' 0" and 110 lbs. The problem is, I am only 23, and I seem to maintain my weight on mere 1600 calories :( The only exercise I do are 30 mins jogging 6 days a week and some lunges, squats etc 2 or 3 times a week, but my job requires me to travel a bit and stand for 2-3 hours as well.

    I am a fodie, so 1600 is far too less for me. I had lost some weight in the past, rather slowly ,and had reduced my intake a bit over some 6 months, maybe that is why it is this low? If so, how do I increase it?

    Or could it be because I have a high body fat percentage? but I dont look fat , so I dont feel that is the trouble...

    Any help? By the way I eat healthy too.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • did i have an eating disorder?

    this happened 2-3 months back . I shifted to a new place after getting a new job and it was very different from where i grew up. I was kind of depressed all the time (now I have learnt to adjust better with the place) and was feeling lonely and bored. Then I began eating more than I usually did, and wasnt exercising (I felt too lazy, and I didn't even feel like jogging). Then I put on 2 lbs of weight and I grew desperate over that, began to feel guilty abd tried to go on diet. I had never tried to restrict foodbefore in my life, and I knew it was not good.

    However, it didnt work. I'd restrict food till 4 pm, and then binge like anything. This used to make me feel guilty and depressed and I'd get up at night and eat a whole bag of sweets (I dont even like sweets much) . Another thing is I was always thinking about food and planning what to have next. And I'd end up overeating.

    Well, now I have got past all these. But I didnt need any medical help or anything. And I only gained 5 lbs total, and got back to normal again . Iam curious if this was an eating disorder or just emotional overeating. I mean if it was a serious eating disorder, I could have needed medical help, right?

    Just to take precaution so this wont happen again..

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • how much protein do we need?

    is it 1g per lb or 1g per kg??

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • can i lose some fat within 2 days with a 1000 calorie diet?

    I just wanna lose a bit of fat b4 gng on a date ths tuesday. There are only 2 days left, so i'd planned to cut out some carbs and limit my intake to 1000 cals and workout a bit longer for these 2 days, would tht work? By d way im not overweight at all, i just want to look a bit better and feel more confident.

    (my weight is 49 kgs on a 5', measurements are 36 24.5 36).

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • is it banana or hourglass?

    Well, i measure 36 (32 DD i think)- 24.5 to 25.5 (depends on d time of the day)- 36. Well, idk, tht is hourglass measurements according to internet sources, but y do i feel i look banana figured? Or is it somewhr b/w an hourglass and a banana?

    Or could it be bcos my belly gets bloated?

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body10 years ago
  • i cant figure out wht is happening!!?

    ok this is wht happnd. I had this frnd wd whom i always had a romantic relationship, even though neither of us wanted to get committed. We were attracted to eah other for a year and a half, but it ws kind of on and off. And then we became thick frnds who cud share anythng. so naturally we went for physical relationship.

    Nw after the 1st (and last ) attempt, he has stoppd talkng to me much. It is as if we r nt frnds anymore.As if he doesnt like me at all. And t happnd right aftr sex. Im mortified. I cant ask him wht the prob is (mayb its my ego staning in my way, but somehow i cant ask him or force him to talk to me- our relationshp is a free one- no commitment).

    What could be the problem?

    5 AnswersFriends10 years ago
  • any remedies for bloating?

    belly is flat in the morning, but gets bloated and kinda big by the evening :( wht cud be the cause- is it the food? wht can i do to prevent it?

    Also, it gets worse immediately aftr having meals (my meals r nt tht big, but i drink a lot of water and eat lots of veggies n i eat healthy too- no carbonated drinks n junk. )

    This z gettng so bad, i cant wear fitting clothes cos the clothes tht fit well in the morning begin to look bulging by lunch, so im wearing baggy clothes nw a days bt i have a curvy figure - so they dont look gud on me :(

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • best hair styles for curly hair?

    what are some of the best styles for curly hair, keeping the hair as such (not straightening it or anything) . Is there any way u can leave the hair loose without it getting frizzy?

    8 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • protein rich foods that helps build muscles?

    which are some really protein rich foods u can take so as not to lose muscles while working out? And what all foods should u avoid?

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • calories in Indian food?

    Calories in indian food?

    how many cals does the following contain?

    idli, dosa, chapati, white bread, wheat bread, i cup of cooked rice, banana (small type), 1 spoon of sugar, laddoo, jilebi, a piece of chicken (like a chicken leg), fish curry(like 4 cubes), sambar, boied vegetables, carrot, cucumber, mango (ripe and big), friedrice (1 serving), chillichicken(1 serving), noodles (1 serving), boiled beans, sprouted gram - could any1 provide the info. i found really contradictory info in the net, and different people say diffrnt food items r healthy.

    8 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • how should i approach my friend?

    he is very stange- sometimes very friendly and jovial, talks very nicely and texts for long hours. But sometimes he is very distant- as if we r not friends at all. I just cant figure out the reason. Sometime he also acts like he is very attracted to me, sometimes doesnt bother about me at all. What do u feel is his problem? (it is so wierd to get neglected and pampered by the same person from time to time- i just need to stop it)

    4 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • how to buy fitting jeans?

    the jeans u get from stores wud fit only skinny teenagers- if the waist is right, the thighs and hips wont fit, and if the thighs and hips are okay, the waist would be too loose tht u cant even adjust with a belt. Is there any solution for this? wht kind of jeans shud i buy?

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • old crush has come back, what to do now?

    here is what happened. There is this friend 4 whom i had a sexual attraction. He kind of made advances to me a few months back, i didnt react negatively, but somehw he seemed to move back after a while and stoppd talking to me much. So i buried the attraction i had 4 him and was getting along pretty well. Now 2 days back he approached me again, acted very friendly and all. Today he broke the touch barrier, kind of fingered me n all. I ws trying to 4get the relationship and move on, now wht shud i do? Shud i take a chance, wud he act wierdly again?

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • any books about representation of female body in advertisements, the recent size zero mania?

    any books available in India about how female body gets represented in advertisements, media etc- hoe the culture of thinness is imposed on women- its impact on women, how it is against feminism .

    Also any material related to the shaping up of today's ideal woman- the tall fair thin icon that is shaped like a barbie doll.

    I doing a paper on this ( have 2 months to finish it), so can u suggest any related topics to include in this? I want to do this 4m a feministic point of view, so what all background reading shud i do?

    Can u provide a list of books (available in india) or internet sites ralated to the same? I have just started working so i dont know much about it.

    Thank u :)

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • how to show off a small waist in a salwar kameez?

    my friend always says her clothes r loose fitting, and they r- they hang loose on her. She usually wears salwar kameez and kurtas. The problem is they fit well at the bust ( she has big busts) and hangs loose at the waist( she has a tiny waist). The rsult is she looks chubby instead of shapely. Is there any solution for this- (as in salwar kameez u cannot shape the dress according to the body- the material wouldnt strtch ). Would using a zip at the back help?

    5 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Why is he behaving so wierdly to me?

    so i have this classmate- he used to be my friend- who made sexual advances to me 2 months back.(im doing post graduation- age 22). Since i was also interested in him but didnt want to go for it before making sure he was trustworthy, i tried to make friends with him to know him better. so we were friends for about 2 months after which i thot i cud go for a friends with benefits relationship. But all that he did was talk about sex, with no inclination of trying to have it in real.(he kept on saying he was not getting enuf opportunities).

    The situation has got really wierd as he stopped talking to me and texting me and seems to be trying to avoid me, while he maintains gud relations with other girls.

    Can anybody make a guess at what his intenention was? If he is not interested in me, why did he try to seduce me in the first place( i never even tried to talk to him). The thing is, i havent had a boyfriend for a year and a half, so i was also ready for a casual relationship. But now im at a loss what to do, it feels so wierd when i enter the class.

    let me also add that despite having had several ex-girlfriends, this was to be his 1st sexual experience. Dont u feel that is odd?

    6 AnswersFriends1 decade ago